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Jack/Sam Fic Recs

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    Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
    And as for her taking it off the web, I checked myself and also found it as such. I also saw she requested that nobody pass around copies they have saved. So, out of respect for her, I'm not. Sorry! (Glad you found yours, Chelle!)
    I don't get it...was it that bad she doesn't want anyone to read it anymore? She mentions it in her bio on teasing if you don't want anyone to share it...better off removing it & not mentionong it anywhere rather than piqueing someones curiosity. Another pet peeve of ff reading.
    We should probably not rec stories that have been removed & havea do not share policy to sbz's.
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
      I don't get it...was it that bad she doesn't want anyone to read it anymore? She mentions it in her bio on teasing if you don't want anyone to share it...better off removing it & not mentionong it anywhere rather than piqueing someones curiosity. Another pet peeve of ff reading.
      We should probably not rec stories that have been removed & havea do not share policy to sbz's.
      What she told me is that she's pursuing a career in fiction, and was going to adapt "The Way..." into an original fiction, and was advised to remove it from the internet so that she could pursue other options. Which I can appreciate, and even admire. Wish I had the guts and creativity to do that.

      Last I checked with her she was in the process of removing it, but kinda hoped it was still lingering somewhere. Sorry! I'll check to make sure I can hyperlink a fic before I rec it.


        Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
        She is. I think she made resolutions to write more this year. I want more DC series
        This is great to hear... more DC series would be awesome!

        As for the other recent topic, a fic by an author by sbz, I personally would have no interest because a Sam/Ba'al pairing not only gives me the hee-bee jee-bees, but it's wrong on so many levels! *shudder*


          This rec is especially for Lucy who has a fun trip coming up, but of course I hope others will enjoy it too.

          Birthday Traditions 7 by Kate McCaye SG1 plus Cassie take a trip to the magic kingdom. S/J angst in the happiest place on earth.


            Probably been reced before…
            Looking Up by Strix varia After a serious injury forcing her to leave the SGC, Sam is finally on the road to recovery.

            (link to author page – the fic is rated M)
            ~We do not stop playing because we grow old,
            we grow old because we stop playing.~
            ~ Benjamin Franklin


              Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
              This rec is especially for Lucy who has a fun trip coming up, but of course I hope others will enjoy it too.

              Birthday Traditions 7 by Kate McCaye SG1 plus Cassie take a trip to the magic kingdom. S/J angst in the happiest place on earth.
              Thanks for the rec... I'll check it out!


                selene0789 - your fic has me on the edge of my's brilliant! Keep them chapters coming!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                  selene0789 - your fic has me on the edge of my's brilliant! Keep them chapters coming!
                  Hee hee! Oh, they are. It's a miracle I'm actually holding a job down on top of writing like a maniac-- and I do actual work, instead of pretend working while scribbling down the ideas in my head. My lunch hour is a blessing. Without it my head would explode.

                  Thanks for still reading!


                    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                    selene0789 - your fic has me on the edge of my's brilliant! Keep them chapters coming!

                    And please Selene finish it quickly as I'm waiting to read it (I don't read Wips)


                      Originally posted by siles View Post
                      And please Selene finish it quickly as I'm waiting to read it (I don't read Wips)
                      Hah... Well, I've been working as quickly as inhumanly possible-- just ask the people getting the email alerts. I think I might be freaking them out, with all the alerts they've gotten lately. We're in the final leg of the marathon, and at 45 chapters, it's still chugging along. I'm actually very pleased with myself for being able to keep posting so regularly. It's my first time trying a fic this way...

                      And of course, I know this is a rec thread, but if you guys who read Strangers want to shoot me pointers or anything as to how I can improve, feel free. This is my first SG-1 fic, so I know I have a lot of room for improvement.


                        *looks around, dips toe in water, takes a deep breath....and takes the plunge*

                        First post! anyway, just wanted to thank everyone for their wonderful fic recs. I'm new to the fandom in general and in serious need of catching up. And Selene, you're story defiantely doesn't feel like a first fic! (and trust me, I've read a lot of fics). Keep it up


                          Welcome, picardythirds! It's not so bad once you're down here with the rest of us scary shippers, is it? Hee hee! We're just a little crazy.

                          And thanks! I'm still plugging away, even as we speak. I dabble on here when I need some air! *phew*


                            Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                            Welcome, picardythirds! It's not so bad once you're down here with the rest of us scary shippers, is it? Hee hee! We're just a little crazy.

                            And thanks! I'm still plugging away, even as we speak. I dabble on here when I need some air! *phew*
                            Please give it a big shout in this thread when your story is finished


                              Please give it a big shout in this thread when your story is finished
                              Ditto. I don't read WIPs either. I've just been left hanging way too many times.


                                I can vouch for the scary email thing. Not helpful when I get one at work and can't get onto the site to read said chapter. I'm just about flying out the door at 4pm when I'm finished.

                                Totally hooked. How have the answers been going for your plot question Selene? Have you come to a decision?
                                Cake - an AU tale of secrets, lies, intrigue and Jack's favourite thing.

                                Chapter 1

