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    I have to say that I am really kind of surprised that there may not be a Season 9 because I thought RDA said that he would be interested in returning. I know at the Chicago Convention both AT and CJ said that they wanted to return as well. The ratings are sure high enough for Sci-Fi. I kind of wonder what the problem is? CJ was hinting that we should write in if we wanted the show to continue. I do also kind of remember that AT said that no one has talked to her yet, I think.

    Edited to say I wonder if it has anything to do with the buyout of MGM by Sony???????????
    Last edited by nickatell; 20 September 2004, 09:23 PM.


      spoilers for s8's gemini


      Originally posted by LtLisa

      love your sig Aunt Sally
      Thanks! But I really need to get my own website -or a place to store sig photos- so I can do the little things I want to do with them that I don't know how to do with here.

      dream spoilers
      its a TORTURE dream sequence again...that spells replicator to Gemini? But it sounds like RepliCarter is not evil, so maybe shes gonna give Sam a little push? Maybe she has some of Sam's mentality, maybe even 'cares' about Jack? Kniws she of course could never have him so gives her double a push cause she knows Sam could never be happy with anybody else?
      I read a Chicago con report from here
      that lead me here
      that said this:

      *Amanda Tapping panel*

      Playing people-who-are-but-aren't-Sam (and her grin just got wider and wider as the questioner listed them off): It's a real challenge, because she feels like it should show that she's the same in ways other than "the obvious" (gesturing at herself to indicate physical appearance), but still be different. She elaborated on it using the current example of "RepliCarter" (cracking everyone up with the nickname). There was much tapdancing around spoilers, but she did mention that RepliCarter has Sam's memories and knowledge (I hadn't thought of that, but in hindsight it should have been obvious), but "she doesn't have her heart or her soul." So it's about trying to navigate that.


      Interesting, eh?




        Originally posted by Gatetrixer
        In the GW report on RDA's award in DC last week (by the AF Ass'n, apparently not the AF itself) the writer asked him about a Season 9 and he replied that he doesn't believe there will be one.

        Also, there was a fire alarm during the dinner and all the guests had to go out into the hotel parking lot for ONE and A HALF HOURS where RDA very nicely signed autographs. Hmmmm, who pulled that alarm? Are all the GG's accounted for?
        Darn, someone figured it out.


          Originally posted by TameFarrar


          once again TPTB left it up to us to make the ship. Which is fine EXCEPT THEY forgot one thing..........SPUD BOY!!!! how are we supposed to make ship with a potatoe hanging over our collective heads?????

          I just had a vision of potatoes on strings hanging above all the shippers heads. Hehe!




            i was looking at screen caps for endgame and i saw this one from rite at the end


            its just after jack says "tough choice"...and im convinced hes looking at sam...i no im reading way into the lines lol but i do agree with lt. lisa it seems shippy to me


              Originally posted by meimei
              That is too funny! My first thought was which Gutter Gal was MIA!! LOL! I wouldn't have put it past them!

              I just hope that if there is no season nine, season eight ends the way we want it too. I kinda hope there isn't a season nine since the eps seem to be running out of steam and the budget seems to have been shifted to Atlantis. As long as it ends with Jack and Sam together, I will be happy to see it end on a high note!
              ROFL. My bet's on Tame. That girl has no inhibitions when it comes to RDA.

              I was a bit disappointed when he (RDA) said he doesn't think there'll be a season 9. I guess I just became used to the 'okay we'll give you another one' that was announced every autumn for the last four years. Come to think of it, it's better not to suffer through another year, because they wouldn't have given us S/J togetherness until the very last ep and I couldn't stand more of or whoever/whatever they use for an excuse to not let S&J get together. This way we at leat know that our ship will come in 2005. *crosses fingers* It has to!!!

              MajSal: Thanks for the nice welcome, you all are such a great bunch of people I feel all warm and fuzzy again since I'm back.

              Estelle xxx
              Abu: This is a woman?
              O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

              Carter: Err. Colonel?
              O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

              Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
              Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
              Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

              Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
              Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
              Jack: No I *like* it.


                To all those that receive German TV; RTL2 has bought season 8 and Atlantis according to Yay!

