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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Sil, I am a feminist and I can't begin to tell you how much your so-called 'boss' comments offend me! Sadly though that is a viewpoint that is held in many countries, the UK included and is exactly why we continue to celebrate this day and work towards a more equal society (for men and women )

    Happy International Women's Day!


      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
      WooHoodStock. It makes people groovy.

      He's doing a little better, though still hurting and out of breath really fast. They're still keeping him in the hospital and have done a lung punction and took more blood today. The doctors still have no clue what's going on. On the upside, I could take Mom to see him today and that made him happy. It's the first time in over two months she could actually walk long enough to leave the house.
      Glad to hear Mom got to see him - happy vibes will help him feel better

      *sends more happy healing vibes and hugs*
      Last edited by Jumble; 08 March 2011, 09:19 AM.


        Happy International Women's day to all the lovely Women of the Woohoos!

        Originally posted by Bekki View Post
        Fabulous to hear you happy-bouncing, MoB! Is it a sharing-type story or a just-because happiness?

        *happy dances for MoB*
        Lots of things, but can't 100% share yet. Will let the kittens out of the bag one at a time as they (maybe) come to fruition. *hugs*

        Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
        ok...I'm quite pissed off today!
        I usually don't care very much about the Women's Day but some my collegueas' comments were really annoying!!

        1. Why don't you (women) stop celebrating this thing?
        me. But at least do you know why there's this commemoration?
        1. I dunno but it's surely a bull****!
        me and my colleague (woman). You don't know the story????
        1+2. ohhh advise us if you have a hormonal storm!

        I'm not a feminist but I feel insulted! And he's the person who my boss chose to "control" our work cos of course a man is always better than a woman. I'm smarter than him or there is even one of my colleagues (woman) who has been working here for 22 years, but of course we don't count!

        He said that there aren't anymore discriminations man/woman! In which Planet does he live?
        My Country could have a decent situation respect the other parts on the world, but it's still very male chauvinist! If a Company has to choose between a woman and a male with the same qualifications, it's sure that it'll choose the man!
        Moreeover after a son, it's very common that a Company fires a woman!
        For example when I was little I was ill very often and every time my mum had to fight to take some days off to cure me! When I was 6 she was fired.

        However, HAPPY WOMEN'S DAY to all!!!

        Here men should give a Silver Wattle to women
        *hugs Dee*

        Happy IWD to you hon!

        come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


          Well...this is interesting...apparently my parents are looking for a new dog...they're interested in a lab again...this time a brown one...that still needs to be born
          Tonight they're going to visit the pregnant momma to see if they like the mom and dad of the future dog.
          Big turn of events because they always said that there wouldn't be a new dog in the house after Tara...

          Any how...Happy Women's day!

          *huggles to all Woohoos*


            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            *hugs Bree and Char* Your luck HAS to change soon, surely?
            From your keyboard to Gods ears...
            Quiet on here today......... hm....... maybe I can slip in a little picspam while no-one is looking............

            <lazy snip>
            *recovers...only just slightly*
            I have never seen these before!
            Goodness woman! Where have you been hiding these? Or have I just been gone that long?
            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
            It did. :-)
            Kind of.

            I've been too busy fuming at my .... ok I can't even bring a word to describe how effed off I am with SOME of them right now but all I can say it's it's a darn good job you can chose your friends because my family all need their bloody backsides kicked well and truely.

            All of them...

            ... with the possible exception of... actually, nope, no, the lot of 'em.

            But yes, the hands are a welcome distraction from being generally angry at everyone.

            *huggles Bree and Char* Oh bummocks... flipping job situation can't be easy. It will happen though; She will find a job, you know it. *squishy huggles*
            poor Cags! Family does have a way of driving you crazy at times.

            Job situation stinks at the moment and with the troubles in the Middle-East, and rising gas prices, what little progress our economy has made is going to take a major nosedive. Even Suze Orman is telling people to buy only what they need and bank the rest. We are in deep doo-doo!

            Originally posted by Sarai View Post
            *huggles Bree and Char* Sending heaps of good vibes your way

            *huggles Cags for families*
            Thanks hun.
            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
            *hugs Char and Bree and Cags and every other WooHoo and Spencers and PTB and my dog*

            Quiet day indeed!
            *runs nekkid*
            Thanks for the hug. I have kept my eyes shielded from the nekkid running.
            Originally posted by starlover View Post
            *huggles Char and Bree*
            *huggles Cags for her family*
            *huggles the other Woohoos too!*

            *sighs* I wish my family was no fun to be alone in my apt.
            Thanks hun and *hugs back* How is the recovery going?
            Originally posted by josiane View Post
            *comes in with more hugs for Bree and Char and Dee and Cags and Jann and everyone else who needs them*
            I just had a vision of you wearing a t-shirt that says "Official WooHoo Huggler"
            Underneath in small writing it wood say "Those who know don't need to ask and those who don't will never understand."
            Originally posted by llp View Post
            Hello all! *huggles* to all the Woohoos.

            This is a wish that the little black cloud surrounding Bree and Char dissipates and goes away.

            Jann - hope each day you feel a little better.
            Cags - hmmmm what can I say. Family, they can be a pain, but they mean well no matter how much of an annoyance they are!

            Another beautiful day here which is not going to last beyond today. Rains are coming back tonight.
            The depression is gone (for today at least) and the sun is shining so maybe the black cloud is finally taking the hint.
            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
            WooHoodStock. It makes people groovy.

            He's doing a little better, though still hurting and out of breath really fast. They're still keeping him in the hospital and have done a lung punction and took more blood today. The doctors still have no clue what's going on. On the upside, I could take Mom to see him today and that made him happy. It's the first time in over two months she could actually walk long enough to leave the house.

