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Gateworld Virtual Fleet 4.0 - Discussion thread

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    Originally posted by thekillman View Post
    i don't know. he shouldn't read old news papers. because then they're olds papers, not news papers
    Silly this is, Green you recive!!

    Also he should change his clothing too....

    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


      and he should look THROUGH his glasses, not over them.



        Neutrons do react. electromagnetism is only one force. the Strong Force is another. yes, neutrons interact, not as often as charged particles though. the advantage is simply that you can't redirect the beam and the neutron beam will penetrate much further.

        plus neutrons react with neutron-rich material, for example Water. Thus, the humans inside would be ****ed.

        I see. So neutrons generate a Strong Force. And the two reamining Fundamental Forces of Physics are the weak force and gravity. Nice; in this case a neutron beam actually does more severe damage to its target than a charged particle. So it's a neutron-neutron reaction interaction causes the damage. Thank you for explaining, KM.
        If you're interested in reading my longest fanfic story, which is an action/adventure story involving the elusive Furlings (as well as if you want to read the others), please click the link below.

        RIP Sep 2010 to beloved member and forum contributor Weedle, very skilled soldier with military special operations, a wonderful human being, and a friend to so many on gateworld. May we keep his memory close.


          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
          sci fi is not an excuse for sloppy writing. sci fi is what COULD be possible through a few tweaks of reality. Sci Fi turned out to be Sci Real on multiple occasions. one sci fi writer got checked by the CIA because he depicted nuclear bombs so accurately they thought he knew of the Manhattan Project. (at the time it was a total secret).
          Rodney got investigated when he was 12 for building a nuke. Most likely without fissile material in it, just all the other bits.

          There is nothing sloppy about H.L.N as a power source, and a potent one at that, comparing water to H.W. I really see no realistic reason not to use it.

          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
          no matter what you thought of the Na'vi, Avatar was pretty realistic.
          Yes, it was awesome I have seen it..........*Thinking* I do not know how many times.

          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
          you mean that aweful stargate wiki with everything even remotely stargate dumped in?

          including the non-canon books and the non-canon RPGs?
          The one that also has all the strict cannon information on it? Yeah.

          Besides the fact that H.L.N is cool. And practical. And useful. And possible.

          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
          i think money will be kind of a problem. your planet would be pretty much bankrupt by then.
          Who says? An which planet l.o.l? They are not RE like...some governments I could mention when it comes to money and debt. There is practically no debt, they do not borrow from themselves then never pay it back. They have not let expenditures get ahead of income for the very reason of not developing debt.

          They get lots of income from the taxation of the buttload of trade between all the worlds in the kingdom, massive mining operations, agriculture, the millions of domestic homes, and mass media industries.

          Also, if this is what, 40 years in the future, or even 10 they probably would have recovered.

          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
          nah that's not important. what's important is that they barely invested in R&D. and we know from Nirrti that any new tech has to be shared with the System Lords. and this is exactly why nobody did major research, or kept it for themselves and waited till they had sufficient power.

          Or, we can add that onto my theory below.

          Try 500 years in terms of military technology. I read that somewhere. I never liked it ether since they have had space ships since 8500 B.C. But consider, they are parasitic, and if they decimated every race in the galaxy that could not fight them off and then stole those races technologies, they hit a dead end at some point. Non or only little bits of new technologies and knowledge available. They also most likely stopped expanding around 2000 years ago, and started infighting more then expanding.

          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
          plus they barely cared for war. i think Nerus, that was his name i believe (the fat goauld from Beachhead) kind of depicts what the Goauld are. they care for self-pleasing and don't give a damn about the rest. and whenever someone's annoying, you kill them.
          It varied from Goa'uld to Goa'uld, which is why some were remembered as gods of war and destruction and why others were kings, and some were gods of crafting and technology and such.

          "This, is delicious! What is it!!??" Nerus
          "Chicken. Its a RARE delicacy on my world."Landry.
          "Well I must have more chicken, more chicken hahahahah!" Nerus.
          "Ill see if I can pull some strings." Landry.
          " Please do general." Nerus.

          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
          i think the "they defeated the ancient" part was the focus. not the 10 000 years they did practically nothing. they defeated the ancients SOMEHOW. it must've been through tech and numbers, because without tech they'd get mass-annihilated by a single drone.
          Actually it was more like 85% numbers, 10% aggression, and 5% technology. The Ancients were.....RE. They obviously had lost their tactical skills after going at least a million years without a war. They also did not have the guts to use any of the super weapons they developed, Attero device,(Shut down the Gate network, DUH.), they never used Carters solution to the Arcturus technology, they gave up on nanite weapons/technology, they gave up on quantum computing, did not use Charybdis properly....e.c.t e.c.t.

