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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Oh, bother. Bradly, why'd you have to make it so well? Now I'm torn between yours and Fugiman's. Arggh.

    The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


      all right. i think i worked out all kinks. no wait. *scraps Hyperdrive*. if we want a hyperdrive, that's IMO for the AC.

      Name: Aethon
      Type: Fighter
      Role: Multi-Role Combat Aircraft.
      Baseline cost: approx. 212 million (250 extra for a hyperdrive)
      Planned::1,280 (60 per colony, 200 for ships, and 120 for Earth)


      -approx. 12 meters in lenght, 4 meters in height and some 15 meters in width.
      ~can be changed according to the model

      -2x Scimitar (with rocket components)
      ~ hypersonic, hydrogen-fueled, air breathing, combined cycle rocket engine/precooled air turboramjet.[/i]
      ~this probably needs a link: this link
      ~in far less words, this engine is used for atmospheric flight and used to get into orbit.
      ~Atmospheric Flight: 1500m/s.

      -2x VASIMR-derived engine.
      ~this engine is used for space-travel.
      ~space flight speeds in SG are dubious anyway. it'll outmaneuver and outrun a Dart, although this is rarely done considering the fuel spent.

      -8x maneuvering rocket.
      ~in conjunction with the Inertial Dampeners, this allows VTOL.

      Power Generation:
      -the engines deliver basic power

      -a Mark I Naquahdah Generator powers the engines. this is a slightly modified version to output less energy, making it more efficient and long-lasting.

      -Hydrogen tanks (Propellant and fuel)

      [i]-Oxygen Tanks (Oxidizer)

      -Carbon Composite
      ~this is the "epidermis"

      ~this is the armor layer

      -Carbon fiber
      -Titanium/Chromium/Aluminium/Nickel alloy.

      Electronic Warfare:
      -Passive and Active sensor jamming

      -Sensor Confusion Drones
      ~Unguided rockets which mimic the heat and energy signature of the Aethon

      -Flares (to confuse heat-seaking missiles)

      -12 hardpoints
      ~weapons will be fitted differently per country.
      ~since our missiles are god among alien fighters, this isn't overkill. to my taste the F-302 never had enough missiles, considering the vast outnumbering they faced and the sheer effectiveness of the missiles at reducing enemy numbers.

      -standard long-range (modified) missile: AIM-54 Phoenix

      -standard mid-range (modified) missile: AIM-120 AMRAAM

      -Mk I Railgun
      ~10,000 rounds per minute (variable)

      [i]-Nuke Hardpoint.[/q]
      ~this is a structural "hardpoint" where -if necessary- a nuclear warhead can be attached in about 4-5 hours of work.

      Other technology:
      -Radar-immunity coating (like the X-301, this makes the fighter invisible to radar)
      -Inertial Dampeners.
      -HUD helment
      -Advanced targeting and computing systems
      -Advanced sensors
      -CIP ( Core Integrated Processor)
      ~A central "brain" capable of making damage assessments
      ~The CIP can make complex calculations, like estimating nuclear fallout
      ~essentially an Intelligent Flight Control System
      ~a secure Subspace Link is kept with a ship using CON.
      ~this is essentially CON for a fighter.
      ~Chimera can't fool sensors. it can, however, fool humans and aliens without such luxury.
      ~this optics projection system can generate a hologram around the ship. this allows it to mimic enemy aircraft, but also rocks and trees.
      ~if an Aethon has to land, the Chimera Optics Projection System conceals the craft according to the local environment.
      ~An Aethon can -for example- mimic a tel'tak, have the enemy get out of hiding in order to escape to their rescue ship, and then it simply mows down all opponents.
      ~the system is limited to a range of 80 meters, while a clear projection is limited to just 30 meters: after that, the trademark imperfections occur, the frequency of which increases as the distance increases.
      ~if desired i can remove this system in post-edit.

      total: 230 million (estimate)

      designer's notes:

      -fighters can only have so much power and cost/effectiveness ratio. i chose electronic warfare to make the difference. this doesn't make combat overly complicated: the CIP controls most of it anyway. either EW flares or anti-missile flares can be launched to confuse missiles and enemies (the CIP/CON system makes it ineffective to us).

