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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Slightly off topic - I just went on the website for the Ellen show. She has an area where you can suggest ideas, etc. I wrote a really nice piece on why she should have AT on her show....also I hear she is taking the show to Vancouver for a week in her new season. Now, if enough of you do the same (write not go to Vancouver - or both) we might be able to push it over the "perverbial" edge and get AT on the show....any volunteers!


      Originally posted by llp View Post
      Slightly off topic - I just went on the website for the Ellen show. She has an area where you can suggest ideas, etc. I wrote a really nice piece on why she should have AT on her show....also I hear she is taking the show to Vancouver for a week in her new season. Now, if enough of you do the same (write not go to Vancouver - or both) we might be able to push it over the "perverbial" edge and get AT on the show....any volunteers!
      I've never quite understood all the fuss about getting Amanda on that show - care to explain?


        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        I've never quite understood all the fuss about getting Amanda on that show - care to explain?
        Pretty simple. She was asked at AT4 (I believe) is there anything (careerwise) that she would really love to do. She said she had always wanted to be on the Ellen show. She thought it would be fun, she loved her sense of humor plus she admired Ellen for all the charitable work she does. So since AT has gone a long way in making a lot of fans happy, wouldn't it be nice to return the favor, thus the push to get her on Ellen!


          Originally posted by Estrela View Post

          Jumble here’s your tutorial. It’s actually easier than it looks to make this sig


          Start with a 500x180 document and add this texture. And there you have the entire secret to the sig. Find yourself a good texture or two and you’re set.

          Next add the large picture on the right. Mask (or erase) the background and duplicate this layer. Change the bottom picture layer to black and white. Change the blend mode of the top one to Vivid Light and reduced the opacity.

          Add a hue/saturation layer to boost the saturation of this large cap and the background.

          Add the smaller picture on the left the same way as the other picture (2 layers, 1 colored over a b&w version) but leave the blending mode for both as normal. Just play with the opacity on the top layer so that it’s not totally black and white. (I wanted the blues of his tie to show though. )

          Next, create a stamp of all the layers. Sharpen this layer.

          Use the eye dropper tool to select that bright yellow green color from the texture. Brush around the outside of the sig with various brushes.

          Add a new layer and use a small soft brush to change the eye color of the larger picture.

          Add a scratch texture as the top layer and set this to screen. (Sorry, I can’t find the original texture I used.) Modify the opacity if necessary.

          Next add this light texture. Scale it down and set the blend mode to screen.

          Add a brightness/contrast adjustment layer to boost the contrast and reduce the brightness and you’re done.

          Like I said - trial and error...... more error I think ..........

          I just can't seem to get that sharp-but-pale look

          Originally posted by llp View Post
          Pretty simple. She was asked at AT4 (I believe) is there anything (careerwise) that she would really love to do. She said she had always wanted to be on the Ellen show. She thought it would be fun, she loved her sense of humor plus she admired Ellen for all the charitable work she does. So since AT has gone a long way in making a lot of fans happy, wouldn't it be nice to return the favor, thus the push to get her on Ellen!
          Ah, I see. I didn't realise the idea actually came from Amanda


            Shhh. I'm peaking in and trying to do a quick catch up from work.

            Woohoo! I think it's brilliant Jumble. I love the colors and I hope you'll share those fonts please.
            As for the sharp yet pale...I think my scratch texture was more dark grey than black and white and had lots of scratches and smudges. I really wish I could find it for you. Try adding multiple ones or copies of the same one moved around and see if that helps. Or maybe try a dark grey solid color layer or the top and play with the blend modes and opacity? I think it might bring out the light texture a bit more too.

            Congrats to the new Woohoo Aunties! Auntiedom is wonderful. Love 'em, play with 'em and hand 'em back when they're poopy or cranky. I'm glad I became an aunt before my kids were born. It was great practice.

            llp I'd love to see AT on Ellen and would gladly fire off an email. Can you send me a link?

            Welcome Nolamom! Did I really confuse you with that tut? Well, that's because I'm not the best teacher to learn from especially since that was very hastely written. We all started somewhere and if you decide to give PS a try, I'd be happy to walk you through it at a more leisurely pace.

            Wendy - sorry you're not feeling well. (((Wendy))) Big congrats on your OU results!

            Aaack! Gotta run. Boss is around the corner.


