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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
    Well, we are fangrils and we are pleased!

    Omg! I laughed so hard when I saw that!
    But I must say that we're easy to please. We thunk over hands and Shorts for crying out loud!
    It's because we (PTB fangirls) don't 'get' much. Pictures I mean There was a time where 'behind the scenes' meant behind the scenes. We're lucky that people started to make screencaps!

    Having said that... Our PTB do a great job of showing their ...faces.

    (And for one time, I'm not including AT. She's everywhere. )

    EDIT: I mention PTB pics and PB refuses to open!
    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      Originally posted by Leo1 View Post
      Er, I've forgotten everything I wanted to say!
      *sends good luck vibes to wendy*
      *huggles Dee*

      Never heard any of the SGA commentaries

      Ok, so who do you guys think is Sanctuary's best director, besides Martin?
      OMG! You don't know what you're missing!!! *faints*

      Originally posted by llp View Post
      Okay, as for need your ticket, your boarding pass and your passport (and depending on the country) one more form of ID such as a driver's license. Also, make sure you know your seat number and PLEASE PICK AN AISLE SEAT! No more crawling over sleeping passengers!!!
      I've picked an aisle seat, I'm not getting caught like that again

      And what is this crap about "older ladies" - I thought you didn't like being called a lady?
      Shhh! I was just trying to lull Seattle into a fasle sense of security

      As for planning, not exactly. I just need to finish decorating or something. Maybe like having a table to eat at would be nice. I know I have a lovely dining room table, but that is in the other bedroom and right now it has a cover over it and the cats usually on top of that. Could be an inconveniece to ...ah...the cats!

      I was thinking of a couple of bar stools for the know for breakfast meals. Oh and things like eggs, bacon, etc....I believe you call it food! Now, I'm not saying there isn't any food in the house, but maybe I need more "conventional" foods. I hear you English can be sticklers about such things!

      Seriously, all I need to really do is make sure the house gets cleaned (about a day before you come) - no use wasting all the effort before hand! As for the other stuff, well, we will just have to wait and see!
      As long as I have somewhere to sleep (preferably sans cats ) and get fed at some point each day, I'll be happy

      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
      I know exactly what you mean, I also think of AT as one of TPTB and picked her as my fav director in addition to MW. It is hard to believe she only directed 1 ep of SG1 but she did such a great job I don't know why they didn't have her do it again. Lots of opportunities in seasons 9 & 10 when Sam was often wallpapered.
      Good point. I guess because there were so many other directors already working on SG1 so she didn't get the chance *shrugs*

      It does seem like Sanctuary has been on longer than 2 1/2 years. I recall being sorry to see the end of Sam (although totally supportive of AT's decision) but while I miss the character I find Helen more than fills the gap.

      Since I have only ever seen AT in person with dark hair I often forget she was a blonde.

      Is it April yet?
      April? What happens in April? Oh, your CreationCon? Say 'Hi' to Brad for us

      Oh! Got it! We're finally getting the second half of S3! It's been so long I'd forgotten

      Originally posted by kthomassg View Post
      Oh Ryan, how could I have missed your hottest when I first saw you in Atlantis? Oh - Ah, well the cuteness of Henry wasn't really there was it?
      No,I can't say his character was 'cute' at all.

      I've never met Amanda with blonde hair (never had the means to go to a convention until recently). And you are right when I think of her, I think of her as a brunette. I think I would just be floored if I saw her in person as a blonde. That could be something she could do without telling anyone, just show up to AT6 or TSE2 as a blonde. Everyone would be very surprised when she first walked out.
      Nononono! The blonde is hopefully gone forever!!!

      Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
      Hmm, is it wrong that I started making a list of things that I could do... and they would hurt... *takes a pic of Martin and plasters an evil smile* I am evil.
      *narrows eyes* You're going to do WHAT with a Martinpic???

      *shields Martin from the Evil One*

      *snuggles* Hehe, thanks

      I had no idea there was anyone else directing except for Martin????!!! What???

      Except for Amanda but she only did 2 eps so far, so I guess Amanda then?

      Is there someone else directing Sanctuary?
      Brenton Spencer! That's all I'm saying


        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
        *hugs Wendy*
        *hugs Dee*
        *hugs WooHoos*

        And yes, Jumble, I did mean 'honorary' We were bordering on serious discussion and it made my typo meter nervous...
        I know, and I was about to do a Martinpicspam when my internet went down and I thought I was too late But it was just me, not GW


        But that might be based on the earlier discussion.

        Seriously guys. We discussed. And GW didn't break!
        (Ok, the 'serious' level wasn't *too* high, due to mention of semi nekkid PDL, but still.)
        Just because we got away with it this time doesn't mean we can afford to be less careful in the future.......... GW is probably just playing with us, seeing how far we'll go................

        Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
        *giggles* Why? I have no idea but now it's making me giggle, and maybe blush a little.
        I tried finding the pic... but found this instead.

        Mwahahaaaaa! I've sent a little gremlin to all the WooHoo PBs with instructions to delete THAT pic

        Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
        I forgot to share this... Sil and I were on the tube and she spotted this and we took a pic and so... it's Martin's Green that sentence needs to be finished
        Wood Green! Been there many times

        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
        *sighs and shakes head*

        So... we have a lot of (implied/imagined) semi nekkid PTB shots.
        The questions are: Is it to attract fangirls? To please us? To show how fit the production process makes one?
        And why do I only have the Dan
        Shea one in PB? I don't even think I have wet Martin...

