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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Originally posted by colbmista View Post
    sheilds on a fighter isnt logical why waist a device like that on sucha small craft? its a waste of money


      Originally posted by colbmista View Post
      So keeping a pilot alive is a waste of money? And here I thought that us Earthlings valued life over money but I guess I was wrong

      EDIT: and because its tactical did you see when the Ori had a shield on their fighter the Jaffa didn't even know what was happening that is why we put a shield on it so we have the best fighter in the galaxy
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        its to expencive to mass produce such a device for sucha small craft i can see it being used on vessels the size of cargoships or gunships or puddle jumper sized crafts but a fighter it isnt logical yeha it will add on to a longer survivability in a space dog fight but its jsut pointless considering fighters were hardly ever used in the first place so why build the devices to just sit there and not get used?


          So pilots don't die isn't that simple enough reason?

          If not then this tech should be made for fighters because of the big tactical advantage it has

          EDIT: I guess I'm a bit of socialist when it comes to human life vs money spent, I'm ok with a big tax rate
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            all it would do is give the fighter a sligtly longer life span cuz the sheilds would what let it take 2-3 extra hits? its strength and practical use would be usless on a fighter unless u wanna strap a big arse naq generater on the back of the fighter to give the sheild the proper power requirments to funtion properly its a pointless device on a fighter


              I believe we beat them to the race for a smaller hyperdrive so why not a shield generator especially with all of the knowledge we have and all of the assets McKay, Carter, Tok'ra, Hebrian and all the others
              irrellevant, we got naquahdriah, but obviously that didn't work out properly.

              So keeping a pilot alive is a waste of money? And here I thought that us Earthlings valued life over money but I guess I was wrong
              cost/effectiveness ratio and acceptable losses are the keywords here

              i believe it's cheaper if our fighters blow up the enemy before they do the same


                Well I'm going to bed and I really don't want to fight about this anymore so I will just say that those 2-3 hits give the pilot a chance to fire back, flee, be beamed out, or just allowed to live a little longer so I really don't see why not unless you want fighters that get blown up in one hit instead and then its just a waste of a good pilot
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                  Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                  irrellevant, we got naquahdriah, but obviously that didn't work out properly.
                  A goa'uld made naquahdriah and I think it did work unless we didn't disable Anubis's mother ship and would you not say that we have progressed to the point that we can make a shield generator small enough to fit into a fighter, thus giving pilots more chances to live and fight again or are you saying that if a company like Lockheed Martin put millions of dollars and hired top scientist from Stargate Command, Area 51, and Atlantis and not just from earth but another planet who are years ahead of us they still could not build a shield generator for a fighter

                  cost/effectiveness ratio and acceptable losses are the keywords here

                  i believe it's cheaper if our fighters blow up the enemy before they do the same
                  I guess a death to you is a statistic while to me its a life (and yes I know this a fictional fleet) but still I would like to have both a way to kill and not be killed is that so wrong?
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                    A goa'uld made naquahdriah and I think it did work unless we didn't disable Anubis's mother ship and would you not say that we have progressed to the point that we can make a shield generator small enough to fit into a fighter, thus giving pilots more chances to live and fight again or are you saying that if a company like Lockheed Martin put millions of dollars and hired top scientist from Stargate Command, Area 51, and Atlantis and not just from earth but another planet who are years ahead of us they still could not build a shield generator for a fighter
                    the envisioned gunship will be bigger and i intend to shield it. but not the fighter. i think it's just more dead weight.

                    shield generator: more weight.
                    more power required :more weight
                    more weight, bigger engines
                    bigger engines, bigger powersource and more fuel.

                    since shields need to be made of naquahdriah, that means we add many tonnes if not dozens of tonnes, plus everything needs to be bigger.

                    if we shield our fighters we might as well scrap the class and go directly for gunboat-types.

                    I guess a death to you is a statistic while to me its a life (and yes I know this a fictional fleet) but still I would like to have both a way to kill and not be killed is that so wrong?
                    if this were true why don't we put more armor on RL fighters. because it's useless. we spend money on better engines so our fighters are faster, EW so we can dodge and destroy missiles, stealth so they don't see us, and better weapons so we can hit before WE can be hit. not armor.

                    IMO a death is tragic and sad, but inevitable. if the cost per unit is less, then we can more easily outnumber our enemy. besides obviously our fighters can take a hit.

                    missiles have shown to be utterly superior in every way. which is why my model has 12 hardpoints. 12 missiles to blow up 12 fighters in a single strike. if 10 Aethon's fight 120 Deathgliders then statistically my fighter wins. then i don't need no frakkin shield


                      A goa'uld made naquahdriah and I think it did work
                      why'd you think he do that? for superior technology. only, oh, wait, he paid for it with his life.


                        How is it dead weight if it saves lives?

                        But I get what you are saying, its just that I finally thought I designed a really good fighter that used different tech from different areas of stargate and then you come along and smash it to bits because its not realistic enough for you and not cost effective enough when this is a online virtual fleet about a fictional tv show so I thought it would be ok so I am sorry if I don't get all of the technobable that you and others usually do (which ruins this by the way because you guys get to into it to much a little is great but a lot is like watching paint dry but instead its you guys talking about stuff that applies to a fictional universe) and I have had to deal with for 2 fleets now and its getting a little tired about it to be honest (thats why I started in 3 but didn't end it, I mean you guys kept going over different sciences instead of making a story which this is about), this is fictional and yes I know its 'science' fiction but come on, I'm getting tired of defending my fighter for you people because "realistically" (the key word) this doesn't make sense and I'm not trying to add on an Asgard plasma weapon with a 1000 nukes and enough fire power to destroy a planet, I'm just adding two safety features that ensures our pilots safety

                        I guess all I am saying is that at the end of the day is my fighter the best one? I know McKoy's ship was the best and that is why he won
                        Last edited by fugiman; 03 July 2010, 12:24 AM.
                        Vote Anubis for President in 2012
                        A Face you Can Trust
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                        Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
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                          they are trying to make this fleet seem realistic and logical in this fiction we call stargate yeah there are tech we dotn ahve in real life but the whole waight ratio and funtion needs to come in to play as it does in real life as well if you want to get it to be as realistic as possable


                            it costs more money and power in every way.

                            our fighters -even F-302's - are vastly superior already, shields add needless costs.

                            there are such things as calculated costs. if people die, well that won't be the first time.

                            people will always die and there is a point where it's needless to add more protective systems since the costs outweigh the gains.

                            it's better to prevent damage than to take damage.


                              and I'm not trying to add on an Asgard plasma weapon with a 1000 nukes and enough fire power to destroy a planet
                              you fail to see the point. you did. but in a different manner. it's not just about firepower. it's not just about ridiculous defence.

                              seriously, if a PRISTINE alien spaceship were to land at Area 51, with hyperadvanced shields, hyperdrive, energy weapons and everything, would we be able to copy it that easily? in real life, hell no. in stargate the rules are a bit looser but still, i won't stand and watch earth reproduce stuff supposedly thousands of years ahead of us.


                                fugi i'm on your side regarding technobabble. i think it was a mistake. details were the mistake. and it was my mistake too