              Originally posted by Estrela View Post
              Shhh. I'm peaking in and trying to do a quick catch up from work.
              I have to tell you, 'peaking' is somewhat different to 'peeking' I'm sure you really don't do that at work

              Woohoo! I think it's brilliant Jumble. I love the colors and I hope you'll share those fonts please.
              As for the sharp yet pale...I think my scratch texture was more dark grey than black and white and had lots of scratches and smudges. I really wish I could find it for you. Try adding multiple ones or copies of the same one moved around and see if that helps. Or maybe try a dark grey solid color layer or the top and play with the blend modes and opacity? I think it might bring out the light texture a bit more too.
              Thanks The fonts are Mutlu and Birth of a Hero, snurched from Josiane

              I think it was a combination of the wrong scratch texture and not really knowing the right adjustments for the vivid light layer and the hue/saturation. But I actually like my result even though it's nothing like yours


                Evening all

                Congrats to Wendy and get well soon EH-T and thanks for the tut Estrela and lovely sig Jumble and huggles to all

                Oh, and an extra special appreciative hug and woop for Martin, because I just watched Divide & Conquer on Sky 2
                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                  Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                  I have to tell you, 'peaking' is somewhat different to 'peeking' I'm sure you really don't do that at work
                  Oops. Thanks. You're right. I don't. *mutters to self about successful multitasking*

                  Thanks The fonts are Mutlu and Birth of a Hero, snurched from Josiane

                  I think it was a combination of the wrong scratch texture and not really knowing the right adjustments for the vivid light layer and the hue/saturation. But I actually like my result even though it's nothing like yours
                  *claps* Yay! Thanks for the fonts! I've downloaded them both with the hopes that I can install them at home after the 4th technician works his not-so-magic magic to make my internet connection consistent.

                  I like your result too. It's much more you and that's oh so good.

                  I really don't want to work today.

                  *waves to Josi*


                    Originally posted by Estrela View Post
                    Oops. Thanks. You're right. I don't. *mutters to self about successful multitasking*

                    *claps* Yay! Thanks for the fonts! I've downloaded them both with the hopes that I can install them at home after the 4th technician works his not-so-magic magic to make my internet connection consistent.

                    I like your result too. It's much more you and that's oh so good.

                    I really don't want to work today.

                    *waves to Josi*
                    You're welcome, but do you also want the other ........ dozen fonts I downloaded whilst I was getting the links for those?

                    And all the scratch textures that I found on deviant art..........

                    Thanks Yes, I guess you could say I Jumblified your tut


                      *waves to Estrela*
                      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                        I think this one is closer to the tut.......

                        ..... not convinced it's really 'me' though


                          Originally posted by Estrela View Post
                          Shhh. I'm peaking in and trying to do a quick catch up from work.

                          llp I'd love to see AT on Ellen and would gladly fire off an email. Can you send me a link?

                          Aaack! Gotta run. Boss is around the corner.
                          I went back to the site and copied this address. It should take you right to the correct page. I even tested it to make sure. There is a lot of info on that page so it takes a few moments for it to come up, but it worked for me!


                          And because I have been so derelict on commenting recently, I will just pass on my congrats to those with newborns and my worry with those in need and my apologies for sounding so trite, but I haven't really had much time recently to do it properly nor the art skills to make it look good! But......

                          *A HUGE AND LONG HUGGLE * for those that need it or should be congratulated. Got to run.


                            *is still avoiding work* Procrastination is a lovely thing. Just saying.

                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                            I think this one is closer to the tut.......

                            ..... not convinced it's really 'me' though
                            It may not be you but it stopped me in my tracks. I especially love the icon. (Gee, and I'm not a pink person.) I'd say you mastered my little tut quite nicely.

                            Originally posted by llp View Post
                            I went back to the site and copied this address. It should take you right to the correct page. I even tested it to make sure. There is a lot of info on that page so it takes a few moments for it to come up, but it worked for me!

                            Thanks for the link. If I tell two friends who then tell two friends.....


                              Originally posted by Estrela View Post
                              *is still avoiding work* Procrastination is a lovely thing. Just saying.

                              It may not be you but it stopped me in my tracks. I especially love the icon. (Gee, and I'm not a pink person.) I'd say you mastered my little tut quite nicely.
                              Pink? PINK??? I'll have you know that's lilac!!!

                              Actually, it's growing on me............

                              Oh, and I have a little announcement........

                              Last edited by Jumble; 02 August 2011, 01:40 PM. Reason: forgot the link :o


                                Psst, Jumble, don't forget the link in your excitement

                                Artwork for All

                                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith

