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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Originally posted by deltaCain054 View Post
    X-306 Achilles
    Class: Assault Cruiser/Capital ship Destroyer
    Designed for hit and run tactics, specifically for use against Wraith Hives , though it is more than capable of dealing with any known ships.
    Length:3x the 304
    Width:2x as wide
    Height: 70% higher
    (I have built a scale model of the 306 and 304, but no one's come to a final decision on the 304s dimensions.)

    16 forward APBW emitters (however they a have slower recharge rate than the 304 due to the amount of APBWs, but additional Naquadah generators make it faster, and when a ZPM is transferred to the 306 it triples the recharge rate of 304's APBWs.

    2 Port and 2 Starboard APBWs

    2 forward Plasma Cannons (fires bolts of plasma at high velocities)

    4 dorsal Plasma duel pulse turrets (rapidly fires small bolts of plasma at a velocity slightly faster than a rail gun)

    20 forward Plasma pulse emitters (rapidly fires small bolts of plasma at a velocity slightly faster than a rail gun)

    13 aft Plasma pulse emitters

    2 dorsal RFPP turrets (Rapidly fires small, high velocity (2.3x the speed of rail gun rounds) plasma pulses. Their main use use is anti fighter duty, they in effective against anything else.

    22 Dorsal rail gun
    28 ventral rail guns
    12 PTP HV rail guns

    Rail guns lack large amounts of extra ammo. The ship must be resupplied after any real engagements.

    24 Dorsal VLS Missile Tubes.
    12 forward Missile Tubes.
    10 ventral Missile Tubes.
    4 aft deployment tubes for mines, but they double as missile tubes

    16 Naquadria enhanced nuclear warheads
    32 Mark VII Naquadah enhanced nuclear warheads
    16 Mark V Naquadah enhanced nuclear warheads

    Defensive systems:
    Asgard shields

    12 PTP HV rail guns (Rail guns witch fire with nearly 5 times the normal speed, but can only fire at 1/10 the normal rate. Their main role is for interception of cannibalistic rounds, ie: incoming missiles or fighters).

    Cloaking generator


    Asgard hyper drive.
    Enhanced Ion Engines capable of .69 of light speed without a ZPM.
    Chemical Thrusters.

    Fighter Complement:
    8 F-302s
    2 Puddle Jumpers
    1 Puddle jumper equipped with a hyper drive. Used to scout systems and give advanced targeting data for precise Hyperspace jumps into hostile occupied space.


    This ship was designed to be used in hit and run tactics against Wraith Hives and Cruisers. The idea is to jump in fire every thing at once and jump out before taking any damage or before the hives can deploy darts. The alternate tactic is to wait in system and destroy Wraith ships when they jump in to cull a world. Due to the amount of energy weapons the sip requires much larger power requirements than the 304. To compensate the ship is equipped with numerous Naquadah generators and one, eject-able Naquadria generator which is used when a ZPM is on board. The Naquadria core is equipped with a safety buffer similar to the original one on the X-303 Prometheus.
    One question DC, with such a large ship why only 8 302's. The 304's carry 16, my 310 carries 64 and it's "only" 800 metres or so long. Apart from that, your weapons suite is way overkill. If you want to design a decent ship, follow existing naval ship building principles and you'll have a very believable platform. Take it from me, 35 years in the Navy, and a certified Mechanical Engineer
    My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
    sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


      Originally posted by puddlejumperOZ View Post
      One question DC, with such a large ship why only 8 302's. The 304's carry 16, my 310 carries 64 and it's "only" 800 metres or so long. Apart from that, your weapons suite is way overkill. If you want to design a decent ship, follow existing naval ship building principles and you'll have a very believable platform. Take it from me, 35 years in the Navy, and a certified Mechanical Engineer
      Where can we find aforementioned naval ship building principles?
      If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
      Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
      If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

      Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


        For Final clarification on the X-306:
        The reason the ship has insufficient power generation is because of the added weapons. It is designed to operate with a ZPM. After the Wraith threat has been defeated, or the ZPM is removed the ship can always be refitted, removing some weapons and adding additional power generators.

