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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    technically space pirates make no sense


      I was not talking about space pirates, I was talking about stealing/pirating stuff from the Goa'uld to make our lives easier. So I meant to say, we go out in a team, go to a Goa'uld base where we suspect to be able to capture a few Al'kesh/DGs, staff canons, naquadah, etc, take it and head back home FAST

      Ode aan Nederlandsch-Indië


        So basically hit and run tactics with strike teams? I like it, very tense starting scene forming in my mind at the moment.
        Why Lord has Paint foresaken my signature?


          Originally posted by locutes View Post
          I was not talking about space pirates, I was talking about stealing/pirating stuff from the Goa'uld to make our lives easier. So I meant to say, we go out in a team, go to a Goa'uld base where we suspect to be able to capture a few Al'kesh/DGs, staff canons, naquadah, etc, take it and head back home FAST
          Careful! that could only work as long as no one copies Apophis and put a return-home device in their ships. At first you should avoid targeting the same Goa'uld everytime.
          La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
          L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


            Originally posted by thekillman View Post
            technically space pirates make no sense
            really? how so? you dont think that if we humans got to the level of FTL travel we'd pirate on eachother?
            man you have a warped sence of reality.


              I still think we need to keep to the creation of a fleet of ships like we have in the other fleets, otherwise it's just fanfic.


                every thing in the gvf series is fan fic lol


                  Originally posted by Crazy Tom View Post
                  Here's the quote:

                  Their home planet of Nocturne is a world of darkness. It's similar to Venus, but it orbits a red dwarf star. Practically no light reaches the surface, but thanks to the greenhouse effect the surface is warm enough for liquid water. Life on Nocturne originated in chemical vents, but now most of the biosphere is powered by wind.

                  Solar energy indirectly reaches the surface in the form of strong winds. Coral-like plants harvest wind energy using triboelectric effects. Neither vision nor bioluminescence has evolved on Nocturne. Most creatures operate by touch and smell, and cling/climb on the coral-like plants.
                  More about Nocturne's tribosynthetic plant life:

                  Life on Nocturne originated in muddy hot springs, powered by chemosynthesis. This spread to the surrounding mud flats.

                  Some mud flats were in tidal zones; due to Nocturne's very long solar day, there's enough time between the tides for these mud flats to completely dry out. The microbes evolved cell walls to survive low tide.

                  Some microbes developed a strategy of letting the wind carry them around during low tide to spread around. This set up the conditions necessary to evolve tribosythesis. As the microbes blow in the wind, rubbing against the dried out mud causes static electric build up.

                  Tribosynthesis evolves, converting this static electricity into usable energy. Tribosynthetic microbes develop cilia-like hairs to maximize rubbing area. The microbes absorb water during high tide and absorb tribosynthetic energy during low tide.

                  Strand-like sessile forms develop. These are a string of cells with an anchor point. They whip around in the wind rather than blowing around, dramatically increasing the rate of "rubbing" encounters. These evolve into furry colonies where the strands mostly rub up against each other.

                  Coral-like forms develop. Using secretions at the anchor points, these corals can build "wind seive" structures. These dominate the tidal zones; their increased height allows access to stronger winds.

                  True plants develop. These have root systems to draw up water and nutrients to their "furry leaves". This allows them to expand beyond the tidal zone. They dominate the land.

                  Thus, plants on Nocturne look superficially like trees and bushes, but they're covered in "fur" rather than leaves.
                  On a macroscopic scale, this setup doesn't seem like it would work. The plants can't create energy by rubbing against themselves; they have to take it from themselves, convert it (which always causes a loss), and then give it back to themselves. It's simply a leaky cycle; you could never gain energy that way. I think whoever designed this probably didn't understand static electricity all that well (or energy theory). Of course, I may have misunderstood what the person was trying to describe.

                  Still, this doesn't really say anything about photosynthesis under other light spectrums. As I mentioned before, all you need for that is a set of special phycobilins (or, alternatively, something analogous to - but not quite the same as - chlorophyll).

                  The New GateWorld Virtual Fleet Database


                    well i did some reading.

                    from what i can tell, earth-like photosynthesis is impossible. this is because of the wavelenght of the light needed to exite the electrons.

                    however i've also read an article about how hydrogen pumps built up a charge to allow the creation of ATP.

                    it's possible that the infrared and red light is absorbed, used to store energy in essentially a biological capacitor and then use that to begin photosynthesis.

                    another possibility is that ammonia needs a different wavelenght to exite it's electrons and thus that can be used in stead of water.

