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    Originally posted by Catysg1
    Can I just ask ....why didn't they keep the original doctor Weird on .... because I don't understand why they replaced the doctor weird ...blond hair ...with doctor weird hair !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Does somebody know about that ???!!!!I'm a bit confused

    The original actress doctor weird from the lost city was so much better.....was'nt she available or what?????


    She probably wasn't skinny enough.


      Originally posted by TameFarrar
      Just a side note RCC wrote Part 2 of New Order...what does THAT tell you
      Oy! Will that man never go away, FCOL? Yes, I know the answer--it was a rhetorical question to express my current disgust with him!
      Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
      Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

      Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
      Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


        Originally posted by bcmilco
        Spoiler Space New Order s8

        I have to admit I really liked the introduction of Gen. O'Neill at the end. I was holding my breath that they'd make it repectable after hearing some of the behind the scenes stuff that occured and I was very pleased with how hell it came off.
        What behind the scenes stuff? And where can I read that?
        Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
        Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

        Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
        Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


          Originally posted by Ship Nana
          Maybe this is the life that Sam thought that she was missing out on. You know the one where the grass is greener, or the manure is smellier (pardon the pun). Now that she has actually seen this life and in a kinda way lived it she will realize that it isn't what she thought it would be and that she really doesn't want this kinda unexciting, dull life with making her pancakes.
          I was also thinking that maybe Sam didn't want to talk about because they had a disagreement about her going to get Jack. She said it was difficult saying goodbye to someone when you don't know if you're going to ever see them again. Maybe stuPit gave her a hard time about choosing Jack over him. She did turn away when Teal'c asked about stuPit, as if to say, 'really bad topic right now.' When pushed a littled she talked about having to stay positive about the relationship. Then we see yelling about giving up his life for her and Sam knowing the real wouldn't do that-- because the real stuPit wants her to give up things for him?

          Just thinking out loud.

          ship sistah

          ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


            Catysg1 I agree with everything you said.To have only a couple of scenes is just plain wrong.New Order like the Lowdown was just a letdown.It is painfully obvious that TPTB cannot write Sam and Jack Ship and they are not great at writing Team bonding either.It is time to bring in some real talent.Sometimes you look at the four of them and it is like there strangers.Even though the fans know Jack is not going to Die the actors have to make it seem like he is and there should have been a much better reunion between Sam and Jack and Jack with Daniel and Teal'C. I kept waiting for something really good to happen last night and IMO it never did.I usually want to watch Sg-1 again after I taped it but the desire was just not there.I hope that is not a sign of thing to come for Season 8.


              Originally posted by SG1Happy
              I know all of y'all are waiting with baited breath (or is that bad breath?) for *my* opinion of New Order.....
              e for New Order

              Amanda Tapping is very pretty/sexy in jeans.
              Kinda like the opening scene of Desperate Messures... man does she have long legs!

              After the emotional intensity of Lost City this episode felt a little flat, but not disappointing.
              I agree, I think that's why I wasn't very positive last night. I watched it again today and I liked it a lot more.
              ~BCM =)

              Open Source Initiative (OSI)
              The GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program


                Originally posted by Jimlad The Pirate Maiden
                okay, so i just got back from seeing king arthur:

                if you want to see an extreamely lame male bonding movie which promotes the war in iraq to the fullest extent possible, and was so LAME that it gave me a horrible headache from thinking too much about how much i would rather be seeing jack get unfrozen, then you will STILL hate this movie because it really is just that bad.
                I *tried* to warn you before you left but sadly I didn't get to you in time!

                (((((((((((((((((((Jimlad the Pirate Maiden))))))))))))))))))))

                I *definitely* pity you, having wasted your eight bucks and all--and having missed the PREMIERE for that GAWD-AWFUL movie. As for the Saxons--well, I'm a history buff and those weren't Saxons, they were Vikings--guess the Saxons just weren't good enough. As for history--well, there wasn't any in that movie. Heck, there wasn't even any LEGEND! I could have lived with the legend but NOOOOOOOO, we can't have that, now can we? And yes, it really is *that* bad. Felt sorry for poor Ioan Gryffudd (he's Lancelot and it's pronounced like "Yo-wan Griffith"), though. He's a fine actor whose talents were wasted in that movie. Maybe he'll get lucky and get another chance from someone else though, he is a fine actor and quite adorable in RL. Anyway, back on topic--

                SAM AND JACK FOREVER!!!
                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                  Originally posted by morjana
                  I just posted this over on the New Order - Part Two discussion, but as this has elements of ship in it, thought I'd post it here too.

