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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
    It was Nad that started it, as usual
    I think it was you...

    but I'm glad I, for once, don't get blamed for it!

    We'll try to keep you updated, but don't hold your breath. We're going to be fairly busy over the next few days
    Just once a day would be nice I'm sleeping most of the time anyway And here they were saying it was a "small" operation...*sigh*


      Originally posted by starlover View Post
      You people are diiiiiiiiiirty. Just saying

      *huggles +1* Hope all this fun will make you feel better soon!

      Oh and everyone...keep us, non sickly participants updated! I know you want too
      Got the remnants of my cold now, and my damned shoulder. *huggles*

      With Wendy now, yay, who still hasnt packed, tsk tsk!!!


        Originally posted by boxeddreams View Post
        Got the remnants of my cold now, and my damned shoulder. *huggles*

        With Wendy now, yay, who still hasnt packed, tsk tsk!!!
        Well...I would like to trade that cold for my....err...removed appendix...that sounds wrong! But I seriously hope you feel better soon! You shouldn't be feeling icky while going to such a fun thing

        Bad Wendy, but she's probably fast with packing!


          *sneaks in*

 kinda promised Joe and APA I'd make a Brad is My Hero vid if he managed to pull something out for SGU. And since that seems to be happening, I'm kinda thinkin' I'm gonna' have to make that vid. So...Any pics of Brad Wright would be greatly appreciated. I found a great deal of video, but if I use the song I'm thinking of, I'm for sure going to need some nice big photos.

          Er...have fun at AT5, y'all...

          *wanders away*
          *wanders back*

          Oh, and if you feel like perusing Joe's blog for mentions of Brad and how he's been fighting for SG, that'd be great, too. But don't worry much about it; I am looking forward to that part.

          *drops off pic as thank you gift*

          Oh, okay, maybe another one...
          Last edited by Luvnjoe; 10 February 2011, 09:58 AM. Reason: Cuz I can


            Here's today's update for you Jann: We're all dressed up and ready to go to Anderson's, picking up MoB, Penjab, Dee and Sil from the station on the way! WooHoooooood!!!


              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
              *sneaks in*

     kinda promised Joe and APA I'd make a Brad is My Hero vid if he managed to pull something out for SGU. And since that seems to be happening, I'm kinda thinkin' I'm gonna' have to make that vid. So...Any pics of Brad Wright would be greatly appreciated. I found a great deal of video, but if I use the song I'm thinking of, I'm for sure going to need some nice big photos.
              Oh, and if you feel like perusing Joe's blog for mentions of Brad and how he's been fighting for SG, that'd be great, too. But don't worry much about it; I am looking forward to that part.

              *drops off pic as thank you gift*

              Oh I have and have been mildly excited by the news about SGU. *huggles Brad* I have some pics. I'll try and upload them to PB tonight for you.

              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
              Here's today's update for you Jann: We're all dressed up and ready to go to Anderson's, picking up MoB, Penjab, Dee and Sil from the station on the way! WooHoooooood!!!

              Have fun!

              By the way, what's the plan for tomorrow? I assume you're going to roll up at my door at some point. Come to think of it, when is registration anyway.

              And, um, blue jello... yeah, if it does that to my fingers, no amount of vodka will persuade me to actually eat it.


                Brad Wright pic spam (I've kept original sizes to preserve quality hence the thumbnails):

                Oooh Martin!

                There he is again.

                *huggles Coopie*



                  Woooooo! Thank you, Cags!


                    Originally posted by starlover View Post
                    Thanks for the huggles girls! It was quite scary since I've never been operated in my life! The doctors were amazed by how I filled in the "History diseases"form...nothing from me...nothing from my parents...just good health!
                    Still glad I went since I nomally am too stubborn to go to the doctor and all...but I just knew this time that it was different. Strange thing, but it worked out! And the doctor/surgeon later spoke to me and said that it was definitely inflamed and all! Good thing I went in on time.

                    *points up* OH yeah! Certainly since it can quickly turn bad and rupture! No time to loose.
                    *huggles gently back* Tummy is all swollen and yucky right now! I feel fat!
                    Yeah, you could have had a grumbling appendix for umpteen years like me, and so when I finally went in it was gangrenous However, I can happily report I don't get stomach ache anymore ... I thought it was normal to have lots of stomach ache! ) The bloating does subside in a few days and your scar will heal quickly too - you can hardly see mine these days


                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                      Oh I have and have been mildly excited by the news about SGU. *huggles Brad* I have some pics. I'll try and upload them to PB tonight for you.
                      'Actual' news or still rumours?

