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moebius? any info?

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    I read somewhere that Jay Acovone will be appearing in Citizen Joe is that true anyone.
    "Love is not for life, it's for one week only" Wass

    “You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is.” Ellen DeGeners

    “You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'.” Homer Simpson

    “It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn't give it up, because by that time I was too famous.” Robert Benchley

    “What is it with McDonald's staff who pretend they don't understand you unless you insert the 'Mc' before the item you're ordering? It has to be a McChicken burger...a chicken burger gets blank looks. Well, I'll have a McStraw and jam it into your McEyes, you f**cking Mc******!” Billy Connolly

    “Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? ...He's a mile away and you've got his shoes.” Billy Connolly


      maybe in one of the clips


        I can easily see Jay in Citizen Joe.

        As for my wild speculation about Moebius, here we go!

        I figure there will be some sort of time travel. My guess would be that SG-1, with special guest star RDA , will go offworld to find an Ancient artifact of something or other that the Goa'uld can't have. They'll trigger this artifact somehow find themselves thrown back in time, although until they go through the stargate they won't know. Think There But for the Grace of God. Daniel had no idea he'd shifted universes until he found himself at the SGA. Anyway, SG-1 will go through the stargate and find themselves on Earth during either the Ancient's reign or during one of the Goa'uld dynasties (I'm myself some lee-way). They'll see a disaster/massacre that they know they can prevent, although their history clearly shows that this disaster/massacre takes place. They'll be forced to stand back as massive amounts of people die from something SG-1 can stop to preserve the timeline. Carter will eventually find a way to get the team back to their own time, but there's a twist. Assuming its during the time of Ra's dynasty, Daniel will stay behind to foment the initial rebellion that will bury the Giza stargate. Assuming its during the Ancient's reign, Daniel will stay behind with them as he feels a close connection as a formerly ascended being. The rest of SG-1 returns to their own time. Either way, in the next season (assuming it happens), they find Daniel in an Ancient stasis chamber or a Goa'uld sarcophagus (depending on the era he stays behind in).

        I feel like such a frickin' moron now. I've forgotten what I was thinking about Kawalsky being back. Dammit!
        Forum insight in 1 click!


          Originally posted by wass
          I read somewhere that Jay Acovone will be appearing in Citizen Joe is that true anyone
          Jay Acovone ("Kawalsky") appeared at a con in England on 9/5 and said he was going to be in the second part of a two-parter. He hadn't even seen the script yet. Citizen Joe isn't a two-parter.

          This was reported in the Reckoning I&II thread by one of the con attendees - the only two-parter that had been announced at the time.

          Now we have Moebius I&II. Since Reckoning was filming at the end of August (according to CJ at the Chicago con) it seems likely that Jay is appearing in Moebius. Even more likely now that we're hearing this spoiler.

          I'm still thinking there's some sort of jumping back and forth in time going on -to the past, present and future - hence the "loop".

          TheHomegaMan's - your speculation is wild but interesting!
          Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


            Do we know for sure Moebius is a two parter last time I checked gateworld it didn't say anything about two part ep.
            "Love is not for life, it's for one week only" Wass

            “You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is.” Ellen DeGeners

            “You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'.” Homer Simpson

            “It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn't give it up, because by that time I was too famous.” Robert Benchley

            “What is it with McDonald's staff who pretend they don't understand you unless you insert the 'Mc' before the item you're ordering? It has to be a McChicken burger...a chicken burger gets blank looks. Well, I'll have a McStraw and jam it into your McEyes, you f**cking Mc******!” Billy Connolly

            “Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? ...He's a mile away and you've got his shoes.” Billy Connolly


              Sorry I've just had a look on gateworld's info on Moebius it is a two parter the info must have been updated as I looked at the info when it was published few days ago it didn't say any thing about being two part season final. I think the TPTB will end the season with an open ended ep, like what they did at the end of season 6 where they thought it was the last season. It will allow them to pick up from where they left off last season if there is a season 9.
              "Love is not for life, it's for one week only" Wass

              “You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is.” Ellen DeGeners

              “You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'.” Homer Simpson

              “It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn't give it up, because by that time I was too famous.” Robert Benchley

              “What is it with McDonald's staff who pretend they don't understand you unless you insert the 'Mc' before the item you're ordering? It has to be a McChicken burger...a chicken burger gets blank looks. Well, I'll have a McStraw and jam it into your McEyes, you f**cking Mc******!” Billy Connolly

              “Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? ...He's a mile away and you've got his shoes.” Billy Connolly


                Originally posted by Wass
                Do we know for sure Moebius is a two parter last time I checked gateworld it didn't say anything about two part ep.
                Check the episode list...


