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    Originally posted by TameFarrar
    But I applaud you on an EXCELLENT POST!!!!
    now I must go spread the *love* so I can show my appreciation properly
    Does that mean I've had Tame luvvvv to recently, darn I'm close to that 3rd square.


      Originally posted by Major Fischer
      Does that mean I've had Tame luvvvv to recently, darn I'm close to that 3rd square.
      I would say that would be a ... YES

      I did fianlly *spread* the lllluuuvvv and was able to honor such a fine a post.... but... is still not enough
      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


        Originally posted by TameFarrar
        Topic????.....I think it left with that Big Grey Shiny Round thing about a half hour ago.....
        TAME!! You have to go back to this morning! We've been talking penguins! #608

        Did you hear me? HOT FLAMING PENGUINS!!!

        That's how topical it's been!


          Originally posted by Mala50
          TAME!! You have to go back to this morning! We've been talking penguins! #608

          Did you hear me? HOT FLAMING PENGUINS!!!

          That's how topical it's been!
          SO...where'd we get the pinguins from?


            Originally posted by Major Fischer
            Does that mean I've had Tame luvvvv to recently, darn I'm close to that 3rd square.
            You know if you stick around here, it's bound to happen!


              Originally posted by Mala50
              TAME!! You have to go back to this morning! We've been talking penguins! #608

              Did you hear me? HOT FLAMING PENGUINS!!!

              That's how topical it's been!
              I saw them ...ROFL over here and work...been getting caught WAY TOO often lately !!!!!

              Had to go explain that I did NOT *bring* them over here....BUT I love the pictures

              you ARE A GENIUS!!!!!!
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                Originally posted by Madeleine_W
                Laira was lovely! Sam can transfer to Atlantis and be with McKay! Jack/Thor forever! So sorry but it's not working.

                But I do like the popcorn and chocolate in this thread
                I had a dream the other night about being on this thread (yep, I actually dreamed about being here gives you some idea of how exciting my dreams are, doesn't it?) and somehow we'd managed to convert you to ship, Madeleine. If only I could remember how....


                  Originally posted by Thinkey
                  SO...where'd we get the pinguins from?
                  Not to kill the joke, but the origin of the dead flightless birds is here, post number 617 in the Rep Points, the Universe and Everything thread.


                    Originally posted by Major Fischer
                    Not to kill the joke, but the origin of the dead flightless birds is here, post number 617 in the Rep Points, the Universe and Everything thread.
                    So...i take it this is all the pinguins he killed?


                      Originally posted by TameFarrar
                      I saw them ...ROFL over here and work...been getting caught WAY TOO often lately !!!!!

                      Had to go explain that I did NOT *bring* them over here....BUT I love the pictures

                      you ARE A GENIUS!!!!!!
                      but, but, you MENTIONED THEM!!

                      and I sort of...embellished the thought (thank you MF for adding Shadow's original post)

                      Originally posted by Mala50
                      I can just picture Shippers catapulting flaming penguins over the walls of Bridge Studios.

                      Penguin-kabobs, anyone?
                      and then I just made some pictures.......?

                      Hey, you've all been warned before: DO NOT PUT IDEAS IN MY HEAD!!



                        Originally posted by Major Fischer
                        It was vague and uninformative. I wouldn't bother.
                        Not only that, he hasn't been terribly accurate in the past when he gets specific. The only thing this interview told us is that he'd like more work. Yeah, him and every other struggling actor on the planet. Whatever.
                        *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                          Major Fischer, it's so nice to know that a non-shipper agrees with us on why Pete is such a terrible plot device. It makes us seem more intelligent in our Pete hatred.

                          The night "Affinity" aired, I was embarrassed to be a fan of SG-1. And to make matters worse, the episode of Atlantis that aired that night, "Poisoning the Well", was incredibly good. It's crazy that the newbie show could so thoroughly thrash the established show before the midseason break, when the new characters aren't even that fleshed out. (I know that a lot of people thought that that episode was boring, but I really enjoyed it. The ending still gives me chills.)

                          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                          Last update: 14 April 2006
                          Melyanna's Multimedia
                          Last update: 15 February 2006


                            Originally posted by auralan
                            Not only that, he hasn't been terribly accurate in the past when he gets specific. The only thing this interview told us is that he'd like more work. Yeah, him and every other struggling actor on the planet. Whatever.

                            its been a while since ive heard your wise words, great to hear from ya

                            my interpretation of the interview is that hes a) trying to cause a stir or b) be a pain in the mikta

                            i think i said a while ago...ill take it with a pinch of salt and if the wind happens to blow by then so be it lol


                              Originally posted by Melyanna
                              Major Fischer, it's so nice to know that a non-shipper agrees with us on why Pete is such a terrible plot device. It makes us seem more intelligent in our Pete hatred.
                              You are being intelligent in your Pete hatred. What I just hate is the characterization that all Pete hatred is from unbalanced unhealthy obsessed people. It's not.


