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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post

    I don't know how I got through yesterday on only a couple hours of sleep, but somehow I did. It was soooo worth it.

    The only sad thing is how fast it goes - WooHoomeets just fly by!
    They certainly do I mean, one minute it's 11pm and the next it's 4am I'm still tired

    We put some Christmas decorations up today - we had no string, so being a bunch of MacGyver's, we've used old headphone cables, and hung them using the actual headphones (those big headphones that cover your whole ear and then some).
    A true MacGyver wood have stuck them up with Duct tape

    What's wrong with those headphones? I have them - perfect for listening to Martin

    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

    I'm sorry!
    People keep sending me things!

    That's what you get for being so popular


      *high-fives Nad*

      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
      A true MacGyver wood have stuck them up with Duct tape
      Nope That blue, sticky stuff. Blu-tac (not really sure on the spelling)

      What's wrong with those headphones? I have them - perfect for listening to Martin
      Nothing wrong except they're broken and no longer work (no sound)

      I do miss them - when working, they sound so much better than the little in-your-ear ones.

      EDIT: *zzzz* off to bed because I still haven't recovered either
      Last edited by m_wendy_r; 12 December 2011, 02:56 PM.
      Made by the lovely Jakie


        Speaking of Acolyte you all did see :
        Kindler, Tapping, Wood - best buns in town ..... or something to that effect! At the beginning of the episode - about 2 minutes in maybe????

        I am so happy! I fixed my own TV tonight (once the part I ordered arrived) and it cost me about $70. Best Buy would make a house call and charge me $450 to do the same thing! LOVE IT!

        Last edited by llp; 12 December 2011, 03:58 PM.


          Good evening WooHoos!

          Another chilly day at school. I do believe that they're never going to fix the damn heating. I may just wind up wearing a sweatsuit to work! At least then I might be warm all day.

          No, Martin's hair must not fall out. Yes, that roundabout looks awful. And no, we don't have them in Texas. Thank goodness. Yes, sleep is good after fun weekends. Too bad Tinja didn't win - but since her competition won the entire show, at least she was up against the best that day!

          Today's bits:



            Jumble, thanks for Jenn's email! I sent her a note.
            Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


              Day 13, made by Wendy....


                Originally posted by Pol View Post
                Jumble, thanks for Jenn's email! I sent her a note.
                You're welcome - I hope you manage to get together


                  Ok, egg-mayonnaise sandwiches are made, cakes are iced, children are all dressed up - we're off to a Christmas Party at toddlers


                    Very nice Advent Wendy!


                      Not trying to confuse anyone or anything, but this is my Day 13 for the AfA Advent Calendar.....

                      Wishes and dreams really do come true

                      *huggles Martin*


                        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                        Very nice Advent Wendy!
                        Thank you

                        Lovely advent for AfA, Jumble. Yay for dreams and wishes coming true
                        Made by the lovely Jakie


                          Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                          Thank you

                          Lovely advent for AfA, Jumble. Yay for dreams and wishes coming true
                          Thank you

                          I obviously chose the right 'star' to wish upon


                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                            Yeah, too much to hope that they'd kill him off

                            I don't know, but I bet it's not any of the obvious suspects
                            I'm betting when he regains consciousness he says he saw who it was (which he did that) but that it was Jai or Charity...

                            Just watched it I'm glad they didn't do the deed either, for whatever reason - and I hope they never do

                            To be honest, I'm getting a little bored with both soaps atm - they're dragging out those storylines way too long IMO No doubt the Christmas eps will blow everything sky high as usual
                            Possible corrie spoiler...
                            I think they do the deed Christmas Day...

                            Ohhh, you can't have a soap-christmas without ten thousand dramas going on at the same time

                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post

                            Anyone else read the interview with CH here? Am I missing something, or is fandom totally misinterpreting what he said? I don't think Druitt is dead and gone - they surely woodn't do that I think he's just feeding the rumours rather than just saying that he needed Druitt to be missing for a while so he could concentrate on his other ventures

                            My glass is still half full
                            CH interview / Druitt:
                            I hadn't seen this article yet - but to me it seems pretty obvious that Druitt is dead after reading this... which I'd kind of already thought after the end of S3... but hadn't really accepted. As said already - he's a fan favourite.
                            He may be dead for now... but I find it hard to believe he's dead permanently... and I get the impression Chris wants him to come back somehow too...

                            Originally posted by max_omega View Post
                            Can't wait for The Depths either watched the promo and it looks awesome.
                            Is that the Helen/Will ep? I love those!