                It's listed as Moebius I and Moebius II. Joe Mallozzi and Paul Mullie are the writers of part I, there's isn't a writer named for part II.
                Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                  I read in one of the treads that RCC will be writing Moebius as well so may be he is writing part two.
                  "Love is not for life, it's for one week only" Wass

                  “You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is.” Ellen DeGeners

                  “You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'.” Homer Simpson

                  “It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn't give it up, because by that time I was too famous.” Robert Benchley

                  “What is it with McDonald's staff who pretend they don't understand you unless you insert the 'Mc' before the item you're ordering? It has to be a McChicken burger...a chicken burger gets blank looks. Well, I'll have a McStraw and jam it into your McEyes, you f**cking Mc******!” Billy Connolly

                  “Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? ...He's a mile away and you've got his shoes.” Billy Connolly


                    Originally posted by TheHomegaMan
                    As for my wild speculation about Moebius, here we go!

                    I figure there will be some sort of time travel. My guess would be that SG-1, with special guest star RDA , will go offworld to find an Ancient artifact of something or other that the Goa'uld can't have. They'll trigger this artifact somehow find themselves thrown back in time, although until they go through the stargate they won't know. Think There But for the Grace of God. Daniel had no idea he'd shifted universes until he found himself at the SGA. Anyway, SG-1 will go through the stargate and find themselves on Earth during either the Ancient's reign or during one of the Goa'uld dynasties (I'm myself some lee-way). They'll see a disaster/massacre that they know they can prevent, although their history clearly shows that this disaster/massacre takes place. They'll be forced to stand back as massive amounts of people die from something SG-1 can stop to preserve the timeline. Carter will eventually find a way to get the team back to their own time, but there's a twist. Assuming its during the time of Ra's dynasty, Daniel will stay behind to foment the initial rebellion that will bury the Giza stargate. Assuming its during the Ancient's reign, Daniel will stay behind with them as he feels a close connection as a formerly ascended being. The rest of SG-1 returns to their own time. Either way, in the next season (assuming it happens), they find Daniel in an Ancient stasis chamber or a Goa'uld sarcophagus (depending on the era he stays behind in).
                    Intriguing idea/speculation, THM.

                    I particularly like the thought of them being stuck in this loop, knowing what is about too happen, but not being able to do anything about it.

                    And if Kawalsky is to appear, would that be some sort of indication that they're going back to the very beginning, back to Abydos?

                    This speculation business is great fun, isn't it?
                    Shin ~ def. A device for finding furniture in the dark.


                      *** spoiler ***

                      Sorry if i'm to tired to see if you have already talked about it but :
                      Do you think we will see our new ship before that episode ? Or they'll keep the surprise like in the S7 final (The armada of tau'ri's ship) !

                      Will the 4 final episode be related in both seasons ? (Sg1<--> atlantis) (Like the 4 first episode (both seasons))

                      They say it's a new Battle-Cruiser but it can also just be (BC = Battle Cruiser), it can just be an another ship like Prometheus in final version ...

                      Or is it a complete new ship ??? I hope so but if it's a new, Do the asgard will help us to install sheild and weapons on it ??? Because I really wanna see the Asgard in the seasons [Not just quick sequence where they do nothing !]
                      - Maybe one day you will learn, that your way, is not the only way.
                      - The very young, do not always do what they are told.
                      - The Nox


                        Below is part of a column by Paul Doherty and Pat Murphy from Fantasy and Science Fiction magazine (1998):

                        //The Mobius strip has only one side, right? You've proven that by drawing a pencil line all the way around the strip, inside (so to speak) and outside (so to speak), without ever lifting your pencil to go over an edge.

                        Now suppose you take a hole punch and make a hole through the strip. You might think that hole goes from one side of the strip to the other--but the strip only has one side. So where does the hole go from and to?

                        It goes from one location on the one-sided strip to another location on the one-sided strip. If you were a two-dimensional Flatlander, this hole could provide startling short cut to a distant location (a spot that the Flatlander would ordinarily have to trudge a long way to reach). That short cut goes through the third dimension, something that a Flatlander living on the strip might have a tough time visualizing.

                        So if you can give a two-dimensional creature a short cut through the third dimension, then surely we can find a way to provide three dimensional creatures with a short cut through the fourth dimension. For that, science fiction writers consult the theorectical physicists, who are often kindred spirits.

                        Wormholes and Exotic Matter

                        For this, we consulted an excellent book by Kip Thorne: Black Holes and Time Warps&emdash;Einstein's Outrageous Legacy. In the final chapter, Thorne describes his efforts to assist Carl Sagan in coming up with a plausible solution for Sagan's novel, Contact. Sagan needed a method by which a character could travel for an hour or so and make her way from near Earth to a position near the star Vega, some 26 light years away. To assist Sagan, Thorne explored the science fictional possibilities of the wormhole, a hypothetical shortcut for travel between distant points in the Universe. Like the hole in the Mobius strip, a wormhole connects two points by taking a shortcut through another dimension.

