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    Originally posted by Ship Nana

    one thing has been forgotten here and that is that we know that DDL has filmed at least one more episode and would very much like to be included if there is a Season 9. Therefore, we know that we are going to see him at least one more time this season. Hopefully, it is when Sam breaks up with him by whatever means works. Then since he already knows about the SGC he can sorta be incorporated into the program as maybe an outside contact for when things happen on Earth.

    Just another thought.

    Or may be Pete is there when he comes back for
    the party at the end ...and he doesn't know anybody because he would have never met Sam. hehehehehe..and I insist ...he must turn up with kerry ...I would love to see Sam and Jack's face when they see HIM with HER .Should be hilarious

    Last edited by Catysg1; 10 October 2004, 08:28 AM.


      Are you in the mood for SPOOKY???!!!!!!

      Here is my 2nd halloween video "The Halloween theme" very spooky .


      Link in my sig



        Originally posted by Ship Nana
        I was nosying around the forum and found this about "Citizen Joe". It seems to be coming from a reliable source.

        Thought everyone would be interested that apparently

        it is not a clip show afterall as it is reportedly heavy in special effects.

        Here is the link for the exact spoiler:

        More food for thought for us!!! Wonder what this means for the SHIP?
        spending a lot of money on special effects would defy the point of doing a clip show, so that's interesting....

        The spoilers we've heard so far imply that there are shippy moments, but not that it's a particularly shippy episode. So far, S&J are the only main characters we know will be in the ep....if we're lucky, it might be a lot shippier than we thought...
        Wishful thinking on my part? Yes, probably. Still...


          Originally posted by Ship Nana

          one thing has been forgotten here and that is that we know that DDL has filmed at least one more episode and would very much like to be included if there is a Season 9. Therefore, we know that we are going to see him at least one more time this season. Hopefully, it is when Sam breaks up with him by whatever means works. Then since he already knows about the SGC he can sorta be incorporated into the program as maybe an outside contact for when things happen on Earth.

          Just another thought.
          That episode is most likely Threads, right? We already know that Sam is having second thoughts about marrying Pete in that ep, and that Jack's feelings for Sam are stopping him from committing to his relationship with Kerry. So more than likely, Pete will be in this ep, hopefully to be broken up with...

          I wouldn't mind Pete still being around in the way you're suggesting, as long as he's not still Sam's boyfriend (and certainly not her husband!) but only if there is a S9. If this is the last season, I want the last couple of episodes to concentrate on the team, there's no reason to be going into brand new storylines...


            Originally posted by LtColSamONeill
            Okay, I've been thinking about Moebius and from reading a few other posts, I got an idea.


            Sorry this was so long, but it just popped into my head. Let me know what you think, good or bad.
            Surprisingly I think I could live with that and I'm not even a shipper! Nice job. It kind of has hints of "There But For the Grace of God" and I like that. (Although I'd still want a team thing at the end).

            Kes, back to occasionally lurking.

            Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


              Originally posted by Kes
              Surprisingly I think I could live with that and I'm not even a shipper! Nice job. It kind of has hints of "There But For the Grace of God" and I like that. (Although I'd still want a team thing at the end).

              Kes, back to occasionally lurking.

              Let's hope this is gonna happen then make the majority happy may be and please some others too!!!!...then they could have
              a huge party at the end with Hammond and many more recurrent characters
              .. I won't name them but I know who I''d like to see .......take your pic

              ps: didn't you ship for Eyrin and John?




                (ok, so I was bored......see you in a few, Shippers!)


                  That pic is HOT!

                  ~~Close To Crazy~~
                  Psychotic Kitten
                  'we can all read between the lines'


                    I wish we did know if there was going to be a season 9 because I think the writers would write a better ending one way or the other; not knowing only limits them of what they can do. Of course, just because we don't know doesn't mean they don't know (did that make sense).


                      Originally posted by Mala50
                      MY HOT SHIPPINESS FOR TODAY

                      (ok, so I was bored......see you in a few, Shippers!)
                      *fans self* Yeah, it got warm in a hurry...
                      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                      Last update: 14 April 2006
                      Melyanna's Multimedia
                      Last update: 15 February 2006


                        Originally posted by nickatell
                        I wish we did know if there was going to be a season 9 because I think the writers would write a better ending one way or the other; not knowing only limits them of what they can do. Of course, just because we don't know doesn't mean they don't know (did that make sense).
                        They may not know for certain...IIRC, they had already finished filming S6 before they knew S7 was happening for sure.


                          Originally posted by Mala50
                          MY HOT SHIPPINESS FOR TODAY

                          (ok, so I was bored......see you in a few, Shippers!)

                          This is a pic of precision ,Mala ...nearly erotic

                          See Sam and Jack are hot ..we just don't see enough of them like that

                          Wait until they come back in "Mobius " and we'll probably get a neck sucking too cuz I think Jack likes to plunge in Sam's neck




                            Originally posted by Mala50
                            MY HOT SHIPPINESS FOR TODAY

                            (ok, so I was bored......see you in a few, Shippers!)
                            Wow! Hot is correct!


                              Originally posted by shelsfc
                              spending a lot of money on special effects would defy the point of doing a clip show, so that's interesting....

                              The spoilers we've heard so far imply that there are shippy moments, but not that it's a particularly shippy episode. So far, S&J are the only main characters we know will be in the ep....if we're lucky, it might be a lot shippier than we thought...
                              Wishful thinking on my part? Yes, probably. Still...

                              Hey, a shipper can dream can't they?!!!
                              Ship Nana


                                Is it just me or is this thread very slow at the moment? Or is it just that I'm not usually here this time on a Sunday....

                                Or has everyone else gone on that road trip to force penguin shippiness on RCC?
                                Wait for me!!