                  SO...this post does concern an element from "New Order," so if you haven't seen it yet, and don't want to be spoiled, close your eyes now...




                  The clips shown during Fifth's torture of Sam.

                  The two segments had different clips.

                  Note: It seemed to me that overlaying all the clips in the torture
                  scene was an impression of fire, or flames. From one clip to the
                  next, would be the overlay of fire.

                  FIRST TORTURE SCENE

                  Face of Chaka -- the original one from "First Ones"
                  A human eyeball -- probably Sam's
                  Face of Chaka again
                  What looked to me like Jack's a skewed angle, from just
                  below the eyebrow area down
                  The scene from "Fire and Water" of Daniel burning in fire
                  A scene of human skulls -- counted at least five
                  An interior view (looking outside) of the ruins of what looked like a
                  A clip of Sam crying from the first remembered memory in "Jolinar's
                  Memories" aboard the cargo ship

                  SECOND TORTURE SCENE

                  Jack's face -- same distorted view
                  The human eyeball
                  This is a hard to describe -- a multi-barked spike (black) with what
                  looked black tendrils coming off of it -- can't think of anything
                  we've ever seen like this on the show -- or what it could represent
                  A HONKIN' big spider -- probably a tarantula
                  A clip of Sam from "The Devil You Know" when the Blood of Sokar was
                  being forced down her mouth
                  That HONKIN' big spider again
                  Oh, now this was interesting -- from "Abyss" -- Jack on Ba'al's
                  gravity torture grill -- towards the end of the episode, when he's
                  all done in
                  Clip of those human skulls again
                  Hmmm...a clip of what looked like another tendril, white, looked like
                  a piece of ganglia
                  That clip of Sam from "The Devil You Know" again, only this time
                  From "Serpent's Venom," Teal'c being tortured with the pain stick
                  And the last clip -- also interesting -- of a window -- a sashed
                  window -- night time outside the window -- possibly from sixth
                  season's "Nightwalkers?"

                  so how is it that she's seeing those images of Jack and Teal'c being tortured when she wasn't there? Did they describe them to her in great detail?

                  ship sistah

                  ship sistah

                  ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                    Originally posted by Catysg1

                    As for The replicator Sam ...well ..we all know she 's here so that she can kiss Jack sometimes in the episode "Gemini".

                    Or the real Sam can have the opportunity to lay one on him. It will be another ambiguous ending with Jack wondering who he kissed and Sam merely smiling. She could so get away with that! We should have someone in the military write a letter so that TPTB can get their anti-shipper regs straight.
                    "Woo-hoo! Sorry, I got caught up in Teal'c's enthusiasm."--Jack, "Tangent"


                      Howdy! Newbie here... I've been lurking for a bit, but wanted to pop in and add my thoughts on New Order.

                      Originally posted by TameFarrar

                      I was totally expecting NOTHING from Sam & Jack when they found her so the REALLY LONG LOOK AND SMILES was an added bonus to me and the hand on the leg was a nice touch. Plus Teal'c's look was another extra.
                      After reading the posts since late Friday afternoon, I was beginning to wonder if I was the only one who caught Teal'c's little knowing smile there. Everyone seems so disappointed with the ending. While I agree it was severely lacking emotion and conviction from Sam and Jack, one has to take into account that it's not just the two central characters, it's how the others around them react that also indicates Ship. That being the case here, I thought the ending was... satisfactory.... in terms of Ship. On top of this, I had that juicy little nugget from Chris Judge rolling around in my mind. The one about the plot of the episode he is writing for season 8... that someone will get married and someone will die in it. Yes, I believe Teal'c will be playing a BIG role in upcoming Sam/Jack events.

                      Besides, the whole final scene opens up a WORLD of possiblities for the fanfic writers!! *eyebrow wiggle*

                      As for the utterly disgusting mention of Kinsey and Sam from a few pages ago ... I have substantial faith that Sam will knock the ol' geezer squarely on his six if he tries to do anything to her. (And if she doesn't, I'm sure Jack will not hesitate to pulverize the jerk. Same goes for Pete, or any other dork with a more-than-schoolboy crush on his Sam! )
                      Mandy _|,,|


                        Originally posted by waterfall
                        I had a comment on something in "New Order" that I haven't seen anyone else
                        comment on so I think I will.
                        To me it stuck out like a sore thumb it was just sooo out of place.
                        The scene was when Thor had to revive Jack,and what was said was just weird to me.

