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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    sam/daniel: damn.. thought Jack had already left for the day



      I posted that picture yesterday.. pop on today and I see a lot of plots (bunnies)..... Cool I wish I could do that *shighs*. Lol.... I hope I'm not to blame... I think I'll post more if it gives you ideas!! (joke).


        Originally posted by something_different View Post
        ...As for the sibling thing, I have two brothers. Let's just say they're not siblings like in our family. Siblings very rarely fit as well as they do or there'd be a whole lot more incest in the world!

        They click. There's something else and whether it was deliberate or not it's just there.
        AAAAAAHHH!!! That was disturbing!!! Oh my-...! Oh my-...! Holy cr-...! Good Lo-...! Holy shi-...! ..... *takes deep breath* Good grief! Bet you're wondering what the heck is wrong with me. And... I'll get to that in a minute...

        Jess! C'mere, girl!! Take this! *hands Jess a zat* You have got to stick up for yourself! You can go in any dang thread you want, don't let those insensitive careless fools run you out! Unless of course you wanted to stop posting there, but I thought you said that you didn't really want to, just kinda had to. But didn't you also say that it was only a few specific people being rude? What about the other people? Don't you have friends there? And this is totally nun o' my beeswax, so I'd better stop now... Just remember that you do have friends here. Of course, why am I telling you that. You already know.... I tend to say useless things...

        Anywho... back to where I was before: ...HOLY FREAKIN' COW!!! OK OK, maybe it is rare for siblings to get along like that, but it is in no why shape or form impossible! If I can finish my brother's sentences and visa versa and if we can literally read each other's minds and have five billion things in common and be interested in a lot of the same things... *another breath* then why, why, why, can't Sam and Daniel do it without people automatically assuming that they must be deeply in love? YES, they love each other very, very much... just like I love my brothers very, very much! I'm telling you, besides two of my cousins, my brothers are my best friends! We're so much alike it's scary! My dad even calls us "The clone/Irish/O'[edited because of personal info] twins"! We're the ones that take after that side of the family the most! But I digress! Don't worry, I'm in no why trying to bash your 'ship and I respect all of your opinions... but, sadly, this leads me to a bit of sad info... (what!? more bad news!?) I don't think I can keep posting in this thread... Don't get me wrong, I LOVE you guys! But, I really don't agree with S/D (as you know) and I don't think there's any room here for a "just friendshipper". I mean, come on, this is a 'ship thread, dedicated to S/D romance, and with all this "gutter fun" I just don't feel comfortable here... *sniff* I'm sorry guys! I'll see you.... in... other threads... (so why I'm making such a big deal about leaving I don't know)
        Last edited by Myn McGeek, Third Sentinel; 30 November 2006, 03:20 AM.
        Fandoms come and go, but geekiness lasts forever.

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          BTW, I hope everyone knows that I ddin't mean any offence by anything I said... If I did offend someone then I apologize profusely.

          AACK! I just gave away personal info! Editing above post...
          Fandoms come and go, but geekiness lasts forever.

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            *sniffle* MYN!!!!!! ok.. ya I can see how we would make it kinda uncomfortable... I know we are very sorry to see you leave, and hope you pop by from time to time to grace us with you presence... but I understand.

            Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



              DA - please post more pics!! if not for the sudden attack of the bunnies, then for our own enjoyment!!
              Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                Lol.... I'll see what I can dig up..... no pun intended...

                Oh and nice to meet you MYN!!.


                  Ok some how GW ate my post. Dang. So ... DA - please post more pics!! Besides that I think it's facinating, the bunnies it may happen to produce are well worth it... well except when you don't have time.. but to share the bunnies and share the pics is a good way of... sharing. lame, yes I know. go with it.

                  Edit: Frack it all!!! GW is playing tricks on me!!! WAAAAAA!!
                  Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                    About secret tunnels here is a pic of in side the wall of a 13 meter high broch.... its 2000 years old and still standing..... the stairs are terrible to climb up and down in, the are the same width of your heal!!!!!


                      very cool.


                        Have some catching up to do ... which is fine, cause it's great to see this thread so active!

                        Anyhoo thanks I'm glad you guys liked the captions! Here are two more...


                          Originally posted by JessM View Post
                          Have some catching up to do ... which is fine, cause it's great to see this thread so active!

                          Anyhoo thanks I'm glad you guys liked the captions! Here are two more...

                          Although I'm a Sam/Jack Shipper through and through I HAD to GREEN you for it!!!


                            Originally posted by pinguino_89 View Post
                            Hey, I'm very busy right now with my studies, but I left a link of a web about Sam/Daniel, it contains photos from episodes, manips.... and there're also pics of a convention....
                            (But I think that the photos can't be used without a permission)


                            I leave some pics:



                            Hey pinguino, great to see you again! Thanks for the link (love that site) and for the pics! I love Sam and Daniel in that ep! They look like such cute little twins with the boonies!


                              Originally posted by CKO View Post
                              offscreen voice: shut up and kiss already.
                              LOL I love that! I could SO picture one of the directors saying it...

                              I just made this silly thing:


                                Originally posted by CKO View Post
                                *pokes the thread* gotcha a nice WP..


                                Ooooh so pretty!! I love it!

