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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    POOR JOE!!! *Sends positive vibes to Joe and Maximus*


      *skips in fully grateful to have an intermittent internet connection again*

      No time for catching up (since I’ll probably just get kicked offline soon) so I’ll just sprinkle the thread with huggles for all the Woohoos and wave at the Spencers.

      Thanks for all the comments on my last sig. Here I thought I was going for something new and I was channeling my inner hippy all along. Who knew?

      Jumble here’s your tutorial. It’s actually easier than it looks to make this sig


      Start with a 500x180 document and add this texture. And there you have the entire secret to the sig. Find yourself a good texture or two and you’re set.

      Next add the large picture on the right. Mask (or erase) the background and duplicate this layer. Change the bottom picture layer to black and white. Change the blend mode of the top one to Vivid Light and reduced the opacity.

      Add a hue/saturation layer to boost the saturation of this large cap and the background.

      Add the smaller picture on the left the same way as the other picture (2 layers, 1 colored over a b&w version) but leave the blending mode for both as normal. Just play with the opacity on the top layer so that it’s not totally black and white. (I wanted the blues of his tie to show though. )

      Next, create a stamp of all the layers. Sharpen this layer.

      Use the eye dropper tool to select that bright yellow green color from the texture. Brush around the outside of the sig with various brushes.

      Add a new layer and use a small soft brush to change the eye color of the larger picture.

      Add a scratch texture as the top layer and set this to screen. (Sorry, I can’t find the original texture I used.) Modify the opacity if necessary.

      Next add this light texture. Scale it down and set the blend mode to screen.

      Add a brightness/contrast adjustment layer to boost the contrast and reduce the brightness and you’re done.

      And since I haven’t had a reliable internet connection for 2 days now I’ve been playing in PS. New sigs:



        Originally posted by llp View Post
        Hmmmm! Run all you want, I grab my cane and trip ya!

        That's the problem allowing too much wine to get around you! You have bouts of forgetfulness! But I remember all because I had very very little to drink that night and was totally sober. However, as promised, I won't tell them about you.....well you know what ya did!
        Oh rubbish! You drank just as much as we did - you've just had more practice at feigning soberness

        Originally posted by Estrela View Post
        *skips in fully grateful to have an intermittent internet connection again*

        No time for catching up (since I’ll probably just get kicked offline soon) so I’ll just sprinkle the thread with huggles for all the Woohoos and wave at the Spencers.

        Thanks for all the comments on my last sig. Here I thought I was going for something new and I was channeling my inner hippy all along. Who knew?

        Jumble here’s your tutorial. It’s actually easier than it looks to make this sig


        Start with a 500x180 document and add this texture. And there you have the entire secret to the sig. Find yourself a good texture or two and you’re set.

        Next add the large picture on the right. Mask (or erase) the background and duplicate this layer. Change the bottom picture layer to black and white. Change the blend mode of the top one to Vivid Light and reduced the opacity.

        Add a hue/saturation layer to boost the saturation of this large cap and the background.

        Add the smaller picture on the left the same way as the other picture (2 layers, 1 colored over a b&w version) but leave the blending mode for both as normal. Just play with the opacity on the top layer so that it’s not totally black and white. (I wanted the blues of his tie to show though. )

        Next, create a stamp of all the layers. Sharpen this layer.

        Use the eye dropper tool to select that bright yellow green color from the texture. Brush around the outside of the sig with various brushes.

        Add a new layer and use a small soft brush to change the eye color of the larger picture.

        Add a scratch texture as the top layer and set this to screen. (Sorry, I can’t find the original texture I used.) Modify the opacity if necessary.

        Next add this light texture. Scale it down and set the blend mode to screen.

        Add a brightness/contrast adjustment layer to boost the contrast and reduce the brightness and you’re done.

        Thank you *huggles* I'll give that a go later

        And since I haven’t had a reliable internet connection for 2 days now I’ve been playing in PS. New sigs:

        That's brilliant! LOVE IT!!!!!

        *sends good vibes to LGJ*

        *sends huggles and good vibes to Joe and Maximus*


          Congratulations Dee and LadyGJ on the babies and auntie-ness. Good times
          *huggles for Bekki*
          *huggles for Bree*
          *huggles for everyone else who needs them that I accidentally missed*

          I missed Ship Day... oh. I didn't even realise it was on Oh well, I probably woudn't have participated even if I'd known about it so maybe I subconsciously chose not to know?

          Josi - I shall definitely be checking out this band... whee music!

