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    Originally posted by astronomicalchick
    Hey Shipper Family...

    Went along to the Wolf evening event in Glasgow tonight, to see Teryl, Dr Beckett (Paul McGillion) and Ronny Cox, but more importantly to meet up with SueKay and Mishy Mo. Promised I'd post some pics...

    (this is to represent me shocked, not me disgusted)
    Okay I'm freaking out here. SueKay, I swear I *know* you from somewhere. I recognise your face... have you always lived in Scotland??
    Maybe I'm just going crazy but looking at that photo I got really bad deja-vu... (< meant in a *good* way)


      I´m gonna sleep so.. goodnight shipper family!!
      And.. for the americans..have a nice elections day!!!
      I´ll try to dream of s/j... one can only hope...
      Sir, it's just a plant (Wal...ter).

      ...and you say his name is Pete Shannahan....I see.
      By the way, do you know his address??


        Originally posted by Pallas
        I´m gonna sleep so.. goodnight shipper family!!
        And.. for the americans..have a nice elections day!!!
        I´ll try to dream of s/j... one can only hope...
        Same here I'm going to bed also but going to dream about my girlfriend So tired.Even a powerful Goa'uld as me needs sleep
        Lord Zedd


          Originally posted by Zoser
          Maybe in the DVD release of Season 8 they could do Affinity in Klingon with a Unas mask on Pete.
          Naw, wouldn't wanna insult the Klingons



            Originally posted by Pallas
            It´s great!!! LOL
            I mean .. I´m not the only one!! Youhu!!! I wish I Knew english very well ...If I did I´d posted so many things....
            I´m so desperate that.. when I go to bed I start to read the diccionary.. although I love reading novels I read a little of the diccionary everynights...
            I just wanted to say that you and Galaxy are doing just fine with your english. We can all understand what you are saying, and even though it takes time for you to write, please keep posting lots!


              Originally posted by Rogue
              For those of us who forgot what it looks like.
              WOW!!! It's been soooooo long, I almost forgot what it looked like!!!
              ...wait....what does it do again??? I think it's some kind of transportation device, right???
              *I'm being snarkey tonight!



                Originally posted by Catysg1
                To ShipNana ...Come back to us full of energy Have a great time

                To Marimba ...Congrats on your daughter's achievement

                To Anubis ...Thank you for the gold cup awarded to the shipper family

                To Token ....Love the shippy pic of the day

                To Dipsoftjazz...Congrats on your fluorescent green Jello

                To Mellyanna....Thank you for the lovely spoilers from Stargate magazine.

                Anybody else I need to congratulate while I'm at it !!!???

                LOL! Congratulations for you congratulatory post....oh and for becoming a First Prime!


                  Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                  Hey Shipper Family...

                  Went along to the Wolf evening event in Glasgow tonight, to see Teryl, Dr Beckett (Paul McGillion) and Ronny Cox, but more importantly to meet up with SueKay and Mishy Mo. Promised I'd post some pics...


                  Left to right:

                  Mishy, Astro and Suekay

                  And just to prove that Mishy and Suekay were real life bona-fide shippers here they are with all the kit...


                  (sorry about the red-eye, I can't get my photoprogram to remove it!)
                  Great pics!!


                    Originally posted by Lunar
                    (this is to represent me shocked, not me disgusted)
                    Okay I'm freaking out here. SueKay, I swear I *know* you from somewhere. I recognise your face... have you always lived in Scotland??
                    Maybe I'm just going crazy but looking at that photo I got really bad deja-vu... (< meant in a *good* way)

                    OMG (double shock)
                    I'm so glad you said that, because I thought exactly the same, the first time I saw a pic of sueKay. (was it in the foto-thread? I don't know) I just didn't want to say something, because I didn't want anyone to think I'm a freak (or a stalker like Pete *LOL*)
                    I thought I know her from TV, some BBC report, or something like that.
                    SueKay either you are cloned by the asgard, or you were on TV....*LOL*



                      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                      Hey Shipper Family...

