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    Capt Rivet !!!!

    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Originally posted by Catysg1
      Spoiler Gemini

      Do you mean after she has the second dream sequence !!!!!....She had the first one in "New order "about Pete.....then in "Gemini "..she may have the Jack dream sequence...and you think this will make her realize what she is doing wrong is it what you mean?!!!
      I hope so I would think this would be the point of those 2 scenes really.

      New Order & A$$inity
      Well, seeing as she had a dream sequence about Pete in New Order (brought on by Fifth of course) I really hope that the next dream sequence in Gemini will be about Jack and that will be one of the many things that makes her re-think the whole Pete situation

      and I noticed you quoted my post but it was actually Tracy who came up with the idea....

      @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

      ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


        Okay people, don't shoot but..
        what's all this fuss about that touching scene? It was awkward..but in a bad seemed a really stupid S/J touch thrown to the miserable shippers who have been complaining bitterly about the lack of ship... and Sam seemed quite annoyed about the fact Jack was actually touching her...

        Okay, I've only seen it on squinty (Thanks SNY!!) but c'mon folks...
        we could have had a *lot* more than this... If this is the sum total of what we're in getting Season 8
        I'm seriously considering leaving this fandom...


          Originally posted by Tracy Jane
          By the way, top Sam/Jack moment everyone?

          Mine is Point of View where Jack mirrors back and Sam looks at the back of his head in confusion. Just that look - you can tell she's battling with all her emotions and feelings. It's just - wow.
          I liked the scene between Jack and Sam in Small Victories. Jack visits Sam in her lab. She is looking at a piece of a replicator and puts his face real close to the magnifing glass and asked "Whats you doing". There was some major flirting going on. That was the start of the ship in season 4.
          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



            Favourite ship scene is in the season 2 finale/ season 3 opener. That hug... and of course the secret ship MichelleB revealed to me...
            Everyone here knows about that now, don't they?


              Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
              I believe relationships work best when you're friends first and as much as I love the S/J hugs and kisses I do prefer the subtle ship scenes, like the corridor scene in Zero Hour and that scene in 48 hours....I know what i'm talking about

              I want TPTB to give us a nice shippy lead up to the end, starting off with just the nice friendly scenes and building up to something BIG!! and by BIG I mean HUGE!!!
              Please PTB! We've put up with Pete for A WHOLE SEASON so we deserve it, and you know it!

              The scene in zero hour was great ..I prefer it to the scene in Sacrifices ..probably because we got to see some real big close ups of their faces. Got to be that Close ups ....I love close ups . .... ..I also loved the promotion scene in New order ..that was smashing ...and the smiles were great.



                Originally posted by Ship Nana
                This is for all the Shipper Family members who have SUFFERED through the entire, essentially Shippless, first half of the 8th Season and have the courage to stick it out! (This of course includes anyone who has watched the entire first half via any method!!) You must however, have watched every episode to date!

                SHIPPER MEDAL OF COURAGE!!!!!!!

                is issued to the following Shippers:

                Ship Nana

                I have suffered - can't you see how nuts it has made me.
                Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                  Originally posted by Lunar
                  Favourite ship scene is in the season 2 finale/ season 3 opener. That hug... and of course the secret ship MichelleB revealed to me...
                  Everyone here knows about that now, don't they?
                  I remeber hearing something about that but I can't seem to remember what it actually was *Bad Shipper, Bad,Bad shipper!*

                  Could you please, remind me what it was?? and I promise I won't forget it again....

                  BTW my favourite ship moment...I like different ones depending what kind of mood i'm in but today i'd say the Heroes hug and the cuddle in Death Knell are my faves So sweet...lovely

                  @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                  ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                    Originally posted by Lunar
                    Okay people, don't shoot but..
                    what's all this fuss about that touching scene? It was awkward..but in a bad seemed a really stupid S/J touch thrown to the miserable shippers who have been complaining bitterly about the lack of ship... and Sam seemed quite annoyed about the fact Jack was actually touching her...

                    Okay, I've only seen it on squinty (Thanks SNY!!) but c'mon folks... we could have hd a *lot* more than this... If this is the sum total of what we're in getting Season 8I'm seriously considering leaving this fandom...

