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    Originally posted by majorsal
    spoilers for s8 (pete character discussed)


    I 'do' feel it would be the easy way out. But, it would just be another example of not addressing an issue (Can a person have a relationship with someone and have to keep secrets, and PS's behavior, both in Chimera) . I, myself, would feel cheated by not seeing Sam come to terms with her doubts about PS and her feelings about Jack. I hope the decisions don't get erased, literally, with time travel.


    yes but if mobius is a time travelling episode ..and they change things up like Heidi mentionned specialy regarding
    their personnal lives ..then she would have never met Pete and he really was a chimera in that case. ....weird but this would make a real good episode .

    As heidi's scenario ..Sam and Jack could talk about Pete and Kerry and how wrong it would have been for them to carry on a relationship with somebody they did not really love .

    Sam don't have to meet Pete at least and it's being dealt with .

    I don't think anybody wants to see Pete again talking to Sam ..On the other hand if TPTB wants to give him a little job again for the character , they could have him hook up with Kerry ..but again he won't know where she works and would 'nt be a stalker and sticky ..he would just be the ignorant boyfriend in the storyline .

    Just imagine Sam and Jack 's face when Kerry and Pete both turn up at the party ...retirement party or whatever...I 'd love to see that

    So funny that would be ...a comic scenario just for the end Hehehehehe



      Originally posted by sclairef99
      Caty! Nice Thriller video.....I had forgotten there was soooooo much good material for a vid like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Thank you sclaire and watch the space I'm making another hallowen video today and another next week probably There are lots of material for vids like that ..just need to go and get them and I think I have them all now *sigh*



        Originally posted by LtColSamONeill
        Okay, I've been thinking about Moebius and from reading a few other posts, I got an idea. [spoiler] Caty mentioned in a post that Sam wouldn't have to dump Pete. Someone else (forgive me for not remembering who) mentioned that they had a theory that Pete never existed. What if we take those two things and make them a reality. What if, when they go back to COTG and change whatever it is they are going to change, apparently having to do with Teal'c, that a few other things get changed. Nothing huge, we aren't wiping out the past eight years, but what if Sam and Jack/Sam or Jack accidently let something slip to one of their past selves. First, I have no idea if they will run into their past selves or not, but say it happened. When they finally do get back to the present, they come thru the gate and look around and realize that they did fix whatever it was they needed to fix, but there is a difference. Here's how it goes.........

        Jack: What do you think? Did we do it?

        Teal'c: I appears so.

        Daniel: I guess time will tell. Maybe we should start asking questions, just to make sure.

        Sam: Alright, but don't be obvious.

        They all disperse throughout the SGC.

        Jack (entering his office) Well, I'm still a General.

        Walter: Excuse me sir. SG-8 is prepared to head off to P35-976.

        Jack: Is there a problem?

        Walter: No, just the routine mission to check on the inhabitants.

        Jack: Tell them they have a go.

        Walter: Yes sir. Oh and good luck with the plans.

        Jack: Plans?

        Walter: Your wedding plans sir? By the way, thanks for the invititation. I wish you and Colonel Carter all the best, as does everyone on the base. (He leaves)

        Jack: Uh oh!!
        Great! I had a good chuckle at this line, and some stuff for the D/J shippers as well.. brilliant!


          Originally posted by Token
          Hmmm....What does that mean for Joe Mallozzi who has 11 green blocks??!! Maybe it means he has been stuffed full of Shipper cookies?
          Yes, but his was the head htat probably already exploded trying to sort out the final.


            Fic Update

            Into the Darkness


            My computer's still screwed and won't let me link...but that's the site....


              Originally posted by LtColSamONeill
              Okay, I've been thinking about Moebius and from reading a few other posts, I got an idea.
              Caty mentioned in a post that Sam wouldn't have to dump Pete. Someone else (forgive me for not remembering who) mentioned that they had a theory that Pete never existed. What if we take those two things and make them a reality. What if, when they go back to COTG and change whatever it is they are going to change, apparently having to do with Teal'c, that a few other things get changed. Nothing huge, we aren't wiping out the past eight years, but what if Sam and Jack/Sam or Jack accidently let something slip to one of their past selves. First, I have no idea if they will run into their past selves or not, but say it happened. When they finally do get back to the present, they come thru the gate and look around and realize that they did fix whatever it was they needed to fix, but there is a difference. Here's how it goes.........

