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    Hey everybody, Christy (Get Carter) and families and I went to Busch Gardens in Tampa last saturday (we had a GREAT time ) and we were discussing the movie "While You Were Sleeping" so tell me if this sounds familiar...
    She was gonna marry Peter (the coma guy aka kept in the dark ) because he asked her, when she really wanted Jack, but she didn't think Jack wanted her!!

    well, we thought it was funny.....



      Originally posted by Pallas
      Indeed it was.
      The thing is i´m more a lurker than a ...poster??? (I´m not sure if that is the word) cos sometimes it takes me much time to write a post (I have to use a diccionary most of the times.. ). Thats why I don´t post very much although I always read all the post of the sipper family.
      Originally posted by galaxy
      I have the same problem.
      Sometimes it tooks so long for me to post something, cause I'm not sure about a word or I can't express myself the way I want to.
      And I don't want to talk about my poor english dictionary. It looks like crap.
      The cover is broken, the pages are loose.....and I miss some letters..
      Please please don't let the language EVER stop you We do want to read what you think ALWAYS!!!!!
      ((((((((Pallas))))))))) ((((((((((Galaxy))))))))))
      Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


        Originally posted by waterfall
        Hey everybody, Christy (Get Carter) and families and I went to Busch Gardens in Tampa last saturday (we had a GREAT time ) and we were discussing the movie "While You Were Sleeping" so tell me if this sounds familiar...
        She was gonna marry Peter (the coma guy aka kept in the dark ) because he asked her, when she really wanted Jack, but she didn't think Jack wanted her!!

        well, we thought it was funny.....

        Still gonna watch that movie again this weekend. I'm just gonna close my eyes and pretend!


          Originally posted by waterfall
          Naw, wouldn't wanna insult the Klingons

          Great minds Waterfall ...great minds ....that was the first thing I thought of too
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            Originally posted by Catysg1
            Whoahooo ..That 's a big thank you samisjacksgal You're welcome
            I loved the song and Armageddon is one of my favorite films...I like Bruce Willis a lot ..he is really cool and I loved making that video ..There were so many clips I could have used . but I love the ending I chose in that video ..Hehehehehe..Cheeky caty

            Thank you sami..Enjoy it

            Add my WOW to Sami

            Great Job Caty!! and CONGRATULATIONS FIRST PRIME!!!!
            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


              Originally posted by sugarshaker
              Have they even mentioned Janet this season?

              Pierre Bernard may have said it's going to be "dealt with" but that can still mean a lot of things.

              For me, the problem isn't simply that they have to compensate for the events of Chimera and Affinity; they also have to compensate for all those "Pete, Pete, Pete" interviews at the beginning of the season, PLUS AT's statement in the Lowdown that there was "a LOT of VERY POSITIVE response to Pete", PLUS RCC saying we have "issues," PLUS AT reportedly saying "tough" to the unhappy state of the shippers, PLUS that interview with DDL saying he's going to be in 4 episodes, PLUS.... well, you get the idea.

              This whole Pete thing has built up a momentum beyond what happened in those two episodes.

              I really don't think they gonna do the ..."I love you....
              ...but "scenario .

              What would be the point behind that anyway??!!!

              ...unless they want to upset most fans ..and they said most fans will be satisfied ..and Sam and Jack shippers are the majority concerning ship anyway .

              Pete is not part of the Stargate programm and to have Sam finish the series with him as husband would mean that what they showed between Sam and Jack all those years ..what they went through ..meant nothing .

              Sam and Jack have a strong bond..that they formed during all those 8 years ..Something beautiful is bound to come out of those 8 years .



                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                The PTB have brains???? They don't seem to be using them very well so far!
                ROFL!!!!! I know it was a stretch Bev but I thought maybe no one catch that
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  Originally posted by getcarter
                  I was reading AT's interview in the new SG-1 magazine this morning and I found it really interesting that, while the article mentioned her relationship with Pete, She did not. For a while there every time there was an interview, she couldn't say enough about him and now all of the sudden there is does my heart good! Of course she didn't mention Jack either but I'm overlooking that point.

                  I've had very limited access to spoilers (which I'm told there aren't many of anyway) but I'm still feeling ridiculously positive about the second half of the season. I know there will never be a sweeping romantic guesture or anything of that nature, and to be honest I don't know that I'd ever want to see that, it would be out of character for these two, but I'm hoping that TPTB will take pity on our ship starved little souls and give us something to really talk about.
                  Well said Getcarter!!!!! But I won't *die* if they *do* have an all sweeping romantic gesture

                  And Pity...I can take some pity from TPTB....we aren't above pity
                  Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                    Originally posted by Catysg1
                    I really don't think they gonna do the ..."I love you....
                    ...but "scenario .

                    What would be the point behind that anyway??!!!

                    ...unless they want to upset most fans ..and they said most fans will be satisfied ..and Sam and Jack shippers are the majority concerning ship anyway .

                    Pete is not part of the Stargate programm and to have Sam finish the series with him as husband would mean that what they showed between Sam and Jack all those years ..what they went through ..meant nothing .

                    Sam and Jack have a strong bond..that they formed during all those 8 years ..Something beautiful is bound to come out of those 8 years .

                    Thank you for your kind words of wisdom. I was just having a "Pete Attack" and needed to settle down.

                    s u g a r s h a k e r


                      Originally posted by Spiderman
                      Hello everybody I'm new here and I'm enjoying it so far so I thought let's check out the shipper thread.Looks great here Can I join the familly?
                      I'm a newbie here to and this is one awesome place to hang out and talk ship. They'll take care of you here. Welcome shipper! Enjoy the if I can only catch up.


                        Originally posted by TameFarrar
                        Well said Getcarter!!!!! But I won't *die* if they *do* have an all sweeping romantic gesture

                        And Pity...I can take some pity from TPTB....we aren't above pity
                        Oh, I would love to see it too, believe me, with my imagination...let's just say they are quite happy.


                          Originally posted by AmberMoon
                          I'm a newbie here to and this is one awesome place to hang out and talk ship. They'll take care of you here. Welcome shipper! Enjoy the if I can only catch up.

                          Hi to all the newbies. Grab a few cookies and post lots.
                          By the NEVER catch up with this thread!!!


                            Originally posted by sugarshaker
                            Thank you for your kind words of wisdom. I was just having a "Pete Attack" and needed to settle down.

                            LOL .. ....."Pete Attack" that reminded me of a film title ...

                            ....or also for a minute I imagined Pete as a dog but he couln't not attack anybody cuz he was a weak dog and not a good breed



                              Originally posted by TameFarrar
                              I am a bit behind Sally but I wanted to make sure you knew that you were NOT ALONE.........the answer to your question

                              it is NOT only you who is feeling this way
                              It is most definately not only you who is feeling this way



                                Originally posted by Token
                                Another heart check

                                You ever notice...RDA goes for the neck (blowing raspberries maybe) when he gives a hug! Boy would I love to be body double for that kind of action!

