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    Originally posted by _Anubis
    yeah i use it for my siggy
    oh right, i'll have to try that some time...

    @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

    ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


      well here i am a great mile stone in my gator existance

      my 400th post

      and with that i thought i'd return to my true home with one message

      this took twelve takes!!!!!! 12!!!!!

      so sit back and enjoy the ship










        Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
        I can't wait for the Season 7 box set to come out in the UK! I want to see all the special features, there is loads of good shippy stuff from the pictures that i've seen!
        Well you'be jalous at me but here in Belgium I allready have Season 7.Funny thing is Season 7 appeared on boxset before the others do and season 1 did came out this month that I bought today
        Lord Zedd


          Originally posted by mishy_mo
          I wish they did that more often in the show.How many times did they kiss actually in the show?Does anybody keeping the score
          Lord Zedd


            Originally posted by mishy_mo
            well here i am a great mile stone in my gator existance

            my 400th post

            and with that i thought i'd return to my true home with one message

            this took twelve takes!!!!!! 12!!!!!

            so sit back and enjoy the ship









            Congrats on your 400th post!!

            And you know that it was probably perfect on the first take but RDA and AT felt that with a few more times they could improve it even more

            All I can say is, AT is one lucky woman! and I guess the guys would think that RDA was a lucky man!

            @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

            ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


              Originally posted by nickatell
              As you have read through my past posts I totally agree with you Marimba. As far as I am concerned RDA is the nucleus of Stargate, if you change and put someone else in his place than you might as well call the show Stargate Lost City or something. Consider for a minute Jack is the one who convinced Teal'c to change his mind and fight with the Tauri, it was Jack and Daniels relationship that carried over from the movie, and it is obviously Jack and Sam that has kept all of us shippers going this long, you remove Jack and you have a different show. Jack, for me has even made some of the bad writing a little better with his humor, his looks and his smile. I too am not a big fan of the Unas stories, but to me Beast of Burden was better because Jack was with Daniel and he kept the story moving rather than having Daniel and Chaka all the time. The stories like Icon, Nightwalkers, and even Covenant were klunkers to me, and what do you know Jack was non-existent in almost all of them.

              I also agree with ses110 the waiting has really been unbearable. As a shipper we do nothing but wait and then find out that we waited for nothing. Do you realize that what most of us are hoping for at the end of Season 8 is what we were hoping for at the break of Season 7, a kiss; then, we find out that the kiss, I mean ONE kiss, is not even real....then the conclusion of season 7 fills us with more hope and we wait again. Now as far as I am concerned the first half of season 8 was very lackluster and yet here we are again waiting through the hiatus so we can wait through each and every episode for a freakin REAL KISS (I of course want much more and I will live with that hope until the end of Season 8, and if it doesn't happen than there is no way in hell that they are going to keep me clued to the set waiting for the four RDA episodes, that I said before, Sam will probably not even be in two of them)

              After all of this, keeping in mind that the next season will include the same writers that have strung us along for eight years and suddenly minus the most important character they feel that they have such important stories to share with us that they need another season? Hello did I just fall off the turnip truck?

              If RDA and the rest of the cast agreed to it, I think either movies straight to DVDs or mini-series would be the way to go; if MGM and Sci-Fi played their cards right and with better stories, I could see this continuing for quite a while.

              I think we will get the kiss that we are waiting for and maybe more, but I don't think that TPTB are really capable of giving us what we really want, I think they have more than proven that to us. I am not trying to be a downer here, I think I am just being realistic. I hope (again hope) that I am wrong and thats what makes me a shipper.
              I getting to the point of thinking you are right and TPTB are a bunch of turkeys.
              Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
              My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                i've counted three in this reality (four if you include AU Sam)


                  Originally posted by mishy_mo
                  well here i am a great mile stone in my gator existance

                  my 400th post

                  and with that i thought i'd return to my true home with one message

                  this took twelve takes!!!!!! 12!!!!!

                  so sit back and enjoy the ship



                  Love that pic!


                    Originally posted by _Anubis
                    Well you'be jalous at me but here in Belgium I allready have Season 7.Funny thing is Season 7 appeared on boxset before the others do and season 1 did came out this month that I bought today
                    You have the Season 7 box set!??! Is it Region 1 or 2?
                    It is strange that Season 7 came out before Season 1 for you

                    @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                    ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                      Originally posted by _Anubis
                      I wish they did that more often in the show.How many times did they kiss actually in the show?Does anybody keeping the score
                      Well if it is our Jack and Sam then about 4 times.
                      2-3 times in Broca Divide
                      Once in Window of Oppertunity.

                      or in AU's add another 2 onto that.
                      Now obviously this is not enough. There should have been more kisses.


                        Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                        Congrats on your 400th post!!

                        And you know that it was probably perfect on the first take but RDA and AT felt that with a few more times they could improve it even more

                        All I can say is, AT is one lucky woman! and I guess the guys would think that RDA was a lucky man!
                        i know!!!!!!!


                        and thank you to shel aswell!


                          Originally posted by galaxy
                          Of course she thunks over him! She has eyes!

                          Besides I think that I've seen Sam/AT on the Jack/RDA thunk thread from time to time. She's in disquise of course you understand!!!
                          Ship Nana


                            Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill

                            I can't believe how much i've missed being here with my shipper family!
                            It looks like I have missed a lot and a lot of things seem to have changed since I last visited.
                            Nearly everybody's signatures have changed and nearly everyone's posts i've seen have got over6 green rep blocks!!
                            Its going to be hard for me to catch up with that! I think I still only have 2!

                            Caty sent me an e-mail yesterday wondering where I was and asking if I was ok and I just had to come back and see you all and let you know that I haven't deserted the shipper family, i'm still a die-hard Sam/Jack shipper and I still love you all!!
                            Its just that school coursework is piling up, i've got exams next week and my grandad spent last week in hospital so i thought it best to take a break and try to get everything sorted out.

                            Hope everyone is keeping well!

                            (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Shipper Family))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

                            Welcome Back Sam_o_Neill!

                            We missed ya!
                            Ship Nana


                              Originally posted by Zoser
                              I was under the weather for a few days and when I come back I have over 50 pages to catch up on, Major Clanger is here and I saw Carter kiss McKay. Is this an alternate Universe? Did I have an adverse reaction to the meds? Were those mushrooms the usual one I buy? I've been over the gutter for strength - my RDA of RDA but here I'm so confused!

                              Glad your feeling better!!!

                              I know what you mean about catching up. I just got back from a conference and there were pages and pages and pages to read. But well worth the read!
                              Ship Nana


                                Originally posted by _Anubis
                                I wish they did that more often in the show.How many times did they kiss actually in the show?Does anybody keeping the score
                                Well that would depend on if you count alternate universes, temporal paradoxes, dream sequences/hallucinations, and so forth. If you just mean ON-SCREEN kisses (real or not) I think the tally is something like:

                                3 (approximately) in Broca Divide
                                1 in Point of View
                                1 in Window of Opportunity (though I'm betting Jack did that loop more than once. I mean why wouldn't he?)
                                1 in Grace

                                So that's 6 on-screen. <Starfury waits for the inevitable correction>

                                BUT ultimately if you exclude all the wacky paradoxical/Alternate Reality/not real/under the influence of something kisses, then Jack and Sam have REALLY kissed a grand total of ZERO TIMES.

                                Hopefully that will be fixed and we'll get at LEAST SIX REAL KISSES before the end of season 8 to make up for all those NOT REAL ones.
                                Sam & Jack 'Ship...