              Jack: What do you think? Did we do it?

              Teal'c: I appears so.

              Daniel: I guess time will tell. Maybe we should start asking questions, just to make sure.

              Sam: Alright, but don't be obvious.

              They all disperse throughout the SGC.

              Jack (entering his office) Well, I'm still a General.

              Walter: Excuse me sir. SG-8 is prepared to head off to P35-976.

              Jack: Is there a problem?

              Walter: No, just the routine mission to check on the inhabitants.

              Jack: Tell them they have a go.

              Walter: Yes sir. Oh and good luck with the plans.

              Jack: Plans?

              Walter: Your wedding plans sir? By the way, thanks for the invititation. I wish you and Colonel Carter all the best, as does everyone on the base. (He leaves)

              Jack: Uh oh!!

              Daniel enters his lab. : Well, nothing seems different here.

              Janet: Hey Daniel.

              Daniel: Janet?

              Janet: Hello to you too. Just wanted to remind you to come by the infirmary for your routine checkup. (she turns to go) Oh, and how does 7 sound?

              Daniel (still looking shocked) Seven?

              Janet: For dinner? Cassie is really looking forward to it and well, so am I. (She smiles at him.)

              Daniel: Sounds fine.

              Janet: See ya then.
              Teal'c enters his room: Everything is at it was. (he looks around and notices a picture of himself and Ishta. They are in full Jaffa wedding attire)
              Perhaps not. (Teal'c exits his room)

              Colonel Reynolds: Hey Teal'c. When are you leaving?

              Teal'c: I have just returned.

              Col. Reynolds: No, I mean for Chulak. I know you can't wait to see Ishta and Ryac. Give them my best. We'll sure miss you around here. If it wasn't for you Earth wouldn't be the safe place it is today. Take Care and Good luck to ya. (He leaves. Teal'c raises an eyebrow.)


              Sam enters her lab: Nothing different here.

              Davis enters: Hey Sam, How's it going?

              Sam: Major Davis, what are you doing here?

              Davis: uh, Sam, it's Colonel Davis remember? I just came to talk to Jack about taking over.

              Sam: Taking over?

              Davis: As head of the SGC? Sam are you alright?

              Sam: Uh, yea I guess.

              Davis: Just wanted to say Welcome back and I hope that your wedding plans go well.

              Sam: Wedding plan, yeah. Well, Pete and I haven't really set a date.

              Davis: Pete? I was talking about you and Jack.

              Sam: What?

              Davis: Maybe you should go have Janet check you out. Oh and again Congratulations. (He leaves)

              Sam: Uh oh!!! (Sam starts putting commands in her computer.)


              Sam, Daniel and Teal'c all head for Jacks office. They find Jack sitting at his desk, looking extremely confused. He looks up and locks eyes with Sam. They both looked stunned.

              Daniel: You guys, Janets alive!!!

              Sam: Colonel Davis told me, along with a few other things.

              Daniel: Colonel?

              Teal'c : It appears Ishta and I are married. There is a photograph in my room.

              Jack: You aren't the only one? (He's still looking at Sam)

              Daniel: What?

              Sam: Apparently, Jack and I are engaged and planning our wedding.

              Daniel: Uh, are we in an Alternate Universe.

              Sam: I thought of that, but I checked everything out on the computer in my lab. Dates and times all match up, as do our cooridinates. We are on Earth, in Colorado and the year is 2005.

              Daniel: So we changed more than we were supposed to.

              Sam: That's my guess. From what I've seen the only differences seem to be with us and the people we are close to.

              Teal'c: It also appears that Earth is safe from the Gouald. Colonel Reynolds informed me of this fact as he wished me luck on my trip back to Chulak.

              Daniel: Oh my God, we did it!!

              Jack: Ya think? Um, as everything appears to be hunky-dorey, would you two mind excusing us? (Jack says this as he is still looking at Sam.)

              Daniel: Oh...yea..right...Um, Teal'c why don't we go get you packed for your trip.

              Teal'c: yes, it seems I will be taking one. (They exit)

              Sam: Um, sir?

              Jack: Don't you think you should call me Jack? We are engaged.

              Sam: What have we done?

              Jack: Honestly, I'm the last person to have a clue.

