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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
    Well, I assumed I was the only one who thunked Joe. *eyes everyone else* I have a type-o in that WP so I have to remake it (accidentally saved over all my layers. DRAT!) I will thunk warn the next one.
    Oh, you insult the man! And if the rest of us are thunking him, you only have yourself to blame for constantly drawing our attention to his adorable qualities

    I knew you'd spotted the typo, so didn't bother to mention it


      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
      No PTB dreams, unfortunately! I have some art, though.

      Thunk warning

      Seriously! Are you sure you want to?

      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
      *dances in*
      Hello Joe!

      And Gimp isn't playing nice so I have to take a break for a while. But why do you need more when Martin and Joe are done: I'll try to make more later when Gimp isn't being STOOOOPID!

      Nice artwork! Our Guys are just so darned sexy!
      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website



        Great arties LJ!

        *dances out to work*


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          Another quiet day for the WooHoos?

          I've been setting up my new laptop

          It's AWESOME!!!!!!!!

          It's HUGE!!!!!!!

          All this idiot-proof setting up stuff makes me laugh It's transferring all my files and settings, and it asked me..

          "Are you sure you want to transfer all the files and settings for the folder entitled 'Martin'?"

          Well DUH!!!!!

          Bunnies OT
          Went up to feed the animals just now..... and there was Finlee (rabbit) sitting at the top of the steps :eek : As I picked him up, I noticed Charlie (guinea-pig) disappear behind a large bush :eek : He's a bugger to catch in a hutch, let alone loose in the garden : ( But fortunately whilst I was putting Finlee back in the run, Charlie decided to show me how they got out by running back into the run The side of the run had been pulled out and there was a four inch gap. Don't know how it happened, don't think it was the fox, because he wood have taken them. I've whacked in loads of nails to make sure it doesn't happen again ; )

          So I'm having a really exciting day so far
          Yay!!! I'm yealous on your laptop! It's better than mine...drat!

          I hope the bunnies keep safe now! We don't want a fox there here there are also a LOT! of bunnies, but also foxes...which are needed know the bunnies behave like bunnies and there are just too many of them

          Originally posted by Sarai View Post
          *screeches into the thread*

          I FINISHED UNI!!!!!!!

          *happy dances, oh so very nekkid*

          Better go catch up!

          *huggles Woohoos*

          now you can btea

          Originally posted by Sarai View Post
          Thanks guys !!!

          *giggles* That was a super-fun catch-up. Glad to see you've all had a good week, no major incidents to report from the Woohoo house?
          Does me falling from the chais count? It hurts(still does)...have a bit trouble typing with my let hand...stupid own mistake...

          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
          No PTB dreams, unfortunately! I have some art, though.

          Thunk warning

          Seriously! Are you sure you want to?
          You'll fall on the floor!!
          Mmmmm hot! (also found your other wp hot! )


            THUNK WARNING!!!

            I will look the other way
            Just this once
            while you thunk Joe


              ROFL LJ...but nice!

              Btw..almost forgot this, while it's important...when we were looking for a "camping shop" yesterday we drove by a lot of companies and suddenly I had to squee and giggle...the 'shop' we drove by was called Wood Products... I wood soo love to see that one from the inside..



                WooHood! More awesome artwork!

                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                ROFL LJ...but nice!

                Btw..almost forgot this, while it's important...when we were looking for a "camping shop" yesterday we drove by a lot of companies and suddenly I had to squee and giggle...the 'shop' we drove by was called Wood Products... I wood soo love to see that one from the inside..

                Well... It was only a matter of time before someone started making profit out of Martin's products outside of the whole Stargate franchise...
                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                  Because I was... the only one who had never made any JM artwork (),
                  something I always wondered:

                  Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                  Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                    Because I was... the only one who had never made any JM artwork (),
                    something I always wondered:


                    ROFL!!! Good one!! The answer for me is, No! I think of his cute accent and pretty eyes and expressive eyebrows and that dimple in his cheek and...



                      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                      ROFL!!! Good one!! The answer for me is, No! I think of his cute accent and pretty eyes and expressive eyebrows and that dimple in his cheek and...

                      Thank you

                      Really... Everytime I'm writing a letter to TPTB and I have to say something about Joe, I think of Food Pictures and Restaurants.
                      ...And pugs, but I bet that in some countries, they make excellent meals...

                      EDIT: Does *cough* mean...?
                      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                        Thank you

                        Really... Everytime I'm writing a letter to TPTB and I have to say something about Joe, I think of Food Pictures and Restaurants.
                        ...And pugs, but I bet that in some countries, they make excellent meals...

                        EDIT: Does *cough* mean...?
                        Er...*cough* means I was getting a tad carried away and I had to stop before I swooned! Yes...yes, that's what *cough* means.


                          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                          ROFL!!! Good one!! The answer for me is, No! I think of his cute accent and pretty eyes and expressive eyebrows and that dimple in his cheek and...

                          Mmmmmm............ well be always makes me feel.......... hungry

                          *runs for cover*

                          Edit: Niiiiice sig Nad


                            Originally posted by jumble View Post
                            Mmmmmm............ well be always makes me feel.......... hungry

                            *runs for cover*

                            Edit: Niiiiice sig Nad

                            *flings tomatoes at Jumble*

                            Now, Jumble, don't tease LJ like that!


                              You really did it this time, LJ...
                              You have WooHoos thunking Joe all evening!
                              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                                Originally posted by luvnjack View Post

                                *flings tomatoes at Jumble*
                                *grabs tomato and munches*

                                Told you I was hungry

                                Now, Jumble, don't tease LJ like that!
                                Ooops! Sorry Martin, didn't know you were listening

                                *blows kisses to Martin*