          The Wraith hibernated throughout their roughly 1 million year history, its what they do. Once fully stocked with tasty Human snacks they would have had nothing to do. No reason to fight. So they sleep.

          I base the 1 million years on a combination of when Atlantas left the MW and say roughly because it would take time for humans to develop, then time for Iratus to develop Wraith, then more time for them to start recording anything.

          A single Drone could perhaps take out a Hive. If it hit the right spot, like the bio-power cores.

          In technology, they had two advantages, 1, weapons that could actually effect Ancient shielding, 2, regenerative hull.

          "The Ancients technology was far superior, they only lost the war, because they were vastly outnumbered"-Rodney.

          "The technology in this city is far greater then that of the Wraith, yet we brought the Lantians to their knees, why?"-Mina(Wraith queen) "Far greater numbers"-John.
          Remember also that Wraith tech was generally inferior to Asgard tech.

          In numbers, I would say 100 Wraith to 1 Lantian. 10+ Hives to an Aurora.

          In aggression- They would have had such an advantage with this. The ruthlessness that would have come from it. Seeing A-B and getting it done. The Ancients did not do that.

          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
          greater power is not the reason you choose a powersource. it likely was necessary for the energy weapon, not the powersource. remember that the energy weapon was the first ever weapon that only harmed living things.
          It is not just for weapons you know. And I remember the AG-3 satellite weapons destroying Moscow and a sizable area beyond. With a big crater left behind.

          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
          don't be silly, of course there are more isotopes. but, you know, it's very likely you won't notice it in a reactor or a nuke.
          Hmm? I think of naquadah like uranium-238, and H.L.N like uranium-235. L.N could be uranium-233 perhaps. But of course they are far more potent and not radioactive because 5th force keeps the huge nuclei stable. Perhaps water-heavy water is a better thing to compare it too. Idk.

          I mean, why not go with using this valuable piece of technological information bestowed upon us from the Stargate universe?

          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
          i think the alternate history is enough as it is.
          I thought we were building more onto the universe? They left plenty of mythology untouched. I was thinking about writing some stories about those various items at some point, even if the take place 1000s of years in the past.

          Originally posted by thekillman View Post
          plus neutrons react with neutron-rich material, for example Water. thus, the humans inside would be fcked

          I think I stopped using them because proton beams were supposed to be better, then I stopped using those because of shielding. They would have been useless against Stargate type shields.

          What kind of effect would neutron beams have on a substance like Naquadah, which is held together by the 5th force, kiron/exoton interactions?

          However, I may now add a neutron particle setting onto my soldiers particle rifles for killing humans and other beings with a high water content.

          Hey Killman, I was wondering if you could re-post your kiron theory explanations for hyperdrives, cloaks, sublight drives, and subspace communications? Also anything else you may have thought up to do with kiron theory, any additions.
          Last edited by Gormagon; 06 October 2011, 09:02 AM.
          sigpicHe who controls the spice controls the universe!(And the kitchen.)

          If you enjoy Minecraft or have never played but like building and exploring please check out and apply for roamer status on the server at It is a well modded towny type server with a strong core community and lots of mini games and events. My user name is TrueGormagon and you are welcome to join the great city of Eden, Craftyns oldest player made city. (2011)


            some governments I could mention when it comes to money and debt. There is practically no debt, they do not borrow from themselves then never pay it back. They have not let expenditures get ahead of income for the very reason of not developing debt.

            The Ancients were.....RE.

            , did not use Charybdis properly..
            wtf is charybdis?

            A single Drone could perhaps take out a Hive. If it hit the right spot, like the bio-power cores.
            that's plainly ridiculous
            It is not just for weapons you know. And I remember the AG-3 satellite weapons destroying Moscow and a sizable area beyond. With a big crater left behind.
            don't remember a crater

            Perhaps water-heavy water is a better thing to compare it too.
            no. it's worse. Water-heavy water is about the ability to fuse. fissionable materials are beter to compare to.

            What kind of effect would neutron beams have on a substance like Naquadah, which is held together by the 5th force, kiron/exoton interactions?
            no clue. it won't be pretty.

            However, I may now add a neutron particle setting onto my soldiers particle rifles for killing humans and other beings with a high water content.
            i have no clue how you want to build a small one.

