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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by shelsfc
    Oh no, there's no need to do that!! Trust me, it would only make you feel worse!!
    Thank you. But see what this lack of emotional s/j ship has reduced me to? Answering as Teal'c! Arrrrrgggghhhh!
    Yepp, it's blank down here.


      Originally posted by samisjacksgal
      hey ship nana!!!! can i b added aswel plz plz plz

      This is for all the Shipper Family members who have SUFFERED through the entire, essentially Shippless, first half of the 8th Season and have the courage to stick it out! (This of course includes anyone who has watched the entire first half via any method!!) You must however, have watched every episode to date!


      is issued to the following Shippers:

      Ship Nana

      Ship Nana


        Originally posted by Ship Nana
        Caty in HONOR of YOU I am presenting another SHIPPER MEDAL OF COURAGE and you are the very FIRST recipient!

        This is for all the Shipper Family members who have SUFFERED through the entire, essentially Shippless, first half of the 8th Season! (This of course includes anyone who has watched the entire first half via any method!!) You must however, have watched every episode to date!


        is issued to the following Shippers:


        Thank you ShipNana You are so kind I suppose I over reacted a little ....Although the touches were nice .. ... it's TPTB's fault to make them ambiguous. ...I feel a little better ..May have to rewatch that scene ...may be I missed something

        Last edited by Catysg1; 11 September 2004, 02:35 PM.


          It'll work out in the end. Look at Ross and Rachel in Friends (and that was wrong - they shouldn't have gotten back together). They have to end up together in the end, always do. It's a cliché and we know how much tptb love their clichés!
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            Originally posted by SNY
            Hola shipper family!

            New vid! My first Atlantis vid! Enjoy!

            "Atlantis" (Action)

            Music: Escape from Mantua - "Romeo and Juliet" soundtrack
            Spoilers: Season 1 ("Rising")
            Size: 12 MB



            By the way - The most important ingredient in the spanish omelette ( the omelette of love) is... potato

            SNY!!!! What a COOL WONDERFUL GREAT...need more adjectives Video for Atlantis....Now if Sci-Fi used THAT...they wouldn't even need Star Gate as a lead in...

            What a awesome introduction to the show and just cool music. I loved the epic feel of the whole thing.

            Also thank you VERY much for the clip of Sam & Jack in the hallway I have watched that a few times and just gigled myself silly They are so cute
            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


              Originally posted by AmberLM
              Shameless plug: I've just put up my nu S/J music vid.

              It's to the song 'I Can't Be Your Friend' by Tim Rushlow.

              Someone asked me to do it a few weeks ago and I apologise to whoever it was because I've forgotten who asked me. Anyways, it's here:


              Feedback not essential but would be much appreciated!

              Amber xx
              Amber...What a sad song and yet THAT should be what we are hearing from Jack.....I love you...but I can't be your friend.......

              Good choices on all your clips!! I hope you get a chance to get some Non-fuzzy ones ...because you made some great choices and it really told a story with the song.

              I hope you keep making vids...we need as many S&J vid makers as we can get here in our final hours
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                Originally posted by Ship Nana
                This is for all the Shipper Family members who have SUFFERED through the entire, essentially Shippless, first half of the 8th Season and have the courage to stick it out! (This of course includes anyone who has watched the entire first half via any method!!) You must however, have watched every episode to date!

                SHIPPER MEDAL OF COURAGE!!!!!!!

                is issued to the following Shippers:

                Ship Nana

                Most definitely add me Ship Nana I have laughed, cried, suffered through every episode so far
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  We need to stop with the cuteness though and get some real action in there. Though would the real action have the same effect? The bottomless whoosh feeling in the tummy - come on, you know the one.

                  By the way, top Sam/Jack moment everyone?

                  Mine is Point of View where Jack mirrors back and Sam looks at the back of his head in confusion. Just that look - you can tell she's battling with all her emotions and feelings. It's just - wow.
                  Yepp, it's blank down here.


                    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                    Thank you. But see what this lack of emotional s/j ship has reduced me to? Answering as Teal'c! Arrrrrgggghhhh!
                    Well....there are worse people you could answer as! At least Teal'c is a shipper!


                      Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                      We need to stop with the cuteness though and get some real action in there. Though would the real action have the same effect? The bottomless whoosh feeling in the tummy - come on, you know the one.

                      By the way, top Sam/Jack moment everyone?

                      Mine is Point of View where Jack mirrors back and Sam looks at the back of his head in confusion. Just that look - you can tell she's battling with all her emotions and feelings. It's just - wow.
                      I would say that mine if the leaning on the shoulder in Metamorphisis. I loved the one in Beneath the Surface but they didn't know who they were. In Metamorphisis, it was like Sam was trying to draw strenghth and reassurance from Jack and telling him something at the same time. She figured she was a goner. Why worry about protocol?

                      Of course, that is just one that springs to mind... There are many others! One of my fav shippy moments is Sam in the locker room with Teal'c crying over Jack. That one just breaks my heart! Too bad she didn't remember the despair from that scene when he came back!


                        (((((((((((((((Estelle & Estelle's Mum)))))))))))))))))))
                        Best Wishes to your mum, hope she gets well soon

                        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                          By the way, top Sam/Jack moment everyone?
                          Divide & Conquer!! least until the end of the series when we get our resolution.


                            I can't wait to see Sacrifices!!
                            I haven't been able to download it all day but i've just found it and its downloading now

                            I'm really looking forward to this episode, i've been a naughty girl and read the spoilers that people have been posting I can't wait to see this Corridor scene between Sam and Jack w/touching!! and most people have been saying that its not exactly shippy, just friendly and i'm really happy about that!
                            I want to see Sam and Jack be frineds I know they are more than that but for the last few episodes at least it seems they ahven't been as close as they used to be, I want them to be comfortable around each other even with and their feelings for each other they are still friends and they should spend more time together outside of the SGC, it doesn't mean they are doing anything naughty does it??

                            Anyway, i'll watch the episode when I can, probably tomorrow and i'll post my opinions on it later

                            I'm really hoping we get to see more team interaction in the later episodes, I miss how Stargate used to be, and there has to be a proper briefing in one of the episode soon one with all of SG-1 sitting around a table talking about the up-coming mission, or else I think i'm going to crack!

                            @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                            ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                              Originally posted by Ship Nana
                              This is for all the Shipper Family members who have SUFFERED through the entire, essentially Shippless, first half of the 8th Season and have the courage to stick it out! (This of course includes anyone who has watched the entire first half via any method!!) You must however, have watched every episode to date!

                              SHIPPER MEDAL OF COURAGE!!!!!!!

                              is issued to the following Shippers:

                              Ship Nana

                              Oohh, please add my name! I've watched every episode this season so far.....sadly.



                                We should be happy with the friends thing. It's a start. They got so far apart that they forgot that they were friends in the first place. They need to reconcile that first, which they have, and then...

                                WHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *stomach just done a huge somersault with that whoopy S/J feeling*
                                Yepp, it's blank down here.