                        Jack: Oye,what a headache
                        Daniel:Take it easy, you've been through a lot
                        Jack: What now?
                        Daniel:What's the last thing you remember?
                        Jack: Getting my head sucked by one of those dang Ancient head suckers,and something about twins

                        ?????????something about twins???????????
                        Where did *that* come from???
                        Then again he did have his brain connected to the Asguard computer and Thor really seemed desperate to pull him out and get his attention away from it,IMO.
                        Makes me wonder what the Asguard are up to.
                        In "The Fifth Race" Jack remembered everything he did,even if he didn't know why he did it.
                        This time all he remembered was when he stuck his head in the Ancient's head thingie,cause even if the freezing effected him, he probably wouldn't even have remembered that.
                        Kinda like someone tried to erase his memory, but kinda failed,due to the fact that he could fire that weapon, even if he didn't know what it was.

                        This could get very interesting........

                        well, this ancients experience was different and more powerful then the last, so maybe that's why the after effects were different.

                        When Jack talked about seeing twins I thought about "Gemini" and the two Carters (Sam and RepliCarter I'm thinkin') that's coming up. Maybe RepliCarter will tell Jack what's been on Carter's mind and jump start some ship.

                        ship sistah

                        ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                          Originally posted by getcarter
                          I can't find that thread. Is that the title of it? Oh well.... Remind me to read all the way before responding!!!!

                          I have now watched the episode so many times my head is spinning but now I'm maintly looking for the hidden stuff (looks, touches, etc.). I was just kind of glancing at the screen whenever they showed the "scary" stuff that Sam was supposed to be seeing and I swore I saw her face. So naturally I had to freeze frame the scene to see what the heck I just saw. Don't know much about most of it but there was definitely one clip of Daniel in the flames in Fire and Water and the part where she was crying when she was hypnotized in same eps.

                          I've read several times that the torture scene was too short or that she gave in too quickly. I agree that it was too short - she had some tremendous acting going on there, but we don't really know how long he had been toturing her. I can't see her breaking down over just two head invasions. I think it was alot longer, we just couldn't see it.

                          Speaking long was Jack frozen? No one really said or did I miss that part?
                          AT made those scenes, not the images. She's so great at being believeable upset. She's a great actress and when she cries, you feel it.

                          ship sistah

                          p.s. after saying all that-- I still wish the images had been a little scarier.

                          ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                            Originally posted by GoneShippin'
                            (((((sacme))))), go to your happy place. Have a cookie hon, a blue one. It IS unfair, but we shippers are hardy and strong...heck we hang our hope on the 5 little words!
                            BTW, we shouldn't look for much ship next week -- it's the Atlantis premiere and Jack and Daniel are in it for sure but I'm not sure about Sam and Teal'c.
                            I haven't finished reading yet, so forgive me if I'm repeating someone.

                            Sam and Teal'c can't be on Atlantis -don't ask me why- All I know is that it has something to do with lawyers, and stupid contracts or something.
                            ~BCM =)

                            Open Source Initiative (OSI)
                            The GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program


                              Originally posted by sacme
                              I find it a bit depressing that we have to go into this show expecting nothing. I really think it's right that we should have expected something. I hate being built up only to be let down. Ah well, the life of a shipper is not an easy one.

                              "Operator! I don't think my straps are on tight enough! Operator!"

                              ship sistah
                              LOL!! That's why I make vids. Otherwise I'd vomit--can't handle coasters at all! Have to work out all the ship angst somehow. I have a feeling that's why there's so much fanfic out there--folks working out ship angst. No, the life of a shipper is not an easy one. Just going to repost the vid I put up right before the premiere--

                              "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor--dedicated to the optimism of shippers. From our point of view, not really a shippy vid--just telling PTB that we are survivors of their stuPitity!
                              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                                Originally posted by Catysg1
                                *snip*As for The replicator Sam ...well ..we all know she 's here so that she can kiss Jack sometimes in the episode "Gemini".
                                hopefully, right in front of Sam and after she tells him about all of Sam's sexy dreams about him.

                                ship sistah

                                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =

