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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Sarai View Post
    I do indeed. Saw first hand proof in Vangroovy...Who was it who suggested we get a cab to find a liquor store again??!


    .... several times, if I remember correctly

    I'm going to try and have a few good nights' sleep all the start of next week so I'm fully rested and don't conk out straight away when I get to yours like last time but can't promise anything. That journey really is very tiring

    EDIT: Thanks Jos . This time next week I'll probably be too excited to sleep
    Aw, we know that, especially after a full day's work But you'll have most of Thursday to recuperate and then there's three days of WooHoo madness to look forward to


      *bounces and squees*
      Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        .... several times, if I remember correctly
        We went to Canada, two little innocent Woohoos and were quickly led astray if I remember correctly

        Aw, we know that, especially after a full day's work But you'll have most of Thursday to recuperate and then there's three days of WooHoo madness to look forward to
        And I really can't wait



          *rolls in thread*

          Got nothing to say, other than being jealous at those Woohoos that are gonna be drunk next week!


            *huggles Jann*

            Wish you could be there! Fingers crossed for the Summer

            And with that off to bed, woodnight Woohoos


              Woonight Sarai! I'm off to bed too, so woodnight all from me too *huggles*
              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                We went to Canada, two little innocent Woohoos and were quickly led astray if I remember correctly
                Yes indeed! Who knew that such an innocent looking lady wood lead us into sooooo much trouble?

                And I really can't wait

                WoodNight, sleep well and recharge them batteries

                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                *rolls in thread*

                Got nothing to say, other than being jealous at those Woohoos that are gonna be drunk next week!
                Drunk? Who said anything about being drunk???

                We will simply be sampling a little grape juice in honour of our beloved Amanda.....

                Of course, Josiane will be drunk very quickly, but at least with these smaller glasses she'll be able to say that she drank TWO before she fell over

                WoodNight Josiane


                  *huggles woohoos* Wooooo AT5!!!

                  Northern Queensland looks alright...theres a bit of damage, but people are safe, which is the most important thing

                  *looks forward to next week* Go you AT5 woodiehoos!


                    This time next week, I'll likely be tucked up in my Ren bed, but getting ready to meet y'all the next day!

                    I got the go-ahead from my boss to leave monday if I want, which is forecast to be sunny. I have to call the Ren and the airline and make sure it won't cost me an arm and a leg first.

                    Oh. And I am STILL waiting on my money! Argh!

                    come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                      Drunk? Who said anything about being drunk???

                      We will simply be sampling a little grape juice in honour of our beloved Amanda.....

                      Of course, Josiane will be drunk very quickly, but at least with these smaller glasses she'll be able to say that she drank TWO before she fell over

                      WoodNight Josiane
                      You are just gonna have a good ol' time with the wine!

                      *hugs MoB*


                        Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                        *huggles woohoos* Wooooo AT5!!!

                        Northern Queensland looks alright...theres a bit of damage, but people are safe, which is the most important thing

                        *looks forward to next week* Go you AT5 woodiehoos!
                        Good news and God Bless!


                          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                          This time next week Laurie and I will be frantically trying to hide all the empty wine bottles before Josiane and Sarai arrive........

                          Don't go tellin the youngins these things...theyse gonna get the wrong idea!

                          Then again...they know you too well don't they!


                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                            You are? Oh good, because I doubt there'll be many left by then. You know what Laurie's like


                              Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                              I do indeed. Saw first hand proof in Vangroovy...Who was it who suggested we get a cab to find a liquor store again??!

                              That's the thanks I get for trying to be neighborly!


                                Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                                We went to Canada, two little innocent Woohoos and were quickly led astray if I remember correctly
                                And I really can't wait *bounces*
                                I watched the two of you as I stayed sober as a judge!