                                Originally posted by Major Fischer
                                Hehe, see, now you'll see why I'm scary in the serious threads...
                                Oh.. you’re not scary... long thoughtful posts are wonderful... I remember them on the Against Pete thread...
                                My dislike of Pete and the Pete arc is on many levels.

                                A) The stalking behavior, and the way it has been handled in Affinity. All cops do not do that. That is not just 'being a cop' as AT put it in the Lowdown. The rates of domestic violence among police officers are much higher than in the regular population, and police departments take that kind of behavior very seriously. It's an abuse of power, an abuse of public trust. The people of Denver did not give Detective Shanahan the tools that he used in Chimera so that he could check up on his girlfriend.

                                It became worse (and criminal IMO) when he was told that she was most likely involved in something highly classified and he kept looking. Does Detective Shanahan believe that he has a right to know all of his country's secrets? Does he believe that he is special? Apparently.

                                Now let's just accept for the moment, that Sam hadn't fully grasped what had happened by the end of Chimera. The issue of his behavior was not resolved in a throw away, and unnatural I might add, line in Affinity. So now it's a joke? So a national television show is telling thousands of stalking victims out there that this is a joke. That all those wives of police officers who are terrified because their husbands have a gun and intimate knowledge of the legal system should just accept it because this is normal behavior?
                                I know… the joke implied that Sam knew about everything that he’d done, was cool with it, and implied that Sam/Pete had some convo about it earlier… IMHO, TPTB took the easy way out by not trying to write/film/show us that convo… probably because they wouldn’t have been able to pull it off?!! And the Sam we (thought we) know wouldn’t have stood for that kind of baloney… she would have told him this is how it’s going to be Pete, you’re going to respect me and trust me or you’re outta here!
                                B) I miss Samantha Carter. Whoever this woman is wearing her uniform isn't her. The Samantha Carter that I know and love would not discuss simply continue a discussion of the program even after she told Pete that she can't talk about it. I know that a similarly horrible operational security conversation happened in Secrets, but that does not change a fundamental fact. I can not accept that a covert operator, lieutenant colonel in the United States air force, supposedly one of the most brilliant minds on the planet, would have the discussion she did in the middle of a park with a hundred people around.

                                I believe that Sam would have snapped down on Pete's discussion of the program fast, and that they would have had a conversation about what the ramifications of violating the NDA Pete had to sign were. And how beautiful maximum security at Atlanta Federal for him and the USDB would be for her. I bet Sam would be the most popular officer at Leavenworth...

                                Moreover, I have a number of close female friends who are in the military. In another dimension I would have gone to West Point, but that was a road not taken, every female officer I know is always keenly aware of what image she's presenting to her troops. I find it hard to believe that Samantha Carter, lieutenant colonel, trying to prove that she can be more than just a technocrat, would remotely pull off the scene at the end of Affinity.

                                One of my dearest friends is an army captain, she's corrently in Iraq in command of a transportation company. She is very limited on how much affection she will show to her husband onbase, or in front ofher troops. She needs these people to take her seriously. To see her as the captain, who through RPGs and IEDs and all the other horrible things they have to drive though, is going to do her best to get them home. She will not kiss her husband in front of her troops. Her husband. Now she's the closest of my friends that I can equate to Sam, but I still have a hard time buying it. The level of unprofessionalism knows no bounds.
                                Yep. While seeing a ‘softer’ side of Sam is always nice… in relation to everything she’s been trained for, everything she’s been working for all these years, how she was presented to us the past 8 years… it was just too damn easy for them to take the route that they did. (Were they trying to throw a cliché of a certain type of woman/person at us? If they were… they did well… I know I certainly don’t like it!)
                                )C The poor writing. They just haven't thought this out very well. They've placed scenes in inappropiate settings, the dialogue (particularly in the park in Affinity) seems stilted and forced. Amanda's doing her best with the chemistry she's got, but to me it seems less like a romance, and more like a friend who amuses her. Childlike. Pete seems childlike.
                                That’s why I (me & my little uninformed opinion) still don’t think they’d scripted AT to react the way she did to the stalking joke or the proposal… I really believe they wanted more of AT’s bubbly giggling, not a wide eyed ‘WTF?’ expression… And those inappropriate settings…. I mean… would a candlelit dinner at her place (or his) have cost as much as it did to pay all those extras in the park scene (not to mention the set up costs) or the lets-get-it-on-while-we’re-after-you-tell-me-yes-at-the-job scene? And the alternative settings would have been so much more like right than.... oh well... I think they have established Pete's liking for absurd settings.... (remember the anniversary dance they crashed?)
                                oh. oh oh oh oh... by the way, where is that big round thing with the spinning thing and the... you know, the thing they go to other planets with?
                                Heck I thought that was just a big bubble-maker machine…… Y’mean I can actually go to another planet through it? Wow… what a concept.
                                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.

