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    I guess at this time it will be the most fun we will have , you guys posting lovely pics and sharing it with your shipper family until TPTB come and face the music.

    avatar and sig by flidget


      Originally posted by BrenRen

      If I had my way, we'd have been boinking like bunnies years ago, sir.

      another caption;

      Sam; Hmm kinda small isn't it?

      Jack: That's not what you said last night.... oh you were talking about...

      Sam: Nope you had it right the first time.


        Hey there Birthday Girl!

        HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        I'll post a graphic later when my computer stops acting up!
        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


          Originally posted by mishy_mo
          another caption;

          Sam; Hmm kinda small isn't it?

          Jack: That's not what you said last night.... oh you were talking about...

          Sam: Nope you had it right the first time.
          MishyMo....that was sooooooooo funny. Maybe not for Jack

          avatar and sig by flidget


            Originally posted by Rogue
            I don't know. Are we having fun?
            i don't know-that is why I asked you first.
            Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

            "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


              LMAO!! You guys are too funny!! *sigh* I have a big test tomorrow- I'm retaking a GCSE I failed and ttomorrow is like half of it, I'm really nervous cus failling it two times!?!? That;s just embarrassing!! Also the teacher who is running it hates me so much!! He seems to think i'm just wasting his time(of course if i fail again that'll be true, lol) Anyway...Please keep up the pics and stuff. Love loads and loads!!
              LOl and if tahtw asn't enough!! Afriend of mine online as soon as I came online said
              "Are you sitting down, i have somthing to tell you" and of course everything was going through my head and suddenly i was like
              "OMG AMANDA'S HAD HER BABY!?!?!?!" and getting all exited, and asking wether it was aboy or a girl and generally freaking out and it wasn't even about Amanda!!! lol. It was bout Rick's envolvment with seson 9 and iwas sooo disspaointed that amanda hadn't had her baby!! But hey only- what 14 more days(if teh sprog isn't early or late)


                Originally posted by Sam fan
                LMAO!! You guys are too funny!! *sigh* I have a big test tomorrow- I'm retaking a GCSE I failed and ttomorrow is like half of it, I'm really nervous cus failling it two times!?!? That;s just embarrassing!! Also the teacher who is running it hates me so much!! He seems to think i'm just wasting his time(of course if i fail again that'll be true, lol) Anyway...Please keep up the pics and stuff. Love loads and loads!!
                Sam fan good luck on your GCSE

                avatar and sig by flidget


                  Originally posted by gatebee
                  MishyMo....that was sooooooooo funny. Maybe not for Jack
                  a little whumping never hurt anyone

                  so how we all doing today on this fine first of march?



                    Good luck!

                    I know how you feel - I've failed Higher English three times (two prelims and last year's exam)

                    I'm sure you'll do fine though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      Originally posted by sueKay

                      Good luck!

                      I know how you feel - I've failed Higher English three times (two prelims and last year's exam)

                      I'm sure you'll do fine though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                      Thanks huni!! English is the only thing I'm actually any good at!! lol. Scienceis just a pain in the Behind for me- and Maths!! Oh don't even go there!! I'm not the academic sort- i'm more the you know- writer or whatever isn't academic!


                        Happy Leaping Birthday Mishy Mo!
                        ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                          "where is everybody?!"


                            Hello this is a plea from a fellow shipper to all you photo sigged shippers out there. I've asked all the questions, followed all the suggestions and somehow I can't get my pics to work. I believe it be on account of these eeeeevil library computer that hate me. So I hearby give up on doing my own sig and am formally requesting that someone else do it for me. I'm not asking for anything fancy or anything. Just a nice ep clip from Divide and Conquer with the force field, or Lost City Pt. 1 engine room,that expresses the gist of my sig quote

                            "So many emotions, so few words"

                            Some silent and intense look.

                            If your willing to help just PM me and I'll get you my password.
                            I would really appreciate it. I'm so tired of my pictureless sig!!!!


                              Originally posted by Sam fan
                              "where is everybody?!"
                              At the sam/thor ship


                                Originally posted by lord-anubis
                                At the sam/thor ship
                                really? how does Jack feel about that?
                                Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                                "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda

