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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Thanks ladies. Appreciate it

    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
    That's it for now - only 270 posts to go

    And the way things are going I may soon need to make myself a 30,000 post banner
    Told you you were nearing 30,000...
    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
      Thanks ladies. Appreciate it

      Told you you were nearing 30,000...
      And I thought it was a long way off

      Not seeing a great deal of new S.H.I.P. art - I thought the AfA artworkers wood have been more forthcoming *shrugs*

      I guess I need to open PS...........


        *Snuggly huggles* Nad

        This is so not where I was going with this *shrugs* oh well

        Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


          MR, that's AWESOME!!!


            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            MR, that's AWESOME!!!
            I liked the fact that it looked like the WooHoo bus had sprouted wings
            Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


              Sarai, your sig! *dies* Why oh why do I have no green??

              Thanks for the huggles everyone *squishy huggles back*

              And super giant big huggles for Nad and positive healing vibes for her dad. So sorry to hear that

              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
              *huggles* What's up? Job being a pain?
              Yeah, just too much to do and not enough time to do it in. Bit of a crunch time with a few big bits of work all needing doing by the end of this week, which of course typically is a day earlier this week Never mind, it'll all get done, it always does And I've got all of next week off to recover! Just feeling a bit stressed and frantic with it all atm

              *huggles* for you with your job stresses too But loving the Martinspam - that's put a smile on my face

              Originally posted by clairec007 View Post
              Hi to all.

              Just doing a John Druit, popping in and out
              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                It sure does


                  Originally posted by josiane View Post
                  Sarai, your sig! *dies* Why oh why do I have no green??

                  Thanks for the huggles everyone *squishy huggles back*

                  And super giant big huggles for Nad and positive healing vibes for her dad. So sorry to hear that

                  Yeah, just too much to do and not enough time to do it in. Bit of a crunch time with a few big bits of work all needing doing by the end of this week, which of course typically is a day earlier this week Never mind, it'll all get done, it always does And I've got all of next week off to recover! Just feeling a bit stressed and frantic with it all atm
                  Aw *sends more huggles*

                  [*huggles* for you with your job stresses too But loving the Martinspam - that's put a smile on my face
                  Thanks - although my work woes are pretty much self-inflicted.... I just never learned to say 'No'

                  After tomorrow I have 11 days off, and apparently my Tosh has been repaired and is on it's way back..... time and equipment to make artwork, just a but too late for the party

                  Glad Martin put a smile on your face - I must say I'm finding all this spamming quite therapeutic
                  Last edited by Jumble; 03 April 2012, 12:48 PM. Reason: Freudian slip :D


                    Squishy huggles Nad and good wishes vibes for dad.

                    Went to see my neurologist today about my migraines. I'm getting so many a month (more than 15) that she's going to try and get botox injections approved by my insurance. It's supposed to help. They do it in the back. At this point I'd try just about anything!

                    Today's bits:



                      Hope you get those migraines sorted Nola - they're no fun I'm lucky, my doctor found the cure for mine *touches Wood*

                      And at that second one - I was kinda hoping that wood work for me, but so far - not!


                        Nad It all sounds so scary. I really hope everything works out and your dad will be well soon.
                        *sending healing vibes towards dad and love and huggles to you and your entire family*

                        *sneaks in a congrats for Wendy*

                        Jumble Thanks for the awesome Martinpicspam!!!

                        *runz back out before she gets caught online*



                            More *Hugs* this time for Nola.

                            Migraines are no fun, I'm just lucky that one of the medications I'm on is a fairly effective preventative (that and I now know better than to eat too many banana's and oranges )

                            Oh and it now appears that I am going a date on Saturday evening Nervous and excited both at the same time......It's been that long that I'm fairly certain I've forgotten what to do on a date
                            Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


                              Don't worry MR, it'll all come back to you

                              Is this the guy with the flowers?


                                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                                Alright hate to do this when we have a Party going on but I'm asking for hugs and some good vibes again.

                                My dad fell ill and had to be rushed off to the hospital again today. It was pretty stressful this time around and I won't bore you with the details but it involved an ambulance, firefighters and policemen
                                Don't know what's going on yet and so far they're keeping him for observation because of the brain damage he still has but some WooHoo love wood really be welcome now.

                                BUT. Please do keep that party going! This thread is quite helpful in the Happy Department
                                Sending major hugs and good vibes.

                                Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                                I'm loving all the links to posts of the past.

                                You don't mean Narim, do you?

                                I just got a phone call from my team leader saying she was just in a scheduling meeting and she's been told the petrol station I interviewed for want me and she needs to find a replacement. Now, I haven't been told anything, but HR have been told they want me so it's definitely a BIG sign I got the job, right?!


                                I'm both excited and petrified!
                                BIG sign! Still keeping fingers crossed for official confirmation.

                                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.

