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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Ooooh that looks like fun And ooooh 8 guests. (You scared some off )

    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    There you go, you've proved my point
    I did? *clueless*

    Going by my extensive experience of cons (all one of them ), I don't see how anyone can be shy at cons. People will literally walk up to you and ask you who you are, where you're from etc. Or in my case "Oh, soo you're Jumble!" followed by massive hugs
    I tend to not really know many people before I go/see people/stuff. I met Wendy at my first con and I think that went well Draw your own conclusions
    I did start talking to some people in photoshoot queues though when I was on my own! Had a couple of good conversations about stuff
    And then I did talk to Nicki Clyne for like an hour so yay, improvement
    I'm babbling

    I'll do my best
    Woot If in doubt/failure, feed me chocolates. I gotta talk to get them anyway

    Good that you're getting your appetite back, just go easy for a day or two
    Well I haven't been going out & I've been sat on my bed watching Buffy when I'm not at lectures/seminars lol. Easy enough? (simple meals + cookies + lemsip + hot blackcurrant yummmm). That reminds me, I'm overdue on drug time :O


      Jumble, I'm sure Eve could match you w/ someone who didn't want to make/receive S/J stuff. I have no idea who anyone is over there these days, so I'm not sure I'll participate. I did have fun to DM's wallie last year (heeheehee ). Maybe I should put in a special request to get matched w/ someone from this thread or the art thread... I dunno. See how things go over the next few weeks...


        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
        Jumble, I'm sure Eve could match you w/ someone who didn't want to make/receive S/J stuff. I have no idea who anyone is over there these days, so I'm not sure I'll participate. I did have fun to DM's wallie last year (heeheehee ). Maybe I should put in a special request to get matched w/ someone from this thread or the art thread... I dunno. See how things go over the next few weeks...
        Tbh, what with our WooHoo Sekrit Santa, Martinmas, and then The Birthday, I'll probably be far too busy already. So I'll pass. And like you say, there are so many strangers on the shipper thread now that I woodn't have a clue what to do for any of them anyway

        I'll reserve my awesome artworking talents to inflict on people that I actually know


          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          Tbh, what with our WooHoo Sekrit Santa, Martinmas, and then The Birthday, I'll probably be far too busy already. So I'll pass. And like you say, there are so many strangers on the shipper thread now that I woodn't have a clue what to do for any of them anyway

          I'll reserve my awesome artworking talents to inflict on people that I actually know

          ...but I don't want to get my bum whooped by Eve It is a very busy season for me, too. I Know Who's bday coming up, then Nate's, then Thanskgiving (which we are planning this year--joy), and my Dad's bday, which is Thanksgiving weekend. I'm also expecting to be completely and utterly paralyzed with grief over the holiday season. Yay. Oh, and I have that little writing project to finish, too...and then I have to start the next draft...*looks around for APA* She's not here, is she...?


            More sick people?
            *huggles for Benjabubs and for Jumble's littlun*
            Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
              ...but I don't want to get my bum whooped by Eve It is a very busy season for me, too. I Know Who's bday coming up, then Nate's, then Thanskgiving (which we are planning this year--joy), and my Dad's bday, which is Thanksgiving weekend. I'm also expecting to be completely and utterly paralyzed with grief over the holiday season. Yay. Oh, and I have that little writing project to finish, too...and then I have to start the next draft...*looks around for APA* She's not here, is she...?
              I'm sure Eve will understand.

              I'm actually glad that I'll be busy over those months, it makes it easier. But not too busy for you if you need an ear to rant into, or a shoulder to weep on, or just some extra huggles

              Ah yes, that little writing project........ how's it coming? I hope you can get back to it and get it finished eventually because it really is an interesting story and I HAVE to know what happens!!!!

              *looks around* Nope, she's not here......... unless she's one of those 4 guests............


                Well, one less guest....but I was reading that last 4 pages to catch up, then I sign in.

                *Waves Hello* to all the Woohoos.

                Now first things first....what are you people doing giving out my "QUILT" without even asking me first....come on now....!!!
                With that said, I was going to suggest it should go to MoB! So there!

                Now as for cloning it (well I want this to be a secret so don't tell anyone but the one you are using is a clone. I couldn't just give up possession of the "real" one. But I saw to it that is still had all the magical powers. So, if you insist on making mini ones out of it fine, but that is up to you guys - because the "real" one stays here - and yes Jumble, I will let you use it when you come and visit!) Shsssss! don't tell anyone!

