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    Originally posted by Lunar
    Whew! Time-restricted internet access ()is playing hob with keeping track of this thread!
    Have there been any more spoilers floating the shipper way?
    I saw the new Bridget Jones movie at the weekend by the way... Not really my kind of thing but it was very funny... and depressingly it reminded me a little of Stargate... gah... I *know* things are becoming to soap-like on a show when Bridget reminds me of it!
    (Although I do wanna say:
    Why can't we have some S/J RST like the Bridget/Mark scenes in this film??!! )

    Bridget Jones 1 had a lot of swearing in it ..Has movie 2 as much swearing?!!

    because I didn't know and I left my kids watch it on DVD (I thought it was only funny!!!) and when I realized the swearing it was nearly too late for me to stop the DVD.

    I thought "What a shame"!!Huhhhh...Swearing but why in a film like that one!!!!...I mean I understand the swearing in films like "Bad boys 2" because action , violence and all that ..but Bridget Jones ..Huhhhh.

    I don't like Renee Zellweger ..She always plays a dumb character ( and she seems like she plays the same character in all her films)..but I must say she was very brave to have put so much weight on to play the 2nd movie again

    I hope we'll never see Sam and Jack like the Bridget Jones diary movies characters ..It's funny but I don't think it's very romantic or sensual.

    and I think Sam and Jack can achieve true romance with full of sensuality when they lie down next to each other next time



      Originally posted by mishy_mo
      especially with her!!!!

      and i just found this nice little picy here

      I really like that shot. And look, she's looking at HIM! Wouldn't you just LOVE to have her job!!!


        night night everybody I'm going to have some shippy dreams tonight see ya tommorow
        Lord Zedd


          Originally posted by gatewatcher
          What nice pictures! I really liked the one with Don!
          Thank you!
          Me too!


            nickatell there's not much I could add to your Great post.You made great sense as usual.You make so much sense there is no way TPTB will do what your suggesting.I really feel very strongly that Stargate should end as a weekly series and move on to Bigger and better things.There's not much left to do for SG-1 as a weekly series.


              Originally posted by gatewatcher
              I really like that shot. And look, she's looking at HIM! Wouldn't you just LOVE to have her job!!!
              yeah just looking at him should be a job and i call shotgun!!!!

              i noticed shel was talking about cons earlier and i found the picture confirming the duc tape story teryl told me and sueKay and the other 98 people at the con in glasgow

              how do these guys get any work done??????


                Originally posted by Catysg1
                Bridget Jones 1 had a lot aof swearing in it ..Has movie 2 as much swearing?!!
                A fair bit. All done in a very middle class accent that makes it sound so much more... eh... civilised than when someone says those words behind me on the bus...

                I don't like Renee Zellweger ..She always play a dumb character (and she seems like she plays the same character in all her films)..but I must say she was very brave to have put so much weight on to play the 2nd movie again
                Pretty much in agreement here. But I hate the 'issue' the media made of her weight. It was a part, she made an effort to look it... where's the big deal here?!

                I hope we'll never see Sam and Jack like the Bridget Jones diary movies characters ..It's funny but I don't think it's very romantic.
                I don't think we ever would. It would be completely OOC for both parties! But at least Bridget gets some RST with the men she fancies! Which is more than what poor old Sam gets most of the time.

                But there was this subtle reminder of Stargate, an dparticularly Sam's quest to find a man that niggled at me throughout the film. Oh, ptb what have you done!? When a film like this reminds me of your work!


                  Originally posted by galaxy
                  Yes, that is the sweetest!! *sigh*
                  It looks like he is saying: "Can I keep her?"
                  I bet you had a wonderful time shelsfc!
                  LOL!! I never thought of that...
                  Yeah, it was great!!


                    Originally posted by Ship Nana
                    Half the reason I want the second half of Season 8 to start is so we can get new screen caps for your wonderful vid stories.

                    And if TPTB don't give us what we want, but I'm hoping they will, we have your creative story telling genius to do it for us!!!

                    Watch out TPTB, your may just get replaced by CATY!!!

                    Yeah with a few more clips ..I could have an excellent ending and you know what I'm looking forward to....
                    ...The Jack dream sequence in gemini. ..either Jack dreaming of Sam which I would prefer but still if it's Sam dreaming of Jack will be great because her fantasies Of Jack are very sensual too ..I'd love to see Jack's fantasies though ..just to give us a clue of how he sees Sam with him

                    Can't wait for the new episodes to start over here.



                      Cathy there's no reason why TPTB cannot have Scifi and a little romance mixed together.There are other Shows that have both without the show falling apart.What I wouldn't give to be in charge of Stargate for one day.


                        Originally posted by _Anubis
                        Well I'm off to bed now.I just saw the broca divide episode and the first commentment.I didn't know Jonas (not Quin) had proposed to Sam.She gave him back the ring and the guy was really nuts.And in the broca didvide how she kisses Jack and ask:don'tyou want me?
                        Ya know if my wife didn't mind me wearing headphones to bed I'd be playing her lines from the 'locker room' scene over and over all night long!!


                          Originally posted by mishy_mo
                          yeah just looking at him should be a job and i call shotgun!!!!

                          i noticed shel was talking about cons earlier and i found the picture confirming the duc tape story teryl told me and sueKay and the other 98 people at the con in glasgow

                          how do these guys get any work done??????
                          LOL! I don't think I've heard that story - was there some reason he was doing that, or was it just for the craic?


                            Originally posted by Catysg1
                            florence ..does it (Season 7) play in English too ?

                            I mean I 'm french but I prefer the original version ..and I really don't like Sam's french voice ...Do you?!!!....because I may get it from France then just to get a different shape for a change.

                            Yes, in French, English and Italian (I'm trying Italian right now and it's very funny Sam seems to speak so much and so fast ).
                            I'm used with Sam's french voice (on tv, we only have french voices. In fact, we never have films or tv shows in original version )
                            And all seasons have this shape too.

                            Caty, I've watched your video Thinking Over. I LOVE it !!! I didn't know this song before but I really like it. The scenes in black and white were very cool.
                            Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                              Originally posted by mishy_mo
                              well here i am a great mile stone in my gator existance

                              my 400th post

                              and with that i thought i'd return to my true home with one message

                              this took twelve takes!!!!!! 12!!!!!

                              so sit back and enjoy the ship









                              Shouldn't that have come with a shipper drill notice!!!! Nice!


                                michelleb keep those lectures coming.I'am a Big fan of Ship.It adds so much to a show or Movie.I got hooked on the Sam and Jack Ship earlier on and have no regrets.RDA and AT do such a great job I'am still shocked that not everyone is a Shipper.