            Obviously in my failure to catch up properly I missed something. I hope your dad is okay Nad.
            Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
            *hugs Bree, Char, Cags and Jann, and Dee*

            I saw Martin dancing...
            Thanks Wendy and I saw him dance too. I just can't decide if he was doing the Tango or the Funky Chicken....
            *runz from Jumble*
            Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
            *dives into thread*
            *grabs everyone and hugs BIG*

            Life is good. Srsly. A literal lifetime of hard work and tears and struggle is turning into a lovely, wonderful payoff right now. No it's not news from vangroovy, but it's still pretty amazing.

            Love, hearts, and flowers, y'all.
            Good for you MoB! *huggles*
            Originally posted by llp View Post
            So quiet around the thread these days. Most people have gone on with their busy lives and no time to chat! :-( Hmmm, maybe I need to get my life a little busier. Nah, I like it the way it is! No complications that way.

            *HUGGLES* to all the Woohoos...
            Technically speaking, I should not be on GW but I need a little break so here I am.


              Afternoon Woohoos all

              Happy International Women's Day!!!
              Happy Pancake Day!!!

              Can't wait to make my pancakes, yum!

              Nad, glad your dad's doing a little better even if still not good. Sending positive and healing vibes your way still

              MoB, how lovely to see you so happy Can't wait to hear the news when you can share!

              Jann, aww on the potential new puppy! That'll be a lovely treat to go home to when you get back to the Netherlands

              Sil, how awful of your boss. I'd feel insulted too. *hugs*

              Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
              I just had a vision of you wearing a t-shirt that says "Official WooHoo Huggler"
              Underneath in small writing it wood say "Those who know don't need to ask and those who don't will never understand."
              I seriously want that shirt!
              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                Phooey, I had quoted something and now lost it....really cool comments about being able to watch Martin Wood predirect a scene without given anything away. What is came down to was how exciting it was to see Martin at work. - DAH! and what else is new.

                *BIG HUGGLES* to all. Going to run out to the store before the deluge of rain occurs. Probably won't make it, but it's worth a (most likely wet) try!


                  Bree I seriously hope that Char finds a job soon! *huggles* and recovery is going okay! I worked it out with my boss that I can work from home for part time(3 hours a day or so) so that's good! Hopefully I can go back to work for a couple of hours tomorrow. So...I'm having a lazy day today! My body seems to like it so far!

                  Josi; yes it will be exciting...though the pups my family is looking at will be born next week and we're number 6 on the waiting list(with labs in the Netherlands you have to go through official channels and it's hard to find a good one) Still...if that is gonna be the pup we will get, my family is going to take it home around my birthday...and they're already "joking" for two/three years to give me a puppy to make sure I won't travel around that there better not be a big bow around that one when she comes home.


                    Originally posted by josiane View Post
                    Afternoon Woohoos all

                    Happy International Women's Day!!!
                    Happy Pancake Day!!!

                    Can't wait to make my pancakes, yum!

                    Nad, glad your dad's doing a little better even if still not good. Sending positive and healing vibes your way still

                    MoB, how lovely to see you so happy Can't wait to hear the news when you can share!

                    Jann, aww on the potential new puppy! That'll be a lovely treat to go home to when you get back to the Netherlands

                    Sil, how awful of your boss. I'd feel insulted too. *hugs*

                    I seriously want that shirt!
                    Maybe you can get one made and wear it to the next SE or AT event.

                    Pancakes! Tonight is our church's pancake supper and since Char and I are Deacons we volunteered to help out so we will be making pancakes (blueberry, chocolate chip and plain) and sausages, as well as fruit cups, coffee and tea for about 200 people.

                    Then there are the pancake flipping contests in which all Deacons are required to participate. The caveat is that we have to intentionally lose so that the kids can win. Since I have never tried to flip a pancake while running at the same time I am sure that whatever child races me will be winning on his or her own merit.


                      A very HAPPY INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY to all.


                        Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
                        From your keyboard to Gods ears...

                        *recovers...only just slightly*
                        I have never seen these before!
                        Goodness woman! Where have you been hiding these? Or have I just been gone that long?
                        They're brand new, I capped them from a vid yesterday.


                          Originally posted by starlover View Post
                          Bree I seriously hope that Char finds a job soon! *huggles* and recovery is going okay! I worked it out with my boss that I can work from home for part time(3 hours a day or so) so that's good! Hopefully I can go back to work for a couple of hours tomorrow. So...I'm having a lazy day today! My body seems to like it so far!

                          Josi; yes it will be exciting...though the pups my family is looking at will be born next week and we're number 6 on the waiting list(with labs in the Netherlands you have to go through official channels and it's hard to find a good one) Still...if that is gonna be the pup we will get, my family is going to take it home around my birthday...and they're already "joking" for two/three years to give me a puppy to make sure I won't travel around that there better not be a big bow around that one when she comes home.
                          Thanks Jann we're trying to be patient about the job thing but it is hard for Char to keep getting rejections.

                          Glad you are feeling better hun and a new puppy is exciting, especially in and around birthday time.


                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                            They're brand new, I capped them from a vid yesterday.
                            Double posting

                            What video? Inquiring minds need to know!


                              This one (ignore advert)

                              Wish I could figure out how to download it, but all I get is the advert
                              Last edited by Jumble; 08 March 2011, 09:44 AM.


                                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                                This one (ignore advert)

                                Wish I could figure out how to download it, but all I get is the advert
                                I have no clue about downloading videos.

                                Thank you for the link. I found it rather entertaining.


