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moebius? any info?

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    Originally posted by meshel_luvs_cc
    Colin Cunningham (Major Paul Davis) is in part one of Moebius. He started filming at the start of the week. He said that all his scenes are with Amanda and Michael.

    ~ Michelle
    Hurrah to that I say!

    I love Major Davis!!!

    And Colin!


      I am sure it will be a good ep especially because everybody thinks it might *attention, I said might(!), don't start crying again * be that last episode ever!

      I only fear that our expectations will be far too high because we discuss all these fantastic storys here...
      It will be good, perhaps exellent but there are some borders they can't cross (money, actors scedules, time, limited number of guest stars (--> money, time, ...) )

      Keep that in mind


        Right, firslty the title is most definitely significant. Nothing was released about the ep til this week, not even the title, they knew it would give too much away.

        Has anyone thought that maybe it's not got so much to do with the loop thing (though I think it has, this is just speculation) as to do with the 180 degrees bit.

        180 degree turn is an about turn. Where is Miss Carter headed at the moment? She's headed for a life of unhappiness with Pete Shannahan. Okay, I lie, not unhappiness, but limisted happiness. Happiness but not love.

        Mallozzi once said that Sam would have a nice enough boyfriend right up til the end of the series until she dumped him like a sack of potatoes and went back to Jack like she should.

        Is this not a 180 degree turn?

        If the time travel idea is right, then you've got the idea that they are no longer strictly military because they're no longer in their own time frame etc so something could happen.

        But I had two dreams recently that are interesting to say the least. The first was about a time travel ep where they met a young woman with curly sandy brown hair (a la Grace) who at the end of the episode turns out to be Jack and Sam's daughter... and is in fact Grace, which explains a previous ep.

        The second was that Jack woke up from a coma he had fallen into after overdosing after Charlie's death. He had never worked on the Stargate programme, there was no Teal'c, no Sam, no Daniel (a la Dallas). Then a woman in military blues walks by the hospital bed next to him. You catch a glimse of Sam, the camera lowers to the bed to see Jacob, and an SGC badge lies on his bedside table.

        Anyway, I reckon the ep will deal with Sam and Jack in a big way. Remember how Threads is supposed to be the big turning point of the season. Möbius is a nice way of saying "tieing up all the loose threads" is it not? Think about the meaning, the way it's explained, and then think about the cutting the line down the middle. There is no loose end, everything's complete and connected.

        I think it's the end of Threads and another way of saying Full Circle. Full Circle was a perfect name for a final episode, but they didn't bank on two more seasons.
        Yepp, it's blank down here.


          Everybody's had great ideas about the episode so far. I just know I'll love it if they bring Janet and Sha're and Apophis back. That's what I loved about Changeling. It was like a big reunion of great characters!

          And they better put Sam and Jack together if this is the last ep or I'll scream!


   far we've major davis, kawalsky..and a rumour of janet. sounds like a flashback episode to me.

            and yes, i hope sam and jack end up togehter too. i want a team ending, but it's a two parter, there's time for some intense ship
            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


              I can understand you shippers but I really don't hope they do that! Let's stay Stargate-like, they will put an open end to it as they have done with so many episodes in the past...

              Remeber about the fifth race? They could finish that story arc, would be a nice ending but I am sure they will leave the SG-1 universe without putting an end like that.


                I'm totally speculating but I think it's going to be one of those confusing episodes where the past and present and future all intersect and there may be decisions to make about changing past events or influencing the future. Or not.

                I think Jack and Sam's relationship will figure into the episode but I don't think it will be a focal point.

                It's fun to have an episode we don't know anything about - except a few random guest stars! I hope they manage to keep a few other guest stars a surprise. It would be interesting to see Janet and Sha're and Apophis pop up.
                Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


                  "I think Jack and Sam's relationship will figure into the episode but I don't think it will be a focal point. "

                  Have to say that, allthough I'm a big shipper myself, I agree with you on this point. I think its far more likely that the S/J issue will figure but will not be the focal point for the episode. I just cant see the writers doing a Sam/Jack episode for the (possibly) LAST ever ep.


                    Originally posted by Kes
                    Speculative spoilers for Moebius....
                    The first thing I thought of was the last episode of Trek:TNG - "All Good Things" where they kept jumping back and forth thru time. Maybe Jack will be jumping back and forth in a loop, get together with Sam, and then see them divorced (a la Picard/Crusher). Voila! They'll please everyone. (Just kidding)

                    The fact that Joe Acovone (Kawalsky) is back for a two-parter (I'm guessing this one) means its AU or time-travel or something. Remember how they brought back Denise Crosby for that final Trek episode?? We could see a lot of old faces back - Janet, Apophis, etc.
                    Oh I hope not. I hated the ending of TNG.


                      Originally posted by DarkQuee1
                      Well, *that* doesn't sound good for Jack's participation in the ep!

                      I just don't think, the possible last episode of the show would be Jacklite or no Jack.


                        Originally posted by Sam & Jack Shipper
                        I just don't think, the possible last episode of the show would be Jacklite or no Jack.
                        <ponders> Well....yes, actually you're right. If theres not alot of S/J in the episode it probably means there isnt alot of Jack atall...I think maybe I'm trying to be really pessimistic about it so that if S/J doesnt happen I wont feel so let down.

                        Personally I hope the last ep is bursting at the seams with Jack! and S/J

                        My thoughts on Moebius generally...I'm personally viewing it as probably turning out to be some kind of time travel ep. With SG-1 going to different areas of their past and possibly the future too. Maybe with some AU in there aswell?



                          It's more likely to be time travel than AU in my opinion, although the AU thing could be quite an interesting one.

                          Our main reason for saying AU would be difficult is the idea of TCF (temporal cascade failure) as suffered by Dr Carter in Point of View (season 3). Jennifer Hailey wrote her paper at the Academy based on the idea that parellel universes intersected. We knew this to be true and she was then accepted into the Stargate programme. What if she finally found an answer to that problem, being the genius she is?

                          Anyway, that's todays musing.
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            Originally posted by Madeleine_W
                            Take a strip of paper, like when you make paper-chains. Twist the strip though before you selotape the ends together. Really, go and do it, it's fun. Then draw a line along the centre of the strip, and keep going until you reach the start... then it should be clearer.

                            (If you then cut along the line something funny happens, but that's probably not relevant to Stargate )
                            uhhhh...WHAT? could you explain this better? (sorry, there's an idiot at the computer)
                            This whole thing sound SO interesting, what with time travel and things like that...
                            - 'Mo

                            I'm a woman. "Evil" would be a demotion.

                            BM: "The ice is a fickle mistress"
                            THIEF: "Plus she appears to be a knife weilding maniac"
                            BM: "Aren't they all?"

                            #10: Not allowed to purchase anyone's soul on government time.


                              Give me an AU with Kawalsky and Janet back, alive and well.

                              Give me a resolution to the SHIP.

                              Give me General Hammond, Major Davis, Sergeants Siler and Davis.

                              Give me the Aschen and the War To End All Wars...

                              Give me that team together, happy and relieved to be alive.

                              GIVE ME THE WORLD!!!!!!

                              OK... You only have to give me the first five, TPTB... But no more and no less.


                                Call it a bit of laziness, but I haven't read all the previous post, so if this has been sugested already, I apologize. Anyway, with my little bit of understanding of a Moebius strip and with the guest stars and the talk of time travel or alternate realities, could this possibly lead into the rumored season 2 direct to video movie we've heard about recently. It gives them the ability to place a story in season 2 without having to somehow figure out how to remove 6 years of aging from the actors. Just a thought