        As for having too many weapons and being unrealistic: Given its +2 & 1/2x the size of a 304 and has had some of the power generators removed in addition to having only one, central hanger (I haven't been able to publish a physical description of the ship because I've been too busy arguing against rash, illogical complaints), no it isn't an unrealistic, though it is unbalanced. Several of you have asked, why not simply add additional APBWs, stating that A 304 could be mounted with additional APBWs for a total of 6 or 8. A ZPM would be more than capable of powering the ship, including the added weapons.

        As for why creating a single ship instead of multiple 304s: They don't have enough ZPMs to power any other ships besides the Odyssey, and that ZPM would be transferred to this ship. Equipping a single 304 with a ZPM wouldn't cause the shift in the balance of power required to defeat the Wraith. Eventually it would simply be out numbered and out gunned, just like the Ancient warships were. Including Aurora class Battle cruisers which sported drones and at least one ZPM. Even with the additional ships, that don't have a ZPM, they wouldn't be able to turn the tide or break large fleets of hives. Finally, why wouldn't they keep producing 304s. They definitely have the ability to produce more than one 304 at a time already, and a new, larger hanger would have to be made to produce it anyway. (They going to have to produce larger ships eventually, might as well build a hanger now.) Before anyone says something about not having the ability to make more than one ship at a time, remember that the Sun Tzu was fresh off the production line and the Hammond was already almost finished.

        As for why the ship has Rail Guns: Defense against fighters if the ship does engage them. Its bound to happen eventually and if the ship has a ZPM, which its supposed to have, then the ship can engage in prolonged engagements, in which case they would have to fight off darts.

        As for the not having it every where at once problem: What else are they going to attack? If Atlantis is moved back to Pegasus then they will be attacking Atlantis, in which case the ship would be intercepting them before they reach Atlantis. Before that becomes a threat, they have to find Atlantis. And how are they going to find it? its not like its gonna sit around for long periods of time. As soon as its rearmed, and it can do that on any world with a Stargate, its gonna get back into the fight. Before anyone says repairs, most of its tactics and ZPM powered shields would prevent that, and none of its duties involve defending anything anyway. Its not supposed to be defending anything directly. Its an aggressive "Fire and Fly" ship, hit and run tactics.

        Reason for the lack of large capacitors: Once again the amount of weapons and with a ZPM powering the systems the capacitors can easily recharge fast enough to fire again after a couple of seconds. Remember we are talking about each emitter firing at least two bolts of plasma; no real need for large capacitors.

        Why have weaker shields: What does it need strong shields for? Jump in, Fire everything at once, jump out. Besides if a ZPM is powering the ship, the shields will be strengthened by it making them more than strong enough to withstand any damage it may take.

        Why make a ship that depends on a ZPM: While yes the ship's current loadout makes a ZPM a requirement for any ability to fight effectively, the load out can be modified ( the ship must be refitted) to take off some weapons and add additional power generators, making it able to rely on its own power, not a ZPM. The Odyssey isn't really using their ZPM, and the 306 could make by far greater use of it, to power the weapons, which yes, like I have said there are to many to power with normal generators currently.

        Any questions or accusations that aren't completely baseless?
        Why are there six pedals and only four directions?
        -Michael J. Caboose

        Sergeant, make it spin.
        Walter - Spin? Si-sir, it doesn't spin.
        What? It has to spin, it's round! Spinning is so much cooler than not spinning. I-I'm the general, I want it to spin. Now!


          Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
          Where can we find aforementioned naval ship building principles?
          Just google any given ship class and you'll get a Wiki with all the data on it, here is an example

          Here you'll see it's size, crew compliment, weapons fit, power arrangement and sensors etc, etc,
          My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
          sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


            Originally posted by deltaCain054 View Post

            Any questions or accusations that aren't completely baseless?
            DC, the people here on this thread have been doing this a long time, and sometimes get a bit carried away in trying to advise or guide you. Yes we become defensive of our own designs, everyone does. But at the same time we have all benefitted from each others input, Killman advised me (though we are sworn enemies) to put more guns on my cruiser design, which when I looked at it, was somewhat lacking, in the end it came out rather nicely, thanks to him and everyone else on this thread. We are not trying to say your ideas are completely unsound, just some review from your own perspective. And here is one thing, no ship designer would envisage a large vessel for hit and run tactics. That is reserved for smaller ships, such as cruisers, it's a given in real life, and the sci-fi world. A large vessel you would reserve as a capitol ship, built for heavy hitting and being able to sustain a prolongued fight.