                      Have fun!

                      By the way, what's the plan for tomorrow? I assume you're going to roll up at my door at some point. Come to think of it, when is registration anyway.

                      And, um, blue jello... yeah, if it does that to my fingers, no amount of vodka will persuade me to actually eat it.
                      We have to be at the Ren for registration between 1.30pm and 4.30pm, and for Laurie to check into her room. So we're aiming to roll up at your door in time for lunch *hint*, so around noon


                        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                        'Actual' news or still rumours?

                        Well nothing definite yet bit Joe is really positive:

                        Still no definite word on the Stargate front. Following a flurry of promising developments, things have gone unbearably quiet. Not a bad sign just... no sign. There's an anticipation that good news could break any day now - but the longer the wait, the greater the challenge when the time comes. To those holding out hope that this could mean a third season pick-up - alas, this isn't one of the scenarios in play. Nevertheless, as I said in a previous entry, if and when we finally do get the green light, Brad has some wonderful surprises in store for fans of SGU (as well as fans of the Stargate franchise in general). I've got my fingers crossed for all involved, even though it's looking more and more like I won't be among them.
                        Although sad Joe isn't going to be there.

                        We have to be at the Ren for registration between 1.30pm and 4.30pm, and for Laurie to check into her room. So we're aiming to roll up at your door in time for lunch *hint*, so around noon
                        One lunch on order. Hope you like cheese. I have to pick Benjabubs up from school at 12.30 (15 minutes to walk there, about 40 minutes to walk home by the time he and the twins we walk with have stopped playing silly beggers all the way home! I'll have to jolly them along a bit. If it's raining like today then I'm taking the car anyway (twice the distance, takes just as long - I'm actually so glad I have every incentive to walk every day instead of being lazy. )
                        So, basically, get here before 12.15 or you'll have to wait for me to get back from the school run. If you're not here by then I will take the car anyway as it will be quicker than walking with the twins. As much as I like to walk for the exercise, some days (like today when we got absolutely drenched because it took us so long to get home because one after another they all decided to have a hissy fit) the dawdling annoys me.


                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                          Well nothing definite yet bit Joe is really positive:

                          Although sad Joe isn't going to be there.
                          Oh I know he's positive, but I'll believe it when I see it

                          One lunch on order. Hope you like cheese. I have to pick Benjabubs up from school at 12.30 (15 minutes to walk there, about 40 minutes to walk home by the time he and the twins we walk with have stopped playing silly beggers all the way home! I'll have to jolly them along a bit. If it's raining like today then I'm taking the car anyway (twice the distance, takes just as long - I'm actually so glad I have every incentive to walk every day instead of being lazy. )
                          So, basically, get here before 12.15 or you'll have to wait for me to get back from the school run. If you're not here by then I will take the car anyway as it will be quicker than walking with the twins. As much as I like to walk for the exercise, some days (like today when we got absolutely drenched because it took us so long to get home because one after another they all decided to have a hissy fit) the dawdling annoys me.
                          LOVE cheese!!! Not supposed to eat it But I will anyway

                          We'll aim for 12, and if we miss you we'll just wait

                          Looking forward to seeing you *hugs*

                          *wonders how many bottles of wine are left...*


                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                            Looking forward to seeing you *hugs*

                            *wonders how many bottles of wine are left...*

                            Hark is that a pot I hear rattling about back there somewhere?

                            FYI, I already had two bottles before you came. I have one of them left (and yes, I still have the ones you brought plus an extra that came courtesy of home delivery today)

                            Actually I think that makes me a lightweight!


                              Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

                              Hark is that a pot I hear rattling about back there somewhere?
                              Nope! You could apply that to me if I was claiming not to have drunk..... numerous bottles of wine lately, but not for simply wondering if you'd drunk one or two..... especially since it was you that questioned my sanity for leaving them with you

                              FYI, I already had two bottles before you came. I have one of them left (and yes, I still have the ones you brought plus an extra that came courtesy of home delivery today)

                              Actually I think that makes me a lightweight!
                              Don't worry, we'll soon change that tomorrow night

                              And FCOL Cags!!! You're still stark nekkid Get some clothes on immediately!!! (ie: put up a sig and avi )


                                oooh, the gang are all together! *super fun happy jealous huggles*

                                Still moving in the house - I might be finished by this evening, all ready for my housemate to move in tomorrow. Will send pictures

