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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Little bit of Damian Did you know that he directed the last ep of S3??
    Since I always assume it's Martin, regardless that I know that it's quite impossible that he'll be directing every ep, I saw that shot (little spoiler, but if you don't want to be spoiled, you shouldn't have had candy when you were little!!!)...
    of Will and Kate in the hollow earth refugee camp and then a 360 or something on them... and I really thought that it was Martin, so I checked and was pleasantly surprised to see that Damian has directed it.
    I love it how they all have similar styles. Meaning Martin, Amanda and Damian. Must be somebodies influence.

    Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


      Originally posted by lastrequest View Post
      And to add to that little bit of trivia, I hear you have to have your appendix removed before going into space too.
      Don't know how factual that is but hey

      *shakes head in disappointment* Daniel didn't have his appendix removed until S4...
      Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


        Originally posted by lastrequest View Post
        Well, you do have over 26,000 posts
        Whereas I'm apparently only just averaging ONE post a day
        Yes, but I've been on GW for well over three years.......

        What a lovely bright pic!
        Can you imagine their faces if they were suddenly swarmed by nekkid woohoo's
        It's ok, Martin's got it covered.......

        (thanks Bree)

        Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
        oMG... just listened to a speech about building toilets for space crafts...

        The Speaker already explained how they separate solids and liquids and the mechanics of the liquid storage and now for the solids.
        The Speaker:" ...but the solids... that's hard. Because on Earth they would fall to the ground, in space, they would just fly around..."

        Being an astrounaut is not as glorified as it seems to be.
        The things that get your attention *shakes head*


          Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
          Little bit of Damian Did you know that he directed the last ep of S3??
          Since I always assume it's Martin, regardless that I know that it's quite impossible that he'll be directing every ep, I saw that shot (little spoiler, but if you don't want to be spoiled, you shouldn't have had candy when you were little!!!)...
          of Will and Kate in the hollow earth refugee camp and then a 360 or something on them... and I really thought that it was Martin, so I checked and was pleasantly surprised to see that Damian has directed it.
          I love it how they all have similar styles. Meaning Martin, Amanda and Damian. Must be somebodies influence.

          Amanda did initially learn by shadowing Martin on SG1, and it wood be surprising if Damian hadn't picked up a few tips from the Master

          Tbh, I was disappointed that Martin only directed 8 eps in S3 - I think the season suffered for that And from what I've seen on Twitter he's not doing many in S4 either I assumed in S3 that it was because there was more producing etc for him to do

          Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post

          *shakes head in disappointment* Daniel didn't have his appendix removed until S4...

          I don't think it mattered so much with them going through the stargate, because they could get back home pretty quick if anyone needed surgery, whereas real astronauts wood be dangerously far away from help


            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            Yes, but I've been on GW for well over three years.......

            It's ok, Martin's got it covered.......

            The things that get your attention *shakes head*
            Jumble? Is Martin gonna shoot us???

            It'll be a good way to die! *giggles*

            To the bold... yeah, I sometimes Google nanotechnology cause at the beginning of our Master studies, they showed us this movie, and there was a guy who was making mechanical spiders... That was just plane scary. It moved on it's own and he explained how they are intelligent and they can select a leader for certain tasks. And I was like: Have you seen Stargate, you destroyer of mankind???? Of course I never actually read anything on the subject, I just Google it, see how many text there is and save it for another day.
            Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


              Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
              Jumble? Is Martin gonna shoot us???

              It'll be a good way to die! *giggles*
              No! Look again - he's collecting us

              To the bold... yeah, I sometimes Google nanotechnology cause at the beginning of our Master studies, they showed us this movie, and there was a guy who was making mechanical spiders... That was just plane scary. It moved on it's own and he explained how they are intelligent and they can select a leader for certain tasks. And I was like: Have you seen Stargate, you destroyer of mankind???? Of course I never actually read anything on the subject, I just Google it, see how many text there is and save it for another day.

              I think maybe you've got too much time on your hands..........

              Speaking of time, it's almost 2.30am so I guess I should go to bed

              WoodNight WooHoos *huggles*


                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                Amanda did initially learn by shadowing Martin on SG1, and it wood be surprising if Damian hadn't picked up a few tips from the Master

                Tbh, I was disappointed that Martin only directed 8 eps in S3 - I think the season suffered for that And from what I've seen on Twitter he's not doing many in S4 either I assumed in S3 that it was because there was more producing etc for him to do
                Idk, I thought the eps were pretty cool. The only one that I really didn't like was Metamorphosis but that was because of the creature Will turned into... I don't know, I just wish they had better monsters But I loved that 'looking right at you' thing.

                I'm guessing there was lots of producing for Martin there... Still, eight eps out of 20, that's like almost half of the show... that's a lot!