              Sam: What are we going to do? We can't go back. The whole trip was a longshot to begin with, I doubt it would work a second time.

              Jack: Everything appears to be great here. If we went back again, who knows what we might screw up. We did what we went back to do and I think we should leave well enough alone.

              Sam: But sir....uh.....Jack, how do we fix this?

              Jack (he looks at her for a while and then smiles) What's to fix?

              Sam: We're engaged!!!

              Jack: I don't see the problem.

              Sam (looks at him with surprise) Really?

              Jack (he gets up and walks around the desk and stand right in front of her) Really. I think it worked out the way it was supposed to Sam.

              Sam (stares into his eyes and starts to smile.) I think you're right......Jack.

              Jack steps forward and puts his arms around her. She does the same.

              Jack: So, do we have a long engagement or a short one?

              Sam: Shouldn't we maybe have a few dates first?

              Jack : Whatever you want.....Sam. (He leans in and kisses her, a really long slow perfect kiss.)

              They both pull back and smile really really big!!

              Jack: So, are you up for a little fishing?

              Sam: Whatever you want......Jack.


              Okay, a few other things will happen, but thats my readers digest version. Sam doesn't have to break up with Pete because they never met, Janet is alive and well, Colonel Davis gets to take over SGC and Jack retires. SG Atlantis still gets to fight the wraith because they are in another universe and all is right with Earth. Works for me.

              Sorry this was so long, but it just popped into my head. Let me know what you think, good or bad.
              I think you should write for the show!
              Seriously, that's a great scenario, it sounds absolutely perfect - S&J ship, D&J ship, Teal'c & Ishta, Major Davis taking over the SGC, Earth is safe... I don't think we could ask for much more!


                Originally posted by Major Fischer
                Yes, but his was the head htat probably already exploded trying to sort out the final.
                That would be a shame cause Mei Mei was so hoping that it was.... well, someone else...

                *giggle* *giggle* *snort*

                Mei Mei has been playing with animation. Mei Mei is evil before coffee....

                Disclaimer: Mei Mei is just goofing and would never wish bodily harm on RCC.....


                  Originally posted by LtColSamONeill

                  Sorry this was so long, but it just popped into my head. Let me know what you think, good or bad.

                  That would be perfect. Every character would get what he deserves, all of our heroes would be happy and above all we shippers would have good cause for celebration.
                  Good job!!!
                  I love happy ends!


                    Hello chums. Here's my shippy pic of the day....

                    *happy sigh*


                      Originally posted by LtColSamONeill
                      Okay, I've been thinking about Moebius and from reading a few other posts, I got an idea.
                      Caty mentioned in a post that Sam wouldn't have to dump Pete. Someone else (forgive me for not remembering who) mentioned that they had a theory that Pete never existed. What if we take those two things and make them a reality. What if, when they go back to COTG and change whatever it is they are going to change, apparently having to do with Teal'c, that a few other things get changed. Nothing huge, we aren't wiping out the past eight years, but what if Sam and Jack/Sam or Jack accidently let something slip to one of their past selves. First, I have no idea if they will run into their past selves or not, but say it happened. When they finally do get back to the present, they come thru the gate and look around and realize that they did fix whatever it was they needed to fix, but there is a difference. Here's how it goes.........

                      Jack: What do you think? Did we do it?

                      Teal'c: I appears so.

                      Daniel: I guess time will tell. Maybe we should start asking questions, just to make sure.

                      Sam: Alright, but don't be obvious.

                      They all disperse throughout the SGC.

                      Jack (entering his office) Well, I'm still a General.

                      Walter: Excuse me sir. SG-8 is prepared to head off to P35-976.

                      Jack: Is there a problem?

                      Walter: No, just the routine mission to check on the inhabitants.

                      Jack: Tell them they have a go.

                      Walter: Yes sir. Oh and good luck with the plans.

                      Jack: Plans?

                      Walter: Your wedding plans sir? By the way, thanks for the invititation. I wish you and Colonel Carter all the best, as does everyone on the base. (He leaves)

                      Jack: Uh oh!!

                      Daniel enters his lab. : Well, nothing seems different here.

                      Janet: Hey Daniel.

                      Daniel: Janet?

                      Janet: Hello to you too. Just wanted to remind you to come by the infirmary for your routine checkup. (she turns to go) Oh, and how does 7 sound?

