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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by sueKay

    That's okay! Everyday is a dumb day for me!

    It's still under construction, and soon, I'm gonna have a dedicated fic site.

    None of my stories are specifically shippy, but there is ship in each and every one (esp. The General's Hell)
    Hehe, I couldn't imagine to write "un-shippy Fics" Even if I plan to, it always turns shippy ...but then I'm still exercising with writing ..which reminds me I need to work on my latest one, if my ideas come back.

    The General's Hell sounds familiar. I might've read it. Sometimes I'm *so* behind with reviews. Will check it all out when I add your site!

    Steffi ~ A Shipper on Mission *weg*


      Originally posted by shelsfc
      Caty, I just watched your new vid, it's beautiful!!
      The way you have some of the clips rearranged is excellant! (And that is one lovely surprise!!)

      Hey's a sexy song because it's so beautiful and so soft need gentle clips on that one I love that song see sam and Jack can be sexy and shippy without being stuck to each other all the time The surprise ..!!!Which surprise !!!!!Hehehehe
      Thank you shelsfc



        Originally posted by sugarshaker
        Hey Shippers! (waves)

        First things first: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CATY!!!

        I'm back from my trip to Dallas! I missed you guys soooo much (((((Big Shipper Hug))))). Going almost 3 weeks without the shipper family is HARD!!!!

        What have I missed? Any exciting spoilers or announcements? Season 9? Who plays
        ? Any good shippy news (crosses fingers and toes)? If someone would please PM me an update, I would be soooo grateful.

        I watched the WoO commentary last night and it has me feeling especially shippy. On the scene where Jack dips Sam in THE KISS:

        "We needed him to quit the Air Force before he could actually exchange a lip lock with Carter." (As he dips her) "Ummmmm! Who's your DADDY! UMMMMMMMM!!!!!!! Any excuse to get these two characters to kiss."

        James Tichenor:
        "Everybody loves that. Everybody loves that. Who wouldn't want to see that?"

        I want to see it! And see it and see it and see it!! I want to see a whole episode of kiss, kiss kiss!!!


        We sure missed ya!!!
        Ship Nana


          Originally posted by sueKay

          Normally my mum ends up forcing the chocolate down my throat. She offers and I always say no. Then she takes umbrage (I can't speel) and force feeds me chocolate saying that 'no' isn't good enough!


          My wonderful parents! So balanced.

          See that's how I am so normal!!

          Back On Topic now
          LOL! I say no sometimes too... although it depends on which choccies they actually are!
          Aren't parents wonderful!

          I can forgive the little choccie thing though as she is sort of a shipper (well just that she thinks Sam and Jack are cute together ).


          By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

          My Livejournal

          My Myspace


            Caty, I finally got the page to load!! What a fantastic video...
            I have a question though which I'll PM you... wouldn't want to ruin that surprise!!


              Originally posted by eye of botox

              Penguins and Davis? You are brilliant. I *love* Paulie boy.

              CATY-Happy Birthday to You! [i'd sing, but really, who wants that.]
              OOohh that's cool. Thanks!

              Please feel free to join us in Major Paul's Paddling Pool (ie thunk thread), or should that be hot tub?


                Originally posted by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
                LOL! I say no sometimes too... although it depends on which choccies they actually are!
                Aren't parents wonderful!

                I can forgive the little choccie thing though as she is sort of a shipper (well just that she thinks Sam and Jack are cute together ).


                here's what my mum and dad have said on the subject of ship.

                Me: Do you think Sam and Jack would make a good couple.
                Dad: I thought they were a couple.
                Mum: Aren't they meant to be together?

                Note - My parents have seen less than a dozen episodes!
                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  Originally posted by sueKay

                  here's what my mum and dad have said on the subject of ship.

                  Me: Do you think Sam and Jack would make a good couple.
                  Dad: I thought they were a couple.
                  Mum: Aren't they meant to be together?

                  Note - My parents have seen less than a dozen episodes!

                  HAHAHAHAHA ..confused parents is it a sign of old age ?!!!!Oh bah ..I'm quite old *sigh* but I'm not like them YET I think I have a few more years before I get too confused with what's going on around me.



                    Nice new vid, Caty! And the surprise was indeed interesting. I also have a question as to where the surprise came from (that's not giving away anything, is it?). Hmm...

                    JOYEUX ANNIVERSAIRE! Happy Birthday!

                    Jack&Sam4Eva! (That sounded awfully valley-girly, but ah, what the heck!)


                      Originally posted by Catysg1
                      HAHAHAHAHA ..confused parents is it a sign of old age ?!!!!Oh bah ..I'm quite old *sigh* but I'm not like them YET I think I have a few more years before I get too confused with what's going on around me.

                      Caty - my parents are old enough to be your parents.

                      My mum's 52 (she says that Jack's hers because they're nearly the same age)
                      My dad's 62

                      You got a wee bitty to go before you become deited (is that a scottish word or is that a scottish word!)


                      updated my faceparty profile


                      go to the bottom - you'll all like te comment!
                      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                        Okay ppl

                        I'm looking for either an angsty Jack fic or a Dark Jack fic (black ops and stuff like that)

                        anyone know any good ones? They don't have to be ship.

                        Suekay is in an intense mood!
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          caty i hope you had a fantastic birthday,and i hope your family pampered you througout the day.

                          Once again never s usual you don't stop giving....
                          that video was great and loving and i loved the suprise how do you do it?

                          thank-you caty for being one of the greatest people i know...




                            Originally posted by sueKay
                            Okay ppl

                            I'm looking for either an angsty Jack fic or a Dark Jack fic (black ops and stuff like that)

                            anyone know any good ones? They don't have to be ship.

                            Suekay is in an intense mood!
                            Oops ..back to the fanfics Suekay

                            Oh yeah ..I'm not that old then ..I had 4 children but I was young when I had number 1

                            and you don't want ship in your fic!!!!!This is unusual coming from you Suekay!!!!

                            hey you know it's nearly midnight

                            Soon I'll hit the sack



                              Originally posted by wynter
                              caty i hope you had a fantastic birthday,and i hope your family pampered you througout the day.

                              Once again never s usual you don't stop giving....
                              that video was great and loving and i loved the suprise how do you do it?

                              thank-you caty for being one of the greatest people i know...

                              What surprise is that? Someone PM me, because I can't d/l vids and I have to know!
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                *Astro runs in traumatised*

                                That'll teach me for reading slash!


                                oh it's okay, I'm in the shipper thread...

                                No offence meant to slashers, just trying to see your point of view. Please no flaming of me or slashers but a shipper cookie or a hug would be nice

