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    Originally posted by shipper hannah
    don't expect a scene like that in moebius... .. they'll be too busy saving the world!!!
    there better be a damn good confession and kiss(es) though....(i think there will be!)

    See I don't understand why there is no time for a scene like that in Mobius I mean 2 minutes it too long ..?!!
    Everybody says ..well I can accept a
    kerry/jack bedscene
    as long as Sam and Jack are together at the end ..but really I don't want to sound like an anti shipper there but I have never seen Sam and Jack in a sexy scene....Their scenes together are beautiful and mostly sad but they are not sexy ....and it's just not fine not to see Sam and Jack in a sexy way ..because really they are very introvert people with their feelings and it's not very good for the chemistry when 2 heroes are supposed to get together and don't feel comfortable .

    Jack and Kerry
    look really comfortable with each other ..She is happy ..she smiles ..and Jack has an expression on his face I haven't seen for a long time ...May be he is not that sad .

    I wish TPTB would not do bedroom scenes at all with the other girlfriends /boyfriends ..Who needs to see that really ??!!!

    If they would have kept it to only an outside scene like BBQ or a walk in the park hand in hand ..then I would accept Sam and Jack to kiss by the Stargate at the end of Mobius ..but not now's a disgrace if we don't see a proper sexy scene ..So I'm expecting it big time otherwise it's good bye from me and I may not be the only one .



      Hear, hear Caty!
      We demand sexy S/J scenes. There's only so much angst you can take, you know!


        Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
        Interesting POV Bucky. My take is I think Jack would find
        Kerry attractive. Not sure if I agree w/you on the ‘more attractive’ part. I think it’s a matter that Kerry is more available. No strings attached. No messy commitments to disentangle herself from like Sam has. Plus, (IMHO) honorable man that Jack is, who respects & loves Sam, he didn’t, isn’t, & won’t do anything that will stand in the way of Sam’s happiness whether that be continuing her AF career or pursuing a romantic life that doesn’t involve him….
        Hey! Don't go putting words in my mouth, er, post! LOL! I didn't say
        Jack would find Kerry more attractive--only that in the picture there was an obvious contrast in the way Sam and Kerry are dressed and that the contrast emphasizes that Kerry is freer, more open, more available.
        . So I think we ended up saying the same thing.

        Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
        Interestingly I think my reaction to this pic is that, this scene, combined w/Sam’s in Chimera, ups the ante sooooooooooo much more, if and when they give S/J resolution. Again… it’s just my own humble opinion that if TPTB are going to give viewers bedroom scenes like these two, then they can’t expect us to not fully expect something of equal weight & impact with S/J resolution.

        It’ll be interesting to see how it all really plays out….. That’s how many more months for us here in the U.S.?????? Pass that defib machine over here MM! The stress ‘n strain of the wait is getting to me! LOL! (j/k)
        Yep me too! I think that defib machine is going to get a workout before Season 8 ends!




          I don't think a sexy scene is necessary. I mean, I'm not saying I don't want one, but mostly I want to see that they're happy together. Kisses, cuddling, smiling, lots of smiling...that's what I need to see. The rest will be a bonus for me.


            Originally posted by Lunar
            Hear, hear Caty!
            We demand sexy S/J scenes. There's only so much angst you can take, you know!

            LOL ..yes sexy Sam and Jack scenes ..That's all and only for a few minutes ..not for the whole episode... but once the mission is over ..yes yes and yes . ..

            and the last scene can be a team scene if you like although not necessarily because it's not the end of the show ..There is season 9 coming soon and the end of season 7 was Jack in the frozen pod ....

            plus we would have had the team fighting together in time travel during the whole episode of Mobius already so why not finish it on a Sam and Jack sexy scene !!!.....

            If the team is together for the first 40 minutes of the show ( with interaction from all of them)..Sam and Jack can have the last 5 minutes for that sexy scenes ...I think it's only fair

            and when they start season 9 they are married and that explains their absence ( Honeymoon) could be 5 months later or something like that.

            and then they come back to fight the future again from time to time



              My reply to all this threads stuff:

              10-1. The bedroom scene is towards the beginning of the ep. Remember how the spoilers state 'they are hitting it off'? Well its tho shock the adudience at first (and watch half the shipper population croak upon seeing it if they didn't know). And then we'd go into the sam/pete stuff, the more jack/kerry stuff, the confrontation, kerry's realization, sam's struggle, jack's struggle...


              Well I dunno, but the thing willl be 90 minutes long - something tells me not to worry here.


                Originally posted by shelsfc
                I don't think a sexy scene is necessary. I mean, I'm not saying I don't want one, but mostly I want to see that they're happy together. Kisses, cuddling, smiling, lots of smiling...that's what I need to see. The rest will be a bonus for me.

                A Kerry and Jack sexy scene
                is not necessary either .We could have just seen them at a BBQ with Sam turning up ...this would have been just fine



                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  A Kerry and Jack sexy scene is not necessary either .We could have just seen them at a BBQ with Sam turning up ...this would have been just fine



                    Originally posted by shelsfc
                    I don't think a sexy scene is necessary. I mean, I'm not saying I don't want one, but mostly I want to see that they're happy together. Kisses, cuddling, smiling, lots of smiling...that's what I need to see. The rest will be a bonus for me.
                    Hear Hear

                    What I would love, would be to see Jack footering around in his kitchenin the early morning, clearing away what looks like the remains of a romantic meal. He's in some civvies, but maybe not the scruffy ones he normally prefers.

                    He hears footsteps, and then we hear Sam's voice.

                    Sam: What are you doing up?
                    Jack: Just cleanin' up...we left a bit of a mess
                    Sam: C'mon! That's one of our trademarks!
                    Jack: What? Untidyness?
                    Sam: No...messing up...I'm a lot more guilty than you.
                    Jack: I guess...We'll just need to be more'tidy' then won't we?