            Hey Killman, I was wondering if you could re-post your kiron theory explanations for hyperdrives, cloaks, sublight drives, and subspace communications? Also anything else you may have thought up to do with kiron theory, any additions.
            it's mostly on the Wiki isn't it?

            i'll do some research into HLN


              still not finding anything about HLN outside of Absolute Power


                The site used to have lots of them, I have been looking as well. For example, the Ha'tak used to have "Heavy liquid naquadah" under fuel in its template.

                It is my firm belief that will never change that H.L.N exists. The dream world was partially based on reality, I think the AG-3 satellites were just the stuff of dreams,(Able to instantly pierce a Ha'taks shields?) the Harsisus, Shefu, who had the knowledge of the Goa'uld in his subconscious. Why he have made up such a substance if it was just for a dream? Why not just say liquid naquadah? Why heavy? I think that meant it was important. I think it exists. It makes sense.
                sigpicHe who controls the spice controls the universe!(And the kitchen.)

                If you enjoy Minecraft or have never played but like building and exploring please check out and apply for roamer status on the server at It is a well modded towny type server with a strong core community and lots of mini games and events. My user name is TrueGormagon and you are welcome to join the great city of Eden, Craftyns oldest player made city. (2011)


                  Originally posted by thekillman View Post


                  wtf is charybdis?
                  Just a failed temporal technology experiment. And one of the daughters of Ecidna.

                  that's plainly ridiculous
                  You said it!

                  don't remember a crater
                  It was kinda hard to was a huge area of destruction.

                  no. it's worse. Water-heavy water is about the ability to fuse. fissionable materials are beter to compare to.
                  I meant in the terms of potency, but ok.

                  no clue. it won't be pretty.

                  i have no clue how you want to build a small one.
                  Me ether, that is the beauty of it! We do not have too, the Houjin do!

                  it's mostly on the Wiki isn't it?
                  Most, but not the stuff I mentioned, I was going to put them on from your old post but they were kinda messy, almost like they were written hurriedly. I was just wondering if you had anything more up to date, if not I try to work with the material I got.
                  sigpicHe who controls the spice controls the universe!(And the kitchen.)

                  If you enjoy Minecraft or have never played but like building and exploring please check out and apply for roamer status on the server at It is a well modded towny type server with a strong core community and lots of mini games and events. My user name is TrueGormagon and you are welcome to join the great city of Eden, Craftyns oldest player made city. (2011)


                    The site used to have lots of them, I have been looking as well. For example, the Ha'tak used to have "Heavy liquid naquadah" under fuel in its template.
                    i can't find anything on it. so if you mind showing me pages..

                    no. politics and economy are two things that do not adhere to logic.

                    Just a failed temporal technology experiment. And one of the daughters of Ecidna.
                    you mind showing some reference?

                    You said it!
                    no i said the Wraith needed tech otherwise a single drone could take them out.

                    It was kinda hard to was a huge area of destruction.
                    i remember yellow energy washing over the city. but i believe it was a pure radiation beam, not a destructive one.

                    Me ether, that is the beauty of it! We do not have too, the Houjin do!
                    to my knowledge you'd need stuff that doesn't fit in a rifle.

                    Most, but not the stuff I mentioned, I was going to put them on from your old post but they were kinda messy, almost like they were written hurriedly. I was just wondering if you had anything more up to date, if not I try to work with the material I got.
                    it's kind of hard for me to pin it down in one sensible post. it's kind of assembled into a structure. can't pick it apart without it getting messy.


                      oh and i'm not saying HLN is per se weaker. i'm just against the idea that it's automatically better


                        Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                        oh and i'm not saying HLN is per se weaker. i'm just against the idea that it's automatically better
                        It makes sense that it would be better then naquadah ore, as far as power go's. Cheaper? No. Easier to acquire? No. Naturally occurring? Not sure. I think at high temperatures and low pressures liquid naquadah could exist, with heavy making up around what, 1% of it? And just like deuterium and weapons grade uranium it could be synthesized from its lesser isotopes.

                        The references have been removed from every page but naquadah and AG-3. It did used to be on many other though, I searched through the history on one page it looked like someone had an editing war, so I think Rouge Penguin, a mod who is beyond anal about site content,(Not just me says that.) deleted them.

                        Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                        to my knowledge you'd need stuff that doesn't fit in a rifle.
                        There it is your knowledge.

                        no i said the Wraith needed tech otherwise a single drone could take them out.
                        They did have tech, just way inferior to that of the Ancients.
                        For instance, no force shields around their vessels. Two reasons for that, 1, power. They suck at power generation. 2, it is highly unlikely they could develop shielding capable of holding back Lantian Drones.