                        According to Thorne, wormholes were discovered mathematically way back in 1916, as a solution to Einstein's field equation. But those mathematical wormholes aren't much use for interstellar travel: they appear, connect two points, then pinch off and disappear very very quickly. Thorne writes of such a wormhole, "...its total lifespan from creation to pinchoff is so short that nothing whatsoever (no person, no radiation, no signal of any sort) can travel through it, from one mouth to another. Anything that tries will get caught and destroyed in the pinch-off."

                        Thorne postulates something called "exotic matter" that holds the wormhole open by pushing its walls apart gravitationally. He discusses the properties of exotic matter at length and indicates that such stuff does indeed theorectically exist: Stephen Hawking's discoveries related to black holes suggest that such matter may exist near a black hole's event horizon. Thorne suggests that, given what physicists know now, wormholes could theorectically be created by an infinitely advanced civilization and held open with exotic matter. He goes on to talk at length about the possible uses of those wormholes.

                        In the end, it makes the two of us think about that hole through the Mobius strip. A Flatlander mathematician or theorectical physicist might theorize that such a thing was possible, and be accused of indulging in science fiction. From the point of view of the Flatlander, that hole was punched by some unimaginable entity existing in another dimension. From our point of view as three-dimensional creatures, wormholes are similar.//

                        I wonder if the ep will have something about finding some way--other than the mirrors--of tying the AU's to the prime universe, some wormhole through the strip.

                        "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                          Originally posted by Madeleine_W
                          The obvious thing about a moebius band is that you can keep on travelling it ad infinitum, but the *interesting* thing is that you'd be walking the same part of the loop one time one way and the next time the other way. You'd spend alternate loops 'upside down', reversed from your previous loop and viewing it all from the other side. So (and I haven't read any of GW's or other places' spoilers) hearing people talking about "loops" in this ep evokes the idea not of straightforward WoO style loops but of something a bit different, maybe characters finding their positions reverse each loop by the loops' very nature.
                          Isn't a Moebius strip represented by the infinity symbol? I'm not mathematician, but what you've described there is similar to that particular symbol.
                          "I'm thinking of nice turkey sandwich..."


                            Take a strip of paper, like when you make paper-chains. Twist the strip though before you selotape the ends together. Really, go and do it, it's fun. Then draw a line along the centre of the strip, and keep going until you reach the start... then it should be clearer.

                            (If you then cut along the line something funny happens, but that's probably not relevant to Stargate )



                              Originally posted by TheHomegaMan
                              I can easily see Jay in Citizen Joe.

                              As for my wild speculation about Moebius, here we go!

                              I figure there will be some sort of time travel. My guess would be that SG-1, with special guest star RDA , will go offworld to find an Ancient artifact of something or other that the Goa'uld can't have. They'll trigger this artifact somehow find themselves thrown back in time, although until they go through the stargate they won't know. Think There But for the Grace of God. Daniel had no idea he'd shifted universes until he found himself at the SGA. Anyway, SG-1 will go through the stargate and find themselves on Earth during either the Ancient's reign or during one of the Goa'uld dynasties (I'm myself some lee-way). They'll see a disaster/massacre that they know they can prevent, although their history clearly shows that this disaster/massacre takes place. They'll be forced to stand back as massive amounts of people die from something SG-1 can stop to preserve the timeline. Carter will eventually find a way to get the team back to their own time, but there's a twist. Assuming its during the time of Ra's dynasty, Daniel will stay behind to foment the initial rebellion that will bury the Giza stargate. Assuming its during the Ancient's reign, Daniel will stay behind with them as he feels a close connection as a formerly ascended being. The rest of SG-1 returns to their own time. Either way, in the next season (assuming it happens), they find Daniel in an Ancient stasis chamber or a Goa'uld sarcophagus (depending on the era he stays behind in).

                              I feel like such a frickin' moron now. I've forgotten what I was thinking about Kawalsky being back. Dammit!

                              This is an awesome idea for a story....perhaps you could tweak it a little? Make it that SG-1 was the reason for Ra falling, and that they burried the gate themselves. Then all 4 could be found in stasis somehow!!...although, perhaps they could get to antartica somehow and get the other gate...


                                Originally posted by Madeleine_W
                                Take a strip of paper, like when you make paper-chains. Twist the strip though before you selotape the ends together. Really, go and do it, it's fun. Then draw a line along the centre of the strip, and keep going until you reach the start... then it should be clearer.

                                (If you then cut along the line something funny happens, but that's probably not relevant to Stargate )
                                Well, it might be! When I did it, it basically doubled in diameter, but cut the width in half, and added a few twists.

                                It could mean that whatever they decision they make in an AU or in the past alters everything they know. Similar to the QL ep where Sam leaped into Al as a young ensign ("A Leap for Lisa").