                      Daniel (still looking shocked) Seven?

                      Janet: For dinner? Cassie is really looking forward to it and well, so am I. (She smiles at him.)

                      Daniel: Sounds fine.

                      Janet: See ya then.
                      Teal'c enters his room: Everything is at it was. (he looks around and notices a picture of himself and Ishta. They are in full Jaffa wedding attire)
                      Perhaps not. (Teal'c exits his room)

                      Colonel Reynolds: Hey Teal'c. When are you leaving?

                      Teal'c: I have just returned.

                      Col. Reynolds: No, I mean for Chulak. I know you can't wait to see Ishta and Ryac. Give them my best. We'll sure miss you around here. If it wasn't for you Earth wouldn't be the safe place it is today. Take Care and Good luck to ya. (He leaves. Teal'c raises an eyebrow.)


                      Sam enters her lab: Nothing different here.

                      Davis enters: Hey Sam, How's it going?

                      Sam: Major Davis, what are you doing here?

                      Davis: uh, Sam, it's Colonel Davis remember? I just came to talk to Jack about taking over.

                      Sam: Taking over?

                      Davis: As head of the SGC? Sam are you alright?

                      Sam: Uh, yea I guess.

                      Davis: Just wanted to say Welcome back and I hope that your wedding plans go well.

                      Sam: Wedding plan, yeah. Well, Pete and I haven't really set a date.

                      Davis: Pete? I was talking about you and Jack.

                      Sam: What?

                      Davis: Maybe you should go have Janet check you out. Oh and again Congratulations. (He leaves)

                      Sam: Uh oh!!! (Sam starts putting commands in her computer.)


                      Sam, Daniel and Teal'c all head for Jacks office. They find Jack sitting at his desk, looking extremely confused. He looks up and locks eyes with Sam. They both looked stunned.

                      Daniel: You guys, Janets alive!!!

                      Sam: Colonel Davis told me, along with a few other things.

                      Daniel: Colonel?

                      Teal'c : It appears Ishta and I are married. There is a photograph in my room.

                      Jack: You aren't the only one? (He's still looking at Sam)

                      Daniel: What?

                      Sam: Apparently, Jack and I are engaged and planning our wedding.

                      Daniel: Uh, are we in an Alternate Universe.

                      Sam: I thought of that, but I checked everything out on the computer in my lab. Dates and times all match up, as do our cooridinates. We are on Earth, in Colorado and the year is 2005.

                      Daniel: So we changed more than we were supposed to.

                      Sam: That's my guess. From what I've seen the only differences seem to be with us and the people we are close to.

                      Teal'c: It also appears that Earth is safe from the Gouald. Colonel Reynolds informed me of this fact as he wished me luck on my trip back to Chulak.

                      Daniel: Oh my God, we did it!!

                      Jack: Ya think? Um, as everything appears to be hunky-dorey, would you two mind excusing us? (Jack says this as he is still looking at Sam.)

                      Daniel: Oh...yea..right...Um, Teal'c why don't we go get you packed for your trip.

                      Teal'c: yes, it seems I will be taking one. (They exit)

                      Sam: Um, sir?

                      Jack: Don't you think you should call me Jack? We are engaged.

                      Sam: What have we done?

                      Jack: Honestly, I'm the last person to have a clue.

                      Sam: What are we going to do? We can't go back. The whole trip was a longshot to begin with, I doubt it would work a second time.

                      Jack: Everything appears to be great here. If we went back again, who knows what we might screw up. We did what we went back to do and I think we should leave well enough alone.

                      Sam: But sir....uh.....Jack, how do we fix this?

                      Jack (he looks at her for a while and then smiles) What's to fix?

                      Sam: We're engaged!!!

                      Jack: I don't see the problem.

                      Sam (looks at him with surprise) Really?

                      Jack (he gets up and walks around the desk and stand right in front of her) Really. I think it worked out the way it was supposed to Sam.

                      Sam (stares into his eyes and starts to smile.) I think you're right......Jack.

                      Jack steps forward and puts his arms around her. She does the same.

                      Jack: So, do we have a long engagement or a short one?

                      Sam: Shouldn't we maybe have a few dates first?

                      Jack : Whatever you want.....Sam. (He leans in and kisses her, a really long slow perfect kiss.)