                      Went along to the Wolf evening event in Glasgow tonight, to see Teryl, Dr Beckett (Paul McGillion) and Ronny Cox, but more importantly to meet up with SueKay and Mishy Mo. Promised I'd post some pics...


                      Left to right:

                      Mishy, Astro and Suekay

                      And just to prove that Mishy and Suekay were real life bona-fide shippers here they are with all the kit...


                      (sorry about the red-eye, I can't get my photoprogram to remove it!)
                      Thanks for posting these! It looks like you guys had a really good time!!! Funny though, Suekay you look a lot like my little sister (who is, ironically enough, the same age as you lol)! So cool that you guys got to meet like that! Were there any good shippy spoilers for SG-1? or even Atlantis? (I'm desperate lol)
                      Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                      Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                      Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                      Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                        I just wanted to say that you and Galaxy are doing just fine with your english. We can all understand what you are saying, and even though it takes time for you to write, please keep posting lots!
                        Thank you so much!! Now I´m going happy to bed
                        You see?? I think I´m suffering CTC(Compulsive thread checking), I logged out and then said to myself "ok, one last time" maybe there´s a new post...silly me!! Maybe?? There´s always a new post!! This thread goes very fast..
                        So this is the definitive one..good night to all of you!! I promise now I´m gonna go to bed (it´s already very late here, 24´36).
                        And BTW, congrats to caty for becoming a First Prime!!
                        Sir, it's just a plant (Wal...ter).

                        ...and you say his name is Pete Shannahan....I see.
                        By the way, do you know his address??


                          Hello Shippers!

                          Lunar - I've always lived in Scotland! (I do however, have one of those faces - everybody seems to know me!)


                          Brief con report ( too tired and sleep deprived to type up the full thing)


                          Kinsey does a mission for the SGC in his season wight appearance.

                          It was confirmed that season two will go ahead!

                          I gave Teryl, Ronny and Paul small sketches I drew of them. Teryl gave me a hug, and Paul gave me a kiss!!!!!

                          I'd like to point out that Beckett is sooooooo much hotter in RL.

                          Astro thought he looked average!

                          Full report and piccies tomorrow.

                          Apologies to Bev, Ibby and my friend Wendy - never got the autographs for you!

                          I would have needed to buy tickets for you all, and that would have been very expensive.

                          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                            Originally posted by majorsal
                            Sam's on crack, it's that simple.

                            Now, is it only me that's SICK OF PETE SHANAHAN!?!?!?!?!?!?!

                            *takes deep breaths*

                            Just needed to get that out of my system.

                            I am a bit behind Sally but I wanted to make sure you knew that you were NOT ALONE.........the answer to your question

                            it is NOT only you who is feeling this way
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Originally posted by sueKay
                              Apologies to Bev, Ibby and my friend Wendy - never got the autographs for you!
                              I would have needed to buy tickets for you all, and that would have been very expensive.

                              Glad you had a fabulous time SueKay We already saw a few pics ..but can't wait for yours .

                              As for autographs ....They even would not sign their names on a piece of paper for the fans ...I mean lots of Authors do it and even for the friends of some friends ..They sit at a table ...the fan hands over a piece of paper and all he/She has to do is signed that thing.

                              Well If I was famous ..I would do it for all the fans who love me and support me ... and for free ..Sometimes I really hate it when we have to pay for a signature ..specially after having paid for the entrance know an autograph for an extra fee!!!!!! Blind me's a bit mean

                              Anyway ...Is Teryl that short in real life ?!!!..and did you speak to her a little?!!!

                              ...And Sam and Jack forever together at the end of season 8

                              Last edited by Catysg1; 02 November 2004, 03:35 PM.


                                Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                                Really? Your collages are great, and it's lovely that you speak but, people complain about the funniest thing... (waiting for my red uns now *shrugs*)

                                bbfan welcome

                                *Astro wonders... bb.... bb... what could bb mean... hmm... wonders.. ponders... it's's a bit ..... wait.... Br... Bru... Bruce!*

                                Oh yeah... Bruce!

