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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Jumble View Post

    Sounds good to me

    Getting soooo excited for this trip now *bounces again*

    Can I tell what we're planning? CanIcanIcanIcanI???

    It's not a secret....just easier to discuss via email then online! Tell away!

    Oooh! It started hailing outside with gusto! Can hear it clunking against my windows. Was going to go out, think I'll put that off until tomorrow!
    Last edited by llp; 02 April 2011, 02:43 PM.


      Originally posted by llp View Post
      It's not a secret....just easier to discuss via email then online! Tell away!

      Oooh! It started hailing outside with gusto! Can hear it clunking against my windows. Was going to go out, think I'll put that off until tomorrow!
      Ok *takes deep breath*



      Didn't have nearly enough time to see as much as I wanted when I was in Vancouver for TSE, so Laurie and I are planning to take a boat trip from Seattle to Vancouver Island for a couple of days

      And maybe a helicopter flight around Seattle too!!! *bounces*


        Lookee! It's up WooHoos!

        I've sent the link to Martin - hope it makes him laugh


          Lookee! It's up WooHoos!

          I've sent the link to Martin - hope it makes him laugh

          CONGRATS TO JUMBLE....are new High Flying Adventurer!


            You do realize it also might make him look back at some of the posts don't you!

            Ooh! 9 guests! Makes one wonder doesn't it Jumble?



              Getting ready for what will hopefully a fun, if mellow, night with friends trying all sorts of new single-malts. Got my liver prepped with a good run and some yoga today, so all should be good. I hope.


              come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                Originally posted by llp View Post
                You do realize it also might make him look back at some of the posts don't you!
                That's ok, I haven't said anything outragious for at least.......... er.......... two days?


                Ooh! 9 guests! Makes one wonder doesn't it Jumble?
                It's ok, 5 of them have gone off to check out the Urban Dictionary


                  Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post

                  Getting ready for what will hopefully a fun, if mellow, night with friends trying all sorts of new single-malts. Got my liver prepped with a good run and some yoga today, so all should be good. I hope. xo
                  Sounds like a fun evening. What no snacks to go with the new single-malts!

                  Well enough playing for one day....I have accomplished absolutely nothing except plans about Jumble's trip....hmmmm! I guess I have accomplished some things and all very important!

                  Say Jumble, can you get on any of the websites I sent you about restaurants?


                    Originally posted by llp View Post
                    Sounds like a fun evening. What no snacks to go with the new single-malts!

                    Well enough playing for one day....I have accomplished absolutely nothing except plans about Jumble's trip....hmmmm! I guess I have accomplished some things and all very important!

                    Say Jumble, can you get on any of the websites I sent you about restaurants?
                    Haven't received them

                    Seen on Twitter...

                    SanctuarySeries Sanctuary
                    Overheard in today's #Sanctuary DVD commentary "Damian rewrote this scene the nite before", "that's my house!" "someone flush the toilet"...

                    SanctuarySeries Sanctuary
                    That's commentary for 319 / RT @kathryn_jane_: #SanctuarySeries Any hints on which DVD commentary that was?
                    Up to their usual fun and games by the sound of it


                      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                      Haven't received them

                      Seen on Twitter...

                      Up to their usual fun and games by the sound of it
                      Recent both emails in and restaurants!


                        Woohoo! Congrats Jumble on the big 25,000 and on being able to go visit the land of TSE with Laurie! How are you both going to stay calm until then? *wishes she could hop on a plane and crash your party*

                        Today I've been showing a friend how to use PS on her computer and made something for the S.H.I.P. celebration:

                        (Think she suspects I'm also trying to make her a Sanctuary fan too?)

                        Hmmmm. Do you suppose having a WooHoo definition in Urban Dictionary will lure more folks to the thread? WooHood!


                          *runs in*

                          Jumble Awesome from the urban dictionary...but have you actually clicked on martin and then seen what the first description of Martin is...just look I think you also submitted that one

                          *falls down* Was a lovely day in here and I went to the park Tomorrow probably even more sun! 27C and monday 28 C


                            Originally posted by llp View Post
                            Recent both emails in and restaurants!
                            It's not come through yet

                            Originally posted by Estrela View Post
                            Woohoo! Congrats Jumble on the big 25,000 and on being able to go visit the land of TSE with Laurie! How are you both going to stay calm until then? *wishes she could hop on a plane and crash your party*
                            It's not quite TSEland, it's Vancouver Island - but it's close

                            Today I've been showing a friend how to use PS on her computer and made something for the S.H.I.P. celebration:


                            (Think she suspects I'm also trying to make her a Sanctuary fan too?)
                            Nice one

                            Hmmmm. Do you suppose having a WooHoo definition in Urban Dictionary will lure more folks to the thread? WooHood!

                            Originally posted by starlover View Post
                            *runs in*

                            Jumble Awesome from the urban dictionary...but have you actually clicked on martin and then seen what the first description of Martin is...just look I think you also submitted that one

                            That was definitely NOT me!!!

                            But I do like these definitions, both very true.....

                            A very amazing person. Can make you feel so loved and cared about. The most cuddly, snuggly, lovely person ever! They have really pretty eyes and gives the most wonderful hugs. Martins have great taste in music, but they tend to like stupid movies. But this can be overlooked because they're just so adorable. Any one lucky enough to have a Martin should hold on tight and keep them forever.
                            Martins are usually very tall, slender and cute. They are musically inclined and very talented. Typically, they are sweet, caring and thoughtful. They are also a little nerdy, but incredibly attractive at the same time. Martins are sometimes shy but very friendly. Often described as awesome, magnificent, hunky, charming, compelling, peachy, sexy and perfect. Overall, Martins are generally very lovable people, you can't go wrong when your name is Martin.

                            *falls down* Was a lovely day in here and I went to the park Tomorrow probably even more sun! 27C and monday 28 C
                            I have no idea what the weather was like here since I've had my head in a book for most of the day


                              But you've gotta admit Jumble, that that first one is pretty funny!

                              And Laurie must be happy with you reading!


                                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                                But you've gotta admit Jumble, that that first one is pretty funny!
                                Oh yes, it's funny. And if I weren't a little afraid that one of our guests could just be Martin or Dianne I might be tempted to make it even funnier.......

                                But I won't!

                                And Laurie must be happy with you reading!
                                She is Although I do tend to give her a lot of criticism and extra work

