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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Mala50
    But what about Pete??

    He comes with a ring!
    bahabhaa haa.....

    OMG that is so funny. All that is missing is the flaming penguin!



      Originally posted by Skydiver
      nah, trust me, if this were south park we'd have hit the pg-13 ceiling a loooonnnggg time ago

      and thanks for the points. i'll hit those 3 greens one of these days
      I think you just did!


        Originally posted by astronomicalchick
        bahabhaa haa.....

        OMG that is so funny. All that is missing is the flaming penguin!

        So what about Pete??? Even if he comes with a ring-it probably came out of a cracker jack box or the evidence room.

        Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

        "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


          Hey guys it's nice to finally have some time to post here! (Sadly, the curse of doing 3 sciences and maths AS levels!) Anyways, have I missed anything big in the way of gossip &/or spoilers? I think I'm really behind.

          So, speaking of Pete, I walked into my local video shop the other week only to find staring off the shelf at me (apparently DDL's in some straight-to-vid movie)! Nothing to do with David himself I assure you, he seems sweet, but it kinda ruined my day to be reminded of his alter ego. Nevermind, I have an iPod mini!!!!! That should cheer me up a bit!

          Speak 2 u again soon!
          Amber xx

          p.s. kinda OT but CONGRATS to Amanda & Alan!!!
          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

          My fanfic



            To Anakin,

            Joyeux anniversaire Delphine

            et pour petite Elodie

            Have a smashing day ..Don't thunk too much but still you can look a little

            Your friend ,Caty


              Originally posted by TameFarrar
              That was very poignant It would make for a very emotional moment all the way around.....I do like it I love crying at movies

              But as beautiful and touching as it is I would want more talking *between* the two of them...that would be my only addition

              yeah and a BIG SMOOCHIE........



                Originally posted by TameFarrar
                Which I have already seen...PRAISED and fawned all over

                A bit earlier I posted a suggestion that people take a moment to check out the *Talent* on this thread....... Don't pass up Andy867's vids Ya'all

                They are good

                I don't think people pass up the videos Andy ..They just don't answer....I suggest you put a hit counter on your website ...then you'll know for sure if they are popular or not

                I always comment if I watch one ..I think it's the least I can do ..I understand the dedication , the effort and the time for making those creations of love ..Unfortunately I haven't watched yours yet (too busy lately with my Halloween stuff!!)...but I will comment as soon as I see it ..You can count on me

                PS:Andy ... Just watched "A moment like this" love the song btw....very powerful and all the clips are great ..fits very well with the the slow motion and all those hugs and I'm sure you can't wait for some new fresh kisses to use in the new videos me ....It's getting a bit tiring all those old kisses ...still better than nothing but new hugs would be great ...not so many lately

                Last edited by Catysg1; 17 October 2004, 03:32 AM.


                  Originally posted by Mala50
                  But what about Pete??

                  He comes with a ring!
                  Oh. My. God.
                  "He comes with a ring!"
                  That is so funny.

                  I don't know why, but that reminds me of how I used to kill off my Kens, when I was a kid (there was always something like a car accident with Barbie's pink Porsche... )
                  Just thought I should mention that.....talking about a Pete doll


                    Originally posted by Lunar
                    I'm sorry, I just had to repost this pic!! Wow, I loved the episode so much.... it was all so, so UST in the first half, and then there was the love right there in part II when they hugged and, importantly, Jack says 'My love, Carter.' (Thanks again to michelleb for pointing that out to me!!). I'm sorry anti-shippers, but how can anyone possibly POSSIBLY say that these two have no chemistry??? And that Sam is the one doing all the running in their (none-existant) relationship???
                    I mean, the way their are on this screencap it really looks as if....
                    ....oh yeah, it's a PG forum, better stop that right there!!
                    When does Jack say "My love, Carter"?


                      Originally posted by shelsfc
                      [font=Comic Sans MS]
                      <snippety snip>
                      Hey, I just realised something! I can now officially read Mei Mei's famous NC17 fics!!
                      Hee hee

                      I'm 17 next month. So I'll be reading them soon too!
                      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                        Originally posted by Seven
                        When does Jack say "My love, Carter"?
                        I think it's Into The Fire, after he throws Hathor over, when he hugs Sam. Apparently you have to turn the volume up really high to hear it....I'll have to try it the next time it's on - my copy of it isn't the best!


                          Originally posted by majorsal
                          One question (OT nitpicking)

                          Why does Jack have an AK 47??
                          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                            Originally posted by Lunar
                            A grey rep point is one awarded by someone who can't yet award red or green ones. It's so they can leave a comment but they can't damage your rep (or conversely, add to it) if they haven't been here a while.
                            Talking of fanfiction, I finished Screwing Up... although there may be a sequel...
                            And I've added to Find What Was Lost.

                            Suekay is happy!!!!

                            I love sequels.

                            I'm planning a sequel to the General's Hell - There's gonna be even bigger happenings in it, and watch out for a certain cop!
                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)



                              Just caught up on the thread!

                              You lot were busy little posters last night weren't you???

                              OT- I've started a thread at off topic chatter, if anyone wants to post a piccy of themselves. Major Fisher's already done so!


                              SAM AND JACK ARE MEANT TO BE TOGETHER!


                              IT IS THEIR DESTINY!!!!!

                              So sweet and innocent aren't I???

                              PS- Thanks to all the lovely people who have given me rep points overnight!!!!! I feel loved!
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                                I think you just did!

                                whee, i did.

                                how cool!!!!
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