                And we shall see for the S4, given that Robin will direct one, and he spent as much time with Marin so far, I can't help but wonder

                I don't think it mattered so much with them going through the stargate, because they could get back home pretty quick if anyone needed surgery, whereas real astronauts wood be dangerously far away from help
                And if they're captured?????
                So sorry Aphofis but I have to go have surgery and then I'll be right back to have you torture me
                Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                  Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                  No! Look again - he's collecting us

                  I think maybe you've got too much time on your hands..........

                  Speaking of time, it's almost 2.30am so I guess I should go to bed

                  WoodNight WooHoos *huggles*
                  Awwww!!!! *runs to the woods so I can be collected.


                  Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                    It's ok, Martin's got it covered.......

                    Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post

                    *shakes head in disappointment* Daniel didn't have his appendix removed until S4...
                    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                    I don't think it mattered so much with them going through the stargate, because they could get back home pretty quick if anyone needed surgery, whereas real astronauts wood be dangerously far away from help
                    well, it was my sister who told me it. She reads these science-journal-type things. That said her facts can be hit and miss
                    I was in hospital having my appendix out just before my 18th so I couldn't celebrate and for some reason she thought it would cheer me up to tell me "but hey, you can go into space now..."

                    Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                    ... yeah, I sometimes Google nanotechnology cause at the beginning of our Master studies, they showed us this movie, and there was a guy who was making mechanical spiders... That was just plane scary. It moved on it's own and he explained how they are intelligent and they can select a leader for certain tasks. And I was like: Have you seen Stargate, you destroyer of mankind???? Of course I never actually read anything on the subject, I just Google it, see how many text there is and save it for another day.
                    That's creepy

                    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                    Speaking of time, it's almost 2.30am so I guess I should go to bed

                    WoodNight WooHoos *huggles*
                    Na-nite *waves*
                    ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ my fanfics ~ my twitter ~ teslen thread ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


                      Originally posted by lastrequest View Post

                      well, it was my sister who told me it. She reads these science-journal-type things. That said her facts can be hit and miss
                      I was in hospital having my appendix out just before my 18th so I couldn't celebrate and for some reason she thought it would cheer me up to tell me "but hey, you can go into space now..."

                      That's creepy

                      Na-nite *waves*
                      But would you want to? With all that solids flying arounnd... hahahahhaha *huggles for the appendix surgery* I almost had mine out when I was around ten, but a friend at the time (also ten) told me that they'll trow my appendix through the window for the cats to eat it. So I begged my mother to let it stay inside. I have no idea why I didn't want to cats to eat it...

                      Edit: now I'm seriously wondering about those Goau'ld mother ships...
                      Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                        g'nite Jumble. sleep tight. and dream...of your favorite director hehehe


                          Martin and Amanda Loveeee them!

                          Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                            Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                              Hey Y'all!

                              Back from a beautiful day in the North Fork of Long Island exploring LI wine country. So lovely. I didn't drink too much because I was driving, but some tastes here and there. Probably had about 2 glasses of wine total over the course of the day. I even got to take a little nap in the breezy sunshine of one of the vineyards. *sigh* Lovely. Just popping in to say hi before snuggling into bed with my book.

                              Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                              I sooo know that I missed the date of the party!

                              LOL. Stephen Colbert would be so proud of our PTB


                              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                              Amanda did initially learn by shadowing Martin on SG1, and it wood be surprising if Damian hadn't picked up a few tips from the Master

                              Tbh, I was disappointed that Martin only directed 8 eps in S3 - I think the season suffered for that And from what I've seen on Twitter he's not doing many in S4 either I assumed in S3 that it was because there was more producing etc for him to do
                              Given the enormous amount of work and prep time that go into directing an ep. Nearly half is a LOT in addition to his producing duties! That's really going above and beyond. I'm ginormously impressed he directed that many. I guess it makes me a bad fangirl that I wasn't aware of the number though...

                              come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                                Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                                But would you want to? With all that solids flying arounnd... hahahahhaha *huggles for the appendix surgery* I almost had mine out when I was around ten, but a friend at the time (also ten) told me that they'll trow my appendix through the window for the cats to eat it. So I begged my mother to let it stay inside. I have no idea why I didn't want to cats to eat it...

                                Edit: now I'm seriously wondering about those Goau'ld mother ships...
                                Probably shouldn't risk it. I was never very good at... dodgeball... so you know... the odds wouldn't be in my favour

                                The cats would eat it? how peculiar! How's your appendix these days? Hopefully not grumbling?

                                I asked the doctor if I could see mine when they'd taken it out. I was curious *shrugs* it was strange looking

                                And re: motherships... artificial gravity?
                                ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ my fanfics ~ my twitter ~ teslen thread ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

