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moebius? any info?

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    Originally posted by TheHomegaMan
    The general consensus from both fans and the crew is that this is likely the last season, so don't jump on people for going with the signs. Like it or not, SG-1 is going to end eventually. No use getting bent out of shape or accusing anyone of "scaring people" by pointing to the writing on the wall.

    You are incorrect sir. The general consensus is all an assumption. And in all honesty things are looking more UP than down. MGM owns the highest rated TV show on Sci-Fi. If Sony buys MGM they will most likely stick with what works and get rid of the stuff that isn't or doesn't. And as we all know and as I have said before here, the actors are rooting just as much as we are.

    There are no official announcements, everyone is just assuming the worst.

    I don't like to see people post here like they know how it ends. I don't talk like I KNOW it's going to keep going. I'm just saying that if you are going to bring up such a tragic and sad thing such as the SG:1 ending than don't do it like you know it is already set in stone when it very much isn't.

    There's still hope.


      Well... I'm think that the title of Moebius would somehow have something to do with the mathematic concept of a Moebius Strip. I can't see M&M writing a Stargate episode on a disorder of facial paralysis or Broadband Internet Satellites.

      I'd have to agree with Kes on this one that it may be a time travel story. If Jay Avocone is coming back (do we have a source on this?) for the two-parter, then the possibility of a time travel story is more than likely. Frankly, I don't like time travel stories that much as it just complicates things too much, but they are still fun for what they are (I think I just contradicted myself )

      I think I remember the concept of a Moebius Strip being mentioned in an episode of SeaQuest DSV, but my memory is a bit fuzzy.
      "I'm thinking of nice turkey sandwich..."


        Its.. the return of the Gamekeeper, and this time he means business. No one shall mess with the man's garden.


          What if it has something to do with time travel back to the time when the Goa'uld ruled Earth?

          We could possibly get the Ancient/Goa'uld/Atlantis timeline fixed, and create the biggest causality loop ever! (We go back and start the rebellion, which drives out the Goa'uld, which allows Earth to advance to our level of technology, then re-discovering the Stargate and sending SG-1 back to Ancient Egypt, where they start the rebellion....)


            Maybe we'll see Ra then!!


              Originally posted by prion

              Interesting how there's a derivation on the spelling too. The major dictionaries define it as Mobius, after August Ferdinand Möbius (1790–1868), a German mathematician.
              Moebius is correct, if it's the mathematician being refered to rather than any of the other meanings. "oe" is the equivalent of "ö" in German, when I type in German and don't have a nice handy passage with an umlaut in to c&p I use oe.

              I wanted to do my dissertation on Moebius Bands, until my professor told me that I was just after a way to spend a few months playing with paper and sellotape, and I should pick a proper subject like Non-Euclidean Geometry instead. He was right, as it happened. Now there's something else that would make an interesting premise for an ep of a SF show....



                Originally posted by Madeleine_W
                Moebius is correct, if it's the mathematician being refered to rather than any of the other meanings. "oe" is the equivalent of "ö" in German, when I type in German and don't have a nice handy passage with an umlaut in to c&p I use oe.

                I wanted to do my dissertation on Moebius Bands, until my professor told me that I was just after a way to spend a few months playing with paper and sellotape, and I should pick a proper subject like Non-Euclidean Geometry instead. He was right, as it happened. Now there's something else that would make an interesting premise for an ep of a SF show....
                wow! if I knew what non-euclidean geometry was I would be even MORE impressed than I already am! So, you probably know all there is to know about this, so what are your thoughts on the ep?
                I've seen some interesting interpretations *please no Gamekeeper stuff!* what's the mathematician's thoughts?


                  what, you mean like the end of quantum leap, where they say 'sam beckett never did find the leap home'...that was so sad, i cried for at least five minutes
                  Well, with Stargate it's an entirely different situation. It was a sad ending for QL because Sam never got to go home. With our guys, travelling through the gate is what they live for , and they come home at the end of every trip through the gate, so it's not exactly the same thing. It's not as though they're stranded out in the universe somewhere, alone.

                  TPTB have said in more than a few interviews that when the show ends they'd like to leave it open-ended, so that there's a possibility of further franchises (movies etc) with SG1, even if no more TV episodes.