        And how did I go from discussion to this superficial post?
        I think the question really is: Why do certain PTBs feel that nekkid pics are necessary to attract fangirls?

        Martin knew we loved him loooong before he did the half-nekkid thing with the quilt.......
        which was totally unnecessary but greatly appreciated


        And Cockfosters? Really?
        Yes. What's wrong with that?


          Finally, the Pre-AT5 WooHoo Cocktail Party vid....

          Does anyone have any objection if I make it public instead of unlisted?


            Originally posted by kthomassg View Post
            That could be something she could do without telling anyone, just show up to AT6 or TSE2 as a blonde. Everyone would be very surprised when she first walked out.
            I wonder what Amanda would look like as a redhead?

            Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
            I had no idea there was anyone else directing except for Martin????!!! What???

            Except for Amanda but she only did 2 eps so far, so I guess Amanda then?

            Is there someone else directing Sanctuary?
            I dunno. I mean, I just guessed that they couldn't do it all!

            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
            OMG! You don't know what you're missing!!! *faints*
            *sniffles* I suppose it's my own fault. The dvds are available, it's just so expensive to buy the whole set just for a few commentaries, especially considering that I've never really been interested in Atlantis. Never even seen an episode.

            Oh! Got it! We're finally getting the second half of S3! It's been so long I'd forgotten

            Nononono! The blonde is hopefully gone forever!!!
            Aww, sometimes I miss the blonde. Not short though, she looks great with long blonde hair. But true, she is absolutely stunning as a brunette.

            And look, my first multi-quote!


              OMG the video is so awesome! I squee'd when I saw the badge being given to Stuart though

              I don't mind

              EDIT: Thank you for the huggles and good luck vibes *huggles WooHoos* I'm a bit calmer now
              Made by the lovely Jakie


                Originally posted by Leo1 View Post
                I wonder what Amanda would look like as a redhead?

                I dunno. I mean, I just guessed that they couldn't do it all!

                *sniffles* I suppose it's my own fault. The dvds are available, it's just so expensive to buy the whole set just for a few commentaries, especially considering that I've never really been interested in Atlantis. Never even seen an episode.
                If I knew how to upload the commentaries I'd send them to you

                Aww, sometimes I miss the blonde. Not short though, she looks great with long blonde hair. But true, she is absolutely stunning as a brunette.

                And look, my first multi-quote!
                I really don't think the blonde suits her - the brunette is much more natural looking

                So.......... the US and Canada get the second half of Sanctuary starting Friday 15th April, so presumably that means the UK gets it on Tuesday 18th? That's still a loooong time to wait


                  Jumble, I totally forgot you filmed all that! How hilarious to watch it back!

                  And I never knew Stuart got a badge! How fabulous! I hope you showed him the video

                  *huggles Jann* So glad you're home, and with your parents to take care of you

                  Dee, enjoy the wedding!
                  Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                    Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                    OMG the video is so awesome! I squee'd when I saw the badge being given to Stuart though
                    I just loved his reaction He was embarrassed and pleased all at the same time

                    I don't mind

                    EDIT: Thank you for the huggles and good luck vibes *huggles WooHoos* I'm a bit calmer now
                    Good, it's always better to be calm


                      Originally posted by josiane View Post
                      Jumble, I totally forgot you filmed all that! How hilarious to watch it back!
                      I kept it back knowing you'd all have forgotten

                      And I never knew Stuart got a badge! How fabulous! I hope you showed him the video
                      Wendy sent it to me for him, and yes, I've sent him the link

                      Ally's reaction was: "Thanks! I'm going to have to put up with that all afternoon!"


                        I only have a few seconds but I think all those desserts have gone to your memory and wilted Amanda as a blond really about every time she goes back in time to her early days.....BLOND!!!!


                          Hair Talk!

                          Originally posted by Leo1 View Post
                          And look, my first multi-quote!
                          You're all grown up now!

                          Aww... Love the video, WooHoos!
                          Love the accents too. *nods*
                          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                            Originally posted by llp View Post
                            I only have a few seconds but I think all those desserts have gone to your memory and wilted Amanda as a blond really about every time she goes back in time to her early days.....BLOND!!!!

                            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                            Hair Talk!

                            You're all grown up now!

                            Aww... Love the video, WooHoos!
                            Love the accents too. *nods*
                            Accents? What accents?

                            You do know that come August you'll be starring in the next WooHoo Party vid?


                              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                              I just loved his reaction He was embarrassed and pleased all at the same time
                              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                              I kept it back knowing you'd all have forgotten

                              Wendy sent it to me for him, and yes, I've sent him the link

                              Ally's reaction was: "Thanks! I'm going to have to put up with that all afternoon!"

                              Originally posted by Jumble View Post

                              Accents? What accents?
                              I hate hearing myself... I always sound far more Estuary English than I do in my head But no, no accents
                              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                                Originally posted by Jumble View Post

                                Accents? What accents?

                                You do know that come August you'll be starring in the next WooHoo Party vid?
                                It's all accents to me... And British accents awe so totawwy cute!

                                And yeah. I'll be the one with the weird, but also vewy cute Dutch accent who'll be hiding under a bus...
                                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website

