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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Huggles all - especially to Sil who needs it mostest.

    Can't believe those stats Jumble! Wow - that's all I can say.

    I have to admit, I clicked on ONE spoiler - the one with the warning to absolutely NOT click on (heheheh) and I'm not sorry even a little bit that I did - so there!


      Jumble, not surprised you are at the top of the poster list in here. you are always chatting, to anyone and everyone, just to make them feel welcome and share your appreciationg for Martin Wood.
      Sig made by NAD - THANK YOU SO MUCH

      August 27, 2011 official Teslen ship day....mark your calenders.


        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
        Huggles all - especially to Sil who needs it mostest.

        Can't believe those stats Jumble! Wow - that's all I can say.

        I have to admit, I clicked on ONE spoiler - the one with the warning to absolutely NOT click on (heheheh) and I'm not sorry even a little bit that I did - so there!

        Er, not the stats (those I can wholeheartedly believe ) but the spoiler thing. I know I shouldn't but it'll be ages and who am I kidding that I'll wait for it to air before finding out what happened.

        Awesome video Jumble. *huggles* We really are family.

        *squishy huggles whole woohoo family*

        I still need to do that banner/avi. Sorry I know I promised but... *sigh* seems my heart's just not in it at the moment. I had the idea mapped out, opened PB, imported all the images I needed.... and stared at it for half an hour while my tea went cold.
        I've also been hectic with work and had a slightly poorly tummy and flat battery on the car which made me late for work today - the one day I had to actually go out somewhere and absolutely positively could not be late because I had the laptop with the presentation on it. Hey ho. Fate was conspiring against me going today but I gave fate a swift boot up the jacksie and told it to go be mean to someone else for a change. But you know how you get all het up and panicky about things even though you know there's naff all you can do about it? Yeah, that was me, waiting for my jump start. I don't really do anxiety much - usually too laid back for that - but not today. Good old Bach's rescue remedy.
        As it happened. I was only 10 minutes late and the Samaritans were doing their slot first so it didn't matter. See, getting panicky for no reason. Daft bint!

        *extra huggles Sil* Positive Job Vibes for you..... oh and you too MOB. +++++++


          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
          Huggles all - especially to Sil who needs it mostest.

          Can't believe those stats Jumble! Wow - that's all I can say.

          I have to admit, I clicked on ONE spoiler - the one with the warning to absolutely NOT click on (heheheh) and I'm not sorry even a little bit that I did - so there!
          Argh! Stop it! Mustnotclickmustnotclickmustnotclick.........

          Originally posted by max_omega View Post
          Jumble, not surprised you are at the top of the poster list in here. you are always chatting, to anyone and everyone, just to make them feel welcome and share your appreciation for Martin Wood.
          That's me alright - I'll talk to anyone, welcome anyone, hug anyone

          Not so sure about the sharing bit though........

          *waves to Cags and huggles for panic moment and not seeing S4 for aaaaaages*

          Actually, you might well get to see some of it come November 13th


            Originally posted by Jumble View Post

            And probably the last

            A reverse spoiler?

            Glad you like it - thanks for the pics
            Wait, I was in it? I missed me! Huh. *goes to watch it again*
            Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


              Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
              I hate my job more and more everyday!!!! I need hugs! (though Jumble's vid cheered me up a little)

              *waves to Pol (I've almost finished the S/J vid you requested)*

              Oh...snap! CanNOT wait!

              Edit: Oops, sorry for the double-post.
              Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                Oh Pol, I've seen it and it's terrific!


                  Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                  Oh Pol, I've seen it and it's terrific!
                  Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                    Minor wardrobe Spoilers for Tempus:


                    So some of you might know that I am a bit obsessed with corsets (and bustles). If not, you know now. (If you have seen the Comic Con Sanctuary panel, I am the one that yells out 'corsets and bustles' *embarrassed cough*)

                    Anyway, I have been thinking about modern time Helen and her fabulous outfit and her needing to lace herself up into a corset again. I know it is possible to lace one up by yourself and I assume that Victorian women (especially ones without servants) would be pretty adapt at getting into one (much like we are pretty darn good at hooking our own bras now, though I remember them being a bit tricky when I first started wearing them). I would also assume that Victorian Helen did have servants and might not have had to lace up herself very often, but could do it in a pinch.

                    But is self-lacing a corset like riding a bike? Or did Modern Helen have a biatch of a time getting into it? I think it's a given that she wasn't happy about it.

                    Opinions? Ideas? Discuss.

                    Also, I think someone needs to write this missing scene.

                    So yeah. Obsessed with corsets. And bustles. Soon I will have my own.

                    P.S. I love that the dress that Modern Helen pulls out of the wardrobe is the one (or seems to be the one) she wore in the carriage/proposal scene. Nice touch.


                      Hmmm, wardrobe...
                      I happen to have two corsets and they *are* bit of bother to lace up oneself. Needless to say, it's not possible to lace them as tightly as they should be properly (my great-grandmother had a 19" waist) by yourself.


                        Originally posted by antoa View Post
                        Minor wardrobe Spoilers for Tempus:


                        So some of you might know that I am a bit obsessed with corsets (and bustles). If not, you know now. (If you have seen the Comic Con Sanctuary panel, I am the one that yells out 'corsets and bustles' *embarrassed cough*)

                        Anyway, I have been thinking about modern time Helen and her fabulous outfit and her needing to lace herself up into a corset again. I know it is possible to lace one up by yourself and I assume that Victorian women (especially ones without servants) would be pretty adapt at getting into one (much like we are pretty darn good at hooking our own bras now, though I remember them being a bit tricky when I first started wearing them). I would also assume that Victorian Helen did have servants and might not have had to lace up herself very often, but could do it in a pinch.

