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    Originally posted by waterfall
    I had a comment on something in "New Order" that I haven't seen anyone else
    comment on so I think I will.
    To me it stuck out like a sore thumb it was just sooo out of place.
    The scene was when Thor had to revive Jack,and what was said was just weird to me.

    Jack: Oye,what a headache
    Daniel:Take it easy, you've been through a lot
    Jack: What now?
    Daniel:What's the last thing you remember?
    Jack: Getting my head sucked by one of those dang Ancient head suckers,and something about twins

    ?????????something about twins???????????
    Where did *that* come from???
    Then again he did have his brain connected to the Asguard computer and Thor really seemed desperate to pull him out and get his attention away from it,IMO.
    Makes me wonder what the Asguard are up to.
    In "The Fifth Race" Jack remembered everything he did,even if he didn't know why he did it.
    This time all he remembered was when he stuck his head in the Ancient's head thingie,cause even if the freezing effected him, he probably wouldn't even have remembered that.
    Kinda like someone tried to erase his memory, but kinda failed,due to the fact that he could fire that weapon, even if he didn't know what it was.

    This could get very interesting........

    Waterfall you may be on to something there....mmmm do you think The Asgard realized that Fifth was already making the Repli-Sam or was there something that the Asgard are doing in the cloning arena???? And you are right about *something* having to still be there or else how would Jack have known how to fire the weapon at all??
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Originally posted by waterfall
      I had a comment on something in "New Order" that I haven't seen anyone else
      comment on so I think I will.
      To me it stuck out like a sore thumb it was just sooo out of place.
      The scene was when Thor had to revive Jack,and what was said was just weird to me.

      Jack: Oye,what a headache
      Daniel:Take it easy, you've been through a lot
      Jack: What now?
      Daniel:What's the last thing you remember?
      Jack: Getting my head sucked by one of those dang Ancient head suckers,and something about twins

      ?????????something about twins???????????
      Where did *that* come from???
      Then again he did have his brain connected to the Asguard computer and Thor really seemed desperate to pull him out and get his attention away from it,IMO.
      Makes me wonder what the Asguard are up to.
      In "The Fifth Race" Jack remembered everything he did,even if he didn't know why he did it.
      This time all he remembered was when he stuck his head in the Ancient's head thingie,cause even if the freezing effected him, he probably wouldn't even have remembered that.
      Kinda like someone tried to erase his memory, but kinda failed,due to the fact that he could fire that weapon, even if he didn't know what it was.

      This could get very interesting........

      Maybe he was thinking about twin know like in Point of View...Hee!!! Well, it's worth a shot!!


        Originally posted by TameFarrar
        Waterfall you may be on to something there....mmmm do you think The Asgard realized that Fifth was already making the Repli-Sam or was there something that the Asgard are doing in the cloning arena???? And you are right about *something* having to still be there or else how would Jack have known how to fire the weapon at all??
        I really love the way you guys think, but I hate to say this, could it have been an adlib from RDA? You know what a yuckster he has been noted to be.
        That is what I thought when I heard him say that line.
        p.s. I hope I am wrong.


          Originally posted by zabbugh
          I really love the way you guys think, but I hate to say this, could it have been an adlib from RDA? You know what a yuckster he has been noted to be.
          That is what I thought when I heard him say that line.
          p.s. I hope I am wrong.
          definitely could be that as well Chris...he has been known to do that!! well we shall see what teh season unfolds I am sure!!
          btw I hope it means the Asgard need Sam and Jack to work on having
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            Originally posted by TameFarrar
            Waterfall you may be on to something there....mmmm do you think The Asgard realized that Fifth was already making the Repli-Sam or was there something that the Asgard are doing in the cloning arena???? And you are right about *something* having to still be there or else how would Jack have known how to fire the weapon at all??

            I think that the Asguard are desperate to save thier race from extinction and they have alot of knowledge in the area of genetics.
            With Jack, they know he is a big evolutionary step in the right direction,but not quite *it*.
            But if he were to have offspring with good genetic match, thier problembs of having a genetic template would be solved.
            Would the Asguard "make" thier own template if the two suitable people were not cooperative? (or have they already and are trying to hide it)
            The BIG question is,just how desperate are they??



              Originally posted by zabbugh
              Morjana, thank-you for posting your rundown of the torture scene over here!
              Again, I say WOW. How did you catch all of that?

              On a very slow by frame by frame advance on the VCR.

              The only "clip" I recognized immediately when it was playing on normal speed the first time was Chaka.

              Played it back this morning when the eyes were fresh so I could write down what was being shown.


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                Originally posted by zabbugh
                I really love the way you guys think, but I hate to say this, could it have been an adlib from RDA? You know what a yuckster he has been noted to be.
                That is what I thought when I heard him say that line.
                p.s. I hope I am wrong.
                My first thought as well was it was an ad-lib. It would be something RDA would say and be thinking. However, since Waterfall said it, RDA could have ad-libed it knowing what the end of the episode would be. I'm sure Amanda's naked scene was the talk of the studio. I wonder how many people they needed for the lights that day.

                They just love giving us food for our fertile minds. Kinda like the "black bikini" line in "Urgo". But that's ok; I like talking.

