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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Oh but we DO!!!!

    Mash somehow became "mast" in my head... oh dear....

    You know, all this talk of good old Kylie... she was one half of one of my first ever ships y'know:

    SQUEEEEE!!!! Blimey, twenty odd years on and it's still fabulous!

    Although I was secretly more a Jane/Mike shipper myself


      Originally posted by jumble View Post
      *accepts gold stars*

      Er...... hang on.........

      Oh take it from me, once you've driven an automatic you'll never want to go back to manual It takes all the stress out of driving, no gear changing, no fear of stalling, just a nice easy ride
      OMG I totally disagree. I HATE driving automatics! I've driven both since learning how to drive and I greatly prefer the experience of driving a stick. Unless I move to a place like LA where you are stuck in traffic all the time or San Fran where you are stuck on hills all the time, I'll keep my stick.

      come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


        Oh yes! Jane/Mike was my fave ship too! I mean Scott/Charlene was always going to happen

        Love that song

        You know Jason Donavon does a radio show on Heart?


          Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
          OMG I totally disagree. I HATE driving automatics! I've driven both since learning how to drive and I greatly prefer the experience of driving a stick. Unless I move to a place like LA where you are stuck in traffic all the time or San Fran where you are stuck on hills all the time, I'll keep my stick.
          To each their own I guess


            Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
            OMG I totally disagree. I HATE driving automatics! I've driven both since learning how to drive and I greatly prefer the experience of driving a stick. Unless I move to a place like LA where you are stuck in traffic all the time or San Fran where you are stuck on hills all the time, I'll keep my stick.
            My roommate in college (San Francisco) had an old VW and we lived on a hill. That car could only make it up the hill in reverse. So everytime we headed out, she would go up the hill backwards. Hey it worked!


              Originally posted by llp View Post
              Ah, mashed potatoes.....very nice indeed. Love mashed pototoes.

              But I love Chicken Soup.... My grandmother would make it for me everytime I came over and I would love it. Sometimes I would eat only the soup (with chicken and carrots in it) and nothing else. Although I loved her spaghetti with chile in it as well. Ummmm YUM! and my mother's home made CHOCOLATE CAKE! Loved that cake.
              Ah, now I miss my family and the fun we had at my grandmother's.
              Chocolate cake? *whimper* Do want do want neeed. Damn now I'll actually have to leave the house tomorrow to buy some. Mean.

              & TY for the green Cags *hugs*


                Originally posted by thesecretcylon View Post
                Chocolate cake? *whimper* Do want do want neeed. Damn now I'll actually have to leave the house tomorrow to buy some. Mean.
                Sorry There my meaness meant. I was remember back when they were all still alive and I was (very) young. I sometimes miss my family, especially when I'm sick (or just getting better). Such is life. Sometimes things are good and you feel like you are on top of the world. And sometimes you remember old times and holidays times and you get sad because you have so little family left and they live so far away. It's all about life.

                Now I'm feeling really sad, so I think I'll leave you all and wash my hair. Anything to get past this mood.


                  Don't be sad, at least you have a lot of lovely memories of your family. Enjoy them, huggle them, let them comfort you

                  *huggles Laurie*
                  Last edited by Jumble; 08 October 2010, 03:12 PM.


                    Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                    OMG I totally disagree. I HATE driving automatics! I've driven both since learning how to drive and I greatly prefer the experience of driving a stick. Unless I move to a place like LA where you are stuck in traffic all the time or San Fran where you are stuck on hills all the time, I'll keep my stick.

                    See that's amused me because I think U.S. car culture is very much about big, luxury, everything done for you... UK car culture always was about getting somewhere without blowing a head gasket. I mean, barely ten years ago I was driving around in a four speed Austin Metro (vandem plas I'll have you know... called Monty ) which was considered a luxury model because it had a tilt or remove sunroof and velour panels on the doors and opposed to plain metal. I'd coax it to 70 on the motorway but it didn't half rattle!
                    I think American car manufacturers cottoned onto providing comfort and style with cars a long time before we did and, I have to say, what you get for your money in an American car is second to none. Hubby had some very specific requirements - AC, leather seats etc... none off the European models had anything like that. I didn't want an MPV - specifically said no to having one actually because I didn't want to become a suburban housewifey type and there's only ever going to be three of us - yet we ended up with one because, for the money, it had everything we he wanted and nobody else could offer that. If they'd still been making the PT Cruiser we'd have upgraded to a new model of that. The Voyager is just faultless though. I never really fell completely in love with the Cruiser (it was a bit gutless and didn't corner great) but the Voyager just wipes the floor with everything else we tried out. I adore it already.

