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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    *hugs everyone with missing artwork mojos*

    Talent is like that you know. One minute there, one minute gone. I used to write a lot. I mean a lot a lot! These days... I just can't even get the inspiration to finish stuff I started. I just don't feel the need to do it.
    You may find it'll all come back to you again soon. You just need something new/different to occur to you to spark an inspiration and then you'll get going.

    *hugs to everyone with job/ work-life balance woes* particularly you, Bree. Actually you sound a lot like me when I worked in retail. It's a pretty hard environment with long, rubbish hours that in no way pays well enough for the crap you have to take sometimes. I got out... got very lucky and landed myself the dream job that suits my skills a lot better and allows me to be flexible and - most importantly for me - have decent quality time being mummy to my little man but, frankly, pay wise working in the voluntary sector is not great. And job security... hmm, well let's just say considering all the cut backs we're having to endure funding voluntary sector projects is the first thign to go (never mind the value for money or the impact our early intervention can have) so I doubt they'll fuind us next years and I'll be out of work if that's the case.
    I hope you find someone to work for you soon (wish... oh how I wish I could... selling wine would be my dream job... bit of a commute though! )

    Hope Woohoos everywhere are well. I've been busy and poorly the last few days. Busy just being in the fresh air and tending to my garden (which is not low maintenance as I have come to realise) but poorly tummy because I seem to have some intolerance to something I occasionally eat. When I find out what it is... *shrugs*

    And... Come on England! although I won't be watching on account off my having more respect for my nerves that to shred them watching us play footie.


      Sorry you've been sick Cags, hope you're feeling better soon *hugs*

      How are you coping with this heat? 30C is waaaaaay too hot for me I've spent most of the week-end just laying around with the fans and aircon on (and very little else ) watching S2 dvds and eating ice-cream

      And hearing Martin say they were shooting the Mumbai dance scene in 30C didn't help


        Originally posted by Valerie_Jackson View Post
        *Waves* Hey guys!!
        Just have a minute to post, it's almost 11pm and I got to get up early for church tomorrow.
        I'm rather sad to report that yet another fandom has grabbed my attention. Bad Valerie! Bad! Which is why I've been absent the majority of this past month (Or two, not sure) Got to go, tell you more later.
        *Huggles Woohoos*
        *Sneaks out*
        *huggles Valerie* Can't wait to hear what fandom you got into

        *huggles Cags for feeling sick*

        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        Sorry you've been sick Cags, hope you're feeling better soon *hugs*

        How are you coping with this heat? 30C is waaaaaay too hot for me I've spent most of the week-end just laying around with the fans and aircon on (and very little else ) watching S2 dvds and eating ice-cream

        And hearing Martin say they were shooting the Mumbai dance scene in 30C didn't help
        We've been constantly hitting 102F (39C) and it's way to hot for me!

        I am not happy that England lost, I hope that Mexico wins *crosses fingers*
        Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


          Originally posted by yessika View Post
          *huggles Valerie* Can't wait to hear what fandom you got into

          *huggles Cags for feeling sick*

          We've been constantly hitting 102F (39C) and it's way to hot for me!

          I am not happy that England lost, I hope that Mexico wins *crosses fingers*
          How on earth do you cope??? It's 40C in my conservatory with all the doors and windows open and I can hardly walk through without passing out


            Originally posted by jumble View Post
            How on earth do you cope??? It's 40C in my conservatory with all the doors and windows open and I can hardly walk through without passing out
            I have a really good A/C and I try not to go out at all. If I do have to go out, I crank up my car's A/C and hope it's enough
            Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


              Originally posted by yessika View Post
              I have a really good A/C and I try not to go out at all. If I do have to go out, I crank up my car's A/C and hope it's enough
              Ah, you see in this country we're not used to hot weather so most people don't have A/C in their homes. I have one unit up in the bedroom, the rest of the house just has fans Woody's A/C is brilliant, but I haven't had to go out much lately I daren't let the sun touch me otherwise I'll turn into a lobster in seconds


                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                How on earth do you cope??? It's 40C in my conservatory with all the doors and windows open and I can hardly walk through without passing out
                40C - oh gads - that's terrible. Come on over here Jumble it is only 14C (57 degrees) right now and shouldn't get much above about 22C (72 degrees) by the end of the day. And cooler tomorrow. Love the Pacific North West....about the same temps as in Vancouver since we are so close.
                I'll even give you your own room.... :


                  Originally posted by llp View Post
                  40C - oh gads - that's terrible. Come on over here Jumble it is only 14C (57 degrees) right now and shouldn't get much above about 22C (72 degrees) by the end of the day. And cooler tomorrow. Love the Pacific North West....about the same temps as in Vancouver since we are so close.
                  I'll even give you your own room.... :
                  Oh don't tempt me! I'd be there in a shot if I didn't have work comittments

                  I just hope Vancouver doesn't have a repeat of last year's heatwave while we're there


                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    Oh don't tempt me! I'd be there in a shot if I didn't have work comittments

                    I just hope Vancouver doesn't have a repeat of last year's heatwave while we're there
                    I don't think they will. We are pretty much on the same temp grid as Vancouver (I'm in the Seattle area). This is suppose to be a cooler summer, although it will warm up some by the end of July.


                      Originally posted by llp View Post
                      I don't think they will. We are pretty much on the same temp grid as Vancouver (I'm in the Seattle area). This is suppose to be a cooler summer, although it will warm up some by the end of July.
                      Good to hear that I woodn't really want to melt into the puddle that I've been teased about for so long


                        Originally posted by jumble View Post
                        Ah, you see in this country we're not used to hot weather so most people don't have A/C in their homes. I have one unit up in the bedroom, the rest of the house just has fans Woody's A/C is brilliant, but I haven't had to go out much lately I daren't let the sun touch me otherwise I'll turn into a lobster in seconds
                        Yes, my family in Venezuela doesn't have an A/C either and it's really hot where they live
                        It is wise to stay indoors *nods*
                        Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                          Originally posted by yessika View Post
                          I have a really good A/C and I try not to go out at all. If I do have to go out, I crank up my car's A/C and hope it's enough
                          Yes but sadly you have to get out of the car eventually.

                          One of the BIG reasons I moved away from So. Calif.


                            Oh Jann, have you seen these JoeF vids????


                              *shuffles in*

                              Stupid England .

                              *shuffles out*


                                I declare today.... BAD REFEREE DAY!

                                Worst World Cup day for me too!

                                *goes off to try to take her mind of the awefulness*
                                Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr

