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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
    I'm so silly! I'm watching the bottom of the screen for his name to pop up! LOL!
    Me too

    Jumble, I think you're right. So much goes on behind the scenes that gets forgotten about.
    You know, if you look at it in depth, there's much more that goes on behind the scenes than goes on in front of the camera. Look how much time Joe has spent writing and re-writing scripts for SGU, loooooong before the actors even see a camera There's months of planning, writing, re-writing, storyboarding, costume making, VisFX work.......... and in the Stargate franchise these people do brilliant work

    *cough* Really, I'm so not sucking up in case Joe turns up No really, I mean every word


      Like it huh?
      Sig by ME.


        Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
        Like it huh?
        It's a pretty good likeness, isn't it? And he has the blue shirt on. I like the blue shirt.


          Originally posted by josiane View Post
          Well, very true, and well said And as you say, it's not as if we take ourselves seriously in here or anything
          We don't? Oh, er, no of course we don't


            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
            It's a pretty good likeness, isn't it? And he has the blue shirt on. I like the blue shirt.
            Did someone say shirt? ...........

            I soooo love that shirt.........


              *giggles* It always makes me happy to see how WooHoos can support PTB
              I'm sure Joe wood be a satisfyed man.

              And don't worry about him seeing this thread, I'm sure he'll have enough just following the single post links.
              ...I hope.
              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                *giggles* It always makes me happy to see how WooHoos can support PTB
                I'm sure Joe wood be a satisfyed man.

                And don't worry about him seeing this thread, I'm sure he'll have enough just following the single post links.
                ...I hope.
                Oh I doubt it! I bet he'll be checking out the whole thread I just hope he's not too disappointed that Martin gets the most attention

                I'm in a gif mood......

                Luvnjack I just checked, my post wasn't posted Which means he's seen it and respected your wishes


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  Oh I doubt it! I bet he'll be checking out the whole thread I just hope he's not too disappointed that Martin gets the most attention

                  Luvnjack I just checked, my post wasn't posted Which means he's seen it and respected your wishes
                  Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                  Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                    Darn! In all this excitement I missed my '69 post Well I'm posting the banner anyway... because it's pretty.......


                      Just to help keep the Martin vibe...

                      Martin, Martin
                      he's our Man.
                      Don't worry 'bout Joe
                      we're your clan!

                      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                        Just to help keep the Martin vibe...

                        Martin, Martin
                        he's our Man.
                        Don't worry 'bout Joe
                        we're your clan!

                        LOL! Nad, how does The Lady on the Park Bench feel about Joe?


                          Originally posted by jumble View Post

                          Darn! In all this excitement I missed my '69 post Well I'm posting the banner anyway... because it's pretty.......
                          Congrats on the Big '69!!
                          Pretty indeed
                          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                            No, I'll do more. They're way too fun! It will be like Nad's letters to TPTB, an ongoing inside joke for all of us.

                            jumble, I sent you a pm.
                            Oohhh...I like inside jokes at least...if I know them!

                            Originally posted by jumble View Post
                            *runs in bouncing* She said I could!

                            Here's my post on Joe's blog

                            on February 18, 2009 at 2:25 pm
                            Your comment is awaiting moderation.

                            Dear Joe,
                            A few of the Woohoos (Martin Wood fans) were having a laugh over on GW the other day (it’s what we do), and thought we’d let you in on the joke. See, our friend Luvnjack thinks you’re brilliant and has taken to making icons and sig lines about you (no wallpapers yet, but who knows!?). She was wondering for the millionth time how you’d react if you saw any of her stuff and someone suggested you kept track of all her “fangurling” (as we call it) in little notebooks. The question still remains, would you keep the notebooks as evidence or because you secretly enjoyed the attention? This
                   is what she came up with in response. She’s much too embarrassed to post the links herself, but gave me the go-ahead since we all had such a good laugh over them and thought it might give you a chuckle. She asks that you not post this, as she does sometimes post on your blog and doesn’t want to look like a complete idiot. I guess now you know that for every nut out there bashing you on Livejournal, there’s a loyal stalker–er, fan!–making fan art about you.

                            Squeeeeeeeee! I'm sure he'll love it Luvnjack He's a lovely guy and I just know he'll appreciate your stalking devotion
                            Squee, that's cool I'm curious what he thinks about it Lol!

                            And you know...we should really change this threads name into "The Martin Wood lovers that also love the rest of TPTB" Or something like that


                              Love the idea, Jann! I should probably just start a "Evil Genius Appreciation Thread". Though, I'm not sure we'd have as much fun over there as you guys do here!

                              Well, if he saw the post, then chances are he just ignored it, since none of us have seen him lurking.

                              EDIT: 3 guests! *waves*


                                Oh nonononono! This is the Martin WooHood Appreciation thread! Just because we show a little love for the other PTB, it doesn't mean we can take away from The Martin He's Our Man, first and foremost above all others