                        i remember yellow energy washing over the city. but i believe it was a pure radiation beam, not a destructive one.
                        I will watch it again but I always thought it was pure destruction.

               <Charybdis You need to read more.

                        no. politics and economy are two things that do not adhere to logic.
                        Sure, most of the time. But they still avoided debt. Whats wrong with a civilization/nation that manged to not fall on its face when it came to not getting into debt?
                        Last edited by Gormagon; 06 October 2011, 12:43 PM.
                        sigpicHe who controls the spice controls the universe!(And the kitchen.)

                        If you enjoy Minecraft or have never played but like building and exploring please check out and apply for roamer status on the server at It is a well modded towny type server with a strong core community and lots of mini games and events. My user name is TrueGormagon and you are welcome to join the great city of Eden, Craftyns oldest player made city. (2011)


                          i consider it much more likely that it's a purer form that makes less of a subatomic mess and generates the exotic particles needed for a pure radiation beam without side-effects. we know after all that Goauld weapons in that respect can be messy.

                          There it is your knowledge.
                          *sigh*. neutrons are just not easy to manipulate, with the effort needed for a neutron rifle you might just as well shoot them in the head. Occam's razor does apply to weapons.

                          The references have been removed from every page but naquadah and AG-3. It did used to be on many other though, I searched through the history on one page it looked like someone had an editing war, so I think Rouge Penguin, a mod who is beyond anal about site content,(Not just me says that.) deleted them.

                          because Absolute Power is the only reference to it ever.

                          oh and a correction on my part: more powerful, not better. it doesn't mean it's automatically more powerful. piezoelectric materials are more advanced than a battery yet weaker. they do have useful applications tho.

                          i don't believe that it's more powerful, just cleaner than LqNq, which is somehow a key ingredient to weaponry as opposed to bars of raw naquahdah.

                          it might also be the only way to regulate energy weapons in the Galaxy. whoever can produce LqNq controls weaponsproduction.

                          if memory serves, it's like Thorium is to Uranium. cleaner, less intense waste etc.


                            Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                            i consider it much more likely that it's a purer form that makes less of a subatomic mess and generates the exotic particles needed for a pure radiation beam without side-effects. we know after all that Goauld weapons in that respect can be messy.

                            because Absolute Power is the only reference to it ever.

                            oh and a correction on my part: more powerful, not better. it doesn't mean it's automatically more powerful. piezoelectric materials are more advanced than a battery yet weaker. they do have useful applications tho.

                            i don't believe that it's more powerful, just cleaner than LqNq, which is somehow a key ingredient to weaponry as opposed to bars of raw naquahdah.

                            it might also be the only way to regulate energy weapons in the Galaxy. whoever can produce LqNq controls weaponsproduction.

                            if memory serves, it's like Thorium is to Uranium. cleaner, less intense waste etc.
                            I added more stuff to my last post b.t.w.
                            I agree with that sure, every point there except about it being less potent. I still think it should be more potent, thorium is not called heavy uranium for example, H.L.N could be heavy because it has a larger nucleus, perhaps twice as large, held in the kiron/ex field.

                            I think regular liquid naquadah should be exactly what you said, but H.L.N should be more potent.

                            *sigh*. neutrons are just not easy to manipulate, with the effort needed for a neutron rifle you might just as well shoot them in the head. Occam's razor does apply to weapons.
                            Meh. Another idea go's *thbbbbbt.*

                            I forgot about the Occam principle. I have forgotten too much stuff. Like if the dog needs to be fed....b.r.b.

                            It probably does not help that I have had three concussions that I am pretty positive of. Two more suspected.
                            Last edited by Gormagon; 06 October 2011, 01:19 PM.
                            sigpicHe who controls the spice controls the universe!(And the kitchen.)

                            If you enjoy Minecraft or have never played but like building and exploring please check out and apply for roamer status on the server at It is a well modded towny type server with a strong core community and lots of mini games and events. My user name is TrueGormagon and you are welcome to join the great city of Eden, Craftyns oldest player made city. (2011)


                              Gor two things

                              First, please don't use the stargate wiki as a source

                              Secondly, it's canon not cannon when talking about things that have happened in stargate.

                              Next other than neutrons and houjin does anyone else have something to talk about or is anyone coming out with a new story soon?
                              Vote Anubis for President in 2012
                              A Face you Can Trust
                              So whats the worst that could happen?
                              Supporter of the "It's Asgard, NOT AsgUard !" campaign
                              It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without debating it.


                                I have the next part of my story ready but since SGU ended I'm struggling to find motivation to keep writing and coming up with stuff.