                Estelle xxx
                Abu: This is a woman?
                O'Neill: Oh, yeah.

                Carter: Err. Colonel?
                O'Neill: It's my side arm, I swear.

                Jack: I don't get it. I mean, how can she make kids without a... man friend?
                Malek: The Queen is able to reproduce asexually.
                Jack: Is that why you guys took hosts?

                Jack: Oooo... did anyone else feel that?
                Sam: The tingling sensation is a result of the EM field passing over your skin, but it's not causing any physical damage, so there's no need for concern sir.
                Jack: No I *like* it.


                  Originally posted by Rogue
                  I am going to correct myself. It is Nightwalker, not Nightstalker. If it was Nightstalker, Pete would definitly be in it.

                  LOL...I think you must have had to many nightmares...with Pete in it too funny



                    Originally posted by sacme
                    Wow, you redid the site! It looks great Caty!

                    ship sistah

                    Thank You ShipSistah It was so quiet round here last night that I decided to change some stuff ..cuz we gonna have a long 3 months...and at least's nice to visit something fresh to watch Shippy Sam and Jack videos ....It was getting very crowded still is but it's a bit clearer at least .



                      Oy...I try to keep up on the thread, but I always managed to fall behind. Anyways I just wanted to drop a line, since I'm not sure if i can get on the forum tomorrow before my flight.

                      I'll be gone on the other side of the world for a whole month *sobs* I'll miss my (((((((((((((shipper family)))))))))))

                      anyways while i'm getting ruthlessly attacked by mosquitos in Taiwan and thailand, I'll be thinking about you guys!

                      And remember...if things are looking bad...Just think POSITIVE!!!

                      Sam and Jack forever!!!

                      ((((((((((((shipper family))))))))))))))


                        HIYA GUYS,

                        I would like to see them go to a team party,you know guys in suits,sam in a lovely dress held at the sgc.
                        Can you imagine jacks face when sam walks in,that face would be a picture that i would love to see,this is after she dumps .
                        I would love them to have at least one part of an episode focusing on this scene just for the loving looks he would give her!!!!




                          Originally posted by Athenaktt
                          Oy...I try to keep up on the thread, but I always managed to fall behind. Anyways I just wanted to drop a line, since I'm not sure if i can get on the forum tomorrow before my flight.

                          I'll be gone on the other side of the world for a whole month *sobs* I'll miss my (((((((((((((shipper family)))))))))))

                          anyways while i'm getting ruthlessly attacked by mosquitos in Taiwan and thailand, I'll be thinking about you guys!

                          And remember...if things are looking bad...Just think POSITIVE!!!

                          Sam and Jack forever!!!

                          ((((((((((((shipper family))))))))))))))
                          Athena we will miss you loads have lots of fun while you are away,at least you'll be here when our couple get together (they better)

                          (((((((((((((((((((((((((ATHENA )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

                          TAKE CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




                            Originally posted by SNY
                            Hey Lunar!

                            Here you can find her others fanfics!




                              Originally posted by estelle
                              To all those that receive German TV; RTL2 has bought season 8 and Atlantis according to Yay!

                              Estelle xxx
                              YEAH, GOOD NEWS! *break out the bubbly*


                                Originally posted by majorsal

                                O'NEILL: I would never ask you to give up your career.

                                CARTER: Because you don't feel anything for me?

                                O'NEILL: Carter.

                                CARTER: I'd let you go right now if I knew.

                                O'NEILL: That easy?

                                CARTER: I didn't say it would be easy.

                                This scene really hacked me off. I mean, the kiss was great, but come on!

                                Have the writers no memory? This man once said he'd rather die than lose her! Does that not count as 'feeling' something? Is Sam suffering from memory loss?
                                This annoys me as much as the old anti-shipper argument that Sam chases after Jack. The only declaration of feelings we have EVER had (I think) that was not too vague to be taken either way is from JACK. He's the one that asks her to come fishing, SHE'S the one that says no all the time.

                                Their feelings are not one sided they are MUTUAL.
                                Grace was a stupid, stupid, stupid episode, based on a flimsy premise, that was simply a gateway for
                                And no, that kiss did not make it worth suffering through.

                                Rant over.

