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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Madeleine_W
    The dinger has now had their rep artificially lowered to the point where any rep they try to give should fail to affect people's points totals. I think it makes them into greys.

    That's as far as we can take the action, really. We can't stop them from being able to give greys and attendant comments.

    I hope that answer satisfies. If not, tough, it's the only answer you're getting But seriously, I think it's apparrent that more reps have gone *up* than down in this thread, so hopefully No Harm Done.

    I've had a couple of comments from newbies about the Rep Points discussion in here. As with other OT nattering, it's something that can make the thread a little intimidating for newbies. S/J is a nice thing for newbie shippers to 'break themselves in' with - you don't need to know other posters or to have been here a long while, you only need to have an opinion on the shippiest scene / moment of truth / future of S/J and post it, and voila, you're part of the discussion. In the last couple of days I've had comments that it's hard to join in cos of all the OT.

    The mods tend to be quite variable about OT discussions; in an episode thread we're far stricter than in other threads for instance, and we're pretty laissez faire about OTness in this thread. I really don't want to have a go at anyone for going OT (especially since the mods have, arguably, long been tacitly encouraging OTness here by not modding it), but I would like you to be aware that there are people who'd like to join in and can't cos they feel, I don't know, 'out of the circle' or cos the one or two posts they have made have got lost in a sea of OT. I know you're all nice people and wouldn't want anyone to feel like that. I also know there's no way you'd be doing it on purpose. I'm bowing out now though, It's your thread....
    Thank you Madeline for letting us know AND to all of the Mods for being VERY nice to us and letting us have that leeway when it comes to being a bit fluffy

    I can second Madeline's concern though I do get PMs as well from Newbies trying to be part of the discussion and they get lost in the shuffle and FOR THAT I AM VERY SORRY!!!!!

    SO I challenge all of us to be on the LOOK OUT FOR S/J discussion AND NEWBIES and makes ure we are welcoming everyone and drawing them into ALL of our discussion be it silly or serious

    I hope that we ALWAYS offer a friendly, safe and warm environment for EVERY fan to Sam & Jack Ship in
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Originally posted by Jamaica03
      Hi everyone,

      Just read the article with RDA's interview. I really hope that they don't leave the decesion up to RCC. Not only did he
      write the Sam/Pete proposal crap,
      he also decided to pull the kiss from Lost City Part II. He has made it very clear that he is not a shipper. I really hope that RDA got to decide the end.
      Hold the phone. There was supposed to be a LC II kiss?

      I really need to read this thread more.

      *scampers off to imagine the kiss-that-should-have-been*


        Hey everbody *waves*

        before i catch up on the posts, i had to post myself.
        And i'd like to say i dont care if i get a red point for this so there.....

        I do biology and we did an experiment to day on enzymes.........wont bore you will details......basically were experimenting different condiditons bla bla bla and we were using......potatoes Well........we had to try diferent one we one we grated (i admit that was inspired by the thread, no science wot so ever) we mushed.......and my favourite one we blended be more acurate liquidised made our self a nice potato smoothie.

        Of course i was in complete hysterics for the 3 hours which didnt go down to well with my teacher....oh well....then she anounces we are gonna be doin the experiment again later in the year

        anywhoo, i'll go catch up on wot u guys have been talking bout


        United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
        honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


          I haven't had a chance to get caught up on all posts yet but I had to pop in again and say...

          (((((((shipper family))))))))

          I don't usually look in my control panel but I did today and I see I have gotten some nice comments and green points. Thank you!

          Well that's it for this post. I am not boring; you guys have just discussed mostly everything so I have nothing new to say . Although I will say that I am liking some of the theories that you all are coming up with for Moebius!

          Sam and Jack forever!


          By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

          My Livejournal

          My Myspace


            Originally posted by estelle
            Hi everyone!

            I'm not gonna post in the next three months because uni is starting again and I wouldn't get any sleep if I try to catch up on and answer all the posts when I get home (which is usually around 9pm this semester*sigh*). I'll still read the digest through my mail; wouldn't cope with being totally out of the loop . It's really hard for me because you guys are all so nice and GW is the best shipper refugee camp I've ever been to. *sniff*

            Estelle *hoping that Pete will be history when she comes back, and that there's at least one new Carter-O'Neill*
            Good Luck at Uni!!!!!