                  If they stick to that one, I think I'll mostly be happy. All I really ask is that they don't close off anything by killing anyone off (DS9 <shudder>) or blowing up the Earth or something. <g>

                  Trying not to get my hopes up too much, but still kind of hoping for a S9 though. Let's just say that if there is one I'll be ecstatic (I'm adoring S8 so far, love the changes which have made the show evolve and opened it up to so many fresh possibilities) but if not then I'll treasure all the extra wonderful moments S7 and S8 gave me (since I thought S6 was the last at one point anything since then has really just been a bonus to be grateful for).

                  Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

                  Richard Dean Anderson


                    Originally posted by kiwigater
                    ... so what are your thoughts on the ep?
                    I've seen some interesting interpretations *please no Gamekeeper stuff!* what's the mathematician's thoughts?
                    The obvious thing about a moebius band is that you can keep on travelling it ad infinitum, but the *interesting* thing is that you'd be walking the same part of the loop one time one way and the next time the other way. You'd spend alternate loops 'upside down', reversed from your previous loop and viewing it all from the other side. So (and I haven't read any of GW's or other places' spoilers) hearing people talking about "loops" in this ep evokes the idea not of straightforward WoO style loops but of something a bit different, maybe characters finding their positions reverse each loop by the loops' very nature.

                    ETA - also, there isn't a 'beginning' and 'end' to a moebius band as there was to the loops in WoO. It'd be really cool for events to lead back upon themselves without there being a clear point that can be identified as the 'start'.
                    Last edited by Madeleine; 16 September 2004, 04:28 AM.



                      Originally posted by Shivan
                      Who says its the LAST two parter? We have no idea whether or not there will be a season 9 yet. So don't jump to conclusions and don't scare people.

                      i mean last in the season, not last in the series. as opposed to reckoning.
                      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                        There's no news but the purported episode title, which leaves fans to just speculate. Worst is that SG1 could somehow get trapped in some kind of loop, and then they end the show there, shades of "Quantum Leap" - which was the dumbest way to end a show. Well, no, "Blake's 7" was the worst one! <G>


                          Originally posted by prion
                          There's no news but the purported episode title, which leaves fans to just speculate. Worst is that SG1 could somehow get trapped in some kind of loop, and then they end the show there, shades of "Quantum Leap" - which was the dumbest way to end a show. Well, no, "Blake's 7" was the worst one! <G>
                          LMAO! oh yeah! *remembers Blakes 7* Didn't they kill everyone in the end of that one? but that was a significantly less serious series compared to SG-1.
                          I found the end of QL MUCH more traumatic *swallows happy pills*

                          Originally posted by Madeleine_W
                          The obvious thing about a moebius band is that you can keep on travelling it ad infinitum, but the *interesting* thing is that you'd be walking the same part of the loop one time one way and the next time the other way. You'd spend alternate loops 'upside down', reversed from your previous loop and viewing it all from the other side. So (and I haven't read any of GW's or other places' spoilers) hearing people talking about "loops" in this ep evokes the idea not of straightforward WoO style loops but of something a bit different, maybe characters finding their positions reverse each loop by the loops' very nature.

                          ETA - also, there isn't a 'beginning' and 'end' to a moebius band as there was to the loops in WoO. It'd be really cool for events to lead back upon themselves without there being a clear point that can be identified as the 'start'.
                          Wow, they've really outdone themselves on the name of the ep here! So many possibilities. Someone in the Shipper thread talked about how the outside of the loop could represent humanities exposure and dominance by the goa-uld, whereas the inner side could be when we were protected (by burying the gate), but that inevitably we become exposed again as we travel the loop. Can't wait to hear more about this one!
                          Possibly an AU ep? Would be kinda cool to be following SG-1 and then to discover half way thru they aren't OUR SG-1, we get invested in both teams, and can explore all sorts of relationships and possibilities thru them.


                            I could have sworn the ending for Seinfeld was the worse...


                              Originally posted by aschen
                              I could have sworn the ending for Seinfeld was the worse...
                              Seconded. Thank GOD the writers aren't ending with a clip show.

                              So tell me, do we have confirmation that Jay Acovone will be back for this one? I have some... interesting... speculations if he is.
                              Forum insight in 1 click!


                                Originally posted by TheHomegaMan
                                Seconded. Thank GOD the writers aren't ending with a clip show.

                                So tell me, do we have confirmation that Jay Acovone will be back for this one? I have some... interesting... speculations if he is.
                                Not for sure, but I love hearing people's speculations! So, speculate away