                            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

                            If he *is* dead, than even I must admit that it wasn't brilliantly done. Maybe if the last few eps were to tie in on that fact, it could all still somewhat make sense though.

                            I also have to admit that I wasn't very impressed with the character any longer, s I woodn't care overly much I love CH and his acting, but Druitt had (for me) become too mushy and angsty. I needed him evil.
                            As for believing he really is dead... Nope and that's because of the way it was written. No mention at all? Must be fishy

                            Now... if Biggie were to die/leave/disappear... That wood suck.

                            If he wood turn into a Bad!Biggie... That wood be interesting.
                            I agree - I couldn't be doing with mushy/angsty Druitt, but I LOVED him evil, he just plays that so well! I really hope Biggie doesn't get killed off - or that he turns good in the end I don't want him being evil =(

                            Originally posted by josiane View Post
                            I slept for 11 hours straight last night Woohoomeets are exhausting
                            I got 10 hours last night Seems like a good night for woohoo-sleeping. It's amazing how good you can feel after a decent kip!

                            Originally posted by josiane View Post
                            Ah, Swindon's Magic Roundabout. I have a friend who lives in Swindon. To get to hers, I have to drive across that thing. I never know what the heck I'm supposed to be doing, so just take a deep breath and plunge off in the general direction and hope I get out the other side unscathed
                            You can always go round the roundabout a few times till you decide on the right turn off Of course this can cause some dizzyness! Whenever we go on holiday I have to be navigator - and of course with this title also comes being blamed when we take the wrong turnoff lol

                            Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                            Nothing wrong except they're broken and no longer work (no sound)

                            I do miss them - when working, they sound so much better than the little in-your-ear ones.

                            EDIT: *zzzz* off to bed because I still haven't recovered either
                            I hate the ones you stick in your ears (and consequently refuse to use them). I just think they're very... wrong. And uncomfortable. Maybe I have really small ears but I much prefer the big ones you can place over your ears instead =D

                            Originally posted by llp View Post
                            Speaking of Acolyte you all did see :
                            Kindler, Tapping, Wood - best buns in town ..... or something to that effect! At the beginning of the episode - about 2 minutes in maybe????

                            I am so happy! I fixed my own TV tonight (once the part I ordered arrived) and it cost me about $70. Best Buy would make a house call and charge me $450 to do the same thing! LOVE IT!
                            Yes I saw that too! =D
                            And gz on fixing your TV =)
                            ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ my fanfics ~ my twitter ~ teslen thread ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


                              Originally posted by lastrequest View Post
                              I'm betting when he regains consciousness he says he saw who it was (which he did that) but that it was Jai or Charity...
                              I think that too I doubt we'll find out who it really was for some time

                              Possible corrie spoiler...
                              I think they do the deed Christmas Day...

                              Ohhh, you can't have a soap-christmas without ten thousand dramas going on at the same time
                              Corrie last night

                              Too late, they already did it I really hate where this storyline is going

                              CH interview / Druitt:
                              I hadn't seen this article yet - but to me it seems pretty obvious that Druitt is dead after reading this... which I'd kind of already thought after the end of S3... but hadn't really accepted. As said already - he's a fan favourite.
                              He may be dead for now... but I find it hard to believe he's dead permanently... and I get the impression Chris wants him to come back somehow too...

                              I don't believe it's permanent - for me that wood be on a par with killing off Magnus

                              You can always go round the roundabout a few times till you decide on the right turn off Of course this can cause some dizzyness! Whenever we go on holiday I have to be navigator - and of course with this title also comes being blamed when we take the wrong turnoff lol
                              The bigger roundabouts don't really allow for that because you have to get into a lane and follow it, or risk cutting someone up

                              I hate the ones you stick in your ears (and consequently refuse to use them). I just think they're very... wrong. And uncomfortable. Maybe I have really small ears but I much prefer the big ones you can place over your ears instead =D
                              Oh me too! That way you can shut out all other sound and go off into your own little world


                                Re Sanctuary:
                                I so agree with Jumble - killing off Druitt/Biggie would be the worst thing they could would most likely be the final season of the series....he is much to integrated into the show. The only reason he would leave is if he had so many committments he couldn't even work in one episode. And even though he is very busy, I don't think that is the case. Look at RyRo, the man is doing so many things but still manages to be in most episodes. I think Chris is just being mischievious and stirring the pot some which fits into his personality, now doesn't it!