            This is a hit and run class of ship

            CE/CG-340 Class Attack Cruiser
            Production information Manufacturer
            Tauri- IOA, and Offworld coalition partners
            1/ Boeing Aircraft Seattle, WA USA
            2/ ADI, Adelaide, SA Australia
            3/ Nippon Heavy Industries, Nagoya, Japan
            4/ EADS, Toulouse, France
            5/ To be named offworld partners

            Technical specifications
            Ship Length
            138 meters
            Ship Width
            80 meters
            Ship Height/depth
            28.2 meters

            Weight dry
            28,000 tonnes

            Maximum speed
            125,000 miles per second

            Engine unit(s)

            Sublight Engines , 8
            Maneuvering Thrusters , 16+ 4 vertical thrusters
            Asgard Hyperdrive , 1
            Hyperdrive system
            Power plant
            Naquadah Generators 6


            Asgard Shields
            Cloaking Device , new

            Naquadah/Trinium alloy

            Sensor systems
            CG340-multi phased array, 360 degree
            Targeting systems

            See above
            Navigation system

            Computer Navigational Systems

            Venting System
            Naquadriah Powerplant Cell Ejection Pod
            Blast-door(s) Lockdown System

            3 Asgard Heavy Plasma Cannon Turrets (CE) 5 (CG)
            5 Quad Asgard Pulse Cannon Turrets (CE) 3 (CG)
            Railguns (To be fitted )
            20 VLS Missile Tubes
            Mark III and IX Nuclear Missiles
            Horizon Weapons Platform (340 unique)

            20 AC-401s (Various marks) (CE) 4 (CG)
            16 F307c=s (CG only)
            112 crew + Air Wing
            Passengers (as per requirement)
            100 Marines and or SF=s (4 less AC401's)

            Cargo capacity
            1200 tons
            100 days worth of Consumables to 160 days if rationed.

            Other systems
            Asgard Core
            4 Asgard Transporters
            6 Ring Transporters
            Long-range Transmitters
            Usage Role(s)
            Attack and Escort Cruisers
            Deep Space Escorts
            Leadship (Janet Fraiser)
            Year introduced 2009

            Tau'ri and Partners

            My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
            sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


              Originally posted by deltaCain054 View Post
              Correction a 304 can take out 1 hive and damage (minorly) a on a hit and run. And remember "The Siege" part III. There were 12 hive ships, and by far more cruisers.
              rember the episode where sheppard went tot he futre if i recall the deadalus were hit and running 2 hives with lil to no effort and the seige part 3 if u read the episode thing on this website it only mentions 3 hives it siad there was 12 more on the way but they never arrived also that was when the wraith factions wernt split due to lack of feeding grounds even mentions they are able to take out 2 of the hives in that 12 that are heading towards the planet and thats jsut using nukes so sorry to dissapoint u.
              Last edited by colbmista; 02 March 2010, 06:40 PM.


                Originally posted by colbmista View Post
                rember the episode where sheppard went tot he futre if i recall the deadalus were hit and running 2 hives with lil to no effort and the seige part 3 if u read the episode thing on this website it only mentions 3 hives it siad there was 12 more on the way but they never arrived also that was when the wraith factions wernt split due to lack of feeding grounds even mentions they are able to take out 2 of the hives in that 12 that are heading towards the planet and thats jsut using nukes so sorry to dissapoint u.
                The Phoenix was only able to destroy the one of the hives and damaged the other minorly, like I said. Don't try to say thats wrong, I just watched the episode the other day. As for the wraith being split, they would unite against any threat, just like they did against the Asurans. As for taking out 2 of the 12 hives, that was when they were able to beam nukes on board.
                Why are there six pedals and only four directions?
                -Michael J. Caboose

                Sergeant, make it spin.
                Walter - Spin? Si-sir, it doesn't spin.
                What? It has to spin, it's round! Spinning is so much cooler than not spinning. I-I'm the general, I want it to spin. Now!