            And yes HOPEFULLY we will be cheering so loud by March that the whole world will wonder WHAT THE HECK is an O'NEILL/ CARTER?????
            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


              Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
              Same here, only this reality matters to me. I would love to have some shippy AU scenes but for the final episode the only ship I will be truly happy with is Sam and Jack of our reality saying I love you to each other...I won't be happy if TPTB try to give us ship in the last ep using a Jack and Sam from another reality..........THEY HAVE TO KISS FOR REAL !!!!!! This reality! No aliens! No diseases! Just Jack O'Neill and Sam Carter of the Year 2005!
              I agree, the only Sam and Jack that counts is the ones in our reality. Don't short change us!
              Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                Originally posted by jennsatt
                Oh gosh - I have no idea what I'm doing, but for some reason have decided to de-lurk...
                Probably has something to do with the endless amusement over all of your responses to the dinger!
                That and the fact that you all seem like such wonderful people!! Why would I NOT want to be a part of the group?!
                Anywho - back on topic...
                I absolutely love Stargate and am a bit obsessed with Sam & Jack! Have a huge crush on RDA (yeah - I lurk on the Thunk thread too) and girl-crush on AT.
                I am a bit sad at the prospect of this being the last season because I wish they had done so much more with the SHIP! However, I guess I should be glad too because that means that it will finally be resolved! WOO HOO!
                And I choose to believe that it will end in a FABULOUS way! (***begging TPTB that it's nothing like JAG***)

                OK - sorry for the rambling, just wanted to pop in and say HELLO!!

                Enjoy your walk around Shipper Town!
                Beware the Red Dinger!!
                Sam and Jack Forever!
                (no JAG crossover!)

                Token ~


                  Originally posted by michelleb
                  i agree. i've spent a lot of time in the non-shipper part of gateworld recently (i followed tame about for a whole day..that girl sure goes some odd places), and everywhere i went, i admitted i was a shipper, and no-one was bothered by it. i didn't say 'i'm a shipper and all else is wrong' i just happened to mention it..and everyone weas very welcoming, and very accepting of my opinion. the dinger is a one-off, a slightly annoying, highly amusing abberation who's managed to bind the shipper community together even tighter, and get us a lot of sympathy from non-shippers
                  Hi Michelleb....first it is good to see you ADMIT that you were following me

                  and second I go to some very COOL places Thank you very much!!! I have made A LOT of really fun forum friends and I really enjoy chatting and talking about Star Gate in all of its glory

                  And yes EVERYONE knows I am a Shipper and I really don't get any static about it. SO venture out family enjoy the GW forum it really is a fun place. My best advice....ignore a post if it is confrontational and that is NOT what you want to do here. If it is...well then have at it But for me I am all about ENJOYING the discussion, enjoying the *getting to know you* and just sharing my overall enjoyment of the show.

                  And I play in the Off Topic area just to be a smart alec and I have made some really great friends there too. So Start burning up the *CHatter Thread* and I will be there too
                  Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                    Originally posted by SecretArt
                    *Waves* Hello, Michelle has said such nice things about this place that i had to come and see for myself.
                    As she mentioned i've posted a fic (there are lots more, but i thought i'd try out one for now..most of the others are angst anyway)

                    i can't pick a favourite Sam/Jack moment, last time i tried i had to give up when i couldn't even manage a top ten for each season...But off the top of my head i'll go for all the times they have kissed.

                    And what do you mean why they'll be together in the end..aren't they togther now (or is that just in my head?)
                    My favorite Sam and Jack moment is....
                    When they FINALLY get together!!!

                    Token ~



                      Here's another pluggernugget!!!!! I love that name now!!!

                      Jack's Big Honkin' Invention - Chapter 2 - Baking Basement!!!

                      I have to get out more!!!

                      WELCOME SecretArt!! Good to see you here! You're at one or two of the Yahoo groups I've just joined.

                      Major Fisher - Congrats!!!!!!!!


                      Going back for another lurk. I may post again, but if not, see you in a few weeks!!!!!!
                      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                        Moebius thoughts
                        I'm hoping the Quantum Mirror is in this ep. Here's hoping it wasn't destroyed!

                        Just the ramblings of a demented writer!
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Möbius speculation:

                          The whole time travel thing is an interesting thought, but really implausible in places. After all, if they go back in time and eliminate the Goa'uld threat before it gets out of hand, TPTB would be killing the spinoff in one fell swoop, and I seriously doubt that'll happen. If they change their history, the Atlantis expedition would never have taken place.

                          Atlantis has been getting good ratings. I'm sure they're going to wait until it's had one season to itself, without SG-1 in front of it, before killing it.

                          However, one time travel speculation that I liked was the idea that SG-1 goes back in time and convinces the ancient Egyptians to overthrow Ra and bury the gate. Of course, I hope that if that happens, they figure out how to get home before it's buried there!

                          Just a reminder — if anyone else wants their red point remarks added to the list, head to my LiveJournal and comment here:
                          The ones I've got so far are hilarious! I can't believe this guy was serious.