      -this bird is expensive, but from the looks of it all fighters appear to be costed similarly. since lives do matter and our fighters always were superiority fighters, i'm all for high-quality.

      -again the missiles might seem much, but since they're god out there, we can never have enough. i'd prefer changing it to 4 missile drums carrying even more missiles. but people probably consider it overkill.

      -the ship's anti-radar coating is like the X-301, so advanced it doesn't show up on radar, at all. costly but great.

      -since every air force out there uses different weapons, this baby will too. depends on where it's built.

      -After edit options: if necessary i'll add an optional hyperdrive. missiles stay the same regardless.
      Last edited by thekillman; 01 July 2010, 01:41 AM.


        I'm sticking with my originals, should I post them again? And I don't have any time atm to do a full cost analysis, but they're fairly complete otherwise
        My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
        sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


          See that and CIWS are things I assume to be used anyway, hence why I didn't include that in my BB submission.
          actually it was never featured. additionally CIWS is a pretty useful system. inertial dampeners is fundamental, that you can skip. sensors too if there's nothing special. lifesupport too, if there's nothing special. CIWS however can vary.

          Bradley: it's CON, not COS. Central Optic Network, not System.

          should I post them again?


            Originally posted by thekillman View Post
            actually it was never featured. additionally CIWS is a pretty useful system. inertial dampeners is fundamental, that you can skip. sensors too if there's nothing special. lifesupport too, if there's nothing special. CIWS however can vary.

            Bradley: it's CON, not COS. Central Optic Network, not System.

            I poted my original F100 specs in a block with all the other ships back on page 73 They're basically upgraded F302's so I don't know if they'll be good enough I'm very short on time, because I'm posting from work here and we're quite busy this week
            My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
            sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


              Name: Medusa
              Class: Fighter
              Type: Command ship
              it's a fighter

              Size: 12mL, 26mW, 3mH
              Hull: Titanium/Trinum/Carbon Fibre

              Powerplant: 2x Type IIa Naquadah reactors

              a lot of power for such a small craft. Mark I generators are sufficient.

              Engines: 2x Primary Ion drives, 1x PJ (mckays) Hyperspace generator, 1x Inertial drive

              [b] unless the inertial drive is very weak (and i doubt we can even MAKE it that small) the ion engines are no use. aditionall it might be cheaper just to add maneuvering rockets.
              the hyperdrive is gonna use a lot more juice than anything else, i reccomend you drop it as the fighter has way too powerful reactors for the rest.

              Defences: Trinium reinforced hull plates, 1xOptional cloak/hyperspace replacement unit

              Weapons: 8x powered hardpoints, conventionally 4x 10mm Railguns per wing, 4xUnpowered hardpoints, usually 4x K-naq Ship to ship missiles

              seems like a lot of railguns. also i doubt we use Knaq since stargate pretty much retconned it

              Other: Neural relay and interface technology, advanced holographic mapping and communication technology, advanced AI

              expensive toys here.

              Name: Hydra
              Class: UCAV
              Type: Drone
              Size: 3mL, 2mW, 1mH
              Hull: Carbon fibre and conventional materials

              Powerplant: Naquadah feul cell
              Engines: 1x solid fuel rocket, 2x maneuvering thrusters
              Defences: 1x Shield
              Weapons: 5Mt Payload/self destruct, 1x 50mm Rail guns
              Other: Advanced AI, tracking, sensors and communication technology

              a shield on something this small?
              again the AI. redundant, anyone? also it's better to put everything you have on the medusa on a capital ship and be even safer, as no enemy will ignore the medusa's,