                    And it'll fit 7 Woohoos! Could come in handy, that!

                    Umm, where was I after fangurling my car? Oh yeah. Yes, I think, culturally, if you're bought up with one thing being readily available, the opposite becomes attractive to some. I mean, minis for instance. I know you love them and that's great; lots of people do. But to me, yeah, nice little car but, urgh, no, wouldn't want to own one. For starters, they're not minis, they're BMWs these days (yes, I'm a snob about it! )and, secondly, they're small and cramped. My brother owned a Mini cooper for a few years - traded it for a bright orange Lada that bropke down more than it worked and rusted away; that says it all really.

                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    Oh yes! Jane/Mike was my fave ship too! I mean Scott/Charlene was always going to happen

                    Love that song

                    You know Jason Donavon does a radio show on Heart?
                    He does? Awesome! What time, do you know... ah never mind, I'll check out their website.


                      *huggles Laurie*

                      Have you ever read a book called "Badgers Parting Gifts"? It's a children's book really but very nice story about how memories are a gift our loved ones leave us with. Beautifully written and illustrated.


                        Originally posted by llp View Post
                        Sorry There my meaness meant. I was remember back when they were all still alive and I was (very) young. I sometimes miss my family, especially when I'm sick (or just getting better). Such is life. Sometimes things are good and you feel like you are on top of the world. And sometimes you remember old times and holidays times and you get sad because you have so little family left and they live so far away. It's all about life.

                        Now I'm feeling really sad, so I think I'll leave you all and wash my hair. Anything to get past this mood.
                        Noooo stay come back. *hugs* you're not mean, cake is the most acceptable thing to leave the house for. That and I probably should to do my washing anyway. (and I wanna see if I can get Angel cheap in town )

                        *more cuddles-"*

                        *and waves* +1 is off to bed


                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                          Umm, where was I after fangurling my car? Oh yeah. Yes, I think, culturally, if you're bought up with one thing being readily available, the opposite becomes attractive to some. I mean, minis for instance. I know you love them and that's great; lots of people do. But to me, yeah, nice little car but, urgh, no, wouldn't want to own one. For starters, they're not minis, they're BMWs these days (yes, I'm a snob about it! )and, secondly, they're small and cramped. My brother owned a Mini cooper for a few years - traded it for a bright orange Lada that bropke down more than it worked and rusted away; that says it all really.
                          LOL. See, people are always amazed at how roomy my car is inside. Well, the front seat. I rarely carry more than one passenger. But it handles like a race car and I adore that, and getting around NYC, but most especially Brooklyn, you need that! The fact that it's a BMW is actually a plus for me in the handling department. The only problem I've had with it in 4 years was entirely the mechanic's fault when he didn't properly re-hookup the battery after a tuneup. I'd get another mini in a half a heartbeat.

                          come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                            Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                            *huggles Laurie*

                            Have you ever read a book called "Badger's Parting Gifts"? It's a children's book really but very nice story about how memories are a gift our loved ones leave us with. Beautifully written and illustrated.
                            That always makes me smile

                            Yes, I know, totally random.


                              Hi WooHoo's

                              I iz sad.

                              Had such a wonderful vacation ('cept for the sun poisoning) and now we are packing. Leaving tomorrow at 11:00. Ya work 50 loooooooooong weeks out of the year for a two week period that just zooms by. *sigh*

                              *hugs sick WooHoo's*

                              pictures to come soon-ish



                                Heart 106.2/London
                                Sunday Night with Jason Donovan
                                Jason is your host for Sunday afternoon. He'll have plenty in store every week 12noon-4pm.

