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    Originally posted by astronomicalchick
    Hey Shipper Family...

    Went along to the Wolf evening event in Glasgow tonight, to see Teryl, Dr Beckett (Paul McGillion) and Ronny Cox, but more importantly to meet up with SueKay and Mishy Mo. Promised I'd post some pics...
    Left to right:
    Mishy, Astro and Suekay
    And just to prove that Mishy and Suekay were real life bona-fide shippers here they are with all the kit...
    (sorry about the red-eye, I can't get my photoprogram to remove it!)

    Great pics Astro ..Look like the 3 of you had a fab time with the cookies and penguins too..and you make a smashing SGC team



      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
      Hey Shipper Family...

      Went along to the Wolf evening event in Glasgow tonight, to see Teryl, Dr Beckett (Paul McGillion) and Ronny Cox, but more importantly to meet up with SueKay and Mishy Mo. Promised I'd post some pics...

      Left to right:

      Mishy, Astro and Suekay

      And just to prove that Mishy and Suekay were real life bona-fide shippers here they are with all the kit...

      (sorry about the red-eye, I can't get my photoprogram to remove it!)
      Ey! Mishy, Astro and Suekay, nice pics!!
      It´s always cool to see the people of this forum. I wish I could post a pic of me (I have been seeing the thread "post pics of you"). Sadly my scanner died the day I formatted my PC.
      Sir, it's just a plant (Wal...ter).

      ...and you say his name is Pete Shannahan....I see.
      By the way, do you know his address??


        Originally posted by Rogue
        Heheheheheh and where is Sam in the meantime ??!!! ..Not with Daniel I hope!!!!!



          Originally posted by Rogue
          I couldn't resist this picture:
          Sir, it's just a plant (Wal...ter).

          ...and you say his name is Pete Shannahan....I see.
          By the way, do you know his address??


            Originally posted by astronomicalchick
            Hey Shipper Family...

            Went along to the Wolf evening event in Glasgow tonight, to see Teryl, Dr Beckett (Paul McGillion) and Ronny Cox, but more importantly to meet up with SueKay and Mishy Mo. Promised I'd post some pics...


            Left to right:

            Mishy, Astro and Suekay

            And just to prove that Mishy and Suekay were real life bona-fide shippers here they are with all the kit...


            (sorry about the red-eye, I can't get my photoprogram to remove it!)

            Sweet pics!!!!! With cookies!!!! And Penguins!!! *LOL*
            Looks like you had a great time!
            Thank you so much for posting them!


              Originally posted by galaxy
              I have the same problem.
              Sometimes it tooks so long for me to post something, cause I'm not sure about a word or I can't express myself the way I want to.
              And I don't want to talk about my poor english dictionary. It looks like crap.
              The cover is broken, the pages are loose.....and I miss some letters..
              It´s great!!! LOL
              I mean .. I´m not the only one!! Youhu!!! I wish I Knew english very well ...If I did I´d posted so many things....
              I´m so desperate that.. when I go to bed I start to read the diccionary.. although I love reading novels I read a little of the diccionary everynights...
              Sir, it's just a plant (Wal...ter).

              ...and you say his name is Pete Shannahan....I see.
              By the way, do you know his address??


                Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                Hey Shipper Family...

                Went along to the Wolf evening event in Glasgow tonight, to see Teryl, Dr Beckett (Paul McGillion) and Ronny Cox, but more importantly to meet up with SueKay and Mishy Mo. Promised I'd post some pics...


                Left to right:

                Mishy, Astro and Suekay

                And just to prove that Mishy and Suekay were real life bona-fide shippers here they are with all the kit...


                (sorry about the red-eye, I can't get my photoprogram to remove it!)
                Great pics Astrochick. You guys look great!


                  Originally posted by Rogue
                  I couldn't resist this picture:
                  ROFL!!! This is fantastic Rogue.


                    To ShipNana ...Come back to us full of energy Have a great time

                    To Marimba ...Congrats on your daughter's achievement

                    To Anubis ...Thank you for the gold cup awarded to the shipper family

                    To Token ....Love the shippy pic of the day

                    To Dipsoftjazz...Congrats on your fluorescent green Jello

                    To Mellyanna....Thank you for the lovely spoilers from Stargate magazine.

                    Anybody else I need to congratulate while I'm at it !!!???



                      Originally posted by Catysg1
                      To ShipNana ...Come back to us full of energy Have a great time

                      To Marimba ...Congrats on your daughter's achievement

                      To Anubis ...Thank you for the gold cup awarded to the shipper family

                      To Token ....Love the shippy pic of the day

                      To Dipsoftjazz...Congrats on your fluorescent green Jello

                      Anybody else I need to congratulate while I'm at it !!!???

                      yourself for becoming first prime lol


                        Originally posted by Catysg1
                        To _Anubis ...Thank you for the gold cup awarded to the shipper family Caty
                        you're welcome Anytime I just wonderd and I thought heey let's have an award
                        Lord Zedd


                          Originally posted by Pallas
                          It´s great!!! LOL
                          I mean .. I´m not the only one!! Youhu!!! I wish I Knew english very well ...If I did I´d posted so many things....
                          I´m so desperate that.. when I go to bed I start to read the diccionary.. although I love reading novels I read a little of the diccionary everynights...

                          Yeah, it becomes your best friend.


                            Originally posted by samisjacksgal
                            THIS VIDEO IS FANTASTIC LOVE THE EFFECTS

                            ((((SHIPPER FAMILY)))))) I RECOMEND THIS VID

                            ****EXCUSE ME HAVE TO GO WATCH AGAIN *****
                            Whoahooo ..That 's a big thank you samisjacksgal You're welcome
                            I loved the song and Armageddon is one of my favorite films...I like Bruce Willis a lot ..he is really cool and I loved making that video ..There were so many clips I could have used . but I love the ending I chose in that video ..Hehehehehe..Cheeky caty

                            Thank you sami..Enjoy it



                              Originally posted by Spiderman
                              Hello everybody I'm new here and I'm enjoying it so far so I thought let's check out the shipper thread.Looks great here Can I join the familly?
                              Hi Spidey I see you wear the black one.Guess the blue/red one is in the landry Anyhow Welcome to the shipper family.I think you'll love it here.The people are here very nice !!! That needed to be said ! Hope we'll see you around sometime
                              Lord Zedd


                                Originally posted by samisjacksgal
                                yourself for becoming first prime lol

                                LOL ..Yeah there is that ...but I didn't want to congratulate myself Nevertheless.. I made a wish for the occasion and it's a shippy Sam and Jack wish


