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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post

    I got unsubscribed from the thread
    I think GW is trying other ways than crashing to one by one get rid of us...

    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
      I think GW is trying other ways than crashing to one by one get rid of us...

      Well, GW can try.... but GW will fail!
      Made by the lovely Jakie


        Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
        Wood morning Woohoos,

        That's very pretty MoB. And what the thing about bracelets? *is a lost Woohoo*

        I'm up early today too, off to college, *hugs Jann* for having to get up soooo early.

        *hugs Woohoos*


        Just PM me a picture of a bracelet of yours and it will go in a 'guess which woohoo owns this bracelet' contest. The person with the most correct guesses wins a fic by me from the prompt of their choosing. I'll post the pics tonight or tomorrow.

        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
        *takes a deep breath, crosses fingers and touches Wood*

        I appear to have fixed the laptop..........

        Originally posted by Bekki View Post
        *flops into the thread*

        *huggles jumblie*

        *happy dances for pretty pink dresses*

        *realizes she doesn't own any bracelets*

        and lastly...

        Brisbane smells like a giant arm pit!
        *huggles bekki*

        come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
          I think GW is trying other ways than crashing to one by one get rid of us...

          Maybe it's revving up to crash spectacularly on Wednesday

          Much as I'd love to see a huge firework display for Martin's birthday, I really hope GW doesn't explode until after we've finished celebrating

          Btw Nad, have you posted the invitation around the threads?
          Last edited by Jumble; 17 January 2011, 07:01 AM.


            Morning WooHoo's

            I need a job where I can work all alone in a fairly dark room with a promise that no one will call me or disturb me in any way. Then maybe my head will stop hurting.
            I am wondering if it's seasonal. I think January of last year I was miserable too.

            So we're worried about a GW crash on Wednesday? Why? What cood be so important about that day?
            *puts on thinking cap*
            Nope! Can't think of a thing. *runz*

            BTW- My neighbors came over last night and we all watched Revelations PT 1& 2, End of Nights PT 1 & 2 and Eulogy.
            When all was said and done all of us were crying (even Chuck) and he said "this was movie quality programming."

            EDIT: BTW-Chuck is a Theoretical Physicist!!!


              Originally posted by wine_buyer View Post
              Morning WooHoo's

              I need a job where I can work all alone in a fairly dark room with a promise that no one will call me or disturb me in any way. Then maybe my head will stop hurting.
              I am wondering if it's seasonal. I think January of last year I was miserable too.
              *squishy huggles Bree* I think you're right, it might well be seasonal. Maybe there's some kind of pollen that's around now that causes it? Woodn't it be great if that were the case, because then there wood be a treatment for it

              So we're worried about a GW crash on Wednesday? Why? What cood be so important about that day?
              *puts on thinking cap*
              Nope! Can't think of a thing. *runz*

              And there I was feeling sorry for you.......... I suppose I could be generous and put it down to the pain

              BTW- My neighbors came over last night and we all watched Revelations PT 1& 2, End of Nights PT 1 & 2 and Eulogy.
              When all was said and done all of us were crying (even Chuck) and he said "this was movie quality programming."

              EDIT: BTW-Chuck is a Theoretical Physicist!!!
              Give that man a Kewpie Doll!!!!

              And a hug


                Good morning all Oh my, it's only 8 in the morning and I am wide awake and full of energy. My body must be realizing it is getting close to my trip with only 2 1/2 weeks until I leave!

                A few comments here:

                First Bekki, sorry to hear that Brisbane smells like an arm pit. Not exactly a term used to attach tourist! Hope you "deodorize it soon, for your sake.

                Sorry to hear you have to get up in the middle of the night to go to work Jann. But think of all the experience you will get. And then when you get to my age (hell I won't even be alive then ) you can remember back and stack you head and laugh about the "old" days.

                Now MoB, what is this about a bracelet. Any bracelet I own? Just take a picture and do what with it....send it to you or post it or what? Too early in the morning to be thinking yet!

                Bree, sorry about the brain attach. Turns off all the lights and tip toes quietly to my chair.

                Oh and my name tag is fine Wendy.

                And Jumble, my dear friend.....fixing laptops now are we! Well then, I guess I can now forget the last threads of my "computer fixing" portions of my brain. A worthy opponent has taken over that job now! YEAH!

                Hmmmm, by the time I posted everyone disappeared..... Have I showered yet today?

                But it's morning so I want to share this even though it's hiding behind the clouds here:

                Oh well, no one is home, might as well:
                Last edited by llp; 17 January 2011, 08:06 AM.


                  I woodn't call myself 'worthy', I've picked up a few bits and pieces from watching other people and the rest comes from just trying things to see what might work That's pretty much how I've learned to fix washing machines, tumble dryers, cars, vcrs, electrical and plumbing problems. If in doubt, get the toolbox out


                    Evening all

                    *happy dances for Jumble's laptop*
                    *huggles Bree for migraines and Jann for long days*

                    Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                    *flops into the thread*

                    *huggles jumblie*

                    *happy dances for pretty pink dresses*

                    *realizes she doesn't own any bracelets*

                    and lastly...

                    Brisbane smells like a giant arm pit!
                    Yeuch! Hope the clean-up is going well though.
                    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                      *huggles Woohoos*

                      *smooches Joe*


                        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                        Maybe it's revving up to crash spectacularly on Wednesday

                        Much as I'd love to see a huge firework display for Martin's birthday, I really hope GW doesn't explode until after we've finished celebrating
                        *hugs GW and whispers nice words*

                        Btw Nad, have you posted the invitation around the threads?
                        Not yet.

                        ...Because I forgot
                        Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                        Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                          Because I'm pretty sure no one remembered:

                          EDIT: I'm all alone with 9 guests? How am I supposed to feed everyone?
                          Last edited by DutchIndeed; 17 January 2011, 11:04 AM.
                          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                            *hugs GW and whispers nice words*

                            Not yet.

                            ...Because I forgot

                            You might want to post it on the GAD thread as well, some of our missing WooHoos go there

                            And seriously, you spoilered him on the S/J thread???

                            Be loud and proud, girl! It's not like he wasn't the shippiest SG Director

                            Hm... double negative..... *looks around from Josiane and ducks*

                            Edit: Don't worry, there are only 6 guest left now - I'm sure you've got enough week-old broccoli pizza to cater for them


                              Who, what, me? I think that's OK though
                              *disengages inner grammar-nazi*
                              *smiles beatifically*
                              *waves to Jumble, Sarai & guests*
                              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                                Wonders in....*Waves to JUMBLE and SARAI* - Stares and waves at all the guests then smiles.

                                Hmmmp! I said waves at the guests - like this:

                                (Sorry, sometimes those little fellas don't want to cooperate! )

