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Sam Carter/Daniel Jackson Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by rebelwriter03 View Post
    Just because AT and MS say they feel they are brother and sister doesn't mean we don't see them as more. Besides, I know some of us have siblings, and I for one am not THAT close to my brother. At all.

    Besides, I like their friendship and as the saying goes, best friends can make the best lovers... so who knows!
    Thank you! That is so true... And one thing that really bugs me is that some shippers I've run into, mostly S/J and D/V have said they don't even like the Sam/Daniel friendship. Even having these two as friends really bugs the heck out of them. But why? It's a harmless friendship (well, we may not see it as harmless and leading to something else... *grin*). I am not a S/J shipper but S/J friendship does not bug me at all. Even D/V friendship is okay. I just don't ship those pairings. It's a shame everyone can't be that way.

    Heehee, I had a sig banner that had that line... "best friends make the best lovers"... it was in a rotation I had up on, but their site got all wonky and my rotation was deleted


      one more caption thingie


        Originally posted by JessM View Post
        one more caption thingie


        Oh, Jess you're so naughty!


          LOL...I think someone needs to do a "hands check"


            Originally posted by daniels-assistant View Post
            Oh and nice to meet you MYN!!.
            Thanks! And welcome to the thread. I have to say, I think what you do is really cool! Even though it's OT, keep posting pics! Besides, it gives me another excuse to keep coming back here...

            Originally posted by rebelwriter03 View Post
            *sniffle* MYN!!!!!! ok.. ya I can see how we would make it kinda uncomfortable... I know we are very sorry to see you leave, and hope you pop by from time to time to grace us with you presence... but I understand.

            Originally posted by JessM View Post
            Awwww.... it's a shame ya gotta leave! I guess we have been posting upsetting stuff... but we do have some friendshippers stopping in now and then, so please feel free to visit us once in a while! A lot of us are friendshippers onscreen - it's just that tend to get quite active after that...heehee But we're equal opportunity shippers - "relationshippers" AND "friendshippers". Sorry that we drove you away
            Gee, thanks guys... *hugs to all* It's not... exactly... that you drove me away... I mean, you didn't drive me away, it's the S/D stuff that did... I guess what I'm trying to say is that you don't need to be sorry.

            And don't worry, I'm not gonna completely avoid this thread... so I will be popping in every now and then. But, as you know it's been a while since I posted at all already. It's been, like, over a month! The reason for that is my RL stuff has been getting...let's just say more complicated... and not getting any... easier. So, being uncomfortable with the S/D 'ship isn't the only reason. Sorry. Besides, there are plenty of other threads here!
            Fandoms come and go, but geekiness lasts forever.

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              Originally posted by JessM View Post
              See, I guess my problem is that I have no siblings and I've never met anyone who did have siblings that are that way, finishing each other's sentences, having stuff in common, enjoying each other's company... so call it ignorance on my part I guess
              Nah, it's not totally ignorance. As a few people here said, it is pretty rare to find families as close to each other as mine... And just because Sam and Daniel seem to act like brother and sister to me, it doesn't at all mean they can't fall in love... it would just feel weird to me... and AT and MS, apparently. But, I'm just one fan and how AT and MS feel doesn't really matter, either. And I have to admit, out of all the 'ships I think the S/D 'shippers are the nicest about it. So, keep on 'shipping!
              Fandoms come and go, but geekiness lasts forever.

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                Mmmm lots of good pictures..... *dirty thoughts*...... Everytime I come on this thread it puts me in a bad state .


                  Originally posted by JessM View Post
                  Someone wrote a S/D fic set after Fire and Water where they're all at Jack's house drinking and playing Scrabble and Sam suddenly asks Daniel if anyone's braided his hair. He says "why are you suddenly interested in my hair?" and she goes, "It's so pretty!!" much to Jack's amusement LOL. It leads to another Scrabble game between them and a bet on who wins and.... well lets just say she ends up braiding his hair It was a cool story. If anyone's interested in reading it I'll dig up the link for ya.
                  Isn't it that Pink Pajama story? Um... RowanDarkstar did? dang must cruise over to to look... i have it in my favs i think.... very good story - completley forgot about that line!!
                  Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                    pics.... mmmm.... pics...... It's not a good way to start the day thinking all guttery thoughts... but dang it is enjoyable!!! Gutters never looked so good!!
                    Hallowed are the ORI!!! And then shoot them!!



                      i like the gutter....... its so much fun


                        I e njoy gutter in many ways....... S/D and archaeology........


                          I will leave you with one last picture... its a broch and it 2000 years old. It 13 meters high.


                            well that would certainly get the bunnies a biting for challenges and fics..... Daniel would be one happy camper and Sam would be just as thrilled if she were to find technology *twacks the bunny...... nooo i have too many fics right now...... maybe i'll be nice and let you bite when i do rps.,*


                              Originally posted by rebelwriter03 View Post
                              Isn't it that Pink Pajama story? Um... RowanDarkstar did? dang must cruise over to to look... i have it in my favs i think.... very good story - completley forgot about that line!!
                              I was looking for that one but I couldn't find it anywhere...'s search function isn't working But I did find the story on SDR. It's Zorb's and it's called Hair. Here's the link!


                                Originally posted by Spacemonkey_Jackson View Post

                                Oh, Jess you're so naughty!
                                Heehee... I'm not usually this naughty, honest! Things just tend to happen when you're capping pics and your mind wanders and.... well......

                                Originally posted by Col.SamanthaCarter
                                LOL...I think someone needs to do a "hands check"
                                LOL! Sam! Daniel! Hands out where I can see 'em!