                          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                          Last update: 14 April 2006
                          Melyanna's Multimedia
                          Last update: 15 February 2006


                            Originally posted by samisjacksgal
                            ive been thinking about moebius and i think
                            that it is gonna be an alternative universe story but not just 1 alternate universe maybe like 2 or 3 so we can see different outcomes, for example from the s/j ship point of view we could see sam die in jacks arms in 1 AU, jack die in sams arms in another, jack and sam married with kids in a third etc. then maybe at the end someone i dunno like thor or kawalsky asks "what would you do if you knew all the possible outcomes?" and then sam and jack would just look at each other smile and give each other a whopping great big kiss
                            just a thought
                            And those are some GREAT THOUGHTS!!!!

                            I really like some of that for the whole team it would be cool to see how things would go for all of them
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Originally posted by Catysg1
                              May be they won't kiss
                              in the AU or time travelling(I prefer time travelling cuz they can be there too the AU apparently they can't be both there at the same time ...otherwise their heads start vibrating (point of view AU Sam on Earth) but kiss when they come back, after an adventure of a lifetime on the personnal side...I wonder if they gonna travel with the quantum mirror (point of view)or through the Stargate (1969)
                              I prefer the Stargate cuz it's the real universe ..they can just[spoiler] go back in time ..just before Kawalsky dies ...and destroy the go'oulds back then ..obviously that means they changed the future..and I wonder what they gonna see when they come back ..fascinating...This also means that Janet
                              could be alive cuz she would have never gone on that planet to get killed.

                              I hope Jack will be on the mission
                              ..otherwise we may be on for a very nasty ending where he could be married to another chick ...but I think he 'll be part of the mission cuz it should be a big action finale ...may be when they all come back ..the Stargate is shut down ..and they go back full circle ...and it's them and not the go'aulds who emerge throught he puddle to find out that Cheyenne complex is now deserted with just a few members wacthing over the gate (Children of the god) ..

                              They are not military anymore cuz SG1 does not exist anymore ..and Jack takes the oppurtunity to sweep Sam off her feet ..carries her down the ramp ...smiles at her ....she smiles too ...and whatever ..kissy kissy ..they say "Let's go home" we see them fishing ..little birds flying in the sky....the world is peacefull.ect ...we also see Daniel , Teal'c ,hammond and Janet at the party ..Whatever party ..and a cliffhanger for the movie ..we see a huge spaceship like never seen before (a new system lord perhaps ) ..just above the earth atmosphere or something like that for the movie.

                              I would love to see that in a way ...going back in time , change the future , go back throught he puddle to find out the world is perfect mitary rules apply anymore ...and they KISS and have fun together


                              Fabulous ideas Caty!!! (BTW - LOVE your videos!)
                              It really would be wonderful if
                              they were able to go back in time and "fix" some things. NAMELY - Janet's death! Man that was a tough episode, but also my favorite.
                              ***but that's a topic for later***
                              And as long as they do the "I love yous" and the KISS, I think it would be absolutely perfect if it wrapped up with them fishing together. However, I do sort of think that it really should end with the team all together - like your idea of them coming back through the gate to a mostly deserted facility.

                              I really have NO idea, but I am thrilled at the prospects!!!

                              On another note - do you guys think that they will leave it open ended for a movie???


                                Originally posted by aske
                                Good morning/afternoon/evening:

                                Firstly, I need to make a wee bit of an apology. I think I misspoke about ‘red-point’ person. They have yet to ding me. I guess you actually need to post something, huh? But, non-the-less, two very kindly shippers (I assume) have ‘Graced’ me with green points. Thank you very much!

                                Secondly, RCC is a mere ‘fish’ in the pond of corporate entertainment. Even he has someone to whom he must report. And who knows, maybe ‘The Man’ who holds the rod is a shipper.

                                *raises eyebrow*

                                So, to add my favorite shippy scene to your illustrious montage of shippy splendor: With out doubt – Solitude. Despite the cold, dark, helpless, hopeless, nature of the episode Jack can still make Sam smile. Oh yeah, and we gets lots of touching, hugging, cuddling, covert confessions, serious eye contact, hand holding, hurt/comfort, angst….need I go on?
                                WELCOME !!!!!!!!! ASKE!!!!

                                I really hope you are correct about RCC because from how I understood it He IS the TOP GUY this season and Brad is over seeing SGA

                                so from your fingers to the Shipper god's eyes!!!

                                and I too really liked Solitudes...I think that was the first time Sam really REALLY thought about losing Jack and her heart told her *You REALLY* don't want to lose this man
                                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..

