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    happy birthday waterfall!!!

    may your day be truly shippy


      Originally posted by CkiCki
      Hey Shipper Family! I haven't read or posted for a long time. I just want to say that I am still in shock that Sam said yes to Pete, but I'm holding out hope that somehow the engagement will be broken. Anyway...
      Mala! you are a creative genius. I absolutly adore your sig; it's a work of art! I am going to go visit your site right now to check out RDA...
      Thanks CkiCki re the sig! Obviously, I love THE MAN...

      and thanks for checking out my site (or sites, that is...if you go to my misc. pages you'll see all my other Shippy stuff ).


        Originally posted by estelle
        Yeah, you know ... somehow this doesn't make me feel any better. *pondering ... maybe I'm in a too bad company here ... all this weird people that shipped 10 years through UST and believe in a super-baby* .... *shakes head* ...
        LOL, I'm glad i didn't actually watch the x-files and get into the Mulder/Scully ship cause from what I hear it would of drove me crazy!
        And the super-baby thing is a little freaky but what do youexpect...its the x-files....

        I think I read a fic along these lines not so long ago. *mhh* I don't find that thought very comfortable though - I mean the idea about the advanced kid. Look how Sha're's son has to live ... I mean okay, so his mom is dead and his father is Apophis (little trauma inevitable here) but if Sam and Jack had a 'special' child could they keep it safe from all those that would love to get their fingers upon it?!
        Estelle xxx don't happen to have the link to that fic do you? or even remember the name of it?? It would be fun to read
        And you are right about the advanced baby thing...I never thought of it like that before But if the goa'uld don't know its an advanced baby then it wouldn't be such a problem..the asquard will only know because they've been studying humans and the know that Jack is Advanced..the goa'uld don' they?

        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


          From Tame (post 19791 from the archive)


          "After 8 Years......if all I get is a fishing invite and then fade to black.......well Shiplets I suggest you all just plan on staying away from the Shipper Thread that night because I will be a STARK RANTING LUNATIC!!!

          If the only TRUE romance, BOTH physical and emotional I get from TPTB is what has gone on with Sam & Pete and then I get to watch bits and pieces of this and that with Sam & Jack and then just the invite......Nope no way no how..... I will be pissing and moaning like you will not believe.

          Just thought I would give you all fair warning"

          I'm with you Tame!! If we come full circle back to this, then we suffered through the whole Pete fiasco for nothing. And they think they got letters after Chimera? There will be a shipper-howl heard around the world if this is all we get. I wanna SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE big time!!!

          s u g a r s h a k e r


            Originally posted by Athenaktt
            One word...Lovely.
            Originally posted by sugarshaker
            Thank you Mala!! That is the nicest card. I must confess, though, that a few years ago I went on the every-other-year plan and this is NOT my year. (Of course I said that last year too )

            Happy B-day to all Sept. shippers!
            So glad that you like the card! I'm sorry I haven't been keeping track of all the birthdays posted here, so if anyone has a list, please put it up and I'll be sure to put up the card again on your day (until you all get sick of seeing it! )

            psst! sugarshaker - no haiku birthday wishes to add?


              Just a quick post before I go to bed..
              I'm going back to school tomorrow after seven weeks off and i'm dreading it!

              When I get home I know i'm going to need something to cheer me up and I was wondering if any of you know of a shippy fan fic based around Window of Opportunity..where Sam is in the loop with Jack so they both remmber what they do...


              @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

              ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                Originally posted by Mala50
                Apologies to anyone I 'spoiled' with that Jack and beer bottle pic! I forgot some people haven't seen the episode yet (but I like looking at pix !):

                OK, these illustrate the scene described in the spoiler space above.
                But I loved the way they played that scene! Mainly because it looked like he wanted to kiss her so much, but didn't. Very angsty/shippy to my eyes.

                From Heroes Part 2:

                Definitely more sensuous that any potato head scene. He hugs better than most guys kiss.
                Last edited by Zoser; 07 September 2004, 05:02 PM.
                Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                  Originally posted by Mala50
                  Thanks, Tame!

                  (Of course you're still getting a special present from me! haven't figured out what WHEN was that date again??? )

                  Lesson #2 in photo manipping: Pesky production assistants who get in the way of what I really want to see MUST be zatted !
                  OY....thank goodness you are the genius you are.....Those production people are thie kiss scenes....RDA taking off his T-shirt....and all the other GOOD shots...sheesh...they make you work hard !!!!

                  Oh....the date.......well for those that maybe didn't know birthday is Sept. 17th and that leaves you with only 10 planning days

                  I plan to be a total *GOOFBALL* that day....
                  Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                    Happy Birthay Waterfall!!!


                      Originally posted by sugarshaker
                      From Tame (post 19791 from the archive)


                      "After 8 Years......if all I get is a fishing invite and then fade to black.......well Shiplets I suggest you all just plan on staying away from the Shipper Thread that night because I will be a STARK RANTING LUNATIC!!!

                      If the only TRUE romance, BOTH physical and emotional I get from TPTB is what has gone on with Sam & Pete and then I get to watch bits and pieces of this and that with Sam & Jack and then just the invite......Nope no way no how..... I will be pissing and moaning like you will not believe.

                      Just thought I would give you all fair warning"

                      I'm with you Tame!! If we come full circle back to this, then we suffered through the whole Pete fiasco for nothing. And they think they got letters after Chimera? There will be a shipper-howl heard around the world if this is all we get. I wanna SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE big time!!!

                      Yup, I think I will have to finally write my very first *You messed up BIG TIMT* letter if TPTB do something THAT silly
                      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                        Originally posted by Mala50

                        psst! sugarshaker - no haiku birthday wishes to add?

                        Hi Mala!

                        I'm afraid I'm all haikued out, probably much to the relief of everyone here

                        s u g a r s h a k e r


                          Originally posted by TameFarrar
                          OY....thank goodness you are the genius you are.....Those production people are thie kiss scenes....RDA taking off his T-shirt....and all the other GOOD shots...sheesh...they make you work hard !!!!

                          Oh....the date.......well for those that maybe didn't know birthday is Sept. 17th and that leaves you with only 10 planning days

                          I plan to be a total *GOOFBALL* that day....
                          OY!! It gets worse than this?!?!?!

                          I kid, I kid...


                            after 8 years of shipping that could easily send a mind over the edge.I'm only a three year shipper and I'm going INSANE!!!!!! So um if a certain cursed event does occur would you guys still want the s/j I mean would you still crave extra-matital shipping or would it be enough already?I mean we know Jack and Sam well enough that they'd never DO anything(unless they maybe lost their memories again)but if they do love each other that doesn't just STOP.So what do you think it would be like?I always think of 2010 when Jack calls whathisname her "Beloved Ambassador" but it'd be different with them still working together and jacks attitude being different and i was just wondering what you'd want to happen afterwords.Still hoping of course that After never comes.....


                              Originally posted by Mala50
                              In honor of all the S/J Shipper Birthdays coming up, I made a special Birthday Card for Shipper Family members. I know I won't be able to make a unique card for each and every one of you, so please consider this my official Sam/Jack Shipper Thread birthday wishes....

                              To Waterfall

                              Oh Mala. *big shippy sigh*


                                Originally posted by Mala50
                                In honor of all the S/J Shipper Birthdays coming up, I made a special Birthday Card for Shipper Family members. I know I won't be able to make a unique card for each and every one of you, so please consider this my official Sam/Jack Shipper Thread birthday wishes....

                                To Waterfall

                                WOW!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!
                                (wish it were my birthday everyday, I feel soooo special!!!)


