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    Originally posted by Spiderman

    So many cookies mm what do you recommand?
    all of them lol .....i myself have had a couple of pink, blue and purple tonight....excellent combination


      just 'cuz!

      Token ~


        mei mei's Special Happy Pill Shipper Cookie - They are made from the combined ingredients of mei mei's medicine cabinet. It allows shippers to be in a drugged induced haze to prevent them from losing their minds!

        I'm new here too so I'm gona have this one. They said you could lose your sanity and there should be a memo on your desk but I didn't see it LOL
        so you are now warnt kidding LOL
        Lord Zedd


          Originally posted by Spiderman
          Hello everybody I'm new here and I'm enjoying it so far so I thought let's check out the shipper thread.Looks great here Can I join the familly?
          Sure! I love Spiderman!! Love your outfit btw!
          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


            Originally posted by Token

            just 'cuz!

            can that be counted as a mini shipper drill ? my heart skipped a couple of beats then *pants*



              The Family is open to all those that want to call themselves a resident of ShipperTown!

              Token ~


                Originally posted by Athenaktt
                LOL...same here Lunar...same here Lunar.
                *Mei Mei slowly raises her hand while looking over her shoulder for the bosses....*

                I am suffering from CTC. Wonder if I could get disabilty for that so that I could stay home...


                  Originally posted by auralan
                  And now I know the subject for tonight's nightmares. *twitch*

                  Did you have to go there?
                  Ah-sorry Auralan. Didn't mean to cause a case of the twitches. But you know-people were talking about that scary man again-well still-and you know-sometimes I just can't resist.

                  Well okay I can-but basically I am just evil.

                  Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                  "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                    Originally posted by Token

                    just 'cuz!
                    Every time I see this picture, I've thought that there was something going on with AT beyond the story line. I wonder if Heroes was shot around the time of one of her miscarriages. I hope not!


                    Oh....I just wanna hug those two!


                      Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                      The episode that could possibly be worse is a Klingon speak Unas with Pete in it.

                      Maybe in the DVD release of Season 8 they could do Affinity in Klingon with a Unas mask on Pete.
                      Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                      My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                        Originally posted by samisjacksgal
                        can that be counted as a mini shipper drill ? my heart skipped a couple of beats then *pants*
                        Another heart check

                        Token ~


                          Originally posted by Spiderman
                          Hello everybody I'm new here and I'm enjoying it so far so I thought let's check out the shipper thread.Looks great here Can I join the familly?
                          Hey Spiderman! Welcome!!

                          And welcome to all the newbies I´ve missed too.
                          Sir, it's just a plant (Wal...ter).

                          ...and you say his name is Pete Shannahan....I see.
                          By the way, do you know his address??


                            Originally posted by Zoser
                            Maybe in the DVD release of Season 8 they could do Affinity in Klingon with a Unas mask on Pete.
                            laughing so hard at that image-i can barely contain myself. Well, maybe I had better-won't pay for the principal to come into my office and wonder why I am rolling on the floor laughing.

                            Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                            "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                              Originally posted by Pallas
                              Hey Spiderman! Welcome!!

                              And welcome to all the newbies I´ve missed too.
                              I'm a newbie too but I have organized an award and PICTURE NR 2 won If your intressed go see p 83 or p 98
                              Lord Zedd


                                Originally posted by Token
                                Another heart check


                                HUGE HUGE ******siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiggggggggggghhhhhhh*******

                                my heart is all warm and fuzzy now