                    Infrared solar cells
                    Researchers at Idaho National Laboratory, along with partners at Microcontinuum Inc.[67] in Cambridge, MA and Patrick Pinhero of the University of Missouri, have devised an inexpensive way to produce plastic sheets containing billions of nanoantennas that collect heat energy generated by the sun and other sources, which garnered two 2007 Nano50 awards. The technology is the first step toward a solar energy collector that could be mass-produced on flexible materials. While methods to convert the energy into usable electricity still need to be developed, the sheets could one day be manufactured as lightweight "skins" that power everything from hybrid cars to computers and iPods with higher efficiency than traditional solar cells. The nanoantennas target mid-infrared rays, which the Earth continuously radiates as heat after absorbing energy from the sun during the day; also double-sided nanoantenna sheets can harvest energy from different parts of the Sun's spectrum. In contrast, traditional solar cells can only use visible light, rendering them idle after dark.


                      start anew


                        Most fanfic is set with the current characters of the stargate universe and still set within that universe. The fleets are something completely different. While it may be fanfic in definition, the fleets do not follow SG1, Atlantis or Universe, they are set after these events.


                          not nessecarily.

                          IMO starting anew is better because only then can we fully exploit the purpose of this fleet. besides i'd like something fresh


                            restarting is good because we can make stuff fit us


                              The question is how far do we go back?


                                back to the start. Pre-SG1. in a sense.

                                i'd like to do a fleet with a rough buildup of this:

                                we start in 2010. the stargate has been active for 15 years and -because we don't have a DHD- we've been exploring our neightbourhood. say, 100-300 LY radius bubble of planets. in total i'd say about 10. we've been discovering really old goauld stuff (around 5000 years old, time that Ra occupied earth). we've been able to find naquahdah, mine and test it. we've discovered staffweapons, zats, ark bombs, deathgliders, and even a crashed ha'tak. using this knowledge we've been able to make significant advances in technology.

                                again, we start in 2010. a significant breakthrough has led to the creation of a human dialling computer. it's more advanced than the SGC initially had in SG1 (this one has more of the failsafes and additional protocols installed). the reason we didn't get an offworld DHD is because those DHD's were absent, dead, malfunctioning, or destroyed or fragmented.

                                to keep it a fleet, we have the F-301 Orbital Fighter. an advanced fighter/interceptor equipped with advanced weaponry like missiles and twin railguns. it has advanced engines, inertial dampeners and the whole shebang.

                                we have the X-302 (not an expert on designations so i used an X) shuttle. well we can make the shuttle the 301 and the fighter the 302 to prevent confusion. the shuttle, well it could or couldn't go through the gate, no idea. if it's bigger, it can hold more people and well, think SGU. if it's smaller and gate-capable, it's gonna be much weaker, but more useful in a sense (think jumper).

                                we have the BC-303 Prometheus. our first (indeed) Human Interstellar Battlecruiser. it's got two shuttles, a bunch of fighters, nice shields (compared to the ha'tak we found) and missiles, railguns and 6 or so energy cannons. they're like, 3 KT per shot or so. the biggest system is the Hyperdrive which doubles as generator, while there's an additional generator aboard for combat power. two big engines deliver forward thrust.
                                the ship can traverse about 5000 lY's in a few days. (this keeps our action radius for the ship low, but you have to consider that this is an engine based upon old designs. i'd actually like to have a more gradual improvement curve)

                                as to Antagonists:

                                -Goauld as a somewhat revamped, primarily more versatile enemy. they cover the entire galaxy
                                -Aschen as a more local enemy. they lack gate knowledge and have advanced a lot in a few areas. however their FTL is about as fast as ours. this means that giant fleets need proper logistics. they won't send a ship to check out stuff all the time. their fleet would be rather thinly spread. their ships are weaker than ours (they don't have dedicated military spacecraft) but they do have numbers.
                                -Replicators as a distant threat. i loved the mindless shooting. the Goauld and Jaffa were highly moral and highly ethical problems, the replicators were not. also i love the asgard.

                                in terms of Great Races: i'd like to keep them as those really powerful and mystical entities. this mean that neither the Asgard, nor the Ancients should be degraded like they were in Stargate, specifically SGA.

                                i think the Furlings can be used somewhat, as a mystical player. you know, like the ancients, ruins and artefacts left behind. i think they should have less powerful but more alien gadgets

