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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    I'm just here for a moment, basically reading a lot of missed comments. However, I do want to take this time to thank the many people that have sent me an email. I don't have time to respond at this time, but I want you to know I have read each and every one of them and I am truly greatful for all of your very kind words. My brother's death was very sudden and unexpected. It is a very hard thing for me to accept, but as in all things, I will accept this along with everything else that comes my way good or bad. We have no choice if we are to survive! Thank you once again.


      Oh my Laurie *huggles very tightly* I totally missed that earlier...that is so sad *huggles again* Why should something like that now happen again. My condolences with your loss.

      Jumble I must say I LOVE the artwork you´re making the last few days! Seriously awesome!


        *huggles Laurie and her family*
        My vids Sig made by me


          Hello beautiful woohoos! What a colourful catch up that was!

          *huggles Laurie* Sending love!!!

          I'm home visiting my parents for Easter. It gets more and more odd to come back every time i visit them. Aaaah, growing up

          (and I might perhaps have an exciting story about a nice boy. Maybe...ask me in a couple of weeks)


            *huggles Laurie*

            Bekki, I can't wait to hear this story... *patiently*
            Made by the lovely Jakie


              Originally posted by llp View Post
              I'm just here for a moment, basically reading a lot of missed comments. However, I do want to take this time to thank the many people that have sent me an email. I don't have time to respond at this time, but I want you to know I have read each and every one of them and I am truly greatful for all of your very kind words. My brother's death was very sudden and unexpected. It is a very hard thing for me to accept, but as in all things, I will accept this along with everything else that comes my way good or bad. We have no choice if we are to survive! Thank you once again.
              *huggles Laurie* We're all thinking of you and sending you love

              Originally posted by starlover View Post
              Oh my Laurie *huggles very tightly* I totally missed that earlier...that is so sad *huggles again* Why should something like that now happen again. My condolences with your loss.

              Jumble I must say I LOVE the artwork you´re making the last few days! Seriously awesome!
              Thank you I'm enjoying experimenting

              Nad, love those! The Atllantis sig is particularly Awesome!! I have the same problem with SGU - don't really know the characters well enough

              Bekki, you're so bad! Dropping a hint like that and then running away is very naughty


                So SyFy moves Sanctuary to Monday nights in the US, and panic ensues



                  I just saw on Fedex that my laptop is already in hopefully I'll get it today*crosses fingers*

                  Love, once again, the new arty Jumble

                  And Bekki tell more!


                    Originally posted by starlover View Post

                    I just saw on Fedex that my laptop is already in hopefully I'll get it today*crosses fingers*
                    *crosses fingers and bounces with Jann*

                    If we don't see you for a couple of days we'll know it's arrived

                    Love, once again, the new arty Jumble

                    And Bekki tell more!
                    Thank you

                    Yes, come on Bekki! You can't leave us hanging like that!!


                      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                      *crosses fingers and bounces with Jann*

                      If we don't see you for a couple of days we'll know it's arrived
                      Yeah because I won't be able to find the internet

                      Thank you

                      Yes, come on Bekki! You can't leave us hanging like that!!
                      Yes Bekki that's evil!


                        Ooohhh look, I love these notifications:

                        On FedEx vehicle for delivery

                        I'm like a little kid waiting for Christmas to come so she can get her new toy!


                          Oh I'm sure you'll get it all figured out in no time

                          Ok, that's it! I'm all SGed out - I want my Martin back!!!

                          *runz back to PS and Martin folder*


                            I'm actually surprised at how long you have kept Martin artwork away!

                            And yup I'm sure I'll figure it out...

                            I hope


                              Originally posted by starlover View Post
                              I'm actually surprised at how long you have kept Martin artwork away!

                              And yup I'm sure I'll figure it out...

                              I hope
                              I've been suffering severe withdrawal for several days........

                              Of course you will

                              Edit: Darn! I've just realised I haven't done one for SGA


                                Last one.....