          -I've been having a bit of a stressful time recently. I had to go to the doctors yesterday because I've been doubled up in pain and now I have to go for an ultrasound and tests And work has been too stressful, and I'm really not sure I can cope with it

          BUT I got my first year OU results and I'M THRILLED. It's totally turned this week around. My final assessment got 79% and I'm excited about it!
          Made by the lovely Jakie


            Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
            Congratulations Dee and LadyGJ on the babies and auntie-ness. Good times
            *huggles for Bekki*
            *huggles for Bree*
            *huggles for everyone else who needs them that I accidentally missed*

            I missed Ship Day... oh. I didn't even realise it was on Oh well, I probably woudn't have participated even if I'd known about it so maybe I subconsciously chose not to know?

            Josi - I shall definitely be checking out this band... whee music!

            -I've been having a bit of a stressful time recently. I had to go to the doctors yesterday because I've been doubled up in pain and now I have to go for an ultrasound and tests And work has been too stressful, and I'm really not sure I can cope with it

            BUT I got my first year OU results and I'M THRILLED. It's totally turned this week around. My final assessment got 79% and I'm excited about it!
            *huggles for pain and stressfulness*

            WooHooood! Congratulations!!!! *happy dances with Wendy*


              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
              *huggles for pain and stressfulness*

              WooHooood! Congratulations!!!! *happy dances with Wendy*

              WHEEEEEEE! Thank you
              Made by the lovely Jakie


                Estrela, on the last sig!

                Wendy, what's OU?? And AWESOME for the good results!!! *hugs, gently* Hope that the doctor visit goes ok.
                Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                  Dee - OU is Open University. Thank you

                  *hugs back* Me too.
                  Made by the lovely Jakie


                    Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                    Dee - OU is Open University. Thank you

                    *hugs back* Me too.
                    Oh! Well, that's really great!!!!!

                    Today I'm feeling a bit curious, and would like to be able to poke the fire. Literally.
                    Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                      *huggles Wendy* Hooray for your results and hope you feel better soon!!

                      *huggles woohoos* Hope we are all happy and well


                        I'm always amazed at you PS artists. I looked at that tutorial and was completely lost. All that about textures and brushes... I can just about cut and paste, haven't got an artistic bone in my body! BUT I do appreciate the lovely sigs everyone comes up with and shares.


                          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                          Oh rubbish! You drank just as much as we did - you've just had more practice at feigning soberness

                          Ah see, well that is where you are thought I was drinking right along with you, but not so. I had a little Canadian leprechaun with me doing most of the drinking. Now, I know that most leprechauns are suppose to be Irish, but well, I don't want to go into all the sorted details, a real family disgrace that story. And, I did promise not to speak of it so, must keep my word, especially with leprechauns, they can really be ornery (and yes, that is how you spell the word). So see, it wasn't me!

                          You all have a great day with lots of *huggles* Me, I've got to convince a drunk leprechaun to get into a you think it's too early to pack the leprechaun? I'll put a few bottles in there with him!


                            Originally posted by llp View Post
                            Ah see, well that is where you are thought I was drinking right along with you, but not so. I had a little Canadian leprechaun with me doing most of the drinking. Now, I know that most leprechauns are suppose to be Irish, but well, I don't want to go into all the sorted details, a real family disgrace that story. And, I did promise not to speak of it so, must keep my word, especially with leprechauns, they can really be ornery (and yes, that is how you spell the word). So see, it wasn't me!

                            You all have a great day with lots of *huggles* Me, I've got to convince a drunk leprechaun to get into a you think it's too early to pack the leprechaun? I'll put a few bottles in there with him!
                            Reading this post only convinces me more that your imagination has been led astray - probably by consuming waaaaaaaay too much wine

                            *waves to Nolamom* Nice to see you Most of us learn our PS skills by trial and error, and by trying to follow our better Artists' tutorials


                              GW is doing a rewatch of Stargate from the beginning. As I was sick last night, I got the chance to watch a few episodes. Seemed odd not seeing MW's name in the credits for the pilot but he got 2 credits (1st AD and 2nd unit director) on the 1st episode so I guess that makes up for it. There from the beginning: BW (of course) and Andy M, RDA and AT. RCC also became involved starting with episode 1.

                              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                                GW is doing a rewatch of Stargate from the beginning. As I was sick last night, I got the chance to watch a few episodes. Seemed odd not seeing MW's name in the credits for the pilot but he got 2 credits (1st AD and 2nd unit director) on the 1st episode so I guess that makes up for it. There from the beginning: BW (of course) and Andy M, RDA and AT. RCC also became involved starting with episode 1.
                                They didn't let him direct until Solitudes, but what a brilliant job he did

                                *huggles for being sick* Hope you're feeling better