                And one last comment on the "mourning" issue with Magnus. That was exactly what I was trying to say (obviously not very well). There should still be little moments where she shows the sadness when she is alone, such as picking up her picture and watching a tear fall from one eye or gently touching her face in the picture. That is how I would handle it....and I wouldn't want others to be there at that moment!

                So, it is 1 pm here and I'm still in my pj's. This feels so nice to have a pj day. But I still have to go for a short walk and wash my hair..... or not!


                  It's ok Laurie, we kinda guessed it wasn't the real Quilt you were lending out

                  Ok, now I'm in a quandary. On tv is 'Paul O'Grady Live'. guests included David Tennat, Kylie Minogue and Gary Barlow. Can't stand PO or DT, so can I stand to watch them in order to get to Gary?

                  *inspiration strikes*

                  I'll just turn the sound off until I see Gary appear


                    Oh, now there's one face that seriously doesn't suit a beard

                    Or what is presumably intended to be a beard..........


                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      It's ok Laurie, we kinda guessed it wasn't the real Quilt you were lending out
                      Then you understand the quandary I was going through..... So the decision will be left up to you!

                      And we might have to see about getting you your own "QUILT" the next time there is a TSE and, of course, Martin must wear it on his body just like the last time! - wonder if he'll throw in a T-shirt as well.

                      Originally posted by Jumble
                      Ok, now I'm in a quandary. On tv is 'Paul O'Grady Live'. guests included David Tennat, Kylie Minogue and Gary Barlow. Can't stand PO or DT, so can I stand to watch them in order to get to Gary?
                      Well, I definately know who DT is, but I don't think I've heard of the other people. So sorry, I can't help. However, without sound seems the most likely solution.

                      Originally posted by jumble
                      *inspiration strikes*

                      I'll just turn the sound off until I see Gary appear
                      Excellent choice as earlier suggested!


                        Originally posted by llp View Post
                        Then you understand the quandary I was going through..... So the decision will be left up to you!

                        And we might have to see about getting you your own "QUILT" the next time there is a TSE and, of course, Martin must wear it on his body just like the last time! - wonder if he'll throw in a T-shirt as well.
                        Oh, that wood be AWESOME!!! But there's no way I can match the huge amounts of money that were paid at SE1

                        Well, I definately know who DT is, but I don't think I've heard of the other people. So sorry, I can't help. However, without sound seems the most likely solution.

                        Excellent choice as earlier suggested!
                        You haven't heard of Kylie Minogue? Seriously?

                        Gary Barlow = Take That.

                        Paul O'Grady = a scouse (Liverpool) comedian (matter of opinion), apparently popular in the UK though I've never figured out why

                        Edit: Oops! That's Danni, not Kylie
                        Last edited by Jumble; 08 October 2010, 12:23 PM. Reason: Wrong sister


                          Well, I have chores (yuk) to do and I need to get back to my rewrites now that I feel better. So, have a good evening and I'll talk with you later.

                          *BIG HUGS*

                          I may know who Kylie Minogue is if I see her, but the name isn't familiar to me.

                          [And maybe I'll be able to pitch in a little for something that special - especially if I ever sell my book ]


                            Originally posted by llp View Post
                            Well, I have chores (yuk) to do and I need to get back to my rewrites now that I feel better. So, have a good evening and I'll talk with you later.

                            *BIG HUGS*

                            I may know who Kylie Minogue is if I see her, but the name isn't familiar to me.
                            I misheard, it's her sister Danni

                            [And maybe I'll be able to pitch in a little for something that special - especially if I ever sell my book ]
                            Aw *hugs* I couldn't let you do that


                              Originally posted by jumble View Post
                              Aw *hugs* I couldn't let you do that
                              Let me?????? Hmmmm! Now listen "young lady" () The only person that I ever would allow to "let me" do things was my mother.

                              You must understand, no disrespect meant, but you ain't my MA!

                              Seriously, it would depend on some outside influences, but I think you would accept a "GIFT" if given from friendship, so only time and circumstances will settle this. (especially circumstances!)

                              (No more needs to be said about this because first we need a second TSE, a new quilt, and Martin wearing it against his luscious naked body - opps better not go there!)


                                *runz in*

                                did somebody say..."Naked"?