                    Well now See I really didn't Sam's expression as annoyed and I saw it on the big screen.
                    They both just looked like.........well like Jack was at the end of a rope and he grabbed onto Sam to tell him it would be alright........ A manic moment if you will and Jack wasn't afraid to grab her and Sam wasn't was the fact that they were just standing there that made it cute........Like ok you can let go it will be ok and then the added Sam turning Jack around from staring at half dressed Jaffa women was again very natural and they just kept talking. So While it was more Friendshippy it was sweet and it showed them being comfortable with each other.
                    AND she IS still with Potao Boy so.........we really aren't expecting much........

                    I wish we had a crystal ball for you Lunar and could tell you it is all going to work out......But we don't..... BUT I can offer you the CONTINUED love and support of the BEST SHIPPER GROUP in the world and we will be here for you!!!!
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      We'll get through it, and the fic won't be finished for ages. It's about ten episodes long (A mini series) but each ep is four to five chapters long and it's majorly difficult. Oh, and my addiction to this board's not helping matters.

                      I'll upload the first half before I go to Germany and the rest at Christmas or something. Or all at Christmas as a shipper present. That way I may have some idea of Jacob Carter's fate. I have a fabulous part for him in the fic, but if something happens.....
                      Yepp, it's blank down here.


                        Originally posted by Catysg1
                        The scene in zero hour was great ..I prefer it to the scene in Sacrifices ..probably because we got to see some real big close ups of their faces. Got to be that Close ups ....I love close ups . .... ..I also loved the promotion scene in New order ..that was smashing ...and the smiles were great.

                        Well I haven't seen Sacrifices yet so I can compare but both scenes you mentioned were great
                        and I do like the Promotion scene, the closest we'll probably get to Sam and JAck exchanging vows *ok,so you are probably thinking it was nothing like a wedding but i'm being creative today*

                        Close ups are always good, especially in scenes with Sam and Jack
                        Apart from the ones in A$$inity...the close up of Jack still breaks my heart!

                        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                          Ahh, thanks Tame... You made me feel a bit better.
                          I guess my expectations were just a little too high...
                          I want ship! *stamps foot*


                            Originally posted by Lunar
                            Okay people, don't shoot but..
                            what's all this fuss about that touching scene? It was awkward..but in a bad seemed a really stupid S/J touch thrown to the miserable shippers who have been complaining bitterly about the lack of ship... and Sam seemed quite annoyed about the fact Jack was actually touching her...

                            Okay, I've only seen it on squinty (Thanks SNY!!) but c'mon folks...
                            we could have had a *lot* more than this... If this is the sum total of what we're in getting Season 8
                            I'm seriously considering leaving this fandom...

                            Lunar ..Join me ...I thought I was the only one thinking that I started to think the same ...cuz I didn't see what the others saw....but that 's just me All I saw was 2 pals...and when I say pals I mean it ....could have been Daniel instead of Sam in that one .

                            oK May be they need to be platonic friends again to re-start a new fresh ship...but I was a bit disappointed with the scene's good but nothing special...and not to rave about ..also there were no close ups ...and I think close ups are important to feel a scene......I agree about the miserable shipper comment...I wonder what we'll get at the end ..probably the fishing invite...and a pat on the back.

                            Last edited by Catysg1; 11 September 2004, 03:21 PM.


                              Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                              I remeber hearing something about that but I can't seem to remember what it actually was *Bad Shipper, Bad,Bad shipper!*

                              Could you please, remind me what it was?? and I promise I won't forget it again....
                              well, as he chucks hathor over, he pauses for a second, then, if you turn the sound up really really high, and this works best on a dvd, he says 'my love..carter'


                              i love hidden ship. RDA sneaks little things in all the time.
                              Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                                Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                                Well I haven't seen Sacrifices yet so I can compare but both scenes you mentioned were great
                                and I do like the Promotion scene, the closest we'll probably get to Sam and JAck exchanging vows *ok,so you are probably thinking it was nothing like a wedding but i'm being creative today*

                                Close ups are always good, especially in scenes with Sam and Jack
                                Apart from the ones in A$$inity...the close up of Jack still breaks my heart!

                                Yeah I like close ups ..and may be the scene in Sacrifices was lacking of that for me to really like it ..I don't really know !!!!

                                ...and about New order ..I also thought about wedding see...I also included that scene in a video just where it says "I LOVE YOU"