                        But is self-lacing a corset like riding a bike? Or did Modern Helen have a biatch of a time getting into it? I think it's a given that she wasn't happy about it.

                        Opinions? Ideas? Discuss.

                        Also, I think someone needs to write this missing scene.

                        So yeah. Obsessed with corsets. And bustles. Soon I will have my own.

                        P.S. I love that the dress that Modern Helen pulls out of the wardrobe is the one (or seems to be the one) she wore in the carriage/proposal scene. Nice touch.
                        In answer to said spoiler:
                        Errr... I have no idea how to lace a corset. I've never tried it, but I do not doubt for one second Helen can do it herself. And yes, that fic needs to be written.

                        And yes, it's the same dress as the carriage scene! It made me smile a lot! *shippy thoughts*
                        Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                        My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                        Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                          Hi woohoos *huggles*

                !! I didn't have enough interwebz to watch it yesterday, but I have just topped up my account! ...the question is, can I find it again? (the real question is actually, Jumblie, can you repost it...pretty please? )

                          Also...I have not seen most of season three, but I still clicked most of the spoilers. I am a terrible human! But I just don't know how long it will be till I can watch any Sanctuary, so I'll take anything I can get Unfortunately, life doesn't suit TV at the moment, so I shall have to wait for DVDs...and then, Ooooooh and then!!!

                          Also, Laurie's spoiler that was not about Tempus

                          Woohood!!! Go Helen - getting her lady love out! That makes me happy

                          Also, dear woohoos, have I told you lately that I love yoooooooooooooooou?


                            So--- tempus spoiler

                            Went through the fight scene with Galway (fight instructor, and massive crush) today after class. FYI, on first viewing, I was totally blown away by the fight. On second, I started to see the tricks they were using. This was the third viewing and we split it down bit by bit. I'm amazed at how the combination of choreography, acting, & camera work made my mind tell a story that was not really completely shown. It totally blew my mind. I'd go into it in further detail, but I've had wine and should really be going to bed.

                            Originally posted by antoa View Post
                            Minor wardrobe Spoilers for Tempus:


                            So some of you might know that I am a bit obsessed with corsets (and bustles). If not, you know now. (If you have seen the Comic Con Sanctuary panel, I am the one that yells out 'corsets and bustles' *embarrassed cough*)

                            Anyway, I have been thinking about modern time Helen and her fabulous outfit and her needing to lace herself up into a corset again. I know it is possible to lace one up by yourself and I assume that Victorian women (especially ones without servants) would be pretty adapt at getting into one (much like we are pretty darn good at hooking our own bras now, though I remember them being a bit tricky when I first started wearing them). I would also assume that Victorian Helen did have servants and might not have had to lace up herself very often, but could do it in a pinch.

                            But is self-lacing a corset like riding a bike? Or did Modern Helen have a biatch of a time getting into it? I think it's a given that she wasn't happy about it.

                            Opinions? Ideas? Discuss.

                            Also, I think someone needs to write this missing scene.

                            So yeah. Obsessed with corsets. And bustles. Soon I will have my own.

                            P.S. I love that the dress that Modern Helen pulls out of the wardrobe is the one (or seems to be the one) she wore in the carriage/proposal scene. Nice touch.
                            Wardrobe issues

                            I finally learned how to properly lace a corset for Dragon Con. #1 WAY tighter and awesomer than what we did at AT5. #2- technically you are supposed to be able to lace it that way yourself. I suppose with practice and more yoga, I could do it without getting a cramp in my shoulder, but I was very happy to have Andi to help me lace in! #3 With the right front-fasteners (like the custom leather corset I ordered) I think you could lace in once and then front-fasten for a while until it needed to be tightened again.

                            And now you've put a big fic plot bunny in my head. And you know how I like to write Magnus and her corsets!

                            Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                            Hi woohoos *huggles*

                  !! I didn't have enough interwebz to watch it yesterday, but I have just topped up my account! ...the question is, can I find it again? (the real question is actually, Jumblie, can you repost it...pretty please? )

                            Also...I have not seen most of season three, but I still clicked most of the spoilers. I am a terrible human! But I just don't know how long it will be till I can watch any Sanctuary, so I'll take anything I can get Unfortunately, life doesn't suit TV at the moment, so I shall have to wait for DVDs...and then, Ooooooh and then!!!

                            Also, Laurie's spoiler that was not about Tempus

                            Woohood!!! Go Helen - getting her lady love out! That makes me happy

                            Also, dear woohoos, have I told you lately that I love yoooooooooooooooou?
                            *smooshes Bekki*

                            That is all.
                            Last edited by MidwifeOnBoard; 12 October 2011, 09:56 PM.

                            come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                              *sees many spoilers*

                              *runs after Wendy*


                                I love spoilers .
                                I couldn't resist if I wanted to and so far, I still haven't seen anything I really didn't want to know. If anything I'm more excited about what's to come.

                                The Sancuary cast and crew are really good at giving away nothing while giving away spoilers.
                                I fear the SyFy promo's much more

                                *hugs WooHoos*
                                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website