                Token ~


                  OK ..ALL I can say is ..I'm already fed up to see Doctor Weird's face

                  Not good for me for Atlantis

                  I really liked the Sam and Teal'c scenes IN PART ONE ....

                  hated the Pete and Sam scenes ...what a waste of time ...and money ...where was the Jack dream sequence ?????they take the good scenes away to show us the crappy scenes of Pete the stalker ...and now macho man ....blind me ....don't they have anything else to show they know who Sam and Jack is ????? You really wonder ...

                  The best and only scene is the last one total 2 minutes ...the wedding vow ....well reminded me of that ....the smiles ..the looks ...but really ...TPTB is really playing with the shippers ...there is no doubt about that in my mind ....

                  and I will never watch Atlantis to be honest ...I will spend my time ....and pleasure ...on something else.I will watch the end of sg1 ..but although deep down ..i know Sam and Jack will be togehter ....I now know that the end will be ambiguous ....and all we'll get is a fishing invitation amd no more ..

                  You can see by waching New order that TPTB is having a big problem to handle the Sam and Jack ship..

                  I may watch New order again to pick some clips for videos ..but there aren't many so won't be too difficult.

                  All in all ...disappointed ...except for the Sam and Teal'c scenes ..and the Jack and Sam SCENE at the very end .

                  As for The replicator Sam ...well ..we all know she 's here so that she can kiss Jack sometimes in the episode "Gemini".



                    Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                    New Order Spoilers

                    Personally I loved everything about this episode. I think this was one of the best episdoes so far. There was great team interaction. I loved the Sam/Teal'c stuff on the ship. There was great Jack/Daniel banter. There was lots of Thor. I think AT and Patrick Currie did a wonderful job in their scenes together. I found it really heart wrenching. And I did see concern on Jack's part for Sam. When the Asgard said they couldn't detect any life signs on the surface the look on Jack's face was anything but blase. I said before the premiere started that I wasn't expecting any ship so the absence of it didn't really bug me too much. I still think that this will be the season that the ship is resolved (seeing as how it's pretty much 100% that RDA won't be back next year) but I don't see it happening early in the season. So I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the show and content myself with the subtle ship of old until they finally decide to deal with the Sam/Jack ship head on.
                    I don't know how to not expect/want ship. Especially, after TLC and there being a Sam/Jack reunion in New Order. I don't know about any more ship coming up-- except maybe in the next Pete installment-- so maybe it will be easier now.

                    ship sistah

                    ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                      Originally posted by sacme
                      I'm sorry. I don't understand what you guys want the thread to do? Help. Please explain.

                      ship sistah
                      To update posts automatically
                      Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                      Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                      Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                      Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                        Originally posted by ses110
                        Sorry again mad gater but that is what 8 years of shipper fustration does to a person.After Lost City I cannot believe the ship was not better in New Order.I have pretty much lost all hope for any good Sam and Jack Ship.I need something really big to happen to change my mind.
                        Maybe this has been said already but they only had a few scenes together. Her rescue (nice smile there), his talk with them about taking the promotion (not much there sadly), and her promotion ceremony (wonderful looks there). While none of these were super shippy like Lost City, two out of three had nice looks and smiles between them--That's 67% ship! And for a season opener that's actually pretty good for TPTB. While I kind of missed the angst, I'm kind of GLAD they were smiling at each other for a change!!!!! One gets tired of making angsty vids and it's hard to make a happy vid when all they ever do is angst...just MHO.
                        Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                        Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                        Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                        Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                          Originally posted by bcmilco
                          I agree, I saw it coming too, and my eyes almost rolled out of my head. That makes ANOTHER one *shakes head*
                          Yep! Added him to my list of Carter's conquests as Stalker number 3. I kind of feel sorry for him though. Thought it was interesting that he is the first one that she actually came out and said *I'll never love you*. I'm hoping she was warming up for stuPit. We all know who she really loves and I think she's starting to know it too, even if she's going to INSIST on forcing it with stuPit for a while. I think I can get through the whole forcing it with stuPit though because you can't make a forced relationship work--no matter how hard you try...
                          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                            Originally posted by Ship Nana
                            I've decided that Jack wasn't worried because he had already read the script.

                            Just feeling snarky right now!!! Please forgive me!!! Besides there is no other reasonable excuse that Jack wouldn't notice that Sam was missing.
                            I kinda felt this way about a lot of the show. It's like they all knew that things were going to work out in the end, so they didn't expend too much time getting upset. Will Jack ever get unfrozen-- of course! Is Sam dead-- naaah! will we get a good shippy reunion-- fuggedaboutit!

                            ship sistah

                            ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                              Originally posted by sacme
                              vague evil, is only vaguely scary. I guess they didn't have time to go into it and I need to watch the show again to remember what images they did show, but I just remember thinking that Sam wouldn't be too scarred by this incident. We're still talking about Ba'al and what he did to Jack, though.

                              ship sistah

                              Several skully heads as well as a building(large house?) with many windows were shown. Somebody more familiar with the show than I might recognize it. I didn't.


                                Originally posted by Ship Nana
                                Spoiler Season 8

                                Seems like they went out of their way to avoid the ship. I mean what was that when Jack thought Sam was dead and Sam thought that she would lose Jack when he was frozen and they see each other for the first time and they say stupid lines like "glad to see ya, sir". I mean really. That wouldn't even happen in real life in the military. I mean give me a freakin break. TPTB had to really work hard to avoid ship.
                                You know, my hubs the army guy said that same thing about that not happening in the real military...interesting.
                                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!