              The Hydra is an advanced drone developed by Earth to combat the increasing loss of life of Pilots in space combat. Not only are pilots human beings but they are also expensive and valuable, with a drone these risks are reduced and the combat viability of fighter warfare and interception increased. The Hydra is part two of a project to develop such a drone. A Single pilot from the Medusa command ships can control a swarm of drones that can attack, defend and intercept independantly and in concert with the squadren leader. Each pilot can network 24 drones through a Medusa, they are also able to network in to the missile defend and control systems of other vessels. This gives Medusa commanders a great role in a battle than perhaps any other commander. A medusa captain can salvage the destruction of another ship, by using technolgoy built in to virtually all missile systems they can patch in and control any missile, or drone in the fleet. Meaning a ship disabled or destroyed can still have its ordinance used to great tactical advantage. These abilities to patch in are limited in range unless boosted by a larger ship, and central facilities on carriers would serve this function.

              The hydras can be deployed independant of the Medusa's and their small size and powerful armaments make them an effective replacement for missiles in many circumstances. Their shield technology is derived from the technology the goauld hand device's, a small crystel which can generate a human size forcefield, ideal for equipping on the drones. Combine this with a single 50mm rail gun powered able to clear a path, these fighter drones are able to pack a nasty punch all the way to deploying a large or small payload in to an enemy vessel. Their shield technology can in the case of smaller ships allow them to survive the repulsive forces of other shield, although this works only for small shields such as those on an alkesh and nothing larger such as a hatak.

              also i do not understand why you didn't simply add more intelligent missiles? the hydras reek of redundancy and unnecessary advanced tech for the job. the AI, + targeting + good engines + nuke is sufficient.

              comments in quote.

              tep this is part opinion, i respect you, i'm just trying to help


                I poted my original F100 specs in a block with all the other ships back on page 73 They're basically upgraded F302's so I don't know if they'll be good enough I'm very short on time, because I'm posting from work here and we're quite busy this week
                the consensus seems to be that F-302's, modified or not are ready for the scrapyard. IMO they were outdated the moment we set foot on pegasus.


                  Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                  the consensus seems to be that F-302's, modified or not are ready for the scrapyard. IMO they were outdated the moment we set foot on pegasus.
                  That's what I thought. Hmm, ok how much time do we have left for submissions? Scratch that, I'll just enter the dropships/gunships later.
                  My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                  sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                    24:00 Zulu is in about two and a half hours, and for the purposes of voting that's when the day is over. Sometime shortly after that (hopefully) I'll post the submissions for everyone to see (like last time) and then we'll vote.

                    The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                      No they are fair points Killman, i dont like the design that much myself so its not one im going to be heart broken over lol but i think the idea of more intelligent drones/UCAV's and missiles is a route to look at rather than a more complex and expensive fighter that costs lives.
                      You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                      Stargate : Genesis |
                      Original Starship DesignThread
                      Sanctuary for all |
                      11000! green me


                        Ok Colonel, I'll wait for the next round for the dropship/gunships and submit the AC401's
                        But if any of you need tech help on your fighters just pm me, I'll be glad to help
                        My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                        sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier



                          By the way, Commander, I feel I should inform you that I'm not actually in the Armed Forces. It's just my Username.

                          I hope there was no confusion.

                          The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                            Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post
                            Oh, bother. Bradly, why'd you have to make it so well? Now I'm torn between yours and Fugiman's. Arggh.
                            Glad to hear! i worked very hard on it!

                            Edit: i will also make some modications when people start to disect my design so please veryone start to pick appart it any tell me of anything that annoys you.
                            Last edited by bradly08; 30 June 2010, 12:56 PM.

                            "Oddly, this is familiar to you, as if it were from an old dream, but you can't exactly remember..."


                              Originally posted by Lt. Col. Mcoy View Post

                              By the way, Commander, I feel I should inform you that I'm not actually in the Armed Forces. It's just my Username.

                              I hope there was no confusion.
                              I know that Mcoy, I'm just feeling formal this week, getting ready for a presenation Friday for some brass BIG BRASS
                              My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                              sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                                can we get 24 extra hours? tomorrow i want to break down all models. we shouldn't rush this. there are more fighter designs than BB designs so we need a little more time. i want to get opinions from people too.

                                that leaves us some 26 hours left before voting