                      They both pull back and smile really really big!!

                      Jack: So, are you up for a little fishing?

                      Sam: Whatever you want......Jack.


                      Okay, a few other things will happen, but thats my readers digest version. Sam doesn't have to break up with Pete because they never met, Janet is alive and well, Colonel Davis gets to take over SGC and Jack retires. SG Atlantis still gets to fight the wraith because they are in another universe and all is right with Earth. Works for me.

                      Sorry this was so long, but it just popped into my head. Let me know what you think, good or bad.

                      SIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, I like it!!!!!!!!!
                      Ship Nana


                        SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!!! I got my Alias DVDs! must resist the urge to do nothing but watch all of S2 today/tomorrow...

                        to be on topic: omg, did any one else who watches Alias notice in the S1 finale (just in case)
                        that when Syd is separated from Vaughn and the water's about to fill the room and they're staring at each other, and she's desperatly trying to bash in the window
                        well, it made me think of Divide and Conquer!

                        well, off to watch another episode...then work (really!)

                        "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                        describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                        <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                        Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                          But no matter who drops who or when, even if it is amicable & friendly (which I never could see Pete being at the time of break up, even if he were the one initiating the breakup), if Sam gets involved on any level w/Jack she'll appear to most viewers to be on the rebound, even though they've had an established official ship for 4+ years.....

                          They really did her character wrong w/the PS arc, didn't they?
                          OK try this one.

                          Step 1: What if when they go back in time Sam and Jack do have "THE TALK" about their feelings.

                          Step 2: When they come forward in time again they kinda miss their target date and exit at the time that Pete is proposing to Sam.

                          Step 3: She looks him in the eye and says something like she can't accept because she's really in love with someone else and is going to wait to be with him. "Jack"

                          Just a thought!
                          Ship Nana


                            Originally posted by Catysg1
                            yes but if mobius is a time travelling episode ..and they change things up like Heidi mentionned specialy regarding
                            their personnal lives ..then she would have never met Pete and he really was a chimera in that case. ....weird but this would make a real good episode .

                            As heidi's scenario ..Sam and Jack could talk about Pete and Kerry and how wrong it would have been for them to carry on a relationship with somebody they did not really love .

                            Sam don't have to meet Pete at least and it's being dealt with .

                            I don't think anybody wants to see Pete again talking to Sam ..On the other hand if TPTB wants to give him a little job again for the character , they could have him hook up with Kerry ..but again he won't know where she works and would 'nt be a stalker and sticky ..he would just be the ignorant boyfriend in the storyline .

                            Just imagine Sam and Jack 's face when Kerry and Pete both turn up at the party ...retirement party or whatever...I 'd love to see that

                            So funny that would be ...a comic scenario just for the end Hehehehehe


                            one thing has been forgotten here and that is that we know that DDL has filmed at least one more episode and would very much like to be included if there is a Season 9. Therefore, we know that we are going to see him at least one more time this season. Hopefully, it is when Sam breaks up with him by whatever means works. Then since he already knows about the SGC he can sorta be incorporated into the program as maybe an outside contact for when things happen on Earth.

                            Just another thought.
                            Ship Nana


                              I was nosying around the forum and found this about "Citizen Joe". It seems to be coming from a reliable source.

                              Thought everyone would be interested that apparently

                              it is not a clip show afterall as it is reportedly heavy in special effects.

                              Here is the link for the exact spoiler:


                              More food for thought for us!!! Wonder what this means for the SHIP?
                              Ship Nana


                                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                                Hello chums. Here's my shippy pic of the day....

                                *happy sigh*

                                ok...soooo loving the shippy pic of the day...that pic is like...omg! lol. i tried to find a word for it, but i was speechless hehe!!

                                on a ccompletely unrelated topic...i saw one of those clip show eps from season 7, i dont remember what it was called, but they were reviewing the SGC and the subject of sam and jacks 'innappropriate relationship' came up, and i think i'll forever love the quote, from some old guy, in regards to their reports, 'we can read between the lines'. i was in stitches!! it just struck me as hilarious, and at the same time validated the ship i see when i watch the show, it's always nice to know i'm not hallucinating things!!

                                ~~Close To Crazy~~
                                Psychotic Kitten
                                'we can all read between the lines'