                    Jack continues clearing up the table

                    Sam: C'mon Jack! Leave that!
                    Jack: Is that an order Doctor?
                    Sam: Very funny, and it's Dr. Colonel to you
                    Jack: yes SIR!
                    Sam: come back to bed - that's an order

                    And the happy couple scamper off, leaving the rest to our gutterish, overactive dirty imginations!

                    Just some wishful thinking!
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      Originally posted by sueKay
                      Hear Hear

                      What I would love, would be to see Jack footering around in his kitchenin the early morning, clearing away what looks like the remains of a romantic meal. He's in some civvies, but maybe not the scruffy ones he normally prefers.

                      He hears footsteps, and then we hear Sam's voice.

                      Sam: What are you doing up?
                      Jack: Just cleanin' up...we left a bit of a mess
                      Sam: C'mon! That's one of our trademarks!
                      Jack: What? Untidyness?
                      Sam: No...messing up...I'm a lot more guilty than you.
                      Jack: I guess...We'll just need to be more'tidy' then won't we?

                      Jack continues clearing up the table

                      Sam: C'mon Jack! Leave that!
                      Jack: Is that an order Doctor?
                      Sam: Very funny, and it's Dr. Colonel to you
                      Jack: yes SIR!
                      Sam: come back to bed - that's an order

                      And the happy couple scamper off, leaving the rest to our gutterish, overactive dirty imginations!

                      Just some wishful thinking!
                      Aww! That's a really cute scene, I'd love to see that too!!


                        I was looking at the Gemini pics again

                        having now seen the new alpha site in 'Covenant', I've realised all these pictures are taken in the Alpha Site.

                        My thinking is this - Jack won't be in the ep' apart from that brief "shining moment" AT talked about.

                        It'll be this time dealing with someone who has her feelings but not the complications of a heart or soul, that will make her see the truth. Her humanity has clouded her to her true feelings. Replicarter doesn't have that barrier.

                        This, combined with the fact that Jack isn't actually around, will make her come to her senses. She'll realise how much she misses Jack right at the same time she'll come to terms with her feeling for him.

                        I think that Replicarter will be a catalyst for the catalyst ie. this will give Sam her doubts, causing her to reassess Pete, causing her to go to Jacks, causing Kerry to realise why Jack's holding back, causing Kerry to let Jack go, giving him the perfect solution as she stands aside, letting Sam have him.

                        Just some constructive speculation - a rarity from yours densely!
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          I'll have to say goodnight now - hopefully be back on before I go to work tomorrow!!

                          Ship on everyone!!!


                            Originally posted by sueKay
                            Hear Hear

                            What I would love, would be to see Jack footering around in his kitchenin the early morning, clearing away what looks like the remains of a romantic meal. He's in some civvies, but maybe not the scruffy ones he normally prefers.

                            He hears footsteps, and then we hear Sam's voice.

                            Sam: What are you doing up?
                            Jack: Just cleanin' up...we left a bit of a mess
                            Sam: C'mon! That's one of our trademarks!
                            Jack: What? Untidyness?
                            Sam: No...messing up...I'm a lot more guilty than you.
                            Jack: I guess...We'll just need to be more'tidy' then won't we?

                            Jack continues clearing up the table

                            Sam: C'mon Jack! Leave that!
                            Jack: Is that an order Doctor?
                            Sam: Very funny, and it's Dr. Colonel to you
                            Jack: yes SIR!
                            Sam: come back to bed - that's an order

                            And the happy couple scamper off, leaving the rest to our gutterish, overactive dirty imginations!

                            Just some wishful thinking!

                            Somehow I don't think there will be that level of comedy in it suekay . and also I don't think they 'll be talking like that to each other at the beginning of their relationship ...this looks more like an established couple talking not a new romantic one .

                            May be a tiny bit of humor but not that much...and then I'd like to see Jack going in bed with her then not a fade out to black just as he's walking to the bedroom ..

                            I hope the
                            Kerry and Jack bedroom scene
                            has been deleted of the episode...then I would probably be fine with your scenario suekay but not if that scene is in the episode ....This scene looks very lovely..they look so good ..and I want to see that as well between Sam and Jack if that kerry /Jack scene makes it to the episode uncut .



                              I'd love to see our shippy imaginings confirmed by a walk-in moment by Daniel and Teal'c. Sam and Jack are snogging somewhere secret (like a darkened lab in the SGC) and Daniel walks in and switches the lights on!
                              Cue much embarrassed readjustment of clothing on Carter's part and big ear to ear grinning on Jack's part.


                                Originally posted by sueKay
                                I was looking at the Gemini pics again

                                having now seen the new alpha site in 'Covenant', I've realised all these pictures are taken in the Alpha Site.

                                My thinking is this - Jack won't be in the ep' apart from that brief "shining moment" AT talked about.

                                It'll be this time dealing with someone who has her feelings but not the complications of a heart or soul, that will make her see the truth. Her humanity has clouded her to her true feelings. Replicarter doesn't have that barrier.

                                This, combined with the fact that Jack isn't actually around, will make her come to her senses. She'll realise how much she misses Jack right at the same time she'll come to terms with her feeling for him.

                                I think that Replicarter will be a catalyst for the catalyst ie. this will give Sam her doubts, causing her to reassess Pete, causing her to go to Jacks, causing Kerry to realise why Jack's holding back, causing Kerry to let Jack go, giving him the perfect solution as she stands aside, letting Sam have him.

                                Just some constructive speculation - a rarity from yours densely!

                                Did you just explain what the goldberg variation was???

                                yes, I agree on that one's a chain reaction or cause and effect ..isn't it !!!