                  Originally posted by deltaCain054 View Post
                  The Phoenix was only able to destroy the one of the hives and damaged the other minorly, like I said. Don't try to say thats wrong, I just watched the episode the other day. As for the wraith being split, they would unite against any threat, just like they did against the Asurans. As for taking out 2 of the 12 hives, that was when they were able to beam nukes on board.
                  DC you will not last here very long if you keep on ignoring other peoples posts
                  My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
                  sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


                    hed rather fight with me over his fanwank weaponry lol


                      Originally posted by deltaCain054 View Post
                      As for why creating a single ship instead of multiple 304s: They don't have enough ZPMs to power any other ships besides the Odyssey, and that ZPM would be transferred to this ship.
                      It isn't about the amounts ZPMs, it's about the number of ships. In WWII the German's Panzer Tanks were far superior to the American Sherman Tank. It would take a Sherman Tank several hits to disable/destroy a Panzer. By shear numbers the Sherman Tanks were able to take on many Panzer Tank positions. For the metaphor to Stargate, the Hives are the Panzer Tanks, and the DSC-304s are the Sherman Tanks. We know that the DCS-304 can destroy a hive ship with several shots and that there are no more than 2 to 3 hives together at a time. So why does there need to be a ship that has a bunch of weapons that could be done by many smaller ships?

                      Originally posted by deltaCain054 View Post
                      Equipping a single 304 with a ZPM wouldn't cause the shift in the balance of power required to defeat the Wraith. Eventually it would simply be out numbered and out gunned, just like the Ancient warships were. Including Aurora class Battle cruisers which sported drones and at least one ZPM. Even with the additional ships, that don't have a ZPM, they wouldn't be able to turn the tide or break large fleets of hives.
                      And this one ship of yours would with it's guerrilla tactics? We saw the DSC-304 Phoenix do that just fine by itself with the upgrades and ZPM. It was destroyed, and that shows that your larger less maneuverable ship with weakened shields won't last as long even with the ZPM.

                      Originally posted by deltaCain054 View Post
                      Finally, why wouldn't they keep producing 304s. They definitely have the ability to produce more than one 304 at a time already, and a new, larger hanger would have to be made to produce it anyway. (They going to have to produce larger ships eventually, might as well build a hanger now.) Before anyone says something about not having the ability to make more than one ship at a time, remember that the Sun Tzu was fresh off the production line and the Hammond was already almost finished.
                      Why change something that works and that your good at?

                      Originally posted by deltaCain054 View Post
                      As for the not having it every where at once problem: What else are they going to attack? If Atlantis is moved back to Pegasus then they will be attacking Atlantis, in which case the ship would be intercepting them before they reach Atlantis. Before that becomes a threat, they have to find Atlantis. And how are they going to find it? its not like its gonna sit around for long periods of time. As soon as its rearmed, and it can do that on any world with a Stargate, its gonna get back into the fight. Before anyone says repairs, most of its tactics and ZPM powered shields would prevent that, and none of its duties involve defending anything anyway. Its not supposed to be defending anything directly. Its an aggressive "Fire and Fly" ship, hit and run tactics.
                      Well we've seen in the show that the wraith were able to find the location of Earth without attacking Atlantis, a new feeding ground in a new galaxy. That's where they would attack, why attack a powerful ship protecting a powerful city on one planet when they can openly attack a galaxy of planets with no protection?


                        Originally posted by boberth2o View Post
                        Well we've seen in the show that the wraith were able to find the location of Earth without attacking Atlantis, a new feeding ground in a new galaxy. That's where they would attack, why attack a powerful ship protecting a powerful city on one planet when they can openly attack a galaxy of planets with no protection?
                        ...atm they can't get to the MW...and Atlantis is here not in PG?! i'm confused?

                        Well those that are not on Lightspeed Art I have begun a huge project of of tauri bases, The stations will have different uses such as trade, research, shipyard, midway, depot, etc. I plan for the bases to be in different enviroments on land, space, sea and air. The bases are going to be a constellation based starting with the zodiac signs.

                        Capricornus Station - experimental shipyard small enough to hid.

                        Taurus Station - used to build all manner of ships.

                        Construction Vessel - to build and repair ships and stations



                          Originally posted by Merlin1701 View Post
                          Construction Vessel - to build and repair ships and stations
                          I love your concepts and the modelling but shouldn't the last one have also a zodiacal name? =)
                          La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
                          L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                            very early wip



                              merlin: that's very nice. is there are reason the stations are "2D"?


                                killman - 2D?


