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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Jumble View Post
    learned a lot about Power Director, I'll pass it all onto you in February

    You're up early
    Well most people wouldn't thing 8:20 in the morning is early, but yes, I went to bed around 11pm (which is also early) and slept through the night again. All though my eyes are a little watery this morning and my breathing is not great....I do feel a lot better this morning. But the real test is after I take my temp. I need to get it to go UP (yes up). It was below normal all day yesterday and too far below to ignor since it was at 97.4 which is a good degree below normal for me. Now the big ? is.....what does it usually sit at. Years ago I could be used for a really accurate measurement....always exactly at 98.6*, but who knows now? I'm assuming it should still be close though. Let you know after I get around to taking it.

    Oh too late....Jumble is gone and I'm all alone in this big one is home.

    Rescued....Jumble you have returned. I was so lonely! Where did everyone go....or isn't anyone here at this time of day I'm never up this early.
    Last edited by llp; 09 January 2011, 07:33 AM.


      According to Wiki...

      The commonly accepted average oral (under the tongue) measurement is 36.8±0.7 °C, or 98.2±1.3 °F
      ... so I don't think 97.4 is too much of a worry But still, if it's not 'normal' for you it bears watching. Usually if you have an infection the temperature is high rather than low, which to me points to your problem being an allergy rather than a bacterial or viral infection. Which wood be good if you could figure out what you're allergic to

      Glad you slept well though, that's a good sign


        In the US, 98.6* is considered normal....wonder why it is different?


          Originally posted by llp View Post
          In the US, 98.6* is considered normal....wonder why it is different?
          98.6* is generally considered the 'average normal', but there are so many variables that can affect your temperature - individual metabolism, age, recent activity (or lack of), sex (as in gender), whether you've recently eaten/drunk anything (wait at least 30 mins) and obviously state of health. My current temperature is 96.8*, and there's nothing wrong with me


            Are you sure?


              Originally posted by llp View Post

              Nothing that wood affect my temperature........... *thinks*..... well nothing that wood send my temperature down


                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                98.6* is generally considered the 'average normal', but there are so many variables that can affect your temperature - individual metabolism, age, recent activity (or lack of), sex (as in gender), whether you've recently eaten/drunk anything (wait at least 30 mins) and obviously state of health. My current temperature is 96.8*, and there's nothing wrong with me
                I know that in a weird way my temp is always a low 36 C. I'm just cold blooded(if that is a word )

                And I slept great last night till...just now! I woke up around 9/10 am, but decided I wanted to sleep in as long as I wanted/could so I slept till 12:30 Being lazy is awesome!


                  Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                  EH-T you must walk really fast
                  Got to move to keep warm.

                  Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                  I felt awesome when I picked the towel up off the stats and saw how far I had run! I hate treadmills but it's too icy outside right now to run safely. So I'm pretty psyched I could zen out like that on the 'mill.

                  I also hate the treadmill. I walk home from work because I stopped driving my car to/from work a couple of years ago to help save the environment. The added bonus is I never have to go on the treadmill anymore.

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    Hi Woohoos,

                    Jann, loving your new apartment. And the shower curtain too.

                    Hope your feeling a bit better today.

                    Its been snowing here again today, it sucks! But I did start making my abnormal ball costume!!

                    And I hear there's a party going on soon too?

                    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                      Finally went to bed around 8am and slept until 2pm But it was worth it because I've learned an awful lot in the last 24 hours
                      Sounds like what I did. Alas, being up all night was not my choice. Nor was it fun. We had a crazy emergency situ last night. They were in surgery for 6 hours!

                      Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                      Got to move to keep warm.

                      I also hate the treadmill. I walk home from work because I stopped driving my car to/from work a couple of years ago to help save the environment. The added bonus is I never have to go on the treadmill anymore.
                      Ooh that's great. Thought I'm not sure I would want to get to work all sweaty from running. Though when I (hopefully) move to Vangroovy, I do plan on getting a bike!

                      come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                        Ah, glad it wasn't actual smoke that set it off

                        Oh that's right, go off to bed having pointed me towards a new addiction

                        "Go and check out the particles you can download...." Yeah, me and particles are like....... LJ and fonts

                        WoodNight Cags *huggles*
                        *runz in* FONTS??? What?? Did someone say...*looks around*...Oh...Oh, never mind...




                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                            Now now, stop leading the young 'uns astray

                            I should be tired... shouldn't I be tired?

                            Wendy, stop lurking down there and come and play!! Are you feeling better?
                            Sorry Jumble!!

                            Better than I was, yes. But I still have a cough and over the past few days my chest is killing me, and my ribs, and everything. Compared to the flu though, it's not as bad.

                            How are you? How is everyone?
                            Made by the lovely Jakie


                              *huggles wendy*

                              come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                                *runs in with fly by hugs*

                                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website

